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UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE: UMH) (TASE: UMH) announced that Samuel A. Landy, President and CEO, was inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame on August 19, 2024. Under Landy's leadership since 1995, UMH has grown from 22 communities with 4,200 homesites to 136 communities with 25,800 homesites. His strategy focused on acquiring and improving value-add communities, expanding existing ones, and developing new sites. UMH Sales and Finance, Inc. has sold over 5,700 manufactured homes and financed over $100 million in consumer loans. The company now manages 10,200 rental homes. Eugene W. Landy, Founder and Chairman, praised Sam's contributions to affordable housing and industry leadership.

UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE: UMH) (TASE: UMH) ha annunciato che Samuel A. Landy, Presidente e CEO, è stato indotto nella RV/MH Hall of Fame il 19 agosto 2024. Sotto la guida di Landy dal 1995, UMH è cresciuta da 22 comunità con 4.200 lotti a 136 comunità con 25.800 lotti. La sua strategia si è concentrata sull'acquisizione e il miglioramento delle comunità a valore aggiunto, sull'espansione di quelle esistenti e sullo sviluppo di nuovi siti. UMH Sales and Finance, Inc. ha venduto oltre 5.700 case prefabbricate e ha finanziato oltre 100 milioni di dollari in prestiti ai consumatori. L'azienda gestisce ora 10.200 case in affitto. Eugene W. Landy, Fondatore e Presidente, ha elogiato il contributo di Sam all'abitazione accessibile e alla leadership del settore.

UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE: UMH) (TASE: UMH) anunció que Samuel A. Landy, Presidente y CEO, fue inducido al RV/MH Hall of Fame el 19 de agosto de 2024. Bajo el liderazgo de Landy desde 1995, UMH ha crecido de 22 comunidades con 4.200 sitios a 136 comunidades con 25.800 sitios. Su estrategia se centró en adquirir y mejorar comunidades que aportan valor, expandir las existentes y desarrollar nuevos sitios. UMH Sales and Finance, Inc. ha vendido más de 5.700 casas prefabricadas y ha financiado más de 100 millones de dólares en préstamos al consumidor. La empresa ahora gestiona 10.200 casas en alquiler. Eugene W. Landy, Fundador y Presidente, elogió las contribuciones de Sam a la vivienda asequible y al liderazgo en la industria.

UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE: UMH) (TASE: UMH)는 Samuel A. Landy가 2024년 8월 19일 RV/MH 명예의 전당에 헌액되었다고 발표했습니다. 1995년부터 Landy의 리더십 아래 UMH는 4,200개의 주거지를 가진 22개의 커뮤니티에서 25,800개의 주거지를 가진 136개의 커뮤니티로 성장했습니다. 그의 전략은 가치를 더하는 커뮤니티를 인수 및 개선하고, 기존 커뮤니티를 확장하며, 새로운 사이트를 개발하는 데 초점을 맞추었습니다. UMH Sales and Finance, Inc.는 5,700개 이상의 제조 주택을 판매하고 소비자 대출로 1억 달러 이상를 금융에 지원했습니다. 현재 이 회사는 10,200개의 임대 주택을 관리하고 있습니다. 창립자이자 회장인 Eugene W. Landy는 Sam의 저렴한 주택 기여 및 산업 리더십에 대해 찬사를 보냈습니다.

UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE: UMH) (TASE: UMH) a annoncé que Samuel A. Landy, Président et CEO, a été induit au RV/MH Hall of Fame le 19 août 2024. Sous la direction de Landy depuis 1995, UMH est passée de 22 communautés avec 4 200 sites à 136 communautés avec 25 800 sites. Sa stratégie s'est centrée sur l'acquisition et l'amélioration des communautés à valeur ajoutée, l'expansion de celles existantes et le développement de nouveaux sites. UMH Sales and Finance, Inc. a vendu plus de 5 700 maisons manufacturées et financé plus de 100 millions de dollars en prêts à la consommation. L'entreprise gère maintenant 10 200 maisons en location. Eugene W. Landy, fondateur et président, a loué les contributions de Sam à l'habitat abordable et au leadership de l'industrie.

UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE: UMH) (TASE: UMH) hat bekanntgegeben, dass Samuel A. Landy, Präsident und CEO, am 19. August 2024 in die RV/MH Hall of Fame aufgenommen wurde. Unter Landys Führung hat sich UMH seit 1995 von 22 Gemeinschaften mit 4.200 Grundstücken auf 136 Gemeinschaften mit 25.800 Grundstücken entwickelt. Seine Strategie konzentrierte sich auf den Erwerb und die Verbesserung wertschöpfender Gemeinschaften, die Erweiterung bestehender und die Entwicklung neuer Standorte. UMH Sales and Finance, Inc. hat über 5.700 Fertighäuser verkauft und über 100 Millionen Dollar in Verbraucherdarlehen finanziert. Das Unternehmen verwaltet jetzt 10.200 Mietwohnungen. Eugene W. Landy, Gründer und Vorsitzender, lobte Sams Beitrag zur bezahlbaren Wohnung und zur Branchenführung.

  • Significant portfolio growth from 22 to 136 communities under Samuel A. Landy's leadership
  • Successful launch of UMH Sales and Finance, Inc., selling over 5,700 homes and financing $100 million in loans
  • Development of a rental portfolio with 10,200 homes
  • Recognition of CEO's contributions through induction into the RV/MH Hall of Fame
  • Company's capability to build high-quality, affordable manufactured home communities
  • None.

FREEHOLD, NJ, Aug. 20, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- UMH Properties, Inc. (NYSE: UMH) (TASE: UMH) is pleased to announce that on August 19, 2024, Samuel A. Landy, President and Chief Executive Officer, was inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame.

Mr. Landy started his career at UMH in 1991 and was promoted to his current role of President and Chief Executive Officer in 1995. Under his leadership, UMH has grown its portfolio of manufactured housing communities from 22 communities containing approximately 4,200 homesites in 1991 to 136 communities containing approximately 25,800 homesites, currently. His strategy of acquiring value-add communities with vacancies and deferred maintenance has allowed UMH to acquire and improve communities while adding to the supply of affordable housing in the markets that we operate. He has also championed the expansion of existing communities and the greenfield development of new communities.

Over the course of his career, UMH successfully launched UMH Sales and Finance, Inc., which has sold over 5,700 manufactured homes and financed over $100 million of manufactured home loans for consumers. As finance laws changed and made financing homes challenging, Mr. Landy pivoted to a rental model and UMH now has a portfolio of 10,200 rental homes. Mr. Landy is directly responsible for the past and future success of UMH Properties, Inc.

Eugene W. Landy, Founder and Chairman of the Board, commented, “Gratitude and recognition for my son, Sam Landy, is truly appropriate. Not only has he helped create affordable housing in the past, but he has created a best-in-class operating platform for greater housing prosperity in the future. Additionally, he has become a leader for the entire manufactured housing industry. He has continually pushed for innovation and progress to better serve the Nation’s housing needs.”

UMH is capable of building many high-quality and affordable manufactured home communities each year. This capability is at a time when the world of affordable housing is of great social concern. Recently, the federal government appropriately recognized that manufactured housing can be an essential part of the solution in creating the needed affordable housing supply.

Sam’s induction into the MH/RV Hall of Fame is in recognition of his personal lifetime efforts to source governmental recognition for the manufactured housing industry. I am proud to have worked with and watched Sam grow into the great President and CEO that he is today.”

UMH Properties, Inc., which was organized in 1968, is a public equity REIT that owns and operates 136 manufactured home communities containing approximately 25,800 developed homesites. These communities are located in New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Alabama, South Carolina and Georgia. UMH also has an ownership interest in and operates two communities in Florida, containing 363 sites, through its joint venture with Nuveen Real Estate.

Contact: Nelli Madden

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When was Samuel A. Landy inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame?

Samuel A. Landy was inducted into the RV/MH Hall of Fame on August 19, 2024.

How many communities and homesites does UMH Properties (UMH) currently own?

UMH Properties (UMH) currently owns 136 communities containing approximately 25,800 developed homesites.

How many manufactured homes has UMH Sales and Finance, Inc. sold?

UMH Sales and Finance, Inc. has sold over 5,700 manufactured homes.

What is the size of UMH Properties' (UMH) rental home portfolio?

UMH Properties (UMH) has a portfolio of 10,200 rental homes.

In which year did Samuel A. Landy become President and CEO of UMH Properties (UMH)?

Samuel A. Landy was promoted to the role of President and Chief Executive Officer of UMH Properties (UMH) in 1995.

UMH Properties, Inc.


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