UPS Appoints Kevin Clark To Board Of Directors
UPS (NYSE: UPS) has announced the appointment of Kevin Clark to its Board of Directors, effective immediately. Clark, 62, currently serves as Chair and CEO of Aptiv PLC, a global technology company specializing in advanced software and electrical architecture solutions across automotive, aerospace, defense, and industrial markets.
Clark brings extensive experience in finance, technology, mobility, and industrial transformation. His career includes serving as Aptiv's CFO, COO, and later becoming President and CEO in 2015 before assuming his current role as Chair and CEO in 2022. Prior experience includes being a founding partner of Liberty Lane Partners and leadership positions at Fisher Scientific International.
Clark is expected to join UPS's Audit Committee following the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareowners. He holds both a bachelor's degree in financial administration and a Master of Finance from Michigan State University.
UPS (NYSE: UPS) ha annunciato la nomina di Kevin Clark nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione, con effetto immediato. Clark, 62 anni, attualmente ricopre il ruolo di Presidente e CEO di Aptiv PLC, un'azienda tecnologica globale specializzata in soluzioni avanzate di software e architettura elettrica nei settori automobilistico, aerospaziale, della difesa e industriale.
Clark porta con sé una vasta esperienza in finanza, tecnologia, mobilità e trasformazione industriale. La sua carriera include ruoli come CFO e COO di Aptiv, e successivamente nel 2015 è diventato Presidente e CEO, prima di assumere il suo attuale ruolo di Presidente e CEO nel 2022. La sua esperienza precedente include la co-fondazione di Liberty Lane Partners e posizioni di leadership presso Fisher Scientific International.
Clark si prevede che si unisca al Comitato di Revisione di UPS dopo l'Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti del 2025. Ha conseguito sia una laurea in amministrazione finanziaria che un Master in Finanza presso la Michigan State University.
UPS (NYSE: UPS) ha anunciado el nombramiento de Kevin Clark en su Junta Directiva, con efecto inmediato. Clark, de 62 años, actualmente se desempeña como Presidente y CEO de Aptiv PLC, una empresa tecnológica global que se especializa en soluciones avanzadas de software y arquitectura eléctrica en los mercados automotriz, aeroespacial, de defensa e industrial.
Clark aporta una amplia experiencia en finanzas, tecnología, movilidad y transformación industrial. Su carrera incluye haber sido CFO y COO de Aptiv, y luego convertirse en Presidente y CEO en 2015 antes de asumir su papel actual como Presidente y CEO en 2022. Su experiencia previa incluye ser socio fundador de Liberty Lane Partners y ocupar posiciones de liderazgo en Fisher Scientific International.
Se espera que Clark se una al Comité de Auditoría de UPS tras la Junta Anual de Accionistas de 2025. Posee tanto una licenciatura en administración financiera como una Maestría en Finanzas de la Universidad Estatal de Michigan.
UPS (NYSE: UPS)는 Kevin Clark를 이사회의 임명으로 즉시 발효한다고 발표했습니다. 62세의 Clark는 현재 Aptiv PLC의 의장 겸 CEO로 재직 중이며, 이 회사는 자동차, 항공우주, 방산 및 산업 시장을 위한 고급 소프트웨어 및 전기 아키텍처 솔루션을 전문으로 하는 글로벌 기술 회사입니다.
Clark는 재무, 기술, 이동성 및 산업 혁신 분야에서 광범위한 경험을 제공합니다. 그의 경력에는 Aptiv의 CFO, COO로 재직한 후 2015년에 사장 겸 CEO로 취임하고 2022년에는 현재의 의장 겸 CEO 역할을 맡게 된 경력이 포함됩니다. 이전 경험으로는 Liberty Lane Partners의 공동 창립자 및 Fisher Scientific International에서의 리더십 직책이 있습니다.
Clark는 2025년 주주 연례 회의 이후 UPS의 감사 위원회에 합류할 것으로 예상됩니다. 그는 미시간 주립대학교에서 재무 관리 학사 및 금융 석사 학위를 보유하고 있습니다.
UPS (NYSE: UPS) a annoncé la nomination de Kevin Clark au sein de son Conseil d'Administration, avec effet immédiat. Clark, âgé de 62 ans, occupe actuellement le poste de Président et CEO de Aptiv PLC, une entreprise technologique mondiale spécialisée dans des solutions avancées de logiciels et d'architecture électrique dans les secteurs automobile, aérospatial, de la défense et industriel.
Clark apporte une vaste expérience en finance, technologie, mobilité et transformation industrielle. Sa carrière comprend des postes de CFO et COO chez Aptiv, avant de devenir Président et CEO en 2015 et d'assumer son rôle actuel de Président et CEO en 2022. Son expérience précédente inclut la co-fondation de Liberty Lane Partners et des postes de direction chez Fisher Scientific International.
Clark devrait rejoindre le Comité d'Audit d'UPS après l'Assemblée Annuelle des Actionnaires de 2025. Il est titulaire d'un diplôme de licence en administration financière et d'un Master en Finance de l'Université d'État du Michigan.
UPS (NYSE: UPS) hat die Ernennung von Kevin Clark in seinen Vorstand mit sofortiger Wirkung bekannt gegeben. Clark, 62 Jahre alt, ist derzeit Vorsitzender und CEO von Aptiv PLC, einem globalen Technologieunternehmen, das sich auf fortschrittliche Software- und elektrische Architekturlösungen in den Bereichen Automobil, Luft- und Raumfahrt, Verteidigung und Industrie spezialisiert hat.
Clark bringt umfassende Erfahrung in den Bereichen Finanzen, Technologie, Mobilität und industrielle Transformation mit. Seine Karriere umfasst die Positionen als CFO und COO von Aptiv, bevor er 2015 Präsident und CEO wurde und 2022 seine derzeitige Rolle als Vorsitzender und CEO übernahm. Zu seinen früheren Erfahrungen gehört die Mitgründung von Liberty Lane Partners sowie Führungspositionen bei Fisher Scientific International.
Clark wird voraussichtlich nach der Jahreshauptversammlung der Aktionäre 2025 dem Prüfungsausschuss von UPS beitreten. Er hat sowohl einen Bachelor-Abschluss in Finanzverwaltung als auch einen Master-Abschluss in Finanzen von der Michigan State University.
- Strategic board appointment strengthening technology and healthcare expertise
- Addition of experienced C-level executive with global technology company leadership
- Enhancement of board's financial oversight capabilities with future Audit Committee member
- None.
Clark is Chair and Chief Executive Officer of Aptiv PLC, a global technology company focused on making the world safer, greener, and more connected. Aptiv’s industry-leading portfolio of advanced software, compute, interconnect, and electrical architecture solutions is driving transformation across industries, including automotive, aerospace and defense, telecommunications, commercial vehicle, and industrial markets.
“Kevin’s deep expertise in finance, technology, mobility, and industrial transformation make him an outstanding addition to the board, strengthening our stewardship of UPS,” said William Johnson, Chairman of UPS Board of Directors. “We’re excited to have Kevin join us and look forward to his contributions.”
Clark, 62, was named Aptiv Chair and CEO in 2022, and has successfully led the creation and implementation of Aptiv's business and technology strategies. He joined Aptiv in 2010 as Chief Financial Officer and served as Aptiv’s Chief Operating Officer before being named President and CEO in 2015. Prior to Aptiv, he was a founding partner of Liberty Lane Partners, LLC, and held leadership roles at Fisher Scientific International Inc. Kevin has both a bachelor's degree in financial administration and a Master of Finance from Michigan State University.
“Kevin brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in healthcare and technology, which are strategic areas for UPS,” said Carol Tomé, UPS Chief Executive Officer. “We regularly evaluate our board, and his addition strengthens our perspectives in critical areas where we aim to accelerate growth. We’re thrilled to have him join us.”
Clark is expected to join the board’s Audit Committee following UPS’s 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareowners.
About UPS
UPS (NYSE: UPS) is one of the world’s largest companies, with 2024 revenue of
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