Universal Electronics Inc. Awarded Gold Medal by EcoVadis for Sustainability Performance
Universal Electronics Inc. (UEIC), the global leader in wireless control technology, has achieved a significant milestone by receiving a Gold Medal Sustainability Rating from EcoVadis, positioning the company in the top 5% of industry performers for sustainability.
The prestigious rating evaluates companies across four critical areas:
- Environment
- Labor & Human Rights
- Business Ethics
- Sustainable Procurement
Richard A. Firehammer, Jr., Sr. Vice President, General Counsel & Head of Global Compliance, emphasized that this recognition validates UEIC's commitment to sustainability and strengthens their position as a trusted partner for customers pursuing sustainability goals. The company specializes in creating innovative universal wireless control solutions for the home, focusing on user-centric design and secure, privacy-first approaches to smart device development.
Universal Electronics Inc. (UEIC), leader globale nella tecnologia di controllo wireless, ha raggiunto un traguardo significativo ricevendo un Gold Medal Sustainability Rating da EcoVadis, posizionando l'azienda nel top 5% delle aziende del settore per sostenibilità.
Questo prestigioso riconoscimento valuta le aziende in quattro aree critiche:
- Ambiente
- Diritti dei Lavoratori e Umani
- Etica Aziendale
- Approvvigionamento Sostenibile
Richard A. Firehammer, Jr., Vicepresidente Senior, Consigliere Generale e Responsabile della Conformità Globale, ha sottolineato che questo riconoscimento convalida l'impegno di UEIC verso la sostenibilità e rafforza la loro posizione come partner fidato per i clienti che perseguono obiettivi di sostenibilità. L'azienda si specializza nella creazione di soluzioni innovative di controllo wireless universale per la casa, concentrandosi su un design incentrato sull'utente e approcci sicuri e orientati alla privacy nello sviluppo di dispositivi intelligenti.
Universal Electronics Inc. (UEIC), líder mundial en tecnología de control inalámbrico, ha alcanzado un hito significativo al recibir una Gold Medal Sustainability Rating de EcoVadis, posicionando a la empresa en el 5% superior de los actores de la industria en sostenibilidad.
Esta prestigiosa calificación evalúa a las empresas en cuatro áreas críticas:
- Medio Ambiente
- Derechos Laborales y Humanos
- Ética Empresarial
- Adquisiciones Sostenibles
Richard A. Firehammer, Jr., Vicepresidente Senior, Asesor General y Jefe de Cumplimiento Global, enfatizó que este reconocimiento valida el compromiso de UEIC con la sostenibilidad y fortalece su posición como un socio de confianza para los clientes que persiguen objetivos de sostenibilidad. La empresa se especializa en crear soluciones innovadoras de control inalámbrico universal para el hogar, enfocándose en un diseño centrado en el usuario y enfoques seguros y priorizados en la privacidad para el desarrollo de dispositivos inteligentes.
유니버설 일렉트로닉스 주식회사 (UEIC)는 무선 제어 기술의 글로벌 리더로서, 에코바디스(EcoVadis)로부터 금메달 지속 가능성 평가를 수여받아 지속 가능성 분야에서 업계 상위 5%에 위치하게 되었습니다.
이 권위 있는 평가는 네 가지 주요 영역에서 기업을 평가합니다:
- 환경
- 노동 및 인권
- 비즈니스 윤리
- 지속 가능한 조달
리차드 A. 화이어해머 주니어(Richard A. Firehammer, Jr.) 수석 부사장, 법률 고문 및 글로벌 컴플라이언스 책임자는 이 인식이 UEIC의 지속 가능성에 대한 헌신을 검증하고, 지속 가능성 목표를 추구하는 고객에게 신뢰할 수 있는 파트너로서의 입지를 강화한다고 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 사용자 중심 디자인과 스마트 장치 개발에 대한 안전하고 개인 정보 보호를 우선시하는 접근 방식을 강조하며, 가정을 위한 혁신적인 유니버설 무선 제어 솔루션을 만드는 데 전문화되어 있습니다.
Universal Electronics Inc. (UEIC), leader mondial de la technologie de contrôle sans fil, a atteint une étape significative en recevant une Gold Medal Sustainability Rating d'EcoVadis, plaçant l'entreprise dans le top 5% des acteurs de l'industrie en matière de durabilité.
Cette prestigieuse évaluation évalue les entreprises dans quatre domaines critiques :
- Environnement
- Droits du travail et de l'homme
- Éthique des affaires
- Approvisionnement durable
Richard A. Firehammer, Jr., Vice-Président Senior, Conseiller Général et Responsable de la Conformité Globale, a souligné que cette reconnaissance valide l'engagement de l'UEIC envers la durabilité et renforce leur position en tant que partenaire de confiance pour les clients poursuivant des objectifs de durabilité. L'entreprise se spécialise dans la création de solutions innovantes de contrôle sans fil universel pour la maison, en se concentrant sur un design centré sur l'utilisateur et des approches sécurisées et axées sur la confidentialité pour le développement de dispositifs intelligents.
Universal Electronics Inc. (UEIC), der globale Marktführer in der drahtlosen Steuerungstechnologie, hat einen bedeutenden Meilenstein erreicht, indem er eine Gold Medal Sustainability Rating von EcoVadis erhalten hat, was das Unternehmen in die obersten 5% der Branchenakteure für Nachhaltigkeit einordnet.
Diese prestigeträchtige Bewertung bewertet Unternehmen in vier kritischen Bereichen:
- Umwelt
- Arbeits- und Menschenrechte
- Unternehmensethik
- Nachhaltige Beschaffung
Richard A. Firehammer, Jr., Senior Vice President, General Counsel und Leiter der globalen Compliance, betonte, dass diese Anerkennung das Engagement von UEIC für Nachhaltigkeit validiert und ihre Position als vertrauenswürdiger Partner für Kunden, die Nachhaltigkeitsziele verfolgen, stärkt. Das Unternehmen ist auf die Schaffung innovativer universeller drahtloser Steuerungslösungen für das Zuhause spezialisiert und legt dabei einen Schwerpunkt auf benutzerzentriertes Design und sichere, datenschutzorientierte Ansätze bei der Entwicklung von intelligenten Geräten.
- None.
- None.
EcoVadis is a globally recognized sustainability rating platform that evaluates companies across four key areas: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Business Ethics, and Sustainable Procurement. The EcoVadis Gold Medal Sustainability Rating is awarded to companies that maintain a strong sustainability management system and demonstrate exceptional performance and commitments in these key sustainability areas.
“UEI is honored to have achieved the EcoVadis Gold rating,” said Richard A. Firehammer, Jr., Sr. Vice President, General Counsel & Head of Global Compliance. “This recognition highlights our commitment to sustainability and reinforces our role as a trusted partner in helping our customers achieve their sustainability ambitions.”
About Universal Electronics
Universal Electronics Inc. (NASDAQ: UEIC) is the global leader in universal wireless control solutions for the home. The company brings to life millions of innovative control products each year that focus on a user-centric approach to designing and creating solutions and applications that simplify user interaction with highly complex technologies in the home and removing interoperability challenges as a roadblock for user adoption, with a privacy first and secure by design approach to today’s smart devices.
Safe Harbor Statement
This press release contains forward-looking statements that are made pursuant to the Safe-Harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Words and expressions reflecting something other than historical fact are intended to identify forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve a number of risks and uncertainties, including the impact of sustainability initiatives and achievements on the company's overall performance; the ability to maintain and improve sustainability ratings; and other factors described in UEI’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. The actual results that UEI achieves may differ materially from any forward-looking statement due to such risks and uncertainties. UEI undertakes no obligations to revise or update any forward-looking statements in order to reflect events or circumstances that may arise after the date of this release.
View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20250303930213/en/
ESG Contact: Richard A. Firehammer, Jr.
Sr. Vice President, General Counsel &
Head of Global Compliance
Media Contact: Hemco Aretsen
Senior Marketing Communication Manager
Source: Universal Electronics Inc.
What does the EcoVadis Gold Medal Rating mean for Universal Electronics (UEIC)?
How does UEIC's sustainability rating impact its market position?
What are the four key areas evaluated by EcoVadis for UEIC's sustainability rating?
What is UEIC's main focus in product development according to the announcement?