Global Copper Supply Faces Crunch as AI Investments Reshape the Energy Landscape
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) has received an Intervention Permit for Mining Activities at its Southern Arm polymetallic VMS property, enabling preparations for a maiden drill program in winter 2025. The property features a 7.3 km conductive trend along the Bapst fault with potential for copper, zinc, gold, and silver mineralization.
The project is strategically located near significant deposits, including the B26 deposit (16 km away) with 11.32 Mt grading 1.23% Cu, 1.27% Zn, 0.46 g/t Au, and 31.9 g/t Ag, and the historic Selbaie mine which produced 53 Mt at 0.96% Cu, 1.9% Zn, 0.58 g/t Au, and 40.7 g/t Ag.
This development comes amid a broader copper market outlook where UBS predicts a supply deficit exceeding 200,000 tons by 2025, driven by AI infrastructure demands.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) ha ricevuto un Permesso di Intervento per Attività Minerarie presso il suo proprietà polimetallico VMS Southern Arm, consentendo i preparativi per un programma di perforazione iniziale nell'inverno del 2025. La proprietà presenta una tendenza conduttiva di 7,3 km lungo la faglia di Bapst con potenziale per mineralizzazione di rame, zinco, oro e argento.
Il progetto è strategicamente situato vicino a depositi significativi, inclusi il deposito B26 (a 16 km di distanza) con 11,32 Mt a una legge di 1,23% Cu, 1,27% Zn, 0,46 g/t Au e 31,9 g/t Ag, e la storica miniera Selbaie che ha prodotto 53 Mt con 0,96% Cu, 1,9% Zn, 0,58 g/t Au e 40,7 g/t Ag.
Questo sviluppo arriva in un contesto di mercato del rame più ampio, dove UBS prevede un deficit di offerta superiore a 200.000 tonnellate entro il 2025, influenzato dalle richieste di infrastrutture legate all'AI.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) ha recibido un Permiso de Intervención para Actividades Mineras en su propiedad polimetálica VMS Southern Arm, lo que permite los preparativos para un programa de perforación inicial en el invierno de 2025. La propiedad cuenta con una tendencia conductiva de 7.3 km a lo largo de la falla Bapst, con potencial para mineralización de cobre, zinc, oro y plata.
El proyecto está estratégicamente ubicado cerca de depósitos significativos, incluyendo el depósito B26 (a 16 km de distancia) con 11,32 Mt a una ley de 1,23% Cu, 1,27% Zn, 0,46 g/t Au y 31,9 g/t Ag, y la histórica mina Selbaie que produjo 53 Mt con 0,96% Cu, 1,9% Zn, 0,58 g/t Au y 40,7 g/t Ag.
Este desarrollo se produce en un contexto más amplio del mercado del cobre, donde UBS predice un déficit de suministro que superará las 200,000 toneladas para 2025, impulsado por la demanda de infraestructuras de IA.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF)는 남부 암(Tunneling Arm) 다중금속 VMS 부지에서 광업 활동을 위한 개입 허가를 받았으며, 2025년 겨울에 최초의 탐사 프로그램을 준비할 수 있게 되었습니다. 이 부지는 7.3 km의 전도 경향을 갖추고 있으며, Bapst 단층을 따라 구리, 아연, 금, 은 광물화의 잠재력이 있습니다.
이 프로젝트는 B26 광맥(16km 떨어진 곳) 등 주요 광맥 근처에 전략적으로 위치해 있으며, B26 광맥은 11.32 Mt의 양으로 1.23% Cu, 1.27% Zn, 0.46 g/t Au 및 31.9 g/t Ag을 포함하고 있습니다. 또한, 역사적인 Selbaie 광산은 53Mt를 생산했으며, 그에 대한 데이터는 0.96% Cu, 1.9% Zn, 0.58 g/t Au 및 40.7 g/t Ag입니다.
이 개발은 UBS가 AI 인프라 요구에 의해 2025년까지 200,000톤 이상의 공급 부족을 예견하는 보다 광범위한 구리 시장 전망 속에서 이루어졌습니다.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) a reçu un permis d'intervention pour des activités minières sur sa propriété polymétallique VMS Southern Arm, permettant ainsi les préparatifs pour un premier programme de forage prévu pour l'hiver 2025. La propriété présente une tendance conductrice de 7,3 km le long de la faille de Bapst, avec un potentiel pour la minéralisation de cuivre, de zinc, d'or et d'argent.
Le projet est stratégiquement situé près de dépôts significatifs, y compris le dépôt B26 (à 16 km de distance) contenant 11,32 Mt avec des teneurs de 1,23% Cu, 1,27% Zn, 0,46 g/t Au et 31,9 g/t Ag, ainsi que la mine historique de Selbaie qui a produit 53 Mt avec 0,96% Cu, 1,9% Zn, 0,58 g/t Au et 40,7 g/t Ag.
Ce développement intervient dans un contexte de marché du cuivre plus large, où UBS prévoit un déficit d'approvisionnement dépassant 200 000 tonnes d'ici 2025, alimenté par la demande d'infrastructures d'IA.
Usha Resources (TSXV:USHA) (OTC:USHAF) hat eine Eingreifgenehmigung für Bergbauaktivitäten an seinem polymetallischen VMS-Grundstück Southern Arm erhalten, was die Vorbereitungen für ein erstes Bohrprogramm im Winter 2025 ermöglicht. Das Grundstück weist einen 7,3 km langen elektrischen Trend entlang des Bapst-Vorfalls auf, mit Potenzial für Kupfer-, Zink-, Gold- und Silbermineralisierung.
Das Projekt ist strategisch in der Nähe bedeutender Lagerstätten gelegen, darunter das B26-Depot (16 km entfernt) mit 11,32 Mt und einer Gehalt von 1,23% Cu, 1,27% Zn, 0,46 g/t Au und 31,9 g/t Ag, sowie die historische Selbaie-Mine, die 53 Mt mit 0,96% Cu, 1,9% Zn, 0,58 g/t Au und 40,7 g/t Ag produzierte.
Diese Entwicklung erfolgt im Rahmen einer breiteren Marktperspektive für Kupfer, bei der UBS einen Angebotsengpass von über 200.000 Tonnen bis 2025 prognostiziert, bedingt durch die Nachfrage nach Infrastruktur für künstliche Intelligenz.
- Received key regulatory permit for mining activities
- Property located near proven high-grade deposits
- Planned 3,000-metre drill program for winter 2025
- Option agreement to acquire 100% of Southern Arm property
- No revenue generation until mining operations begin
- 24.1 year average development time for copper mines
- Results from Phase 1 field program still pending
Issued on behalf of Usha Resources Ltd.
The article continued: Earlier this year, the International Energy Forum released a report, warning that 1.1 new mines with an average production of 472,00 MT will need to come online annually through 2050. Last week, copper prices jumped by more than
Usha Resources Announces Receipt of Intervention Permit for Upcoming Drill Program at the Southern Arm Copper-Gold VMS Property
Usha Resources Ltd. (TSXV: USHA) (OTC: USHAF), a North American mineral acquisition and exploration company, today announced that it has been granted an Intervention Permit for Mining Activities by the Ministere des Resources Naturelles et des Forets (MRNF) at its Southern Arm polymetallic VMS property ("Southern Arm" or the "Property"), in the northwest Abitibi subprovince. This document permits the Company to begin access and drill pad preparations in advance of the company's planned maiden drill program in the winter of 2025. Usha has already entered into an option agreement to earn
"Receiving this permit is a key milestone as we progress towards our maiden drill program at Southern Arm," said Deepak Varshney, CEO of Usha Resources. "With results of our Phase 1 field program and IP survey anticipated to be received by end of year, Usha will commence a drill program targeting the highest priority zones early in 2025."
The project is located in a region well-known for its rich deposits of precious and base metals. Notable nearby projects include the B26 deposit, just 16 km away, which holds an indicated resource of 11.32 million tonnes (Mt) grading
"With negotiations for the Jackpot Lake transaction continuing, our focus in the field will remain on Southern Arm," added Varshney. "Additionally, we have been evaluating additional opportunities to acquire copper and/or gold projects to create further shareholder value in a similar fashion. We look forward to providing shareholders updates as our strategy progresses."
The property itself features a 7.3 km conductive trend along the regional Bapst fault, an area linked to zinc, lead, silver, molybdenum, and copper occurrences, with geology and alteration suggesting potential for polymetallic VMS-style mineralization. Drill targets along this trend will be finalized based on results from the black spruce bark sampling program and the ongoing Induced Polarization (IP) survey. Results for both programs are expected by year-end.
Located in the Abitibi greenstone belt, the Southern Arm project features a 7.3-kilometre copper-gold trend along the Bapst fault, an area with proven potential for polymetallic deposits. Nearby successes include the historic Selbaie mine and the B26 deposit. The property's volcanic geology, similar to these major sites, shows signs of copper, zinc, gold, and silver mineralization. Usha Resources is using modern exploration techniques, including induced polarization surveys and black spruce bark sampling, to pinpoint high-priority drill targets for its upcoming 3,000-metre drill program planned for winter 2025.
CONTINUED… Read this and more news for Usha Resources Ltd.
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"I am pleased to share our 2023 sustainability report for Capstone Copper," said John MacKenzie, CEO of Capstone. "Bringing together the assets and teams of our two predecessor companies has enabled us to realize opportunities of scale, cross-learning and technical excellence as we endeavour to grow responsibly and create a positive impact in the lives of our people and communities."
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"The existing mineralization in the upper Caracol-host already set a strong foundation for the initial underground sulphide resource," said Sylvain Guerard, Senior Vice President, Exploration for Orla Mining. "It is now becoming clear that the future project will be enhanced by the Zone 22 Extension, and we continue to be impressed with the drill results: high-grade, polymetallic, and favourable metallurgy. Zone 22 remains wide-spaced drilled and open down-plunge, offering significant potential for further infill and step-out drilling to contribute to both resource growth and upgrades."
Arizona Sonoran Copper Company Inc. (TSX: ASCU) (OTCQX: ASCUF), an emerging US-based copper developer, recently announced results from 12 leach columns completed from its column leach metallurgical testing program at the Cactus Project,
"Across the Parks/Salyer, Cactus West and Cactus East deposits, we benefit from similar mineralogies and no deleterious materials as evidenced from four years of metallurgical testing on the three deposits," said Steve Dixon, Chief Metallurgist of ASCU. "Test work using standard best practice conditions is ongoing and will continue until we hand off testing to operations, assuming a positive construction decision post-Definitive Feasibility Study."
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