Twilio Flex empowers Polaris to Aid Victims of Human Trafficking More Quickly

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Twilio Inc. (NYSE: TWLO) and Polaris, operator of the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline, announced that Twilio Flex has significantly improved the hotline's effectiveness. Polaris implemented Twilio Flex to create a unified contact center system, combining all communication channels into a single platform. This integration has led to:

1. A significant reduction in wait times for victims seeking support
2. A 45% reduction in workflow steps for hotline advocates
3. Half as many loading screens compared to the previous system

These improvements enable advocates to assist more victims in less time, important for high-stakes cases. Polaris has been operating the hotline since 2007, connecting victims with local resources such as safe housing, legal assistance, and psychological support.

Twilio Inc. (NYSE: TWLO) e Polaris, gestore della National Human Trafficking Hotline degli Stati Uniti, hanno annunciato che Twilio Flex ha notevolmente migliorato l'efficacia della hotline. Polaris ha implementato Twilio Flex per creare un sistema di contact center unificato, combinando tutti i canali di comunicazione in una singola piattaforma. Questa integrazione ha portato a:

1. Una significativa riduzione dei tempi di attesa per le vittime che cercano supporto
2. Una riduzione del 45% nei passaggi di lavoro per gli operatori della hotline
3. La metà degli schermi di caricamento rispetto al sistema precedente

Questi miglioramenti consentono agli operatori di assistere più vittime in meno tempo, fattore importante in casi delicati. Polaris gestisce la hotline dal 2007, collegando le vittime con risorse locali come alloggi sicuri, assistenza legale e supporto psicologico.

Twilio Inc. (NYSE: TWLO) y Polaris, operador de la National Human Trafficking Hotline de EE. UU., anunciaron que Twilio Flex ha mejorado significativamente la efectividad de la línea directa. Polaris implementó Twilio Flex para crear un sistema unificado de centro de contacto, combinando todos los canales de comunicación en una única plataforma. Esta integración ha llevado a:

1. Una reducción significativa en los tiempos de espera para las víctimas que buscan apoyo
2. Una reducción del 45% en los pasos de trabajo para los defensores de la línea directa
3. La mitad de las pantallas de carga en comparación con el sistema anterior

Estas mejoras permiten a los defensores ayudar a más víctimas en menos tiempo, lo cual es crucial en casos de alta importancia. Polaris ha operado la línea directa desde 2007, conectando a las víctimas con recursos locales como vivienda segura, asistencia legal y apoyo psicológico.

트윌리오 주식회사 (NYSE: TWLO)와 미국 국가 인신매매 핫라인 운영자 폴라리스가 트윌리오 플렉스가 핫라인의 효과성을 획기적으로 개선했다고 발표했습니다. 폴라리스는 모든 통신 채널을 단일 플랫폼으로 통합하기 위해 트윌리오 플렉스를 구현했습니다. 이 통합의 결과:

1. 지원을 요청하는 피해자들의 대기 시간의 상당한 감소
2. 핫라인 상담원을 위한 작업 단계의 45% 감소
3. 이전 시스템에 비해 로딩 화면이 절반으로 감소했습니다

이러한 개선 사항은 상담원들이 더 많은 피해자를 더 짧은 시간에 도와줄 수 있도록 하며, 이는 중요한 사건에서 매우 중요합니다. 폴라리스는 2007년부터 핫라인을 운영하며 피해자들에게 안전한 주거지, 법률 지원 및 심리적 지원과 같은 지역 자원과 연결해주고 있습니다.

Twilio Inc. (NYSE: TWLO) et Polaris, opérateur de la National Human Trafficking Hotline aux États-Unis, ont annoncé que Twilio Flex a considérablement amélioré l'efficacité de la ligne d'assistance. Polaris a mis en œuvre Twilio Flex pour créer un système de centre de contact unifié, combinant tous les canaux de communication sur une seule plateforme. Cette intégration a abouti à :

1. Une réduction significative des temps d'attente pour les victimes recherchant du soutien
2. Une réduction de 45 % des étapes de travail pour les défenseurs de la ligne d'assistance
3. La moitié des écrans de chargement par rapport au système précédent

Ces améliorations permettent aux défenseurs d'aider davantage de victimes en moins de temps, ce qui est crucial dans des affaires délicates. Polaris exploite cette ligne d'assistance depuis 2007, mettant les victimes en relation avec des ressources locales telles que des logements sûrs, une assistance juridique et un soutien psychologique.

Twilio Inc. (NYSE: TWLO) und Polaris, Betreiber der National Human Trafficking Hotline in den USA, haben bekannt gegeben, dass Twilio Flex die Effektivität der Hotline erheblich verbessert hat. Polaris hat Twilio Flex implementiert, um ein einheitliches Kontaktzentralsystem zu schaffen, das alle Kommunikationskanäle auf einer einzigen Plattform kombiniert. Diese Integration führte zu:

1. Einer signifikanten Reduzierung der Wartezeiten für Opfer, die Unterstützung suchen
2. Einer Reduzierung der Arbeitsabläufe für Hotline-Advokaten um 45%
3. Der Hälfte der Ladebildschirme im Vergleich zum vorherigen System

Diese Verbesserungen ermöglichen es den Anwälten, mehr Opfer in kürzerer Zeit zu unterstützen, was in wichtigen Fällen entscheidend ist. Polaris betreibt die Hotline seit 2007 und verbindet Opfer mit lokalen Ressourcen wie sicheren Unterkünften, rechtlicher Hilfe und psychologischer Unterstützung.

  • Significant reduction in wait times for victims seeking support
  • 45% reduction in workflow steps for hotline advocates
  • Unified contact center system combining all communication channels
  • Improved efficiency in handling high-stakes cases
  • Simplified process for hotline advocates to focus on victims
  • None.

Twilio's implementation of Flex for Polaris' National Human Trafficking Hotline demonstrates a significant technological advancement in crisis response systems. By unifying multiple communication channels (IVR, telephony, SMS, chat, webform and email) into a single platform, Twilio Flex has streamlined the workflow for hotline advocates. This integration has led to a 45% reduction in workflow steps and halved the number of loading screens, enabling faster and more efficient victim support.

The single-pane interface with relevant information display is a important feature, allowing advocates to quickly assess and respond to potential trafficking situations. This technological improvement not only enhances the advocates' ability to help more victims in less time but also potentially increases the hotline's overall capacity to handle cases. The significant reduction in wait times is particularly critical in high-stakes situations where immediate response can be life-saving.

The collaboration between Twilio and Polaris represents a powerful intersection of technology and social impact. By improving the efficiency of the National Human Trafficking Hotline, this partnership directly contributes to addressing one of the most pressing human rights issues of our time. The reduction in wait times and simplified processes for hotline advocates translate to faster access to critical support services for trafficking victims, including safe housing, legal assistance and psychological support.

Moreover, this implementation sets a precedent for how technology can be leveraged in crisis response and victim support systems across various social issues. The success of this project may inspire similar technological upgrades in other crisis hotlines and support services, potentially creating a ripple effect of improved victim assistance across multiple sectors. This demonstrates how corporate technology can be effectively applied to amplify the impact of non-profit organizations tackling complex social challenges.

The hotline that safely connects victims with advocates and support services in their greatest time of need saw a significant reduction in wait time after implementation of Twilio Flex

SAN FRANCISCO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Twilio Inc. (NYSE: TWLO), the customer engagement platform that drives real-time, personalized experiences for today’s leading brands, and Polaris, the operator of the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline, today announced that Twilio Flex enables Polaris to make the Trafficking Hotline more effective so victims can access support systems securely and quickly.

Since 2007, Polaris has operated the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which supports the needs of victims and survivors of human trafficking and those close to them by connecting them with local resources. Those resources include a safe place to stay, legal assistance, psychological support, and assistance with reporting to law enforcement. Due to the important and time-sensitive nature of the work that Polaris does, the organization chose Twilio Flex to provide trusted and reliable communications with access to the latest innovations to continuously improve and increase impact.

Polaris built a contact center system within Twilio Flex that combined all their channels – IVR, telephony, SMS, chat, online webform, and email – into a unified, simple support platform. Previously, Polaris was working with different systems and processes for each of their outreach channels across phone, text, webchat, online webform, and email. Now, hotline advocates have a simple and easy-to-navigate, single-pane interface for all outreach channels that displays relevant information about each potential trafficking situation to help them better serve the person needing support. Since implementing Twilio Flex, Polaris has achieved a significant reduction in wait times, saving critical time in high-stakes cases where every moment counts. Plus, hotline advocates have experienced a 45% reduction in workflow steps, and half as many loading screens to wait through compared to their previous system, making their jobs easier, more impactful, and enabling them to help more victims in less time.

“Our first priority is connecting victims with the support and resources they need while meeting them on their level as a human being,” said Monica Krebs, Associate Director of Data and Operations, Polaris. “Twilio Flex enabled us to improve our wait times, but most importantly, simplify the process for our hotline advocates so they can focus on the victims on the other end of the conversation. As we look to the future of our collaboration with Twilio, we’re looking at additional ways we can leverage new technology to improve the hotline for victims and advocates in order to help as many victims as possible.”

“Polaris has made an immense impact since they were founded, assisting more than 75,800 victims via the National Human Trafficking Hotline,” said Erin Reilly, Chief Social Impact Officer, Twilio. “We’re honored to be able to help scale Polaris’ mission to aid trafficking victims by simplifying backend technology, allowing Polaris to deliver lifesaving support more quickly. Our goal is to make connection and communication as simple as possible, enabling great organizations like Polaris to focus on their mission and help save lives.”

To learn more about how to use Twilio Flex to expand your organization's reach, visit:

About Polaris

Named after the North Star, an historical symbol of freedom, Polaris is leading a survivor-centered, justice- and equity-driven movement to end human trafficking. Since 2007, Polaris has operated the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline, connecting victims and survivors to support and services, and helping communities hold traffickers accountable. Through that work, Polaris has built the largest known dataset on human trafficking in North America. The data and expertise gained from two decades of working on trafficking situations in real time informs strategies that hold traffickers accountable, support survivors on their healing journeys and address the vulnerabilities that enable the business of stealing freedom for profit.


Effective communication and engagement play a critical role in helping social impact organizations meet the increased demand for their services. Twilio started to be the engine behind social impact organizations, helping them use Twilio technology, people, and funding to supercharge their reach. partners with thousands of organizations advancing social good - from nonprofits and NGOs, to universities, hospitals, and local governments - to deliver critical services and support to over half a billion people around the world.

About Twilio

Today's leading companies trust Twilio's Customer Engagement Platform (CEP) to build direct, personalized relationships with their customers everywhere in the world. Twilio enables companies to use communications and data to add intelligence and security to every step of the customer journey, from sales to marketing to growth, customer service and many more engagement use cases in a flexible, programmatic way. Across 180 countries, millions of developers and hundreds of thousands of businesses use Twilio to create magical experiences for their customers. For more information about Twilio (NYSE: TWLO), visit:

Source: Twilio Inc.


How has Twilio Flex improved Polaris's National Human Trafficking Hotline?

Twilio Flex has significantly reduced wait times for victims, decreased workflow steps for advocates by 45%, and halved the number of loading screens, enabling faster and more efficient support for human trafficking victims.

What services does the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline provide?

The hotline connects victims and survivors of human trafficking with local resources, including safe housing, legal assistance, psychological support, and assistance with reporting to law enforcement.

When did Polaris start operating the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline?

Polaris has been operating the U.S. National Human Trafficking Hotline on behalf of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services since 2007.

How many victims has Polaris assisted through the National Human Trafficking Hotline?

According to the press release, Polaris has assisted more than 75,800 victims through the National Human Trafficking Hotline since its founding.

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