United to restart service to Tel Aviv, Israel
United Airlines (UAL) has announced plans to resume flights between New York/Newark and Tel Aviv, Israel, starting March 15, 2024. The airline will initially operate one daily flight, with a second daily service beginning March 29. The routes will be serviced by Boeing 787-10 aircraft.
This development makes United the first U.S. airline to restart service to Tel Aviv this year. The decision follows a comprehensive operational assessment and collaboration with flight attendant and pilot unions. United maintains connections to Tel Aviv through partnership with Lufthansa Group airlines and will consider restoring additional flights based on market demand.
United Airlines (UAL) ha annunciato piani per riprendere i voli tra New York/Newark e Tel Aviv, Israele, a partire dal 15 marzo 2024. La compagnia aerea opererà inizialmente un volo giornaliero, con un secondo servizio quotidiano che inizierà il 29 marzo. I percorsi saranno serviti da aeromobili Boeing 787-10.
Questo sviluppo rende United la prima compagnia aerea statunitense a riprendere il servizio verso Tel Aviv quest'anno. La decisione segue una valutazione operativa completa e la collaborazione con i sindacati degli assistenti di volo e dei piloti. United mantiene collegamenti verso Tel Aviv attraverso partnership con le compagnie aeree del Gruppo Lufthansa e prenderà in considerazione il ripristino di ulteriori voli in base alla domanda di mercato.
United Airlines (UAL) ha anunciado planes para reanudar vuelos entre Nueva York/Newark y Tel Aviv, Israel, comenzando el 15 de marzo de 2024. La aerolínea inicialmente operará un vuelo diario, con un segundo servicio diario comenzando el 29 de marzo. Las rutas serán atendidas por aeronaves Boeing 787-10.
Este desarrollo convierte a United en la primera aerolínea estadounidense en reiniciar el servicio a Tel Aviv este año. La decisión sigue a una evaluación operativa completa y a la colaboración con los sindicatos de asistentes de vuelo y pilotos. United mantiene conexiones a Tel Aviv a través de asociaciones con las aerolíneas del Grupo Lufthansa y considerará restaurar vuelos adicionales en función de la demanda del mercado.
유나이티드 항공 (UAL)은 2024년 3월 15일부터 뉴욕/뉴어크와 이스라엘 텔아비브 간의 항공편을 다시 시작할 계획을 발표했습니다. 항공사는 초기에 하루에 한 편의 항공편을 운영하며, 3월 29일부터는 두 번째 하루에 한 편의 서비스를 시작할 것입니다. 이 노선은 Boeing 787-10 항공기로 운항됩니다.
이번 개발로 유나이티드는 올해 텔아비브에 서비스를 재개하는 첫 번째 미국 항공사가 되었습니다. 이 결정은 종합적인 운영 평가와 승무원 및 파일럿 노조와의 협업에 따라 이루어졌습니다. 유나이티드는 루프트한자 그룹 항공사와의 파트너십을 통해 텔아비브와의 연결을 유지하고 있으며, 시장 수요에 따라 추가 항공편을 복원할지를 검토할 것입니다.
United Airlines (UAL) a annoncé des plans pour reprendre les vols entre New York/Newark et Tel Aviv, Israël, à partir du 15 mars 2024. La compagnie aérienne opérera initialement un vol quotidien, avec un second service quotidien commençant le 29 mars. Les itinéraires seront desservis par des avions Boeing 787-10.
Ce développement fait de United la première compagnie aérienne américaine à relancer le service vers Tel Aviv cette année. Cette décision fait suite à une évaluation opérationnelle complète et à une collaboration avec les syndicats des stewards et pilotes. United maintient des connexions vers Tel Aviv grâce à des partenariats avec les compagnies aériennes du groupe Lufthansa et envisagera de rétablir des vols supplémentaires en fonction de la demande du marché.
United Airlines (UAL) hat Pläne angekündigt, die Flüge zwischen New York/Newark und Tel Aviv, Israel, ab dem 15. März 2024 wiederaufzunehmen. Die Fluggesellschaft wird zunächst einen täglichen Flug durchführen, wobei ein zweiter täglicher Service am 29. März beginnt. Die Routen werden mit Boeing 787-10 Flugzeugen bedient.
Diese Entwicklung macht United zur ersten US-Fluggesellschaft, die in diesem Jahr den Dienst nach Tel Aviv wieder aufnimmt. Die Entscheidung folgt einer umfassenden betrieblichen Bewertung und der Zusammenarbeit mit den Flugbegleiter- und Pilotenverbänden. United hält Verbindungen zu Tel Aviv über Partnerschaften mit den Fluggesellschaften der Lufthansa Gruppe aufrecht und wird prüfen, zusätzliche Flüge je nach Marktnachfrage wiederherzustellen.
- First U.S. airline to resume Tel Aviv service in 2024
- Expanding route capacity with two daily flights
- Strategic partnership with Lufthansa Group maintaining market presence
- service restoration compared to pre-disruption levels
- Potential operational risks in a volatile region
The resumption of Tel Aviv services represents a strategic coup for United Airlines, establishing a first-mover advantage in a historically lucrative market. The Newark-Tel Aviv route has traditionally been one of the highest-yielding international routes from the U.S., particularly given the strong business and VFR (Visiting Friends and Relatives) traffic.
The deployment of the Boeing 787-10 aircraft is particularly noteworthy. This aircraft offers optimal capacity and operating economics for this route profile, with approximately 318 seats and the fuel efficiency needed for long-haul operations. The two-phase resumption strategy - starting March 15 with one daily flight and adding a second on March 29 - demonstrates a calculated approach to capacity reintroduction.
United's early return to the market could potentially secure key corporate contracts and travel agency relationships, which typically have annual renewal cycles. The timing of the announcement, coming before other U.S. carriers, positions United to capture pent-up demand and potentially lock in higher yield bookings for the upcoming peak summer season.
The collaboration with Lufthansa Group for connections adds a important network dimension, effectively expanding United's reach into secondary markets through strategic partnerships. This multi-faceted approach - combining direct services with partner connections - creates a comprehensive network proposition that could help United capture market share across various customer segments.
The cautious note about evaluating additional flight restorations based on demand suggests a pragmatic approach to network planning, balancing opportunity with risk management. This measured expansion strategy aligns with current industry best practices for market re-entry following service interruptions.
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SOURCE United Airlines