AgEagle Aerial Systems CEO Issues Letter to Shareholders Highlighting Corporate Actions to Position the Company for Long-Term Value

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AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) CEO Bill Irby has issued a letter to shareholders highlighting recent corporate actions aimed at positioning the company for long-term value. Key points include:

1. Completion of a $6.5M capital raise and a 50:1 reverse stock split.
2. Fulfillment of two largest orders in company history, totaling $5.5M for French Army and UAE security forces.
3. Implementation of new KPIs and operational processes.
4. Shift in strategic focus to three vertical markets: military, public safety, and agricultural/commercial.
5. Introduction of the eBee VISION™ drone as core product.
6. Recent purchase orders for 17 U.S. eBee TAC units in October.
7. Initiation of site optimization project, including expansion of U.S. production.

Irby expresses optimism about the company's future, citing operational progress and strategic realignment as key factors for potential growth and increased shareholder value.

Il CEO di AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS), Bill Irby, ha inviato una lettera agli azionisti evidenziando le recenti azioni aziendali volte a posizionare l'azienda per un valore a lungo termine. I punti chiave includono:

1. Completamento di un incremento di capitale di $6.5M e uno split azionario inverso 50:1.
2. Realizzazione dei due più grandi ordini della storia dell'azienda, per un totale di $5.5M per l'Esercito francese e le forze di sicurezza degli Emirati Arabi Uniti.
3. Implementazione di nuovi KPI e processi operativi.
4. Cambiamento del focus strategico verso tre mercati verticali: militare, sicurezza pubblica e agricolo/commerciale.
5. Introduzione del drone eBee VISION™ come prodotto principale.
6. Recenti ordini di acquisto per 17 unità eBee TAC negli Stati Uniti a ottobre.
7. Avvio di un progetto di ottimizzazione del sito, inclusa l'espansione della produzione negli Stati Uniti.

Irby esprime ottimismo riguardo al futuro dell'azienda, citando i progressi operativi e il riallineamento strategico come fattori chiave per la potenziale crescita e l'aumento del valore per gli azionisti.

El CEO de AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS), Bill Irby, ha emitido una carta a los accionistas destacando las recientes acciones corporativas destinadas a posicionar a la empresa para un valor a largo plazo. Los puntos clave incluyen:

1. Finalización de una recaudación de capital de $6.5M y un dividendo de acciones inverso 50:1.
2. Cumplimiento de los dos pedidos más grandes en la historia de la empresa, totalizando $5.5M para el Ejército francés y las fuerzas de seguridad de los EAU.
3. Implementación de nuevos KPI y procesos operativos.
4. Cambio en el enfoque estratégico hacia tres mercados verticales: militar, seguridad pública y agrícola/comercial.
5. Introducción del dron eBee VISION™ como producto principal.
6. Órdenes de compra recientes para 17 unidades eBee TAC en EE. UU. en octubre.
7. Inicio de un proyecto de optimización del sitio, incluyendo la expansión de la producción en EE. UU.

Irby expresa optimismo sobre el futuro de la empresa, citando el progreso operativo y el reajuste estratégico como factores clave para el crecimiento potencial y el aumento del valor para los accionistas.

AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS)의 CEO 빌 어비(Bill Irby)는 장기적인 가치를 목표로 한 최근 기업 행동을 강조한 주주들에게 보낸 서한을 발표했습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 65억 달러의 자본 조달 완료 및 50:1 주식 분할.
2. 프랑스 군대와 아랍에미리트 보안군을 위한 55억 달러 규모의 역사상 두 번째로 큰 주문 이행.
3. 새로운 KPI 및 운영 프로세스의 구현.
4. 군사, 공공 안전 및 농업/상업라는 세 가지 수직 시장으로 전략 초점 변경.
5. 핵심 제품으로 eBee VISION™ 드론 도입.
6. 10월 미국에서 17대의 eBee TAC 유닛에 대한 최근 구매 주문.
7. 미국 생산 확대를 포함한 사이트 최적화 프로젝트 시작.

어비는 운영 개선 및 전략적 재조정이 잠재적 성장과 주주 가치를 높이는 핵심 요소라고 언급하면서 회사의 미래에 대한 낙관적인 시각을 표현했습니다.

Le CEO d'AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS), Bill Irby, a adressé une lettre aux actionnaires soulignant les actions récentes de l'entreprise visant à positionner la société pour une valeur à long terme. Les points clés incluent :

1. Achèvement d'une levée de fonds de 6,5 millions de dollars et d'un rachat d'actions inversé 50:1.
2. Exécution des deux plus grosses commandes de l'histoire de l'entreprise, totalisant 5,5 millions de dollars pour l'Armée française et les forces de sécurité des Émirats Arabes Unis.
3. Mise en œuvre de nouveaux indicateurs de performance et de processus opérationnels.
4. Changement de l'orientation stratégique vers trois marchés verticaux : militaire, sécurité publique et agricole/commercial.
5. Introduction du drone eBee VISION™ comme produit phare.
6. Commandes récentes pour 17 unités eBee TAC aux États-Unis en octobre.
7. Lancement d'un projet d'optimisation des sites, y compris l'expansion de la production aux États-Unis.

Irby exprime son optimisme quant à l'avenir de l'entreprise, citant les avancées opérationnelles et le réajustement stratégique comme des facteurs clés pour une croissance potentielle et une valeur accrue pour les actionnaires.

CEO von AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS), Bill Irby, hat einen Brief an die Aktionäre veröffentlicht, in dem er die jüngsten Unternehmensmaßnahmen hervorhebt, die darauf abzielen, das Unternehmen für langfristigen Wert zu positionieren. Die wichtigsten Punkte umfassen:

1. Abschluss einer Kapitalerhöhung von 6,5 Mio. USD und einem 50:1 Reverse-Aktiensplit.
2. Erfüllung der zwei größten Aufträge in der Unternehmensgeschichte, die insgesamt 5,5 Mio. USD für die französische Armee und die Sicherheitskräfte der VAE betragen.
3. Implementierung neuer KPIs und Betriebsprozesse.
4. Strategische Neuausrichtung auf drei vertikale Märkte: militärisch, öffentliche Sicherheit und landwirtschaftlich/kommerziell.
5. Einführung der eBee VISION™ Drohne als Hauptprodukt.
6. Kürzliche Bestellungen für 17 US-eBee TAC-Einheiten im Oktober.
7. Initiierung eines Projekts zur Standortoptimierung, einschließlich der Erweiterung der Produktion in den USA.

Irby äußert Optimismus über die Zukunft des Unternehmens und nennt betriebliche Fortschritte und strategische Neuausrichtung als Schlüsselfaktoren für potenzielles Wachstum und erhöhten Aktionärswert.

  • Secured two largest orders in company history, totaling $5.5M for French Army and UAE security forces
  • Implemented new KPIs and operational processes for improved efficiency
  • Shifted focus to three high-potential vertical markets: military, public safety, and agricultural/commercial
  • Introduced eBee VISION™ drone as core product for future growth
  • Received purchase orders for 17 U.S. eBee TAC units in October
  • Initiated site optimization project, including expansion of U.S. production
  • Completed a $6.5M capital raise, potentially diluting existing shareholders
  • Executed a 50:1 reverse stock split, indicating previous stock price challenges
  • Trading was halted on October 4th, though it has since resumed
  • Evaluating downsizing of European facility due to under-utilized floor space


AgEagle's recent actions demonstrate a strategic pivot towards defense and security markets, potentially opening up significant revenue streams. The $5.5M orders from the French Army and UAE security forces, along with 17 new U.S. eBee TAC unit orders, indicate growing traction in this sector. The company's focus on the eBee VISION™ drone and its unique capabilities could position AgEagle competitively in the ISR and terrain analysis markets. However, the recent $6.5M capital raise and 50:1 reverse stock split suggest financial challenges. The shift from 11 to 3 vertical markets may streamline operations but also increases market concentration risk. While the new strategic direction shows promise, the company's small market cap of $1.9M and recent stock performance indicate significant hurdles ahead. Investors should closely monitor AgEagle's ability to execute its new strategy and achieve sustainable growth.

AgEagle's financial position remains precarious despite recent strategic shifts. The $6.5M capital raise and 50:1 reverse stock split indicate severe dilution and a struggle to maintain NYSE listing requirements. With a market cap of only $1.9M, the company is operating on thin margins. The $5.5M in new orders is promising, but it's important to see consistent revenue growth and profitability. The shift to focus on three key markets could improve operational efficiency, but it also increases vulnerability to sector-specific downturns. The planned U.S. production expansion and European downsizing may optimize costs, but execution risks remain. While the new strategy shows potential, AgEagle needs to demonstrate significant revenue growth and a clear path to profitability to justify investor confidence. The company's ability to secure follow-on orders and expand its customer base will be critical in the coming quarters.

WICHITA, Kan., Oct. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc. (NYSE: UAVS) a leading provider of best-in-class unmanned aerial systems (UAS), sensors and software solutions for customers worldwide in the commercial and government verticals, today issues a Letter to Stockholders from Company CEO Bill Irby.

Dear Stockholders:

First, I want to extend my appreciation for the trust and confidence you have placed in AgEagle. Upon taking over as CEO from Grant Begley (former interim CEO and current Board Chairman), we have been evolving and advancing AgEagle toward the creation of maximum long-term shareholder value.

To fund our aggressive growth plans, we recently completed a $6.5M capital raise. The market’s reaction was a continued decline in our stock price. It became necessary to plan and execute a 50:1 reverse stock split. Our trading was halted October 4th but has since resumed, and I am truly optimistic regarding the path ahead as I believe that the company is currently under-valued for the following reasons:

AgEagle has made tremendous operational progress.

  • Not only did we win the two largest orders in company history, totaling $5.5M for the French Army and UAE security forces, but we are now fulfilling the final deliveries required under those orders, with follow-on orders pending.

  • We signed a teaming agreement with a large, well-known company for a major European competition.

  • We implemented new KPI’s for regular progress measurement, to enable measured decisions, balancing quality and speed in our production. These KPI’s include measures such as on-time delivery statistics, inventory goals, and quality metrics.

  • We enacted a new sales, inventory, and operations planning (SIOP) process to align cross-department efforts for the best outcomes.

  • We introduced a new Enterprise Resource Planning software tool within our US operations, and created a new e-commerce website (

  • We are currently undergoing an ISO-9001 recertification of our engineering, UAV production and distribution operation (expected completion in Q1 2025).

AgEagle is Executing its new Strategic Plan – Shifting Significantly for Growth

  • We have re-defined our mission – “Reaching beyond to provide unmatched insights that enhance operations, safeguard communities, and optimize productivity.”

  • We are re-dedicating our culture to four main values: innovation, integrity, transparency, and passion. Aligning the entire team, our most valuable resources – people, around these key cultural elements will enable high-performance culture.

  • We are refocusing our markets – moving from 11 vertical markets to 3 vertical markets, namely military, public safety, and agricultural/commercial. This shift demands a focus on precise, real-time data collection enabling ISR collection and terrain analysis/mapping.

  • We are re-shaping our portfolio – the eBee VISION, our newest drone product, will serves as the core aircraft for new capabilities, capitalizing on its unique combination of range, low observability, and high mobility/portability, providing high value to its users. Additionally, we are evaluating targeted opportunities for mergers & acquisitions.

  • We are demonstrating growth in Defense & Security – not only did we achieve the two largest contracts in company history this year, but we just booked purchase orders for 17 U.S. eBee TAC units in October, further validating our growth strategy in defense & security.

  • Finally, we are initiating a site optimization project to meet our increasing demand, with the first step being the expansion of eBee VISION production, adding a drone production line in the U.S.A. to meet U.S. demand, as we are evaluating our facility size for downsizing in Europe due to under-utilized floor space.

In conclusion, through a combination of our key initiatives, growing demand, and demonstrated progress in our newest market, I believe AgEagle is on the correct path to increase long-term shareholder value. We appreciate your continued support.


Bill Irby

About AgEagle Aerial Systems Inc.

Through its three centers of excellence, AgEagle is actively engaged in designing and delivering best-in-class flight hardware, sensors and software that solve important problems for its customers. Founded in 2010, AgEagle was originally formed to pioneer proprietary, professional-grade, fixed-winged drones and aerial imagery-based data collection and analytics solutions for the agriculture industry. Today, AgEagle is a leading provider of full stack UAS, sensors and software solutions for customers worldwide in the energy, construction, agriculture, and government verticals. For additional information, please visit our website at

Forward-Looking Statements 

Certain statements in this press release may constitute “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. All statements, other than statements of historical fact, contained in this press release are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements contained in this press release may be identified by the use of words such as “anticipate,” “believe,” “contemplate,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “intend,” “seek,” “may,” “might,” “plan,” “potential,” “predict,” “project,” “suggest,” “target,” “aim,” “should,” "will,” “would,” or the negative of these words or other similar expressions, although not all forward-looking statements contain these words. Forward-looking statements are based on AgEagle’s current expectations and are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and assumptions that are difficult to predict, including risks related to the timing and fulfilment of current and future orders relating to AgEagle’s products, the success of new programs, the ability to implement a new strategic plan and the success of a new strategic plan. Further, certain forward-looking statements are based on assumptions as to future events that may not prove to be accurate. For a further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those expressed in these forward-looking statements, as well as risks relating to the business of AgEagle in general, see the risk disclosures in the Annual Report on Form 10-K of AgEagle for the year ended December 31, 2023, and in subsequent reports on Forms 10-Q and 8-K and other filings made with the SEC by AgEagle. All such forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made, and AgEagle undertakes no obligation to update or revise these statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

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What recent capital actions did AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) take?

AgEagle recently completed a $6.5M capital raise and executed a 50:1 reverse stock split to fund aggressive growth plans and address stock price challenges.

What major orders has AgEagle Aerial Systems (UAVS) recently secured?

AgEagle secured two orders totaling $5.5M for the French Army and UAE security forces, which are the largest in the company's history.

What is AgEagle's (UAVS) new strategic focus?

AgEagle has shifted its focus to three vertical markets: military, public safety, and agricultural/commercial, moving away from its previous 11 vertical markets.

What is the eBee VISION™ and why is it important for AgEagle (UAVS)?

The eBee VISION™ is AgEagle's newest drone product, serving as the core aircraft for new capabilities. It offers a unique combination of range, low observability, and high mobility/portability.

How is AgEagle (UAVS) expanding its production capabilities?

AgEagle is initiating a site optimization project, which includes expanding eBee VISION production and adding a drone production line in the U.S. to meet increasing demand.

AgEagle Aerial Systems, Inc.


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