UNIFI®, Makers of REPREVE®, Reinforces Environmental Commitments with 2024 Sustainability Snapshot, Including Further Growth in Textile-to-Textile Recycling

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UNIFI (NYSE: UFI), maker of REPREVE® recycled yarns, has released its 2024 Sustainability Snapshot showcasing significant progress in textile-to-textile recycling. The company has launched REPREVE Takeback™, the world's largest performance circular polyester portfolio, and ThermaLoop™, an award-winning circular thermal insulation product.

Key achievements include:

  • 950 million T-shirts' worth of textile and yarn waste recycled to date
  • 42 billion plastic bottles diverted from landfills
  • 8% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions
  • Zero non-compliant water discharges
  • REPREVE products representing 32% of FY2024 revenue

New life cycle assessments show ThermaLoop and REPREVE Takeback reduce GHG emissions by 42-77%, energy consumption by 47-84%, fossil fuel use by 48-85%, and freshwater consumption by 46-71% compared to virgin polyester. ThermaLoop has won the 2024 Just Style Award and 2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award.

UNIFI (NYSE: UFI), produttore di filati riciclati REPREVE®, ha pubblicato il suo 2024 Sustainability Snapshot, che mostra progressi significativi nel riciclo tessile. L'azienda ha lanciato REPREVE Takeback™, il più grande portafoglio di poliestere circolare ad alte prestazioni al mondo, e ThermaLoop™, un prodotto di isolamento termico circolare premiato.

Tra i risultati chiave ci sono:

  • 950 milioni di T-shirt di rifiuti tessili e di filato riciclati fino ad oggi
  • 42 miliardi di bottiglie di plastica deviate dalle discariche
  • Riduzione dell'8% delle emissioni di gas serra Scope 1 e 2
  • Zero scarichi d'acqua non conformi
  • I prodotti REPREVE rappresentano il 32% del fatturato FY2024

Nuove valutazioni del ciclo di vita mostrano che ThermaLoop e REPREVE Takeback riducono le emissioni di gas serra del 42-77%, il consumo energetico del 47-84%, l'uso di combustibili fossili del 48-85% e il consumo di acqua dolce del 46-71% rispetto al poliestere vergine. ThermaLoop ha vinto il 2024 Just Style Award e il 2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award.

UNIFI (NYSE: UFI), fabricante de hilos reciclados REPREVE®, ha publicado su 2024 Sustainability Snapshot, que muestra avances significativos en el reciclaje textil. La compañía ha lanzado REPREVE Takeback™, la cartera de poliéster circular de alto rendimiento más grande del mundo, y ThermaLoop™, un producto de aislamiento térmico circular galardonado.

Entre los logros clave se incluyen:

  • 950 millones de camisetas de desechos textiles y de hilo reciclados hasta la fecha
  • 42 mil millones de botellas de plástico desviadas de los vertederos
  • Reducción del 8% en las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero Scope 1 y 2
  • Cero descargas de agua no conformes
  • Los productos REPREVE representan el 32% de los ingresos del FY2024

Nuevas evaluaciones del ciclo de vida muestran que ThermaLoop y REPREVE Takeback reducen las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero entre un 42-77%, el consumo de energía entre un 47-84%, el uso de combustibles fósiles entre un 48-85% y el consumo de agua dulce entre un 46-71% en comparación con el poliéster virgen. ThermaLoop ha ganado el 2024 Just Style Award y el 2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award.

UNIFI (NYSE: UFI), REPREVE® 재활용 실의 제조업체,는 섬유-섬유 재활용에서의 중요한 발전을 보여주는 2024 Sustainability Snapshot를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 세계에서 가장 큰 성능 순환 폴리에스터 포트폴리오인 REPREVE Takeback™와 수상 경력이 있는 순환 열 절연 제품 ThermaLoop™를 출시했습니다.

주요 성과에는:

  • 현재까지 9억 5천만 개의 티셔츠에 해당하는 섬유 및 실 폐기물 재활용
  • 420억 개의 플라스틱 병이 매립지에서 전환됨
  • Scope 1 및 2 온실가스 배출량 8% 감소
  • 비규격 수질 방출 제로
  • REPREVE 제품이 FY2024 수익의 32% 차지

새로운 생애 주기 평가에 따르면, ThermaLoop와 REPREVE Takeback은 원주율 폴리에스터에 비해 온실가스 배출량을 42-77%, 에너지 소비를 47-84%, 화석 연료 사용을 48-85%, 담수 소비를 46-71% 줄입니다. ThermaLoop은 2024 Just Style Award2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award를 수상했습니다.

UNIFI (NYSE: UFI), fabricant de fils recyclés REPREVE®, a publié son 2024 Sustainability Snapshot, qui met en avant des progrès significatifs dans le recyclage textile. L'entreprise a lancé REPREVE Takeback™, le plus grand portefeuille de polyester circulaire performant au monde, et ThermaLoop™, un produit d'isolation thermique circulaire récompensé.

Les réalisations clés incluent:

  • 950 millions de T-shirts d'équivalent de déchets textiles et de fil recyclés à ce jour
  • 42 milliards de bouteilles en plastique détournées des décharges
  • Réduction de 8% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de portée 1 et 2
  • Aucun rejet d'eau non conforme
  • Les produits REPREVE représentent 32% des revenus FY2024

De nouvelles évaluations du cycle de vie montrent que ThermaLoop et REPREVE Takeback réduisent les émissions de gaz à effet de serre de 42-77%, la consommation d'énergie de 47-84%, l'utilisation de combustibles fossiles de 48-85% et la consommation d'eau douce de 46-71% par rapport au polyester vierge. ThermaLoop a remporté le 2024 Just Style Award et le 2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award.

UNIFI (NYSE: UFI), Hersteller von REPREVE® Recyclinggarn, hat sein 2024 Sustainability Snapshot veröffentlicht, das bedeutende Fortschritte im Textil-zu-Textil-Recycling zeigt. Das Unternehmen hat REPREVE Takeback™, das größte Portfolio für leistungsstarken zirkulären Polyester der Welt, und ThermaLoop™, ein preisgekröntes zirkuläres Wärmedämmprodukt, eingeführt.

Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehören:

  • Bis heute 950 Millionen T-Shirt-Äquivalente an Textil- und Garnabfällen recycelt
  • 42 Milliarden Plastikflaschen von Deponien abgeleitet
  • 8% Reduktion der Scope 1 und 2 Treibhausgasemissionen
  • Null nicht konforme Wasserableitungen
  • REPREVE-Produkte machen 32% des Umsatzes FY2024 aus

Neue Lebenszyklusbewertungen zeigen, dass ThermaLoop und REPREVE Takeback die Treibhausgasemissionen um 42-77%, den Energieverbrauch um 47-84%, den fossilen Brennstoffverbrauch um 48-85% und den Frischwasserverbrauch um 46-71% im Vergleich zu jungfräulichem Polyester reduzieren. ThermaLoop hat den 2024 Just Style Award und den 2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award gewonnen.

  • None.
  • None.

Company on track for 2030 targets and receives numerous awards and accolades for recently launched products

GREENSBORO, N.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- UNIFI, Inc. (NYSE: UFI), the makers of REPREVE® and one of the world’s leading innovators in recycled and synthetic yarns, today released its 2024 Sustainability Snapshot. The Snapshot highlights significant progress in textile-to-textile recycling, which is becoming an even more important part of the next generation of REPREVE® recycled offerings.

UNIFI’s momentum in the circular textile sector is spurred by the 2024 launches of REPREVE Takeback™, the world’s largest portfolio of performance circular polyester, and ThermaLoop™, an award-winning circular thermal insulation product.

"Our fifth annual Sustainability Snapshot demonstrates both our progress and our drive,” said Eddie Ingle, CEO of UNIFI. “We continually push boundaries in recycling, waste reduction, and innovation to make sustainable manufacturing available at scale.”

UNIFI’s 2024 Sustainability Snapshot highlights include:

  • 950 million T-shirts’ worth* of textile and yarn waste recycled to date, on track to reach 1.5 billion t-shirts by FY2030
  • 42 billion plastic bottles diverted from landfills, progressing towards 50 billion bottles by December 2025
  • Zero non-compliant water discharges across local municipalities and per national regulation
  • 8% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas (“GHG”) emissions, advancing toward a 30% reduction by FY2030
  • REPREVE accounted for 32% of FY2024 revenue and targeting 50%+ by FY2030

In addition, during 2024, the Company invested in two new third-party, peer reviewed, life cycle assessments (LCAs) for REPREVE Takeback staple fiber and ThermaLoop. When compared to virgin polyester production, the results show both products reduce:

  • GHG emissions by 42%-77%
  • energy consumption by 47%-84%
  • fossil fuel consumption by 48%-85%
  • freshwater consumption by 46%-71%

ThermaLoop insulation has been recognized for its circular innovation, winning the 2024 Just Style Award for Product Launch – Circularity, which honors the most significant achievements and innovations in the apparel and textile industries. ThermaLoop was also recently honored with the 2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award, which celebrates innovative and impactful products built for a sustainable future.

The 2024 Sustainability Snapshot underscores UNIFI’s ongoing commitments to environmental progress and supporting global brands in achieving circularity and sustainable materials goals.

For more details, access the full Snapshot HERE. Except where otherwise noted, the Snapshot has been guided by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) frameworks.

*“T-shirt equivalents” refers to the weight of material equal to that of a single polyester T-shirt.

**Scope 1 reflects direct GHG emissions from owned or controlled sources and Scope 2 reflects indirect GHG emissions from purchased electricity. “Intensity” refers to the normalization of our Scopes 1 and 2 GHG emissions against the revenue for our Americas and Brazil business segments.

About UNIFI, Inc.

UNIFI, Inc. (NYSE: UFI) is a global leader in fiber science and sustainable synthetic textiles. Using proprietary recycling technology, UNIFI is a pioneer in scaling the transformation of post-industrial and post-consumer waste into sustainable products. Through REPREVE®, the world’s leading brand of traceable, recycled fiber and resin, UNIFI is changing the way industries think about the materials they use – and reuse. A vertically-integrated manufacturer, the company has direct operations in the United States, Colombia, El Salvador, and Brazil and sales offices all over the world. UNIFI envisions a future where circular and sustainable solutions are the only choice. For more information about UNIFI, visit


Made by UNIFI, Inc. (NYSE: UFI), REPREVE® is the global leader in recycled performance fibers and resins. Using proprietary recycling technology, REPREVE leverages multiple waste sources, including single-use plastic bottles, ocean-bound plastic, textile waste, and recycled yarn. REPREVE has transformed more than 40 billion plastic bottles into recycled fiber, powering globally scalable products for world-leading brands. Made traceable with FiberPrint® technology and certified by U-Trust®, REPREVE spans sports apparel, fashion, home, automotive, construction, transport, military, medical and packaged goods. For more information about REPREVE, visit

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Factory PR

Source: UNIFI, Inc.


What are UNIFI's (UFI) key sustainability targets for 2030?

UNIFI aims to recycle 1.5 billion T-shirts' worth of textile waste, reduce Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions by 30%, and increase REPREVE revenue to 50%+ by FY2030.

How many plastic bottles has UNIFI's REPREVE recycling program diverted from landfills?

UNIFI has diverted 42 billion plastic bottles from landfills and is targeting 50 billion bottles by December 2025.

What environmental benefits does UNIFI's ThermaLoop product offer compared to virgin polyester?

ThermaLoop reduces GHG emissions by 42-77%, energy consumption by 47-84%, fossil fuel use by 48-85%, and freshwater consumption by 46-71%.

What percentage of UNIFI's (UFI) revenue came from REPREVE products in FY2024?

REPREVE products accounted for 32% of UNIFI's revenue in FY2024.

What recent awards has UNIFI's ThermaLoop product received?

ThermaLoop won the 2024 Just Style Award for Product Launch – Circularity and the 2025 SEAL Sustainable Product Award.



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Textile Manufacturing
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