United Community Banks, Inc. Announces Transfer of Listing of Common Stock and Depositary Shares to NYSE
United Community Banks, Inc. (UCBI) has announced its decision to transfer the listing of its common stock and Depositary Shares from Nasdaq to the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). The transition is set to take effect on August 6, 2024, with trading commencing at market open under new ticker symbols: 'UCB' for common stock and 'UCB PRI' for depositary shares.
CEO Lynn Harton expressed excitement about the move, citing the potential for greater visibility for the company and its shareholders. The company plans to celebrate this milestone by ringing The Opening Bell with its Board of Directors later in August. Chris Taylor, VP of Global Head of Listings and Services at NYSE Group, welcomed United Community Banks to the exchange, noting its fit among the NYSE's community of leading banks.
United Community Banks, Inc. (UCBI) ha annunciato la decisione di trasferire la quotazione delle sue azioni ordinarie e delle Azioni di Deposito da Nasdaq alla New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). La transizione avrà effetto il 6 agosto 2024, con l'inizio delle negoziazioni a mercato aperto sotto nuovi simboli di ticker: 'UCB' per le azioni ordinarie e 'UCB PRI' per le azioni di deposito.
Il CEO Lynn Harton ha espresso entusiasmo riguardo a questo passo, citando il potenziale per una maggiore visibilità per l'azienda e i suoi azionisti. L'azienda prevede di celebrare questo traguardo suonando la Campana di Apertura con il suo Consiglio di Amministrazione a fine agosto. Chris Taylor, VP del Global Head of Listings and Services presso il NYSE Group, ha accolto United Community Banks nell'exchange, notando la sua affinità con la comunità di banche leader del NYSE.
United Community Banks, Inc. (UCBI) ha anunciado su decisión de trasladar la cotización de sus acciones ordinarias y de las Acciones de Depósito de Nasdaq a la Bolsa de Nueva York (NYSE). La transición entrará en vigor el 6 de agosto de 2024, con el inicio de las negociaciones al abrir el mercado bajo nuevos símbolos de cotización: 'UCB' para las acciones ordinarias y 'UCB PRI' para las acciones de depósito.
El CEO Lynn Harton expresó su entusiasmo por este movimiento, citando el potencial para una mayor visibilidad para la empresa y sus accionistas. La compañía planea celebrar este hito tocando la Campana de Apertura con su Junta Directiva a finales de agosto. Chris Taylor, VP del Global Head of Listings and Services en NYSE Group, dio la bienvenida a United Community Banks en el exchange, destacando su encaje entre la comunidad de bancos líderes de NYSE.
United Community Banks, Inc. (UCBI)는 일반 주식 및 예탁 주식의 상장을 Nasdaq에서 뉴욕 증권 거래소 (NYSE)로 이전하기로 결정했다고 발표했습니다. 이 전환은 2024년 8월 6일부터 시행될 예정이며, 새로운 티커 기호 아래에서 시장 개장과 함께 거래가 시작됩니다: 일반 주식용 'UCB'와 예탁 주식용 'UCB PRI'입니다.
CEO Lynn Harton은 이 조치에 대해 흥분을 표하며, 회사와 주주들에게 더 큰 가시성의 잠재력을 언급했습니다. 회사는 8월 말 이사회와 함께 개장종을 울리며 이 이정표를 축하할 계획입니다. NYSE 그룹의 Global Head of Listings and Services인 Chris Taylor는 United Community Banks를 거래소에 환영하며, NYSE의 선도 은행 커뮤니티에 적합하다고 언급했습니다.
United Community Banks, Inc. (UCBI) a annoncé sa décision de transférer la cotation de ses actions ordinaires et de ses Actions de Dépôt de Nasdaq à la Bourse de New York (NYSE). La transition doit entrer en vigueur le 6 août 2024, avec le début des échanges à l'ouverture du marché sous de nouveaux symboles boursiers : 'UCB' pour les actions ordinaires et 'UCB PRI' pour les actions de dépôt.
Le PDG Lynn Harton a exprimé son enthousiasme à propos de cette démarche, soulignant le potentiel pour une meilleure visibilité pour l'entreprise et ses actionnaires. L'entreprise prévoit de célébrer cet événement en sonnant la Cloche d'Ouverture avec son Conseil d'Administration plus tard en août. Chris Taylor, VP du Global Head of Listings and Services au NYSE Group, a accueilli United Community Banks sur la Bourse, notant son adéquation au sein de la communauté des banques leaders de la NYSE.
United Community Banks, Inc. (UCBI) hat bekannt gegeben, dass die Gesellschaft beschlossen hat, die Notierung ihrer Stammaktien und Einlagenaktien von Nasdaq an die New Yorker Börse (NYSE) zu verlagern. Der Übergang soll am 6. August 2024 in Kraft treten, wobei der Handel unter neuen Tickersymbolen beginnt: 'UCB' für Stammaktien und 'UCB PRI' für Einlagenaktien.
CEO Lynn Harton äußerte seine Begeisterung über diesen Schritt und verwies auf das Potenzial für größere Sichtbarkeit für das Unternehmen und seine Aktionäre. Das Unternehmen plant, diesen Meilenstein später im August mit dem Läuten der Eröffnungsmesse zusammen mit dem Vorstand zu feiern. Chris Taylor, VP des Global Head of Listings and Services bei NYSE Group, begrüßte United Community Banks an der Börse und hob hervor, dass das Unternehmen gut in die Gemeinschaft führender Banken der NYSE passt.
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GREENVILLE, S.C., July 26, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ: UCBI; UCBIO) (the “Company” or “United”) announced today that the Company will transfer the listing of its common stock and its Depositary Shares (each representing 1/1000th interest in a share of Series I Non-Cumulative Preferred Stock) from the Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) to the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”). The Company expects to commence trading as a NYSE-listed company upon market open on August 6, 2024. United’s common stock and depositary shares will trade under new ticker symbols, “UCB” and “UCB PRI”, respectively, after the transfer. The Company’s common stock and depositary shares will continue to trade on Nasdaq until the close of the market on August 5, 2024.
“We are excited to announce our partnership with NYSE,” said United CEO, Lynn Harton. “In joining the world’s largest stock exchange, we believe NYSE will provide greater visibility for our company and shareholders. We look forward to celebrating this occasion and milestone for United by ringing The Opening Bell with our Board of Directors later in August.”
“We’re thrilled to welcome United Community Banks, Inc. to the New York Stock Exchange,” said Chris Taylor, Vice President, Global Head of Listings and Services at NYSE Group. “As the listing venue for many of the world’s leading banks, the Company should feel right at home among our community of icons and disruptors.”
About United Community Banks, Inc.
United Community Banks, Inc. (NASDAQ: UCBI; UCBIO) is the financial holding company for United Community, a top 100 U.S. financial institution that is committed to improving the financial health and well-being of its customers and the communities it serves. United Community provides a full range of banking, wealth management and mortgage services. As of June 30, 2024, United Community Banks, Inc. had
For more information:
Jefferson Harralson
Chief Financial Officer
(864) 240-6208

When will United Community Banks (UCBI) start trading on the NYSE?
What will be the new ticker symbols for United Community Banks on the NYSE?
Why is United Community Banks (UCBI) moving its listing to the NYSE?