Got the January Blues? United Reveals the Power of the "Booking Boost" to Lift Your Mood

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United Airlines reveals research showing 73% of Americans experience happiness when booking flights to new destinations. The company partnered with cognitive scientist Dr. Laurie Santos to analyze the connection between happiness and vacation planning. The research indicates that 68% of people need something to look forward to in January, with travel purchases providing twice the happiness boost compared to buying material goods.

The airline announced its largest-ever international expansion, adding eight new destinations including Ulaanbaatar, Kaohsiung, Nuuk, Palermo, Bilbao, Madeira Island, Faro, and Dakar. As part of National Plan for Vacation Day, United is offering bonus miles for trips booked to 25 exclusive international destinations where it's the only U.S. carrier providing service.

United's MileagePlus program offers benefits including no expiring miles, no blackout dates, and the ability to pool miles with family and friends.

United Airlines rivela una ricerca che mostra come il 73% degli americani provi felicità quando prenota voli per nuove destinazioni. L'azienda ha collaborato con la scienziata cognitiva Dr. Laurie Santos per analizzare il legame tra felicità e pianificazione delle vacanze. La ricerca indica che il 68% delle persone ha bisogno di qualcosa da aspettarsi a gennaio, con gli acquisti di viaggi che forniscono un doppio aumento di felicità rispetto all'acquisto di beni materiali.

La compagnia aerea ha annunciato la sua più grande espansione internazionale di sempre, aggiungendo otto nuove destinazioni tra cui Ulaanbaatar, Kaohsiung, Nuuk, Palermo, Bilbao, Isola di Madeira, Faro e Dakar. Nell’ambito della Giornata Nazionale della Pianificazione delle Vacanze, United offre miglia bonus per viaggi prenotati verso 25 esclusive destinazioni internazionali in cui è l'unico vettore statunitense a fornire servizio.

Il programma MileagePlus di United offre vantaggi tra cui miglia che non scadono, nessuna data di blackout e la possibilità di unire miglia con familiari e amici.

United Airlines revela una investigación que muestra que el 73% de los estadounidenses experimentan felicidad al reservar vuelos a nuevos destinos. La compañía se asoció con la científica cognitiva Dra. Laurie Santos para analizar la conexión entre la felicidad y la planificación de vacaciones. La investigación indica que el 68% de las personas necesita algo que esperar en enero, siendo las compras de viajes las que ofrecen el doble de aumento en la felicidad en comparación con la compra de bienes materiales.

La aerolínea anunció su mayor expansión internacional de la historia, agregando ocho nuevos destinos que incluyen Ulaanbaatar, Kaohsiung, Nuuk, Palermo, Bilbao, Isla de Madeira, Faro y Dakar. Como parte del Día Nacional de Planificación de Vacaciones, United está ofreciendo millas adicionales para viajes reservados a 25 destinos internacionales exclusivos donde es el único transportista estadounidense que proporciona servicio.

El programa MileagePlus de United ofrece beneficios que incluyen millas que no caducan, sin fechas de bloqueo y la capacidad de acumular millas con familiares y amigos.

유나이티드 항공은 73%의 미국인들이 새로운 목적지로 비행기 표를 예약할 때 행복을 느낀다는 연구 결과를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 행복과 휴가 계획 간의 연결 고리를 분석하기 위해 인지 과학자 로리 산토스 박사와 협력했습니다. 연구에 따르면 68%의 사람들이 1월에는 기대할 무언가가 필요하며, 여행 구매는 물질적 상품 구매에 비해 두 배의 행복 증가를 제공합니다.

항공사는 역대 최대 국제 확장을 발표하며, 울란바토르, 카오슝, 누크, 팔레르모, 빌바오, 마데이라 섬, 파루, 다카르 등 8개의 새로운 목적지를 추가했습니다. 유나이티드는 국가 휴가 계획의 날을 맞아, 미국 항공사 중 유일하게 서비스를 제공하는 25개의 독점 국제 목적지로 예약된 여행에 대해 보너스 마일을 제공합니다.

유나이티드의 MileagePlus 프로그램은 소멸되지 않는 마일, 블랙아웃 날짜 없음, 가족 및 친구와 마일을 모을 수 있는 가능성을 포함한 혜택을 제공합니다.

United Airlines révèle une recherche montrant que 73% des Américains ressentent du bonheur lorsqu'ils réservent des vols vers de nouvelles destinations. La compagnie s'est associée à la scientifique cognitive Dr. Laurie Santos pour analyser le lien entre le bonheur et la planification des vacances. La recherche indique que 68% des personnes ont besoin de quelque chose à attendre en janvier, les achats de voyages offrant un double boost de bonheur par rapport à l'achat de biens matériels.

La compagnie aérienne a annoncé sa plus grande expansion internationale à ce jour, ajoutant huit nouvelles destinations, notamment Oulan-Bator, Kaohsiung, Nuuk, Palerme, Bilbao, l'île de Madère, Faro et Dakar. Dans le cadre de la Journée nationale de la planification des vacances, United offre des miles bonus pour les voyages réservés vers 25 destinations internationales exclusivesoù elle est le seul transporteur américain à offrir ce service.

Le programme MileagePlus de United propose des avantages, notamment des miles qui n'expirent pas, pas de dates de blackout et la possibilité de regrouper des miles avec des amis et de la famille.

United Airlines enthüllt eine Untersuchung, die zeigt, dass 73% der Amerikaner Freude empfinden, wenn sie Flüge zu neuen Zielen buchen. Das Unternehmen hat mit der Kognitionswissenschaftlerin Dr. Laurie Santos zusammengearbeitet, um die Verbindung zwischen Glück und Urlaubsplanung zu analysieren. Die Forschung zeigt, dass 68% der Menschen im Januar etwas erwarten müssen, wobei Reisekäufe eine doppelte Glückssteigerung im Vergleich zum Kauf materieller Güter bieten.

Die Fluggesellschaft kündigte ihre größte internationale Expansion aller Zeiten an, indem sie acht neue Ziele hinzufügt, darunter Ulaanbaatar, Kaohsiung, Nuuk, Palermo, Bilbao, Madeira, Faro und Dakar. Im Rahmen des Nationalen Urlaubstags bietet United Bonusmeilen für Reisen an, die in 25 exklusiven internationalen Zielen gebucht werden, wo sie die einzige US-Fluggesellschaft ist, die dort Dienstleistungen anbietet.

Das MileagePlus-Programm von United bietet Vorteile wie keiner Ablauf der Meilen, keine Sperrdaten und die Möglichkeit, Meilen mit Familie und Freunden zu bündeln.

  • Expansion to 8 new international destinations strengthening market position
  • Largest Transatlantic and Transpacific carrier status
  • Exclusive service to 25 international destinations among U.S. carriers
  • Network coverage of over 360 destinations worldwide
  • None.

New research shows 73% of Americans say booking a plane ticket to a new destination brings them happiness*

On National Plan for Vacation Day, Dr. Laurie Santos, cognitive scientist and renowned Ivy League professor, explains why planning and taking a trip creates lasting brain health and physical well-being

Current or new United MileagePlus members who book travel today can earn bonus miles on trips to one of the airline's unique international destinations

CHICAGO, Jan. 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- United Airlines is celebrating National Plan for Vacation Day with a way to remedy the seasonal blues by teaming up with cognitive scientist Dr. Laurie Santos, host of The Happiness Lab podcast and Ivy League professor, to analyze new research that examines the link between happiness and booking a vacation. According to a new survey* by United, 70% of Americans say booking a plane ticket for a vacation brings them happiness and a majority of people say experiences make them feel happier than material goods.

"Planning a vacation can give you an unexpected happiness bump because experiences matter for our well-being more than we expect," said Dr. Santos. "When you book a vacation, you experience the reward of anticipating a positive experience. The happiness boost we get from travel can last long after you book your ticket - from the moments you happily anticipate your getaway, to taking the fun trip itself, to the times you recall trip high points with friends once you get back home."

Customers can receive bonus miles and get their booking boost today if they book a trip from the U.S. to one of 25 international destinations where United is the only U.S. airline providing service. As the world's largest airline, United connects travelers to more than 360 destinations worldwide.

"Booking Boost" Research

United's survey* shows that 68% of people say January is a month where they need something to look forward to, while more than half of Americans report experiencing the winter blues. United's findings also reveal the power of the positive mood-boost that occurs when a flight for vacation is booked, showing people are almost as happy planning their itinerary (73%) and just as happy sharing memories of the trip with others (83%) as they are experiencing the trip (82%).

As a mood elevator, travel is surprisingly more effective than buying material objects. According to research** reviewed by Dr. Santos, the happiness boost from a travel purchase has been shown to be over twice as large as the happiness effect from buying clothing, jewelry or home goods and more than four times as large as buying electronic goods.

"A vacation gives you a bigger and more lasting happiness bump because as humans, we are delighted by the novelty of the unknown. The thrill of a new handbag wears off quickly since you get used to them through a trick our mind does called 'hedonic adaptation,' but travel brings new experiences each day that delight and engage us," said Dr. Santos. "And then we build on that through social connections by traveling with other people and talking about our trip with them later."

United's survey* data also shows that 73% of Americans said they would feel happier booking a flight to a new destination rather than a destination they have already been to. With United's expansive network, including the most international destinations of all U.S. airlines, travelers can experience a new destination starting with a mood boost as soon as they book their flight.

United's Network: Unmatched Travel Destinations

As the world's largest airline, United connects travelers to more than 360 destinations worldwide, and flies to more international destinations than any other U.S. carrier. Next summer, United will offer 800 daily flights to and from 147 international destinations, giving passengers the opportunity to travel to places they've never been all around the globe.

Last fall, United announced its largest-ever international expansion and will soon inaugurate flights to eight new and highly anticipated destinations including, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Nuuk, Greenland; Palermo, Italy; Bilbao, Spain; Madeira Island and Faro, Portugal and Dakar, Senegal.*** The new destinations build on United's position as the largest Transatlantic and Transpacific carrier, with United now serving more destinations in Africa than any other U.S. airline.

In addition, United recently made its new direct flights from Tokyo-Narita to Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and Kaohsiung – destinations no other U.S. airline serves – available for booking, helping to seamlessly connect United's five hub locations in the continental U.S. and transpacific services to Tokyo for unlimited adventure.

United MileagePlus: Booking Boost, Amplified

With so many incredible destinations, United travelers can earn miles through the airline's award-winning MileagePlus loyalty program, including through of United's Chase credit cards.

As an extra booking boost on National Plan for Vacation Day, United is offering bonus miles for trips booked today from the U.S. to one of 25 international destinations that no other U.S. airline serves. The offer is available for many of the airline's most unique and off-the-beaten path destinations like Nuuk, Greenland; Palermo, Italy; Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia; Faro, Portugal and Bilbao, Spain.*** For example, a MileagePlus member flying round trip from Newark to Palermo in June could earn 13,000 miles, and one flying from Chicago to Faro in June could earn 10,000 miles.**** And, MileagePlus Premier members can earn even more. A full list of destinations eligible and terms and conditions for this offer can be found here.

"This research illustrates yet another reason why MileagePlus has such an engaged and loyal and happy member base – United connects travelers to unique, memorable experiences that deliver a proven, positive impact. And when they travel, MileagePlus members enjoy a booking boost – not only do they get the in-the-moment joy of their current trip, but they're earning miles to make booking that next happiness inducing adventure even easier," said Richard Nunn, CEO of United MileagePlus.

MileagePlus was recently rated the world's best airline loyalty program and offers customers benefits including:

  • Free to join for all customers
  • Miles never expire
  • No blackout dates – if there's a seat open you can buy it with miles or a combination of miles and cash. Plus, it's free to change your flight on award tickets – and if you cancel your flight, you can have your award miles put back into your account with no fee
  • Just about anything you can pay for with cash at United, you can also buy with miles (seats, Wi-Fi, snacks, etc.)
  • And United became the first major U.S. airline to allow members of its loyalty program to pool their miles with family and friends into a joint account

*Online survey of 1,323 nationally representative Americans fielded by YouGov on behalf of United Airlines. The survey was fielded from January 8-9, 2025, and the margin of error is +/-3%

**Kumar, A., Killingsworth, M. A., & Gilovich, T. (2020). Spending on doing promotes more moment-to-moment happiness than spending on having. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 88, 103971.

***Subject to government approvals.

****Actual amount of miles earned will vary depending on the ticket fare paid.

About United
At United, Good Leads The Way. With U.S. hubs in Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, New York/Newark, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., United operates the most comprehensive global route network among North American carriers and is now the largest airline in the world as measured by available seat miles. For more about how to join the United team, please visit and more information about the company is at United Airlines Holdings, Inc., the parent company of United Airlines, Inc., is traded on the Nasdaq under the symbol "UAL".

About Dr. Laurie Santos
Dr. Santos is an expert on the science of happiness. Her college course, Psychology and the Good Life, became the Ivy League's most popular course in over 300 years, with almost 1 in 4 students enrolled and more than 4 million learners worldwide taking the course online. A winner of numerous awards both for her science and teaching, Santos was recently voted as one of Popular Science Magazine's "Brilliant 10" young minds and named in Time Magazine as a "Leading Campus Celebrity." Her podcast, The Happiness Lab, is a top-3 Apple podcast that has attracted 100+ million downloads since its launch.


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SOURCE United Airlines


What new international destinations did United Airlines (UAL) announce for 2025?

United Airlines announced eight new destinations: Ulaanbaatar (Mongolia), Kaohsiung (Taiwan), Nuuk (Greenland), Palermo (Italy), Bilbao (Spain), Madeira Island and Faro (Portugal), and Dakar (Senegal).

How many bonus miles can UAL customers earn on the National Plan for Vacation Day promotion?

Examples provided show MileagePlus members can earn up to 13,000 miles for a round trip from Newark to Palermo, and 10,000 miles from Chicago to Faro, with Premier members eligible to earn even more.

How many international destinations will UAL serve in Summer 2025?

United Airlines will offer 800 daily flights to and from 147 international destinations in Summer 2025.

What are the key benefits of United Airlines' MileagePlus program in 2025?

MileagePlus benefits include free membership, miles that never expire, no blackout dates, free flight changes on award tickets, ability to use miles for various purchases, and the option to pool miles with family and friends.
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