Roadie Survey Finds 36.7% of Retailers Restrict Oversized Item Delivery Even as Demand Grows
A Roadie survey reveals that 36.7% of retailers restrict oversized item delivery despite growing demand. Nearly half of respondents say oversized items make up over 20% of their sales. Key challenges include early cut-off times (47%) and managing multiple carriers (45%).
The study highlights the need for flexible delivery solutions for big and bulky items. Slow delivery speed (49%) is the top reason for cart abandonment, followed by lack of flexible delivery windows (45%) and inability to bring items into homes (44%).
Roadie introduced RoadieXD™, a nationwide cross-dock network enabling same-day delivery for large items. Companies outsourcing these services have seen a 62% increase in productivity. Benefits of partnering with oversized delivery providers include increased sales (63%), improved customer experience (57%), and enhanced distribution efficiency (46%).
Un sondaggio di Roadie rivela che il 36,7% dei rivenditori limita la consegna di articoli ingombranti nonostante la crescente domanda. Quasi la metà degli intervistati afferma che gli articoli ingombranti rappresentano oltre il 20% delle loro vendite. Le principali sfide includono le scadenze anticipate (47%) e la gestione di più corrieri (45%).
Lo studio mette in evidenza la necessità di soluzioni di consegna flessibili per articoli grandi e ingombranti. La lentezza della consegna (49%) è la principale ragione per l'abbandono del carrello, seguita dalla mancanza di finestre di consegna flessibili (45%) e dall'incapacità di portare gli articoli all'interno delle abitazioni (44%).
Roadie ha introdotto RoadieXD™, una rete di cross-dock nazionale che consente la consegna nello stesso giorno per articoli di grandi dimensioni. Le aziende che esternalizzano questi servizi hanno visto un aumento del 62% della produttività. I vantaggi di collaborare con fornitori di consegna per articoli ingombranti includono un aumento delle vendite (63%), un miglioramento dell'esperienza del cliente (57%) e un'efficienza nella distribuzione migliorata (46%).
Una encuesta de Roadie revela que el 36,7% de los minoristas limita la entrega de artículos de gran tamaño a pesar de la creciente demanda. Casi la mitad de los encuestados dice que los artículos de gran tamaño representan más del 20% de sus ventas. Los principales desafíos incluyen los tiempos de corte anticipados (47%) y la gestión de múltiples transportistas (45%).
El estudio resalta la necesidad de soluciones de entrega flexibles para artículos grandes y voluminosos. La velocidad de entrega lenta (49%) es la principal razón para el abandono del carrito, seguida de la falta de ventanas de entrega flexibles (45%) y la incapacidad de llevar artículos dentro del hogar (44%).
Roadie presentó RoadieXD™, una red de distribución nacional que permite la entrega el mismo día para artículos grandes. Las empresas que externalizan estos servicios han visto un aumento del 62% en productividad. Los beneficios de asociarse con proveedores de entrega de artículos grandes incluyen un aumento en las ventas (63%), una mejor experiencia del cliente (57%) y una mayor eficiencia en la distribución (46%).
로드리 조사에 따르면 유통업체의 36.7%가 대형 상품 배송을 제한하고 있습니다 이러한 수요 증가에도 불구하고 응답자의 거의 절반이 대형 상품이 매출의 20% 이상을 차지한다고 답변했습니다. 주요 과제로는 조기 마감 시간(47%)과 여러 운송업체 관리(45%)가 있습니다.
이 연구는 큰 상품을 위한 유연한 배송 솔루션의 필요성을 강조합니다. 느린 배송 속도(49%)가 장바구니 포기의 가장 큰 이유이고, 다음으로는 유연한 배송 창의 부족(45%)과 상품을 집으로 가져오는 것에 대한 불가능(44%)입니다.
로드리는 RoadieXD™를 도입하여 대형 상품에 대한 같은 날 배송을 가능하게 하는 전국적인 크로스 독 네트워크입니다. 이러한 서비스를 외부에 맡긴 기업은 생산성 62% 증가를 경험했습니다. 대형 상품 배송 업체와 파트너 관계를 맺는 이점으로는 판매 증가(63%), 고객 경험 개선(57%) 및 배급 효율성 향상(46%)이 있습니다.
Un sondage de Roadie révèle que 36,7 % des détaillants limitent la livraison d'articles de grande taille malgré une demande croissante. Près de la moitié des répondants affirment que les articles de grande taille représentent plus de 20 % de leurs ventes. Les principaux défis incluent les délais de coupure anticipés (47 %) et la gestion de plusieurs transporteurs (45 %).
L'étude souligne la nécessité de solutions de livraison flexibles pour les articles volumineux. La lenteur de la livraison (49 %) est la principale raison pour laquelle les clients abandonnent leur panier, suivie par le manque de fenêtres de livraison flexibles (45 %) et l'incapacité à apporter des articles dans les maisons (44 %).
Roadie a introduit RoadieXD™, un réseau national de transbordement permettant la livraison le jour même pour les gros articles. Les entreprises qui externalisent ces services ont constaté une augmentation de 62 % de la productivité. Les avantages de s'associer à des fournisseurs de livraison d'articles de grande taille comprennent une augmentation des ventes (63 %), une amélioration de l'expérience client (57 %) et une efficacité de distribution accrue (46 %).
Eine Roadie-Umfrage zeigt, dass 36,7 % der Einzelhändler die Lieferung von Übergrößen einschränken, trotz der steigenden Nachfrage. Fast die Hälfte der Befragten gibt an, dass Übergrößen mehr als 20 % ihres Umsatzes ausmachen. Hauptprobleme sind frühe Annahmeschlusszeiten (47 %) und die Verwaltung mehrerer Spediteure (45 %).
Die Studie hebt die Notwendigkeit flexibler Lieferlösungen für große und sperrige Artikel hervor. Langsame Liefergeschwindigkeit (49 %) ist der Hauptgrund für das Verlassen des Warenkorbs, gefolgt von mangelnden flexiblen Lieferfenstern (45 %) und der Unfähigkeit, Artikel ins Haus zu bringen (44 %).
Roadie hat RoadieXD™ eingeführt, ein landesweites Cross-Dock-Netzwerk, das die Lieferung am selben Tag für große Artikel ermöglicht. Unternehmen, die diese Dienste auslagern, haben eine Steigerung der Produktivität um 62 % festgestellt. Die Vorteile einer Partnerschaft mit Lieferanbietern für Übergrößen umfassen eine Umsatzsteigerung (63 %), eine verbesserte Kundenerfahrung (57 %) und eine gesteigerte Vertriebseffizienz (46 %).
- None.
- None.
Early cut-off times, complexity of managing multiple carriers and extra resources cited as top pain points
The research, published by Roadie, a UPS Company and a logistics management and same-day delivery platform, in partnership with studioID, explores the pain points, opportunities, and benefits of big and bulky delivery.
Nearly half (
“As retail giants like Amazon continue to push the bar higher, customers expect the same high-quality delivery whether they order a tablet or a big-screen TV,” said Marc Gorlin, founder and CEO of Roadie. “Retailers that can offer faster, more reliable delivery for oversized items are not just solving a logistical problem – they’re expanding large-item revenue streams and building customer loyalty.”
The majority of respondents use a mix of delivery services to handle their big and bulky goods, whose early cutoffs and multi-day transit times can lead to cart abandonment. Slow delivery speed (
In June, Roadie introduced RoadieXD™, a nationwide network of cross-docks, to enable retailers to offer same-day delivery for almost anything of any size. RoadieXD™ taps into the existing Roadie crowdsourced network of independent drivers to deliver up to 100 miles from each cross-dock, so companies can efficiently dispatch products from multiple locations, eliminate the need for extensive storage, accommodate later cut-off times and save on costs for traditionally expensive deliveries.
“Customers want delivery for big and bulky items just as much – if not more – than they want delivery for other items. Big item delivery is just hard. But offering delivery for oversized SKUs can make or break a sale,” added Gorlin. “We introduced RoadieXD™ to enable retailers to deliver a fast and satisfying same-day delivery experience straight from a distribution center. It also comes with minimal complexity for the retailer, and fewer opportunities for damages. Everybody wins.”
Companies that have outsourced pre-sorting, cross-docking and delivery of bulky goods have seen a
When working with an oversized delivery partner, respondents see a range of benefits, including:
Increasing sales of oversized items (
63% ) -
Improving the oversized delivery experience for customers (
57% ) -
Increasing the efficiency of distribution and fulfillment centers (
46% ) -
Reducing damages and returns (
39% ) -
Reducing spend on oversized delivery (
32% )
Read the full report on the survey’s findings.
1 “Big & Bulky Done Better: Top challenges and how business are solving them” ( Roadie, Aug. 21, 2024.
About Roadie
Roadie, a UPS Company, is a logistics management and crowdsourced delivery platform. Founded in 2014, Roadie offers businesses fast, flexible, and asset-light logistics solutions for last-mile delivery. Roadie enables local delivery to more than
Roadie’s solutions include local same-day pickup and delivery, delivery from warehouses with in-house sortation, oversized delivery, sustainable delivery, returns, and more. For more information, visit
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Gregory FCA
Anna Patrick, 212-398-9680
Source: Roadie