US Nuclear Forced to Expand Its Ohio Production Floor and Shipment Volume to Keep Up With the Surge of Incoming Orders

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC: UCLE) is expanding its Overhoff production floor in Ohio to meet surging demand for tritium monitors, driven by the AI nuclear energy boom and global interest in fusion energy generators. The company is reorganizing its subsidiary, Electronic Control Concepts (ECC), by shifting production from Ohio to its Technical Associates facility in California. This strategic move aims to:

1. Free up resources at Overhoff to increase shipment volume
2. Utilize excess manufacturing capacity at Technical Associates
3. Boost overall efficiency and shipments across all main branches

The reorganization is already underway and expected to significantly improve US Nuclear's production capabilities in the near future.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC: UCLE) sta espandendo il suo stabilimento di produzione Overhoff in Ohio per soddisfare l'aumento della domanda di monitor per il trizio, alimentato dal boom dell'energia nucleare AI e dall'interesse globale per i generatori di fusione. L'azienda sta ristrutturando la sua controllata, Electronic Control Concepts (ECC), spostando la produzione dall'Ohio alla sua sede Technical Associates in California. Questo spostamento strategico ha come obiettivo:

1. Liberare risorse presso Overhoff per aumentare il volume delle spedizioni
2. Sfruttare la capacità di produzione in eccesso presso Technical Associates
3. Migliorare l'efficienza complessiva e le spedizioni in tutte le principali filiali

La ristrutturazione è già in corso e si prevede che migliori significativamente le capacità produttive di US Nuclear nel prossimo futuro.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC: UCLE) está ampliando su planta de producción Overhoff en Ohio para satisfacer la creciente demanda de monitores de tritio, impulsada por el auge de la energía nuclear basada en IA y el interés global en generadores de fusión. La compañía está reorganizando su filial, Electronic Control Concepts (ECC), trasladando la producción de Ohio a su instalación de Technical Associates en California. Este movimiento estratégico tiene como objetivo:

1. Liberar recursos en Overhoff para aumentar el volumen de envíos
2. Utilizar la capacidad de fabricación excedente en Technical Associates
3. Aumentar la eficiencia y los envíos generales en todas las principales ramas

La reorganización ya está en marcha y se espera que mejore significativamente las capacidades de producción de US Nuclear en un futuro cercano.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC: UCLE)는 오하이오의 Overhoff 생산 라인을 확장하고 있습니다, 이는 AI 원자력 에너지 붐과 융합 에너지 생성기에 대한 전 세계적인 관심에 의해 촉발된 트리튬 모니터의 수요 증가에 대응하기 위함입니다. 회사는 자회사인 Electronic Control Concepts (ECC)를 조직 개편하고 있으며, 생산을 오하이오에서 캘리포니아 기술 회사로 이동하고 있습니다. 이 전략적 이동은 다음과 같은 목표를 가지고 있습니다:

1. Overhoff에서 자원을 확보하여 출하량을 증가시키기
2. 기술 협회에서의 잉여 제조 용량 활용
3. 모든 주요 지사에서의 전반적인 효율성과 출하량 향상

조직 개편은 이미 진행 중이며 가까운 미래에 US Nuclear의 생산 능력을 크게 향상시킬 것으로 예상됩니다.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC: UCLE) est en train d'étendre sa ligne de production Overhoff dans l'Ohio pour répondre à la demande croissante de moniteurs de tritium, stimulée par le boom de l'énergie nucléaire basée sur l'IA et l'intérêt mondial pour les générateurs de fusion. L'entreprise reorganise sa filiale, Electronic Control Concepts (ECC), en déplaçant la production de l'Ohio vers son établissement Technical Associates en Californie. Ce mouvement stratégique vise à :

1. Libérer des ressources chez Overhoff pour augmenter le volume des expéditions
2. Utiliser la capacité de fabrication excédentaire chez Technical Associates
3. Améliorer l'efficacité globale et les expéditions dans toutes les principales branches

La réorganisation est déjà en cours et devrait améliorer de manière significative les capacités de production de US Nuclear dans un proche avenir.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC: UCLE) erweitert seinen Produktionsstandort Overhoff in Ohio, um der steigenden Nachfrage nach Tritium-Monitoren gerecht zu werden, die durch den Boom der KI-Atomenergie und das globale Interesse an Fusionsenergieerzeugern angetrieben wird. Das Unternehmen organisiert seine Tochtergesellschaft, Electronic Control Concepts (ECC), um die Produktion von Ohio zu seiner Einrichtung in Kalifornien, Technical Associates, zu verlagern. Dieser strategische Schritt zielt darauf ab:

1. Ressourcen bei Overhoff freizusetzen, um das Versandvolumen zu erhöhen
2. Überschüssige Produktionskapazitäten bei Technical Associates zu nutzen
3. Die Gesamteffizienz und den Versand in allen Hauptzweigen zu steigern

Die Reorganisation ist bereits im Gange und wird voraussichtlich die Produktionskapazitäten von US Nuclear in naher Zukunft erheblich verbessern.

  • Expansion of Overhoff production floor to meet increasing demand
  • Surge in incoming purchase orders for tritium monitors
  • Strategic reorganization to improve efficiency and shipment volume
  • Utilization of excess manufacturing capacity at Technical Associates
  • None.

LOS ANGELES, CA, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- To help keep up with surging incoming purchase orders, US Nuclear Corp. (OTC: UCLE) is now significantly expanding their Overhoff (Ohio) production floor area to increase shipment volume. This is necessary due to increasingly high demand for their famous tritium monitors. This is all caused by the AI nuclear energy boom and the big money, worldwide scramble to design and build the long awaited fusion energy generators that we are all waiting for.

For these reasons, USN is in the process of reorganizing one of the company’s subsidiaries, Electronic Control Concepts (ECC), thus improving efficiency and shipment volume amongst its subsidiaries.

ECC is one of US Nuclear’s newer divisions and specializes in manufacturing high-quality x-ray calibration and measurement instrumentation for x-ray machines globally. US Nuclear acquired ECC back in 2016 and moved production from New York to the company’s Overhoff Technology Corp. division in Milford, OH which manufactures tritium monitoring instrumentation. However, this move also shifted some of Overhoff’s resources to production of ECC instrumentation. Now, with Overhoff receiving a rising influx of new purchase orders, US Nuclear has decided to shift production of ECC equipment to its Technical Associates subsidiary in Canoga Park, CA.

This move will greatly benefit all of the company’s main branches. First and most importantly, it will free up resources at Overhoff to improve shipment volume and keep up with surging new orders. On the other side, Technical Associates has excess manufacturing capacity allowing for the flawless integration of ECC instrumentation production and further boost to its California shipment volume.

The move is already in the process and will be effective in the near future, providing an enormous boost to US Nuclear’s efficiency and shipments.

Safe Harbor Act

This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ from expectations, estimates and projections and, consequently, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Words such as "expect," "estimate," "project," "budget," "forecast," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "may," "will," "could," "should," "believes," "predicts," "potential," "continue," and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results.

Investors may find additional information regarding US Nuclear Corp. at the SEC website at, or the company’s website at


US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE)
Robert I. Goldstein, President, CEO, and Chairman
Michael Hastings, Chief Financial Officer
Ph: (818) 883 7043


Why is US Nuclear (UCLE) expanding its Ohio production floor?

US Nuclear (UCLE) is expanding its Ohio production floor to keep up with surging incoming orders for tritium monitors, driven by the AI nuclear energy boom and global interest in fusion energy generators.

How is US Nuclear (UCLE) reorganizing its subsidiary Electronic Control Concepts (ECC)?

US Nuclear (UCLE) is shifting ECC's production from its Overhoff facility in Ohio to its Technical Associates subsidiary in California, aiming to improve efficiency and increase shipment volume across all main branches.

What benefits does US Nuclear (UCLE) expect from reorganizing its subsidiaries?

US Nuclear (UCLE) expects to free up resources at Overhoff to improve shipment volume, utilize excess manufacturing capacity at Technical Associates, and boost overall efficiency and shipments across all main branches.

When will the reorganization of US Nuclear's (UCLE) subsidiaries be effective?

The reorganization of US Nuclear's (UCLE) subsidiaries is already in process and will be effective in the near future, providing a significant boost to the company's efficiency and shipments.



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Canoga Park