Uranium Royalty Announces Voting Results and Appointment of Director

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Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) held its annual general and special meeting on October 17, 2024, where shareholders elected five directors to the company's board. The elected directors are Amir Adnani, Scott Melbye, Vina Patel, Neil Gregson, and Donna Wichers. Following the meeting, the board appointed members to various committees, including the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee, and Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee.

Shareholders also approved the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP as the company's auditor and authorized amendments to the Long-Term Incentive Plan. The meeting saw a total of 60,041,175 common shares voted, representing 49.42% of outstanding shares.

Notably, Donna Wichers was elected as a new board member. With over 40 years of experience in the uranium industry, Ms. Wichers brings extensive expertise to the board, having held senior roles in various uranium mining companies and served on multiple industry boards.

Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) ha tenuto la sua assemblea generale annuale e speciale il 17 ottobre 2024, dove gli azionisti hanno eletto cinque direttori nel consiglio di amministrazione dell’azienda. I direttori eletti sono Amir Adnani, Scott Melbye, Vina Patel, Neil Gregson e Donna Wichers. Al termine dell’assemblea, il consiglio ha nominato membri per vari comitati, compresi il Comitato di revisione, il Comitato per le retribuzioni e il Comitato per la nomina e il governo societario.

Gli azionisti hanno anche approvato la nomina di PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP come revisore dei conti dell'azienda e autorizzato modifiche al Piano di Incentivi a Lungo Termine. All’assemblea sono state votate in totale 60.041.175 azioni ordinarie, rappresentando il 49,42% delle azioni in circolazione.

Significativamente, Donna Wichers è stata eletta come nuovo membro del consiglio. Con oltre 40 anni di esperienza nell'industria dell'uranio, la signora Wichers porta una vasta esperienza nel consiglio, avendo ricoperto ruoli senior in varie aziende minerarie di uranio e servito in diversi consigli di amministrazione dell’industria.

Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) celebró su reunión general y especial anual el 17 de octubre de 2024, donde los accionistas eligieron cinco directores para la junta directiva de la compañía. Los directores elegidos son Amir Adnani, Scott Melbye, Vina Patel, Neil Gregson y Donna Wichers. Tras la reunión, la junta nombró a miembros para varios comités, incluidos el Comité de Auditoría, el Comité de Compensación y el Comité de Nominación y Gobierno Corporativo.

Los accionistas también aprobaron la designación de PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP como auditor de la empresa y autorizaron enmiendas al Plan de Incentivos a Largo Plazo. En la reunión se votaron un total de 60,041,175 acciones ordinarias, que representan el 49.42% de las acciones en circulación.

Notablemente, Donna Wichers fue elegida como nueva miembro de la junta. Con más de 40 años de experiencia en la industria del uranio, la Sra. Wichers aporta una gran experiencia a la junta, habiendo ocupado altos cargos en varias empresas mineras de uranio y servido en múltiples juntas de la industria.

우라늄 로열티 주식회사(Uranium Royalty Corp.)(NASDAQ: UROY)(TSX: URC)는 2024년 10월 17일 연례 총회 및 특별 회의를 개최하여 주주들이 5명의 이사를 회사의 이사회에 선출했습니다. 선출된 이사는 아미르 아드나니(Amir Adnani), 스콧 멜바이(Scott Melbye), 비나 파텔(Vina Patel), 닐 그렉슨(Neil Gregson), 도나 위처스(Donna Wichers)입니다. 회의 후, 이사회는 감사 위원회, 보상 위원회 및 추천 및 기업 거버넌스 위원회를 포함하여 다양한 위원회에 구성원을 임명했습니다.

주주들은 또한 프라이스워터하우스쿠퍼스 LLP를 회사의 감사인으로 임명하고 장기 인센티브 계획에 대한 수정안을 승인했습니다. 회의에서는 총 60,041,175주의 보통주에 대한 투표가 이루어졌으며, 이는 발행 주식의 49.42%를 차지합니다.

주목할 만하게도, 도나 위처스가 새로운 이사로 선출되었습니다. 위처스 씨는 우라늄 산업에서 40년 이상의 경험을 가지고 있으며, 여러 우라늄 채굴 회사에서 고위직을 역임하고 산업 여러 이사회에 참여한 폭넓은 전문성을 이사회에 제공합니다.

Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) a tenu son assemblée générale annuelle et spéciale le 17 octobre 2024, où les actionnaires ont élu Cinq administrateurs au conseil d'administration de l'entreprise. Les administrateurs élus sont Amir Adnani, Scott Melbye, Vina Patel, Neil Gregson et Donna Wichers. À l'issue de l'assemblée, le conseil a nommé des membres pour divers comités, notamment le Comité d'audit, le Comité de rémunération et le Comité de nomination et de gouvernance d'entreprise.

Les actionnaires ont également approuvé la nomination de PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP en tant qu'auditeur de l'entreprise et autorisé des modifications au Plan d'incitation à long terme. L'assemblée a enregistré un total de 60 041 175 actions ordinaires votées, représentant 49,42 % des actions en circulation.

Notamment, Donna Wichers a été élue comme nouvelle membre du conseil. Avec plus de 40 ans d'expérience dans l'industrie de l'uranium, Mme Wichers apporte une expertise considérable au conseil, ayant occupé des postes de direction dans diverses entreprises minières d'uranium et siégé à plusieurs conseils d'administration de l'industrie.

Die Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) hat ihre jährliche Hauptversammlung und Sonderversammlung am 17. Oktober 2024 abgehalten, bei der die Aktionäre fünf Direktoren in den Vorstand des Unternehmens gewählt haben. Die gewählten Direktoren sind Amir Adnani, Scott Melbye, Vina Patel, Neil Gregson und Donna Wichers. Nach der Sitzung ernannte der Vorstand Mitglieder für verschiedene Ausschüsse, einschließlich des Prüfungsausschusses, des Vergütungsausschusses und des Nominierungs- und Corporate-Governance-Ausschusses.

Die Aktionäre haben außerdem die Ernennung von PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP zum Wirtschaftsprüfer des Unternehmens gebilligt und Änderungen des Langfristigen Anreizplans genehmigt. Bei der Versammlung wurden insgesamt 60.041.175 Stammaktien abgestimmt, was 49,42% der ausstehenden Aktien entspricht.

Bemerkenswert ist, dass Donna Wichers als neues Vorstandsmitglied gewählt wurde. Mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung in der Uranindustrie bringt Frau Wichers umfassende Expertise in den Vorstand ein, da sie leitende Positionen in verschiedenen Uranbergbauunternehmen innehatte und in mehreren Branchenvorständen tätig war.

  • Election of experienced directors with high approval rates (82.98% to 98.23%)
  • Appointment of Donna Wichers, bringing 40 years of uranium industry expertise to the board
  • High shareholder participation with 49.42% of outstanding shares voted
  • None.


VANCOUVER, BC, Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Uranium Royalty Corp. (NASDAQ: UROY) (TSX: URC) ("URC" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that at its annual general and special meeting held on October 17, 2024 (the "Meeting" or "AGSM"), all nominees listed in its management information circular dated August 23, 2024 were elected as directors of the Company.

Each of the following five nominees proposed by management was elected as a director on a vote by show of hands.  The proxies received by management with respect to the election of directors were as follows:


Percentage of Votes For

Percentage of Votes Withheld

Amir Adnani

83.17 %

16.83 %

Scott Melbye

83.32 %

16.68 %

Vina Patel

98.12 %

1.88 %

Neil Gregson

98.23 %

1.77 %

Donna Wichers

82.98 %

17.02 %

As a result, the board of directors of the Company (the "Board") now consists of Amir Adnani, Scott Melbye, Vina Patel, Neil Gregson and Donna Wichers. At the meeting of the Board which followed the AGSM, the following directors were appointed as members and respective chairs of the board committees for the ensuing year: (i) Audit Committee composed of Neil Gregson (Chair), Vina Patel and Donna Wichers; (ii) Compensation Committee composed of Vina Patel (Chair) and Neil Gregson; and (iii) Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee composed of Vina Patel (Chair), Neil Gregson and Donna Wichers. Amir Adnani was appointed as the Chairman of the Board and Vina Patel was appointed as the lead independent director for the Board.

Shareholders also approved (i) the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Professional Accountants, as the Company's auditor for the ensuing year and the authorization of the Board to fix the auditor's remuneration and (ii) certain amendments to the Company's Long-Term Incentive Plan.

A total of 60,041,175 common shares of the Company were voted at the Meeting, representing 49.42% of the votes attached to all outstanding common shares.  Detailed voting results for the Meeting are available on SEDAR+ at

New Director Appointment

The Company is pleased to announce the election of Donna Wichers as a new member of the Board.

Ms. Donna Wichers has over 40 years of experience in senior roles with in-situ recovery and conventional uranium mines in the USA, including past positions with mining subsidiaries of Uranium One Americas Inc. (now UEC Wyoming Corp.), Orano SA, Rio Algom, Arizona Public Service and Westinghouse, and has provided annual consulting services to the International Atomic Energy Commission since 2015. Ms. Wichers is a past member of the boards of directors of the National Mining Association, the Wyoming Mining Association and the Uranium Producers of America and is a past Chairman of the Society of Mining Engineers of American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, Incorporated (AIME), Wyoming Mining and Metals Section. Ms. Wichers holds a Master of Science in Water Resources and a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Microbiology, both from the University of Wyoming.

The Company believes Ms. Wichers is qualified to serve on its Board because of her extensive experience in the mining industry and as a board member of various entities.

About Uranium Royalty Corp.

Uranium Royalty Corp. (URC) is the world's only uranium-focused royalty and streaming company and the only pure-play uranium listed company on the NASDAQ. URC provides investors with uranium commodity price exposure through strategic acquisitions in uranium interests, including royalties, streams, debt and equity in uranium companies, as well as through trading of physical uranium. The Company is well positioned as a capital provider to an industry needing massive investments in global productive capacity to meet the growing need for uranium as fuel for carbon free nuclear energy. URC has deep industry knowledge and expertise to identify and evaluate investment opportunities in the uranium industry. The Company's management and the Board include individuals with decades of combined experience in the uranium and nuclear energy sectors, including specific expertise in mine finance, project identification and evaluation, mine development and uranium sales and trading.

Forward Looking Statements

Certain statements in this news release may constitute "forward-looking information" and "forward looking statements", as defined under applicable securities laws, including statements that address or discuss activities, events, or developments that the Company expects or anticipates may occur in the future. When used in this news release, words such as "estimates", "expects", "plans", "anticipates", "will", "believes", "intends" "should", "could", "may" and other similar terminology are intended to identify such forward-looking information. Statements constituting forward-looking information reflect the current expectations and beliefs of the Company's management. These statements involve significant uncertainties, known and unknown risks, uncertainties, and other factors and, therefore, actual results, performance or achievements of the Company and its industry may be materially different from those implied by such forward-looking statements. They should not be read as a guarantee of future performance or results and will not necessarily be an accurate indication of whether or not such results will be achieved. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from such forward-looking information, including, without limitation, risks inherent to royalty companies, uranium price volatility, risks related to the operators of the projects underlying the Company's existing and proposed interests and those other risks described in filings with Canadian securities regulators and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These risks, as well as others, could cause actual results and events to vary significantly. Accordingly, readers should exercise caution in relying upon forward-looking information and the Company undertakes no obligation to publicly revise them to reflect subsequent events or circumstances, except as required by law.

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SOURCE Uranium Royalty Corp.


Who are the newly elected directors of Uranium Royalty Corp (UROY)?

The newly elected directors of Uranium Royalty Corp (UROY) are Amir Adnani, Scott Melbye, Vina Patel, Neil Gregson, and Donna Wichers.

What was the voting percentage for Donna Wichers as a new director of UROY?

Donna Wichers received 82.98% of votes in favor of her election as a new director of Uranium Royalty Corp (UROY).

When was Uranium Royalty Corp's (UROY) annual general and special meeting held?

Uranium Royalty Corp's (UROY) annual general and special meeting was held on October 17, 2024.

What percentage of Uranium Royalty Corp's (UROY) outstanding shares were voted at the meeting?

49.42% of Uranium Royalty Corp's (UROY) outstanding shares were voted at the annual general and special meeting.

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