Twilio Research Reveals Scale of AI Surge as 92% of Businesses Flock to the Technology

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Twilio's fourth annual State of Personalization Report reveals a surge in AI adoption for personalized customer experiences, with 92% of businesses now using AI-driven personalization. The report highlights a growing opportunity to build customer loyalty through tailored experiences, as 56% of consumers become repeat buyers after personalized interactions.

However, a stark disconnect exists between business enthusiasm and consumer comfort with AI: only 41% of consumers are comfortable with AI-powered personalization. The report emphasizes the need for businesses to establish trust and transparency in data usage. Gen Z emerges as the most receptive demographic to AI-infused experiences, with 34% already expecting AI in brand interactions.

Key challenges include data quality and privacy concerns, with 97% of companies taking steps to address consumer privacy issues. The report underscores the importance of leveraging high-quality, real-time data to improve AI results and personalization efforts.

Il quarto rapporto annuale di Twilio sulla Personalizzazione rivela un aumento nell'adozione dell'AI per esperienze personalizzate dei clienti, con il 92% delle aziende ora che utilizza la personalizzazione guidata dall'AI. Il rapporto evidenzia un'opportunità crescente per costruire la fedeltà dei clienti attraverso esperienze su misura, poiché il 56% dei consumatori diventa un acquirente abituale dopo interazioni personalizzate.

Tuttavia, esiste un netto divario tra l'entusiasmo delle aziende e il comfort dei consumatori con l'AI: solo il 41% dei consumatori si sente a proprio agio con la personalizzazione alimentata dall'AI. Il rapporto sottolinea la necessità per le aziende di stabilire fiducia e trasparenza nell'uso dei dati. La Gen Z emerge come il gruppo demografico più ricettivo alle esperienze arricchite dall'AI, con il 34% che si aspetta già l'AI nelle interazioni con i brand.

Le principali sfide includono la qualità dei dati e le preoccupazioni sulla privacy, con il 97% delle aziende che sta adottando misure per affrontare le problematiche di privacy dei consumatori. Il rapporto sottolinea l'importanza di utilizzare dati di alta qualità e in tempo reale per migliorare i risultati dell'AI e gli sforzi di personalizzazione.

El cuarto informe anual de Twilio sobre Personalización revela un aumento en la adopción de IA para experiencias personalizadas del cliente, con el 92% de las empresas utilizando ahora la personalización impulsada por IA. El informe destaca una creciente oportunidad para construir lealtad del cliente a través de experiencias a medida, ya que el 56% de los consumidores se convierte en compradores habituales después de interacciones personalizadas.

No obstante, existe una marcada desconexión entre el entusiasmo empresarial y la comodidad del consumidor con la IA: solo el 41% de los consumidores se siente cómodo con la personalización impulsada por IA. El informe enfatiza la necesidad de que las empresas establezcan confianza y transparencia en el uso de datos. La Generación Z se destaca como el grupo demográfico más receptivo a las experiencias infundidas con IA, con el 34% que ya espera IA en las interacciones con marcas.

Los principales desafíos incluyen la calidad de los datos y las preocupaciones de privacidad, con el 97% de las compañías tomando medidas para abordar los problemas de privacidad del consumidor. El informe subraya la importancia de aprovechar datos de alta calidad y en tiempo real para mejorar los resultados de la IA y los esfuerzos de personalización.

트윌리오의 네 번째 연례 개인화 보고서에 따르면, 현재 92%의 기업이 AI 기반 개인화를 사용하고 있어 고객 경험을 개인화하기 위한 AI 채택이 급증하고 있습니다. 이 보고서는 맞춤형 경험을 통해 고객 충성도를 구축할 수 있는 기회가 증가하고 있음을 강조하며, 개인화된 상호작용 후 56%의 소비자가 반복 구매자로 전환한다는 점을 보여줍니다.

그러나 기업의 열정과 소비자의 AI에 대한 편안함 사이에는 뚜렷한 괴리가 존재합니다: AI 기반 개인화에 편안함을 느끼는 소비자는 겨우 41%입니다. 이 보고서는 기업이 데이터 사용에 대한 신뢰와 투명성을 확립할 필요성을 강조합니다. Z세대는 AI로 강화된 경험에 가장 수용적인 인구통계로 부각되며, 34%는 브랜드 상호작용에서 AI를 기대한다고 이미 응답하고 있습니다.

주요 과제는 데이터 품질 및 개인 정보 보호 문제이며, 97%의 기업이 소비자 개인 정보 보호 문제를 해결하기 위한 조치를 취하고 있습니다. 이 보고서는 고품질의 실시간 데이터를 활용하여 AI 결과 및 개인화 노력을 개선하는 것의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Le quatrième rapport annuel de Twilio sur la personnalisation révèle une adoption croissante de l'IA pour des expériences clients personnalisées, avec 92% des entreprises utilisant désormais la personnalisation basée sur l'IA. Le rapport met en lumière une opportunité croissante de renforcer la fidélité des clients grâce à des expériences sur mesure, puisque 56% des consommateurs deviennent des acheteurs réguliers après des interactions personnalisées.

Cependant, un fossé important existe entre l'enthousiasme des entreprises et le confort des consommateurs face à l'IA : seulement 41% des consommateurs se sentent à l'aise avec la personnalisation alimentée par l'IA. Le rapport souligne la nécessité pour les entreprises d'établir la confiance et la transparence dans l'utilisation des données. La Génération Z émerge comme la démographie la plus réceptive aux expériences enrichies par l'IA, avec 34% qui s'attendent déjà à ce que l'IA soit présente dans les interactions avec les marques.

Les principaux défis incluent la qualité des données et les préoccupations en matière de vie privée, avec 97% des entreprises prenant des mesures pour traiter les problèmes de confidentialité des consommateurs. Le rapport souligne l'importance d'exploiter des données de haute qualité en temps réel pour améliorer les résultats de l'IA et les efforts de personnalisation.

Der vierte jährliche Personalization Report von Twilio zeigt einen Anstieg der KI-Nutzung für personalisierte Kundenerlebnisse, wobei 92% der Unternehmen jetzt KI-gesteuerte Personalisierung nutzen. Der Bericht hebt die wachsende Möglichkeit hervor, die Kundenloyalität durch maßgeschneiderte Erfahrungen auszubauen, da 56% der Verbraucher nach personalisierten Interaktionen zu Stammkäufern werden.

Es besteht jedoch eine deutliche Kluft zwischen der Begeisterung der Unternehmen und dem Komfort der Verbraucher mit KI: nur 41% der Verbraucher fühlen sich mit KI-gesteuerter Personalisierung wohl. Der Bericht betont die Notwendigkeit für Unternehmen, Vertrauen und Transparenz in der Datennutzung herzustellen. Die Generation Z erweist sich als die am besten aufgeschlossene demografische Gruppe für KI-infundierte Erlebnisse, wobei 34% bereits erwarten, dass KI in Markeninteraktionen integriert ist.

Wichtige Herausforderungen sind die Datenqualität und Bedenken hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes, wobei 97% der Unternehmen Maßnahmen ergreifen, um die Datenschutzprobleme der Verbraucher anzugehen. Der Bericht unterstreicht die Bedeutung der Nutzung von qualitativ hochwertigen, Echtzeitdaten, um die KI-Ergebnisse und die Personalisierungsbemühungen zu verbessern.

  • 92% of businesses are using AI-driven personalization for growth
  • 56% of consumers become repeat buyers after personalized experiences, up 7% from last year
  • 62% of business leaders cite customer retention as a top benefit of personalization
  • 60% say personalization is effective for acquiring new customers
  • Gen Z consumers are more influenced by personalization, with 72% saying it affects their purchase decisions
  • Only 41% of consumers are comfortable with companies using AI for personalization
  • 51% of consumers trust brands to keep their personal data secure and use it responsibly
  • 50% of companies report struggling to get accurate data for personalization, up 10% from 2022
  • 31% of businesses cite poor quality data as a major obstacle in leveraging AI

Report Shows that Customer Loyalty is Increasingly Contingent on Personalization, Though Consumer Confidence in AI-Powered CX is Divided

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Businesses worldwide are eagerly embracing the potential for artificial intelligence (AI) to provide personalized customer experiences, but customers remain cynical, according to the fourth annual State of Personalization Report from Twilio (NYSE: TWLO), the customer engagement platform that drives real-time, personalized experiences for today’s leading brands.

This year’s report underscores the value of an AI-driven personalization strategy for brands looking to both retain existing customers and acquire new ones, especially in today’s competitive market. Sixty-two percent of business leaders cite customer retention as a top benefit of personalization, while nearly 60% say personalization is an effective strategy for acquiring new customers. Consumers also increasingly confirm the value of personalization, with 56% saying they will become repeat buyers after a personalized experience, a 7% lift from last year’s report. These findings clearly point to a growing opportunity to build customer loyalty and lifetime value by engaging consumers with tailored experiences. During this time of uncertainty in the macro economic climate, businesses shouldn’t let potential ROI like this pass them by.

The report also shines a light on how a staggering amount of businesses are experimenting with AI to differentiate and drive business growth, but it also provides guidance on how to get this right, starting with the critical need to raise consumer confidence in the technology.

Stark disconnect in AI confidence

To power even more sophisticated real-time customer experiences, the vast majority of businesses are turning to AI to harness high volumes of real-time data and power their personalization efforts. According to the report, 92% of businesses are now using AI-driven personalization to drive business growth. However, a disconnect exists between this enthusiasm and the comfort level of consumers: only 41% of consumers are comfortable with companies using AI to personalize their experiences, and only half (51%) of consumers trust brands to keep their personal data secure and use it responsibly.

To effectively leverage intelligence technology in a way that strikes a balance with the current comfort level of consumers, businesses must first establish a baseline of trust about the data used to deliver that personalization.

"Today's consumers are savvier than ever, and their demand for real-time, personalized experiences is growing by the day. More than ever before, we’re hearing and seeing that customer loyalty hinges on effective personalization,” says Katrina Wong, VP of Marketing at Twilio Segment. “While our report shows that businesses are racing to implement AI-powered personalization, and reaping benefits like boosting customer lifetime value as a result, it’s crucial they don't overlook the importance of trust and transparency. Informed by real-time, first-party data that’s utilized thoughtfully and responsibly, AI has the potential to augment and enhance the toolkit of every marketer and CX professional in the industry, and to usher in a category of next generation, fine-tuned, customer experiences that drive sustainable growth.”

Quality and privacy: Getting AI-driven personalization right

AI-driven personalization is only as good as its underlying dataset, and without robust data, customer experiences will likely miss the mark for consumers. It’s a real challenge: half of companies report that getting accurate data for personalization is a struggle, an increase of ten percentage points compared to 2022, and 31% of businesses cite poor quality data as a major obstacle in leveraging AI. Meanwhile, accuracy (47%), speed of real-time data (44%), and customer retention or repeat purchases (44%) were the top metrics of successful AI-driven personalization.

To improve AI results and personalization overall, companies need to invest in data quality, leveraging effective, real-time data management tools, and continuing to increase their use of first-party data.

The report also highlights how businesses such as Camping World and Toggle, a Farmers Insurance Group company, recognize the importance of preserving trust while continuing to improve personalization. Almost all of the companies surveyed (97%) are taking steps to address consumer privacy concerns, demonstrating a commitment to responsible data use. The most popular step is investing in better technology, such as Customer Data Platforms, to manage customer data.

Appetite for AI: Gen Z call for AI-infused experiences

One tremendous opportunity for AI-driven personalization is in engaging Gen Z consumers. Growing up with smartphones and tablets at their fingertips, this demographic of digital natives expect unparalleled digital experiences. Gen Z is an especially welcoming demographic for brands, as they are both more influenced by personalization and more willing to embrace AI. In fact, a third (34%) of Gen Z consumers already expect AI to be used in their experiences with brands.

For example, Gen Z consumers are much more likely to say that personalized experiences have influenced them to make a purchase than other generations:

  • Gen Z - 72%
  • Millennials - 66%
  • Gen X - 57%
  • Boomers - 42%

And, almost half (49%) of Gen Z consumers say they’re less likely to make a repeat purchase if an experience is not personalized.

Meanwhile, Gen Z consumers are much less likely to say that they are uncomfortable with AI being used to help brands personalize their experiences:

  • Gen Z - 15%
  • Millennials - 24%
  • Gen X - 34%
  • Boomers - 43%

Consumers today want to feel valued and understood, and personalization is a key tactic to achieve that. Businesses are clearly excited by the potential of AI to accelerate their ability to tailor experiences to the unique preferences and behaviors of each customer, but for this to be successful, brands will also need to get consumers on board. With consumer comfort levels lifted by AI that is thoughtfully and responsibility implemented, and informed by high quality data, brands will be able to create a deeper connection that translates into increased spending and brand loyalty.

The full State of Personalization Report can be downloaded here.

Coming up: CDP Live

Join us on May 10, 2023 for Twilio Segment's virtual half-day summit, CDP Live, where we will bring leaders from Meta, Nextdoor, Snyk, and more to the virtual stage. These experts will share insights on retaining customers, driving sustainable growth, and the future of AI-powered personalization. Discover actionable strategies that will help you navigate 2023 and beyond to win in a competitive market. Save your seat today!


Twilio’s State of Personalization Report is based on two surveys conducted by Method Communications in March 2023. A consumer survey targeted 3,001 adults who purchased something online in the past six months. A business survey targeted 500 business managers and decision-makers at consumer-facing companies that provide goods and/or services online. Survey respondents were from Australia, Brazil, Colombia, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Singapore, Spain, United States, and the United Kingdom.

About Twilio Segment

Twilio Segment’s Customer Data Platform (CDP) provides companies with the data foundation that they need to put their customers at the heart of every decision. Per IDC, it’s the world’s #1 CDP for 2021 market share. Using Twilio Segment, companies can collect, unify and route their customer data into any system where it’s needed to better understand their customers and create seamless, compelling experiences in real-time. Tens of thousands of companies, including FOX, IBM, Intuit, and Levi’s use Twilio Segment to make real-time decisions, accelerate growth and deliver world-class customer experiences. For more information, visit

About Twilio

Today's leading companies trust Twilio's Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) to build direct, personalized relationships with their customers everywhere in the world. Twilio enables companies to use communications and data to add intelligence and security to every step of the customer journey, from sales to marketing to growth, customer service and many more engagement use cases in a flexible, programmatic way. Across 180 countries, millions of developers and hundreds of thousands of businesses use Twilio to create magical experiences for their customers. For more information about Twilio (NYSE: TWLO), visit:

Sam McEvans,

Source: Twilio


What percentage of businesses are using AI-driven personalization according to Twilio's report?

According to Twilio's State of Personalization Report, 92% of businesses are now using AI-driven personalization to drive business growth.

How many consumers become repeat buyers after a personalized experience with TWLO?

The report states that 56% of consumers say they will become repeat buyers after a personalized experience, which is a 7% increase from the previous year's report.

What percentage of consumers are comfortable with companies using AI for personalization?

Only 41% of consumers are comfortable with companies using AI to personalize their experiences, according to Twilio's research.

What are the top metrics for successful AI-driven personalization mentioned in the TWLO report?

The top metrics for successful AI-driven personalization are accuracy (47%), speed of real-time data (44%), and customer retention or repeat purchases (44%).

How many Gen Z consumers expect AI to be used in their experiences with brands?

According to the report, 34% of Gen Z consumers already expect AI to be used in their experiences with brands.

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