Wayve and Uber Partner to Accelerate the Future of Automated Driving

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Wayve, a leader in Embodied AI for self-driving, has announced a strategic partnership with Uber (NYSE: UBER). Uber will make a strategic investment in Wayve as part of the company's Series C funding round. The collaboration aims to accelerate the development of automated driving capabilities across various levels, from Level 2+ advanced driver assistance to Level 4 autonomous vehicles.

Key aspects of the partnership include:

  • Collaboration with automotive OEMs to enhance consumer vehicles
  • Deployment of future Wayve-powered self-driving vehicles on the Uber network globally
  • Focus on Wayve's mapless end-to-end AI technology for automated vehicles
  • Potential access to Uber's network of over 150 million monthly global users

This partnership aligns with both companies' vision of reimagining mobility and accelerating the adoption of autonomous driving technologies worldwide.

Wayve, leader nell'IA incarnata per la guida autonoma, ha annunciato una partnership strategica con Uber (NYSE: UBER). Uber effettuerà un investimento strategico in Wayve come parte del round di finanziamento di Serie C dell'azienda. La collaborazione mira ad accelerare lo sviluppo delle capacità di guida automatizzata su vari livelli, dal livello 2+ di assistenza alla guida avanzata ai veicoli autonomi di livello 4.

Gli aspetti chiave della partnership includono:

  • Collaborazione con produttori automobilistici OEM per migliorare i veicoli per i consumatori
  • Distribuzione di futuri veicoli a guida autonoma alimentati da Wayve nella rete globale di Uber
  • Focus sulla tecnologia AI end-to-end senza mappa di Wayve per veicoli automatizzati
  • Accesso potenziale alla rete di oltre 150 milioni di utenti globali mensili di Uber

Questa partnership è in linea con la visione di entrambe le aziende di reinventare la mobilità e accelerare l'adozione delle tecnologie di guida autonoma in tutto il mondo.

Wayve, líder en IA incorporada para la conducción autónoma, ha anunciado una asociación estratégica con Uber (NYSE: UBER). Uber realizará una inversión estratégica en Wayve como parte de la ronda de financiación Serie C de la compañía. La colaboración tiene como objetivo acelerar el desarrollo de capacidades de conducción automatizada en varios niveles, desde el nivel 2+ de asistencia avanzada al conductor hasta vehículos autónomos de nivel 4.

Los aspectos clave de la asociación incluyen:

  • Colaboración con fabricantes de automóviles OEM para mejorar los vehículos de consumo
  • Despliegue de futuros vehículos de conducción autónoma impulsados por Wayve en la red global de Uber
  • Enfoque en la tecnología de IA de Wayve para vehículos automatizados que no utiliza mapas
  • Acceso potencial a la red de más de 150 millones de usuarios globales mensuales de Uber

Esta asociación se alinea con la visión de ambas empresas de reinventar la movilidad y acelerar la adopción de tecnologías de conducción autónoma en todo el mundo.

자율 주행을 위한 구현된 AI의 선두주자인 Wayve가 Uber와의 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다 (NYSE: UBER). Uber는 회사의 시리즈 C 펀딩 라운드의 일환으로 Wayve에 전략적 투자를 진행할 것입니다. 이 협력은 자동화된 주행 능력의 개발을 가속화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이는 고급 운전 지원의 레벨 2+에서 레벨 4 자율주행차까지 다양한 레벨에 걸쳐 있습니다.

파트너십의 주요 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 소비자 차량 강화를 위한 자동차 OEM과의 협력
  • Wayve를 기반으로 한 미래의 자율주행차를 Uber 네트워크에 전 세계적으로 배포
  • 자동차를 위한 Wayve의 맵리스 엔드 투 엔드 AI 기술에 집중
  • Uber의 월 1억 5천만 명 이상의 글로벌 사용자 네트워크에 대한 잠재적 접근

이 파트너십은 이동성을 재구성하고 전 세계적으로 자율주행 기술의 채택을 가속화하려는 두 회사의 비전에 부합합니다.

Wayve, un leader en IA incarnée pour la conduite autonome, a annoncé un partenariat stratégique avec Uber (NYSE: UBER). Uber va réaliser un investissement stratégique dans Wayve dans le cadre de la levée de fonds de série C de l'entreprise. La collaboration vise à accélérer le développement des capacités de conduite automatisée à différents niveaux, du niveau 2+ d'assistance à la conduite avancée aux véhicules autonomes de niveau 4.

Les aspects clés du partenariat incluent :

  • Collaboration avec des fabricants de véhicules OEM pour améliorer les véhicules de consommation
  • Déploiement de futurs véhicules autonomes propulsés par Wayve sur le réseau mondial d'Uber
  • Concentration sur la technologie d'IA sans carte de Wayve pour les véhicules automatisés
  • Accès potentiel au réseau d'Uber de plus de 150 millions d'utilisateurs globaux mensuels

Ce partenariat s'aligne avec la vision des deux entreprises de réinventer la mobilité et d'accélérer l'adoption des technologies de conduite autonome dans le monde entier.

Wayve, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich verkörperte KI für autonomes Fahren, hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Uber (NYSE: UBER) angekündigt. Uber wird eine strategische Investition in Wayve im Rahmen der Finanzierungsrunde der Serie C tätigen. Die Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, die Entwicklung automatisierter Fahrfähigkeiten auf verschiedenen Ebenen zu beschleunigen, von Level 2+ mit fortschrittlicher Fahrerassistenz bis hin zu Level 4 autonomen Fahrzeugen.

Die wichtigsten Aspekte der Partnerschaft umfassen:

  • Zusammenarbeit mit Automobil-OEMs zur Verbesserung von Verbraucherverkehr
  • Einführung zukünftiger von Wayve betriebener autonomer Fahrzeuge im globalen Uber-Netzwerk
  • Fokus auf Wayves mappf reie End-to-End-KI-Technologie für automatisierte Fahrzeuge
  • Potenzieller Zugang zu Ubers Netzwerk von über 150 Millionen monatlichen globalen Nutzern

Diese Partnerschaft steht im Einklang mit der Vision beider Unternehmen, Mobilität neu zu gestalten und die Einführung autonomer Fahrtechnologien weltweit zu beschleunigen.

  • Strategic partnership and investment from Uber, a leading global mobility company
  • Potential access to Uber's network of over 150 million monthly global users
  • Collaboration with automotive OEMs to enhance consumer vehicles with advanced driving capabilities
  • Acceleration of Wayve's development of Level 2+ to Level 4 autonomous vehicles
  • Expansion of Wayve's technology to multiple markets through Uber's global network
  • None.

Wayve's partnership with Uber marks a significant milestone in the autonomous vehicle (AV) industry. Their unique mapless end-to-end AI technology could potentially overcome geographical limitations that have hindered widespread AV adoption. This collaboration aims to accelerate the development of Level 2+ to Level 4 autonomous capabilities, which could revolutionize both personal and ride-sharing transportation.

The strategic investment from Uber not only provides Wayve with additional funding but also access to Uber's vast user base of over 150 million monthly global users. This extensive real-world testing ground could dramatically accelerate Wayve's AI learning and refinement process, potentially giving them a competitive edge in the AV market.

However, it's important to note that despite the promising outlook, the AV industry faces significant regulatory and technical challenges. The timeline for widespread Level 4 autonomous vehicle deployment remains uncertain and investors should approach this development with cautious optimism.

This partnership has the potential to reshape the global ride-sharing and automotive markets. By integrating Wayve's technology into consumer vehicles, it could accelerate the adoption of advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous features in everyday cars. This move aligns with the broader industry trend towards increased vehicle autonomy and could influence consumer expectations for vehicle capabilities.

For Uber, this partnership represents a strategic pivot following the sale of its own AV unit. By partnering with Wayve, Uber can potentially offer autonomous ride-sharing services without the massive R&D costs associated with in-house development. This could improve Uber's profitability in the long term and help it maintain its competitive edge against other ride-sharing platforms.

Investors should monitor how this partnership affects Uber's market position and Wayve's progress in commercializing its technology. The success of this venture could have ripple effects across the automotive, technology and transportation sectors.

  • Wayve and Uber to collaborate with automotive OEMs to use Wayve’s AI to enable a range of automated driving capabilities
  • Companies agree to put future Wayve-powered self-driving vehicles on the Uber network in multiple markets around the world
  • Uber to make a strategic investment in Wayve

LONDON & SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Wayve, a leader in Embodied AI for self-driving, today announced a new strategic partnership with Uber (NYSE: UBER), the world’s leading mobility and delivery network.

Uber has also agreed to make a strategic investment in Wayve as an extension of the company’s previously announced Series C fundraising round.

With the additional funding and support from Uber, Wayve intends to accelerate its work with global OEMs to enhance consumer vehicles with Level 2+ advanced driver assistance and Level 3 automated driving capabilities, while also working towards the development of globally scalable Level 4 autonomous vehicles for future deployment on Uber.

Distinct from traditional AV approaches, Wayve has a unique focus on mapless end-to-end AI technology, designed to allow automated vehicles to operate without geofenced limits. The partnership envisions future Wayve-powered self-driving vehicles being made available on the Uber network in multiple markets around the world, bringing Wayve’s leading technology to Uber’s more than 150 million monthly global users.

Alex Kendall, Co-founder and CEO of Wayve:
“Wayve is building a 'general purpose' driving Al that can power all levels of driving automation in any type of vehicle, anywhere in the world. I’m excited to be teaming up with Uber, the largest mobility network in the world, to massively ramp up our AI’s fleet learning, ensuring our AV technology is safe and ready for global deployment across Uber’s network. Together, we’re excited to work with Automotive OEMs to bring autonomous driving technologies to consumers sooner.”

Dara Khosrowshahi, CEO of Uber:
“Uber and Wayve share a vision of reimagining mobility for the better. Wayve’s advanced Embodied AI approach holds a ton of promise as we work towards a world where modern vehicles are shared, electric and autonomous. We’re thrilled to bring Wayve on as a partner to work alongside automakers as we continue to build out Uber as the best network for self-driving vehicles.”

About Wayve

Founded in 2017, Wayve is the leading developer of Embodied AI technology for automated driving. Their advanced AI software and foundation models for autonomy enable vehicles to perceive, understand, and navigate any environment, enhancing the usability and safety of autonomous driving systems. Wayve is developing mapless and hardware-agnostic Embodied AI products for automakers and fleet owners, accelerating the path from assisted to automated driving. Backed by top investors like SoftBank Group, NVIDIA, and Eclipse Ventures, Wayve’s mission is to reimagine mobility with embodied intelligence. To learn more, please visit

About Uber

Uber’s mission is to create opportunity through movement. We started in 2010 to solve a simple problem: how do you get access to a ride at the touch of a button? More than 52 billion trips later, we’re building products to get people closer to where they want to be. By changing how people, food, and things move through cities, Uber is a platform that opens up the world to new possibilities.



Source: Uber


What is the nature of the partnership between Wayve and Uber (UBER)?

Wayve and Uber (UBER) have formed a strategic partnership where Uber will make a strategic investment in Wayve. They will collaborate to accelerate the development of automated driving capabilities and deploy Wayve-powered self-driving vehicles on Uber's network globally.

How will Wayve's technology be integrated into Uber's (UBER) services?

Future Wayve-powered self-driving vehicles are planned to be made available on Uber's (UBER) network in multiple markets worldwide, potentially reaching Uber's more than 150 million monthly global users.

What levels of automated driving is Wayve developing with Uber (UBER)?

Wayve is working to enhance consumer vehicles with Level 2+ advanced driver assistance and Level 3 automated driving capabilities, while also developing globally scalable Level 4 autonomous vehicles for future deployment on Uber's (UBER) network.

How does Wayve's AI technology differ from traditional autonomous vehicle approaches?

Wayve focuses on mapless end-to-end AI technology, designed to allow automated vehicles to operate without geofenced limits, which is distinct from traditional AV approaches.

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