U.S. Bank Named One of the World’s Most Ethical Companies by Ethisphere
U.S. Bank (USB) has been recognized as one of the World's Most Ethical Companies® by Ethisphere for the 11th consecutive year, maintaining its position as the only U.S.-based bank to achieve this distinction for such an extended period. The bank is among 137 honorees across 18 countries and one of four recipients in the banking category.
The recognition is based on Ethisphere's Ethics Quotient® assessment, which evaluates companies through a comprehensive questionnaire covering 240+ proof points on ethics culture, governance practices, and compliance programs. Companies recognized on the 2025 World's Most Ethical Companies® list demonstrated superior performance, outperforming a comparable index of global companies by 7.8% from January 2020 to January 2025.
U.S. Bank (USB) è stata riconosciuta come una delle Compagnie più Etiche del Mondo® da Ethisphere per l'undicesimo anno consecutivo, mantenendo la sua posizione come l'unica banca con sede negli Stati Uniti a ottenere questo riconoscimento per un periodo così prolungato. La banca è tra i 137 premiati in 18 paesi e uno dei quattro destinatari nella categoria bancaria.
Il riconoscimento si basa sulla valutazione Ethics Quotient® di Ethisphere, che valuta le aziende attraverso un questionario completo che copre oltre 240 punti di prova sulla cultura etica, le pratiche di governance e i programmi di conformità. Le aziende riconosciute nella lista delle Compagnie più Etiche del Mondo® 2025 hanno dimostrato prestazioni superiori, superando un indice comparabile di aziende globali del 7,8% da gennaio 2020 a gennaio 2025.
U.S. Bank (USB) ha sido reconocida como una de las Empresas Más Éticas del Mundo® por Ethisphere durante el undécimo año consecutivo, manteniendo su posición como el único banco con sede en EE. UU. en lograr esta distinción durante un período tan prolongado. El banco se encuentra entre los 137 galardonados en 18 países y es uno de los cuatro receptores en la categoría bancaria.
El reconocimiento se basa en la evaluación Ethics Quotient® de Ethisphere, que evalúa a las empresas a través de un cuestionario integral que abarca más de 240 puntos de prueba sobre la cultura ética, las prácticas de gobernanza y los programas de cumplimiento. Las empresas reconocidas en la lista de las Empresas Más Éticas del Mundo® 2025 demostraron un rendimiento superior, superando un índice comparable de empresas globales en un 7.8% desde enero de 2020 hasta enero de 2025.
U.S. Bank (USB)는 Ethisphere에 의해 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업® 중 하나로 11년 연속 인정받았으며, 이러한 오랜 기간 동안 이 영예를 누린 유일한 미국 기반 은행으로 자리매김하고 있습니다. 이 은행은 18개국에서 137명의 수상자 중 하나이며, 은행 부문에서 4명의 수상자 중 하나입니다.
이 인정은 Ethisphere의 윤리 지수® 평가를 기반으로 하며, 이는 윤리 문화, 거버넌스 관행 및 준수 프로그램에 대한 240개 이상의 증거 포인트를 포함하는 포괄적인 설문지를 통해 기업을 평가합니다. 2025년 세계에서 가장 윤리적인 기업® 목록에 오른 기업들은 2020년 1월부터 2025년 1월까지 글로벌 기업의 유사 지수보다 7.8% 더 우수한 성과를 보였습니다.
U.S. Bank (USB) a été reconnue comme l'une des Entreprises les Plus Éthiques du Monde® par Ethisphere pour la onzième année consécutive, maintenant sa position en tant que seule banque basée aux États-Unis à obtenir cette distinction pendant une période aussi prolongée. La banque figure parmi les 137 lauréats dans 18 pays et est l'un des quatre récipiendaires dans la catégorie bancaire.
Cette reconnaissance est basée sur l'évaluation Ethics Quotient® d'Ethisphere, qui évalue les entreprises à travers un questionnaire complet portant sur plus de 240 points de preuve concernant la culture éthique, les pratiques de gouvernance et les programmes de conformité. Les entreprises reconnues dans la liste des Entreprises les Plus Éthiques du Monde® 2025 ont démontré des performances supérieures, surpassant un indice comparable d'entreprises mondiales de 7,8% de janvier 2020 à janvier 2025.
U.S. Bank (USB) wurde von Ethisphere zum elften Mal in Folge als eines der Weltweit Ethischsten Unternehmen® ausgezeichnet und behauptet damit seine Position als einzige in den USA ansässige Bank, die diese Auszeichnung über einen so langen Zeitraum erhalten hat. Die Bank gehört zu den 137 Ausgezeichneten in 18 Ländern und ist einer von vier Empfängern in der Bankenbranche.
Die Anerkennung basiert auf der Ethics Quotient® Bewertung von Ethisphere, die Unternehmen durch einen umfassenden Fragebogen bewertet, der über 240 Nachweis-Punkte zur Ethik-Kultur, Governance-Praktiken und Compliance-Programmen abdeckt. Die in der Liste der weltweit ethischsten Unternehmen® 2025 anerkannten Unternehmen zeigten eine überlegene Leistung und übertrafen einen vergleichbaren Index globaler Unternehmen um 7,8% von Januar 2020 bis Januar 2025.
- None.
- None.
Company receives honor for 11th consecutive year.
Ethisphere recognized 137 honorees that span 18 countries.
“Our employees are focused every day on doing the right thing for our clients, communities and shareholders,” said Andy Cecere,
The World's Most Ethical Companies assessment is grounded in Ethisphere's proprietary Ethics Quotient®, an extensive questionnaire that requires companies to provide more than 240 different proof points on their culture of ethics; governance practices; ethics and compliance program; and initiatives that support a strong value chain. That data undergoes further qualitative analysis by a panel of experts who spend thousands of hours vetting and evaluating each year's group of applicants. This process serves as an operating framework to capture and codify truly best-in-class ethics and compliance practices from organizations across industries and from around the world.
“Congratulations to
U.S. Bancorp, with more than 70,000 employees and
About Ethisphere
Ethisphere is the global leader in defining and advancing the standards of ethical business practices that strengthen corporate brands, build trust in the marketplace, and deliver business success. Companies turn ethics, compliance, and culture into a business advantage by leveraging Ethisphere’s data-driven program and culture assessments featuring the latest guidance and the practices of hundreds of global organizations across the 8 pillars of an ethical culture, and 240+ ethics, compliance, social, and governance data points delivered through a proprietary software platform. Ethisphere also honors superior integrity programs through World’s Most Ethical Companies® recognition, brings together a community of industry experts with the Business Ethics Leadership Alliance (BELA), and advances ethical business practices through the Global Ethics Summit, Ethisphere Magazine and the Ethicast podcast. For more information, visit https://ethisphere.com.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250311997253/en/
Jeff Shelman,
Anne Walker, Ethisphere
Source: U.S. Bancorp