Usha Resources Announces Induced Polarization Survey Ahead of Maiden Drill Program at the Southern Arm Copper-Gold VMS Property
Usha Resources has finalized plans for an Induced Polarization (IP) survey at its Southern Arm polymetallic VMS property in Quebec's Abitibi subprovince. The survey, to be conducted by Geophysique TMC, will identify chargeability and resistivity anomalies associated with sulphides down to 350+ meters depth.
The property is strategically located near significant deposits, including the B26 deposit (~16 km away) and the historic Selbaie mine (~15 km away). The planned 3,000-metre maiden drill program will commence in winter 2024-2025, utilizing the IP survey results alongside biogeochemical survey data to establish high-priority targets.
Southern Arm hosts a 7.3-kilometer conductive copper-gold trend along the Bapst fault, with geology dominated by Brouillan-Fenelon group volcanic rocks.
Usha Resources ha concluso i piani per un'indagine di Polarizzazione Indotta (IP) nel suo proprietà VMS policristallina Southern Arm nella subprovincia Abitibi del Quebec. L'indagine, che sarà condotta da Geophysique TMC, identificherà anomalie di carica e resistività associate ai solfuri fino a profondità di oltre 350 metri.
La proprietà è strategicamente situata vicino a depositi significativi, inclusi il deposito B26 (circa 16 km di distanza) e la storica miniera Selbaie (circa 15 km di distanza). Il piano per un programma di perforazione di 3.000 metri, che segna il debutto, inizierà nell'inverno 2024-2025, utilizzando i risultati dell'indagine IP insieme ai dati dell'indagine biogeochimica per stabilire obiettivi di alta priorità.
Southern Arm ospita una tendenza conduttiva di rame-oro lunga 7,3 chilometri lungo la faglia di Bapst, con una geologia dominata dalle rocce vulcaniche del gruppo Brouillan-Fenelon.
Usha Resources ha finalizado los planes para una encuesta de Polarización Inducida (IP) en su propiedad VMS polimetálica Southern Arm en la subprovincia Abitibi de Quebec. La encuesta, que será realizada por Geophysique TMC, identificará anomalías de cargabilidad y resistividad asociadas con sulfuros hasta profundidades de más de 350 metros.
La propiedad está estratégicamente ubicada cerca de depósitos significativos, incluyendo el depósito B26 (aproximadamente a 16 km) y la histórica mina Selbaie (aproximadamente a 15 km). El programa de perforación de 3,000 metros, que es el primero de su tipo, comenzará en el invierno de 2024-2025, utilizando los resultados de la encuesta IP junto con datos de encuestas biogeofísicas para establecer objetivos de alta prioridad.
Southern Arm alberga una tendencia conductora de cobre-oro de 7.3 kilómetros a lo largo de la falla de Bapst, con una geología dominada por las rocas volcánicas del grupo Brouillan-Fenelon.
우샤 자원은 퀘벡의 아비티비 아랫지방에 위치한 사우전 암 다금속 VMS 자산에서 유도 폴라리제이션(IP) 조사를 위한 계획을 확정했습니다. 이 조사는 Geophysique TMC가 수행하며, 350미터 이상의 깊이에서 황화물과 관련된 전하 및 저항 비정상성을 식별할 것입니다.
이 자산은 B26 매장지(약 16km 거리)와 역사적인 셀바이 광산(약 15km 거리)과 같은 중요한 매장지 근처에 전략적으로 위치해 있습니다. 3,000미터의 첫 시추 프로그램은 2024-2025년 겨울에 시작되며, IP 조사 결과와 생물지화학적 조사 데이터를 활용하여 높은 우선순위 목표를 설정할 것입니다.
사우전 암은 Bapst 단층을 따라 7.3킬로미터에 걸쳐 구리-금 전도성 추세를 보유하고 있으며, Brouillan-Fenelon 그룹의 화산암이 지배하는 지질을 가지고 있습니다.
Usha Resources a finalisé ses plans pour une enquête de Polarisation Induite (IP) sur sa propriété VMS polymétallique Southern Arm dans la sous-province Abitibi du Québec. L'enquête, qui sera menée par Geophysique TMC, identifiera des anomalies de chargeabilité et de résistivité associées aux sulfures jusqu'à des profondeurs de plus de 350 mètres.
La propriété est stratégiquement située près de dépôts significatifs, y compris le dépôt B26 (environ 16 km) et la mine historique de Selbaie (environ 15 km). Le programme de forage inaugural de 3 000 mètres débutera à l'hiver 2024-2025, utilisant les résultats de l'enquête IP ainsi que des données d'enquête biogéochimique pour établir des cibles de haute priorité.
Southern Arm abrite une tendance conductrice de cuivre-or de 7,3 kilomètres le long de la faille de Bapst, avec une géologie dominée par les roches volcaniques du groupe Brouillan-Fenelon.
Usha Resources hat die Pläne für eine Untersuchung zur Induzierten Polarisation (IP) in ihrem Southern Arm polymetallischen VMS-Eigentum in der Abitibi-Subprovinz von Quebec abgeschlossen. Die Untersuchung, die von Geophysique TMC durchgeführt wird, wird Anomalien in der Ladbarkeit und Resistivität, die mit Sulfiden bis in Tiefen von über 350 Metern verbunden sind, identifizieren.
Die Immobilie ist strategisch günstig in der Nähe bedeutender Lagerstätten gelegen, darunter das B26-Vorkommen (ca. 16 km entfernt) und die historische Selbaie-Mine (ca. 15 km entfernt). Das geplante 3.000 Meter umfassende erste Bohrprogramm wird im Winter 2024-2025 beginnen und nutzt die Ergebnisse der IP-Untersuchung sowie Daten aus biogeochemischen Untersuchungen, um hochpriorisierte Ziele zu identifizieren.
Southern Arm beherbergt einen 7,3 Kilometer langen leitfähigen Kupfer-Gold-Trend entlang des Bapst-Bruchs, mit einer Geologie, die von den vulkanischen Gesteinen der Brouillan-Fenelon-Gruppe dominiert wird.
- None.
- None.
- Usha has retained Geophysique TMC to deploy the IP survey over the
Hollywood trend of metal anomalies within the Southern Arm claim block, which will allow Usha to identify chargeability and resistivity anomalies associated with massive or disseminated sulphides down to a depth of 350+ m. - Field crews will deploy to site mid-November to begin the survey and the results of this 3D survey will be interpreted alongside the results from the biogeochemical survey announced August 1, 2024, and used to establish high priority targets for Usha's planned maiden 3,000 metre drill program.
- The Property is situated in a region famous for its endowment in precious and base metals (Fig. 1). Notable nearby projects include:
- ~16 km from B26 deposit, which hosts an indicated resource of 6.97 Mt at 1.32 % Cu,
1.89% Zn, 0.60 g/t Au & 43 g/t Ag and inferred resource of 4.41 Mt at2.03% Cu,0.22% Zn, 1.07 g/t Au & 9 g/t Ag - ~15 km from historic Selbaie mine, which produced 53 Mt at
0.96% Cu,1.9% Zn, 0.58 g/t Au, 40.7 g/t Ag
- ~16 km from B26 deposit, which hosts an indicated resource of 6.97 Mt at 1.32 % Cu,
Figure 1 - Bedrock geology and regional mineral occurrences associated with the synvolcanic Brouillan Complex, Geology after SIGEOM, 2024.
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In the northwest Abitibi subprovince, mineral occurrences are associated with felsic volcanic rocks and regional-scale synvolcanic faults (Fig. 1). The synvolcanic Bapst Fault (Faure, 2011) transects the Southern Arm property, and within this area, the sparse historic drill logs record felsic volcanic stratigraphy, alteration assemblages and widespread metal anomalies that are prospective for polymetallic VMS formation, within a similar geologic setting as the neighbouring historic Selbaie mine (Fig. 1). These results have not been followed up due to the Property's till cover, however the use of TMC's IP will allow Usha to identify chargeability and resistivity contrasts associated with massive or disseminated sulphides down to a depth of 350+ m. The results of this 3D survey will be used to establish high priority targets for Usha's planned 3,000 metre maiden drill program commencing winter 2024 - 2025. The IP survey is being ran in conjunction with a surface biogeochemical sampling survey (see News Release dated November 14, 2024), that will establish a geochemical baseline for future exploration.
Figure 2 – Area map showing local area geology overlain by the location of the IP survey.
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Located in the prolific Abitibi greenstone belt, Southern Arm hosts an approximately 7.3-kilometre conductive copper-gold trend along the regional-scale Bapst fault. The bedrock geology of the Property is dominated by the volcanic rocks of the Brouillan-Fenelon group, which hosts the nearby Selbaie mine (approximately 15 kilometres (km) southwest), which produced 53 million tonnes (Mt) at 0.96 per cent copper (Cu), 1.9 per cent zinc (Zn), 0.58 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au), 40.7 g/t silver (Ag) and Abitibi's B26 deposit (approximately 16 km southwest) which hosts an indicated resource of 6.97 at 2.94 per cent copper equivalent (CuEq; 1.32 per cent Cu, 1.80 per cent Zn, 0.60 g/t Au and 43 g/t Ag).
"We are excited to apply the experience of international geophysical experts at Geophysique TMC to our exploration program at the Southern Arm property" stated CEO Deepak Varshney.
He continued: "The lack of outcrop exposures and complex glacial history in the northwest Abitibi make exploration difficult, but we are confident that Usha is applying the optimal techniques to this ground that give us the best chance of turning historic indications into the Abitibi's next major discovery."
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About Usha Resources Ltd.
Usha Resources Ltd. is a North American mineral acquisition and exploration company focused on the development of quality critical metal properties that are drill-ready with high-upside and expansion potential. Based in
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This news release may include "forward-looking information" under applicable Canadian securities legislation. Such forward-looking information reflects management's current beliefs and are based on a number of estimates and/or assumptions made by and information currently available to the Company that, while considered reasonable, are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors that may cause the actual results and future events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that such forward-looking information are neither promises nor guarantees and are subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties including, but not limited to, general business, economic, competitive, political and social uncertainties, uncertain and volatile equity and capital markets, lack of available capital, actual results of exploration activities, environmental risks, future prices of base and other metals, operating risks, accidents, labour issues, delays in obtaining governmental approvals and permits, and other risks in the mining industry.
The Company is presently an exploration stage company. Exploration is highly speculative in nature, involves many risks, requires substantial expenditures, and may not result in the discovery of mineral deposits that can be mined profitably. Furthermore, the Company currently has no reserves on any of its properties. As a result, there can be no assurance that such forward-looking statements will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements.
Gaillard, N. (2021) Assessment Report, Grasset Property, Biogeochemistry, Summer 2021; Wallbridge Mining, GM72469, 86pp.
St-Cyr, R. (2021) Black Spruce Bark Campaign Report – Adam Project; Midland Exploration, GM72086, 166 pp.
Probe Gold (2024) Probe Metals And Midland Exploration Commence Drilling To Test New High Priority Targets South Of Fenelon On The Detour Gaudet-Fenelon JV Project; Retrieved from < > on July, 29, 2024
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SOURCE Usha Resources Ltd.