Storm Recovery: U-Haul Offers 30 Days Free Storage at 366 Centers
U-Haul has activated its disaster relief program, offering 30 days of free self-storage and U-Box container usage at 366 company locations across multiple states following severe weather events. The initiative comes in response to a devastating tornado outbreak, fires, flooding, and wind damage that occurred Friday through Sunday.
The program has been extended across nine states: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Tennessee, adding 347 new locations to the 19 sites previously designated in Oklahoma and Texas. The offer applies to new self-storage and U-Box rentals, subject to availability, and includes on-site storage at Company facilities.
This emergency response aims to assist communities affected by destroyed homes, power outages, and extensive property damage, providing secure storage solutions during the rebuilding process. U-Haul serves as an official American Red Cross Disaster Responder.
U-Haul ha attivato il suo programma di soccorso in caso di calamità, offrendo 30 giorni di deposito self-service gratuito e utilizzo di container U-Box in 366 sedi aziendali in diversi stati, in seguito a eventi meteorologici estremi. L'iniziativa è stata lanciata in risposta a un devastante scoppio di tornado, incendi, allagamenti e danni causati dal vento che si sono verificati da venerdì a domenica.
Il programma è stato esteso a nove stati: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Carolina del Nord, Carolina del Sud e Tennessee, aggiungendo 347 nuove sedi ai 19 siti precedentemente designati in Oklahoma e Texas. L'offerta si applica a nuovi noleggi di deposito self-service e U-Box, soggetti a disponibilità, e include lo stoccaggio in loco presso le strutture dell'azienda.
Questa risposta d'emergenza mira ad assistere le comunità colpite da case distrutte, interruzioni di corrente e danni estesi alla proprietà, fornendo soluzioni di stoccaggio sicure durante il processo di ricostruzione. U-Haul funge da ufficiale risponditore alle calamità della Croce Rossa Americana.
U-Haul ha activado su programa de ayuda en desastres, ofreciendo 30 días de almacenamiento gratuito y uso de contenedores U-Box en 366 ubicaciones de la empresa en varios estados tras eventos meteorológicos severos. La iniciativa se implementa en respuesta a un devastador brote de tornados, incendios, inundaciones y daños por viento ocurridos de viernes a domingo.
El programa se ha extendido a nueve estados: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Carolina del Norte, Carolina del Sur y Tennessee, añadiendo 347 nuevas ubicaciones a los 19 sitios previamente designados en Oklahoma y Texas. La oferta se aplica a nuevos alquileres de almacenamiento y U-Box, sujeto a disponibilidad, e incluye almacenamiento in situ en las instalaciones de la empresa.
Esta respuesta de emergencia tiene como objetivo ayudar a las comunidades afectadas por casas destruidas, cortes de energía y daños extensos a la propiedad, proporcionando soluciones de almacenamiento seguras durante el proceso de reconstrucción. U-Haul actúa como un respondedor oficial de desastres de la Cruz Roja Americana.
U-Haul은 재난 구호 프로그램을 활성화하여 30일간의 무료 셀프 저장소 및 U-Box 컨테이너 사용을 여러 주의 366개 회사 위치에서 제공하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 금요일부터 일요일까지 발생한 파괴적인 토네이도 발생, 화재, 홍수 및 바람 피해에 대한 응답으로 시행되었습니다.
이 프로그램은 아홉 개 주로 확대되었습니다: 앨라배마, 아칸소, 조지아, 켄터키, 미시시피, 미주리, 노스캐롤라이나, 사우스캐롤라이나, 테네시로, 오클라호마와 텍사스에 이전에 지정된 19개 사이트에 347개의 새로운 위치가 추가되었습니다. 이 제안은 새로운 셀프 저장소 및 U-Box 대여에 적용되며, 이용 가능 여부에 따라 다르며, 회사 시설 내에서의 현장 저장이 포함됩니다.
이 비상 대응은 파괴된 주택, 정전 및 광범위한 재산 피해를 입은 지역 사회를 돕기 위한 것으로, 재건 과정 동안 안전한 저장 솔루션을 제공합니다. U-Haul은 미국 적십자사의 공식 재난 대응자로 활동하고 있습니다.
U-Haul a activé son programme de secours en cas de catastrophe, offrant 30 jours de stockage autonome gratuit et d'utilisation de conteneurs U-Box dans 366 emplacements de l'entreprise à travers plusieurs États suite à des événements météorologiques sévères. L'initiative a été lancée en réponse à une épidémie dévastatrice de tornades, d'incendies, d'inondations et de dommages causés par le vent qui ont eu lieu du vendredi au dimanche.
Le programme a été étendu à neuf États : Alabama, Arkansas, Géorgie, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, Caroline du Nord, Caroline du Sud et Tennessee, ajoutant 347 nouveaux emplacements aux 19 sites précédemment désignés en Oklahoma et au Texas. L'offre s'applique aux nouvelles locations de stockage autonome et U-Box, sous réserve de disponibilité, et inclut le stockage sur site dans les installations de l'entreprise.
Cette réponse d'urgence vise à aider les communautés touchées par des maisons détruites, des pannes de courant et des dommages matériels étendus, en fournissant des solutions de stockage sécurisées pendant le processus de reconstruction. U-Haul agit en tant que répondant officiel aux catastrophes de la Croix-Rouge américaine.
U-Haul hat sein Katastrophenhilfsprogramm aktiviert und bietet 30 Tage kostenlose Selbstlagerung und Nutzung von U-Box-Containern an 366 Unternehmensstandorten in mehreren Bundesstaaten nach schweren Wetterereignissen an. Die Initiative wurde als Reaktion auf einen verheerenden Tornadoausbruch, Brände, Überschwemmungen und Windschäden, die von Freitag bis Sonntag auftraten, ins Leben gerufen.
Das Programm wurde auf neun Bundesstaaten ausgeweitet: Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, South Carolina und Tennessee, wobei 347 neue Standorte zu den zuvor in Oklahoma und Texas festgelegten 19 Standorten hinzugefügt wurden. Das Angebot gilt für neue Selbstlagerungen und U-Box-Mieten, je nach Verfügbarkeit, und umfasst die Lagerung vor Ort in den Unternehmensanlagen.
Diese Notfallreaktion zielt darauf ab, Gemeinschaften zu unterstützen, die von zerstörten Häusern, Stromausfällen und umfangreichen Sachschäden betroffen sind, indem sichere Lagerlösungen während des Wiederaufbaus bereitgestellt werden. U-Haul fungiert als offizieller Katastrophenhelfer des Amerikanischen Roten Kreuzes.
- Large-scale disaster relief initiative covering 366 locations demonstrates strong community engagement
- Potential for increased brand awareness and customer acquisition through free storage program
- Strategic expansion of service offering across 11 states shows operational capability
- Temporary revenue loss from providing free 30-day storage services
- Potential capacity constraints at affected locations
- Increased operational costs to manage disaster relief program across multiple states
Tornado outbreak creates need for disaster relief across much of the Southeast, other areas

U-Haul teams in
The storms destroyed homes and property – and in some cases communities – while the tornado outbreak was responsible for a number of casualties. Many families remain without power and face a long rebuilding process.
Access to dry and secure self-storage units and portable storage containers can assist communities during the clean-up process.
U-Haul offered free storage at 16 centers on Saturday in
Now 29 U-Haul regional presidents in
That adds 347 new locations (listed below) to the 19 sites previously designated in
The 30 days free offer applies to new self-storage and U-Box rentals and is based on availability. The U-Box portable container offer is for on-site storage at Company facilities. People seeking more information on the disaster relief program or needing to arrange storage services can call their nearest regional office or visit any U-Haul-owned facility in a participating state and city:
U-Haul Co. of
(205) 979-3013
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(256) 217-9696
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of S. Alabama (16 Stores; 10 in
(800) 633-6819
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(501) 569-5010
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(918) 295-5700
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of Atlanta North (13 Stores)
(770) 926-1340
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of Atlanta West (12 Stores)
(678) 608-4146
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(404) 332-3180
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of Georgia Northeast (11 Stores)
(678) 707-8383
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(706) 569-3372
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(404) 767-0431
Participating store locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(502) 491-4184
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(601) 352-2602
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(417) 887-5832
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of Missouri Northeast (13 stores, 2 in
(314) 355-7902
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(314) 766-4013
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(336) 802-1776
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(980) 272-4871
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(252) 565-4890
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(919) 875-0059
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of Southern Atlantic Coast (10 Stores; 5 in
(910) 762-8708
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(704) 568-0753
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(828) 569-6003
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of Coastal South Carolina (7 Stores; 3 in
(912) 234-3059
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(803) 791-9714
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(865) 312-8174
Participating Store Locations: Alcoa,
U-Haul Co. of
(901) 366-2600
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(615) 865-6030
Participating Store Locations:
U-Haul Co. of
(615) 432-4612
Participating Store Locations:
In addition to its 30 days free self-storage disaster relief program, U-Haul is proud to be at the forefront of aiding communities in times of need as an official American Red Cross Disaster Responder.
About U-HAUL
Celebrating our 80th anniversary in 2025, U-Haul is the No. 1 choice of do-it-yourself movers with more than 23,000 rental locations across all 50 states and 10 Canadian provinces. The U-Haul app makes it easy for customers to use U-Haul Truck Share 24/7 to access trucks anytime through the self-dispatch and -return options on their smartphones with our patented Live Verify technology. Our customers' patronage has enabled the U-Haul fleet to grow to 193,100 trucks, 138,700 trailers and 40,200 towing devices. U-Haul is the third largest self-storage operator in
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Jeff Lockridge
Phone: 602-760-4941
Source: U-Haul Holding Company