S&P 500 Nuclear Energy Stocks Prices Surge 800% on Largest U.S. Power Grid

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US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE) is positioned to benefit from the global shift towards nuclear power amid energy shortages and soaring prices. The company, a leading supplier of nuclear power plant equipment, is at the forefront of the nuclear power revolution as the U.S. aims to triple nuclear capacity by 2050.

US Nuclear specializes in advanced nuclear technologies, including cutting-edge radiation detection instruments. The company is the dominant supplier of tritium monitoring instrumentation, essential for both fission and fusion reactors, and leads the market in water monitoring instrumentation and ultra-sensitive radiation monitoring systems.

As conventional energy sources become unreliable and expensive, nuclear power offers a clean, efficient, and long-term solution to meet rising global energy demands. US Nuclear's equipment is poised to play a critical role in this transition, supporting the development of both small-scale and large-scale fission and fusion reactors.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE) si trova in una posizione favorevole per beneficiare del cambiamento globale verso l'energia nucleare in un contesto di carenze energetiche e prezzi in aumento. L'azienda, leader nella fornitura di attrezzature per impianti nucleari, è all'avanguardia nella rivoluzione dell'energia nucleare, mentre gli Stati Uniti puntano a triplicare la capacità nucleare entro il 2050.

US Nuclear è specializzata in tecnologie nucleari avanzate, inclusi strumenti per il rilevamento delle radiazioni all'avanguardia. L'azienda è il fornitore dominante di strumenti per il monitoraggio del trizio, essenziali sia per i reattori a fissione che per quelli a fusione, e guida il mercato in strumenti per il monitoraggio dell'acqua e sistemi di monitoraggio delle radiazioni ultra-sensibili.

Con l'affidabilità e i costi crescenti delle fonti energetiche convenzionali, l'energia nucleare offre una soluzione pulita, efficiente e a lungo termine per soddisfare la crescente domanda energetica globale. Le attrezzature di US Nuclear sono pronte a svolgere un ruolo cruciale in questa transizione, supportando lo sviluppo di reattori a fissione e fusione sia su piccola che su grande scala.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE) está posicionada para beneficiarse del cambio global hacia el poder nuclear en medio de la escasez de energía y el aumento de precios. La empresa, un proveedor líder de equipos para plantas de energía nuclear, está a la vanguardia de la revolución del poder nuclear mientras EE.UU. aspira a triplicar la capacidad nuclear para 2050.

US Nuclear se especializa en tecnologías nucleares avanzadas, incluyendo instrumentos de detección de radiaciones de última generación. La compañía es el proveedor dominante de instrumentos para el monitoreo de tritio, esenciales tanto para reactores de fisión como de fusión, y lidera el mercado en instrumentos de monitoreo de agua y sistemas ultra-sensibles de monitoreo de radiaciones.

A medida que las fuentes de energía convencionales se vuelven poco fiables y costosas, la energía nuclear ofrece una solución limpia, eficiente y a largo plazo para satisfacer la creciente demanda energética global. El equipo de US Nuclear está preparado para desempeñar un papel crítico en esta transición, apoyando el desarrollo de reactores de fisión y fusión tanto a pequeña como a gran escala.

미국 핵공사 (OTC-QB: UCLE)는 에너지 부족과 급등하는 가격 속에서 전 세계적으로 원자력으로의 전환에서 혜택을 받을 수 있는 위치에 있습니다. 이 회사는 원자력 발전소 장비의 주요 공급업체로, 미국이 2050년까지 원자력 용량을 세 배로 늘릴 목표를 가진 원자력 혁명의 최전선에 있습니다.

US Nuclear는 최첨단 방사선 탐지 기기를 포함한 고급 원자력 기술 전문 기업입니다. 이 회사는 핵분열 및 핵융합 반응기에 필수적인 트리튬 모니터링 장비의 주요 공급업체이며, 수질 모니터링 기기초민감 방사선 모니터링 시스템 분야에서 시장을 선도하고 있습니다.

전통적인 에너지원이 신뢰할 수 없고 비용이 상승함에 따라, 원자력은 상승하는 글로벌 에너지 수요를 충족하기 위한 깨끗하고 효율적이며 장기적인 솔루션을 제공합니다. US Nuclear의 장비는 이 전환의 중요한 역할을 할 준비가 되어 있으며, 소규모 및 대규모 핵분열 및 핵융합 반응기의 개발을 지원합니다.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE) est bien positionnée pour bénéficier du passage mondial à l'énergie nucléaire face aux pénuries d'énergie et à la hausse des prix. L'entreprise, un fournisseur leader d'équipements pour centrales nucléaires, est à l'avant-garde de la révolution nucléaire alors que les États-Unis visent à tripler la capacité nucléaire d'ici 2050.

US Nuclear se spécialise dans les technologies nucléaires avancées, y compris des instruments de détection de radiations à la pointe de la technologie. La société est le fournisseur dominant d'instruments de surveillance du tritium, essentiels pour les réacteurs de fission et de fusion, et est leader sur le marché des instruments de surveillance de l'eau et des systèmes de surveillance des radiations ultra-sensibles.

Avec l'augmentation des coûts et l'imprévisibilité des sources d'énergie conventionnelles, l'énergie nucléaire offre une solution propre, efficace et à long terme pour répondre à la demande énergétique mondiale croissante. Les équipements de US Nuclear sont prêts à jouer un rôle clé dans cette transition, soutenant le développement de réacteurs de fission et de fusion à grande et petite échelle.

US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE) ist in einer Position, um von dem globalen Wandel hin zur Kernenergie im Angesicht von Energieknappheit und steigenden Preisen zu profitieren. Das Unternehmen, ein führender Anbieter von Ausrüstung für Kernkraftwerke, steht an der Spitze der Kernenergie-Revolution, während die USA darauf abzielen, die Kapazität der Kernenergie bis 2050 zu verdreifachen.

US Nuclear ist auf fortschrittliche Kerntechnologien spezialisiert, einschließlich modernster Radionuklid-Detektionsinstrumente. Das Unternehmen ist der dominante Anbieter von Instrumenten zur Tritiumüberwachung, die sowohl für Fusions- als auch Fissionsreaktoren unerlässlich sind, und führt den Markt in Wasserüberwachungsinstrumenten und ultrasensitiven Radionuklid-Überwachungssystemen.

Während herkömmliche Energiequellen unzuverlässig und teuer werden, bietet die Kernenergie eine saubere, effiziente und langfristige Lösung zur Deckung des steigenden globalen Energiebedarfs. Die Ausrüstung von US Nuclear ist bereit, eine entscheidende Rolle bei diesem Übergang zu spielen und die Entwicklung von sowohl kleinen als auch großen Fusions- und Fissionsreaktoren zu unterstützen.

  • US Nuclear is positioned to benefit from the global shift towards nuclear power
  • The company is a leading supplier of nuclear power plant equipment
  • US Nuclear is the dominant supplier of tritium monitoring instrumentation
  • The company leads the market in water monitoring and ultra-sensitive radiation monitoring systems
  • US Nuclear's equipment is critical for both fission and fusion reactors
  • None.

LOS ANGELES, CA, Aug. 12, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Worldwide Energy Shortages and Soaring Prices are Driving Nuclear Power Growth for US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE).

Extreme weather, soaring energy prices, and outdated energy infrastructure are leaving millions of people at risk of losing power, and the problems continue to get worse. The U.S. and countries around the world are increasingly turning to nuclear power in an effort to keep up with the surging demand, with the U.S. alone aiming to triple nuclear capacity by 2050, which puts US Nuclear at the forefront of this nuclear power revolution as a main supplier for nuclear power plant equipment.

The ongoing energy crisis, driven by increased demand, supply chain disruptions, and geopolitical tensions, has highlighted the urgent need for a more stable and resilient energy infrastructure. Conventional energy sources such as fossil fuels are becoming increasingly unreliable and expensive, contributing to economic volatility and environmental degradation, while renewables can’t provide the base-load of energy needed. In contrast, nuclear power offers a clean, efficient, and long-term solution to these challenges. There are numerous companies developing innovative nuclear technologies to meet rising demand, including both small-scale and large-scale fission and fusion reactors.

US Nuclear’s advanced nuclear technologies, including cutting-edge radiation detection instruments, are poised to play a critical role in meeting the energy needs of the future as each reactor will require significant radiation monitoring equipment. US Nuclear is the main dominant supplier of tritium monitoring instrumentation which is essential for both fission and fusion based reactors, and are also the market leaders in water monitoring instrumentation and ultra-sensitive radiation monitoring systems.

As global energy demand continues to outstrip supply, resulting in rising costs and instability, US Nuclear reaffirms its mission to provide safe, reliable, and environmentally-friendly equipment for nuclear energy solutions.

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This press release includes "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the safe harbor provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Actual results may differ from expectations, estimates and projections and, consequently, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Words such as "expect," "estimate," "project," "budget," "forecast," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "may," "will," "could," "should," "believes," "predicts," "potential," "continue," and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve significant risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual results to differ materially from the expected results.

Investors may find additional information regarding US Nuclear Corp. at the SEC website at, or the company’s website at


US Nuclear Corp. (OTC-QB: UCLE)
Robert I. Goldstein, President, CEO, and Chairman
Michael Hastings, Chief Financial Officer
Ph: (818) 883 7043


What is driving the growth of nuclear power for US Nuclear Corp (UCLE)?

Worldwide energy shortages, soaring prices, extreme weather, and outdated energy infrastructure are driving the growth of nuclear power, benefiting US Nuclear Corp (UCLE) as a main supplier of nuclear power plant equipment.

What is US Nuclear Corp's (UCLE) role in the nuclear power industry?

US Nuclear Corp (UCLE) is a leading supplier of nuclear power plant equipment, specializing in advanced nuclear technologies, including cutting-edge radiation detection instruments, tritium monitoring instrumentation, and water monitoring systems.

How does the U.S. plan to increase nuclear capacity, and how does it affect US Nuclear Corp (UCLE)?

The U.S. aims to triple nuclear capacity by 2050, which puts US Nuclear Corp (UCLE) at the forefront of this nuclear power revolution as a main supplier for nuclear power plant equipment.

What are the key products offered by US Nuclear Corp (UCLE) for the nuclear industry?

US Nuclear Corp (UCLE) offers tritium monitoring instrumentation, water monitoring instrumentation, and ultra-sensitive radiation monitoring systems, which are essential for both fission and fusion reactors.



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Scientific & Technical Instruments
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Canoga Park