Travelers Shares Common Mishaps Ahead of Peak Wedding Season

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The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) has released insights on common wedding mishaps based on their 2023 claims data. Vendor issues topped the list at 45%, followed by property damage (18%), illness and injury (14%), and severe weather (12%). To help couples prepare for their big day, Travelers offers several tips:

1. Thoroughly research vendors before making deposits
2. Plan for seasonal and regional weather risks
3. Consider wedding insurance for peace of mind

With an active hurricane season forecast, Travelers emphasizes the importance of purchasing wedding insurance in advance of any named storm or weather event to protect against potential financial losses and stress.

Le Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) hanno pubblicato informazioni sugli incidenti comuni che possono verificarsi durante i matrimoni, basate sui dati delle loro richieste di risarcimento del 2023. Gli problemi con i fornitori sono al primo posto con il 45%, seguiti da danni alla proprietà (18%), malattie e infortuni (14%) e condizioni meteorologiche estreme (12%). Per aiutare le coppie a prepararsi per il grande giorno, Travelers offre diversi consigli:

1. Ricercare accuratamente i fornitori prima di effettuare i depositi
2. Pianificare i rischi climatici stagionali e regionali
3. Considerare un'assicurazione matrimoniale per una maggiore tranquillità

Con una stagione degli uragani attiva all'orizzonte, Travelers sottolinea l'importanza di acquistare un'assicurazione matrimoniale prima dell'arrivo di una tempesta o di eventi atmosferici per proteggersi dalle potenziali perdite finanziarie e dallo stress.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) ha publicado información sobre los contratiempos comunes en las bodas, basado en sus datos de reclamaciones de 2023. Los problemas con los proveedores ocupan el primer lugar con un 45%, seguidos por daños a la propiedad (18%), enfermedades y lesiones (14%), y clima severo (12%). Para ayudar a las parejas a prepararse para su gran día, Travelers ofrece varios consejos:

1. Investigar a fondo a los proveedores antes de hacer depósitos
2. Planificar los riesgos climáticos estacionales y regionales
3. Considerar un seguro de bodas para mayor tranquilidad

Con una activa temporada de huracanes pronosticada, Travelers enfatiza la importancia de adquirir un seguro de boda antes de cualquier tormenta nombrada o evento climático para protegerse contra posibles pérdidas financieras y estrés.

여행자 회사(Travelers Companies, Inc.)(NYSE: TRV)는 2023년 청구 데이터를 기반으로 결혼식에서 흔히 발생하는 사고에 대한 통계를 발표했습니다. 공급자 문제가 45%로 가장 많았고, 그 다음으로 재산 피해 (18%), 질병 및 부상 (14%), 악천후 (12%)가 뒤를 이었습니다. 커플들이 큰 날을 준비할 수 있도록 Travelers는 몇 가지 팁을 제공합니다:

1. 보증금을 내기 전에 공급자를 철저히 조사하세요
2. 계절 및 지역별 날씨 위험을 계획하세요
3. 마음의 평화를 위해 결혼 보험을 고려하세요

활발한 허리케인 시즌이 예고되면서 Travelers는 이름이 붙은 폭풍우나 기상 이벤트 이전에 결혼 보험을 구매하는 것이 잠재적인 재정적 손실과 스트레스로부터 보호하는 데 중요하다고 강조합니다.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) a publié des informations sur les incidents courants lors des mariages, basées sur leurs données de réclamations de 2023. Les problèmes liés aux fournisseurs arrivent en tête de liste avec 45%, suivis par dommages matériels (18%), maladies et blessures (14%) et météo sévère (12%). Pour aider les couples à se préparer pour leur grand jour, Travelers propose plusieurs conseils :

1. Recherchez soigneusement les fournisseurs avant de verser des dépôts
2. Prévoyez les risques météorologiques saisonniers et régionaux
3. Envisagez une assurance mariage pour plus de tranquillité d'esprit

Avec une saison des ouragans active prévue, Travelers souligne l'importance d'acheter une assurance mariage avant l'arrivée d'une tempête nommée ou d'un événement météo afin de se protéger contre d'éventuelles pertes financières et du stress.

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) hat Einblicke in häufige Hochzeitsmissgeschicke auf der Grundlage ihrer Schadensdaten aus dem Jahr 2023 veröffentlicht. Anbieterprobleme stehen mit 45% an erster Stelle, gefolgt von Sachschäden (18%), Krankheiten und Verletzungen (14%) und schlechtem Wetter (12%). Um Paaren bei der Vorbereitung auf ihren großen Tag zu helfen, bietet Travelers mehrere Tipps an:

1. Recherchieren Sie Anbieter gründlich, bevor Sie Anzahlungen leisten
2. Planen Sie saisonale und regionale Wetterrisiken ein
3. Ziehen Sie eine Hochzeitsversicherung für mehr Seelenfrieden in Betracht

Mit einer aktiven Hurrikansaison wird von Travelers betont, wie wichtig es ist, Hochzeitsversicherungen im Voraus zu kaufen, um sich vor möglichen finanziellen Verlusten und Stress zu schützen.

  • Travelers provides valuable insights on wedding-related risks based on claims data
  • The company offers wedding insurance products, potentially boosting revenue in this niche market
  • None.

Claims data offers insights into potential pitfalls to avoid

HARTFORD, Conn.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) is offering tips for brides and grooms as peak wedding season approaches. According to Travelers data, vendor issues (45%) were the leading cause of paid wedding insurance claims in 2023, followed by property damage (18%), illness and injury (14%) and severe weather (12%).

“Knowing what has gone wrong for others can help couples as they prepare for their big day,” said Todd Shasha, AVP of Personal Insurance at Travelers. “With vendor-related issues consistently topping the list, it’s important to thoroughly evaluate your options before making a choice.”

Travelers offers the following tips for couples planning their big day:

  • Research vendors before making any deposits. Seek out reviews or referrals from multiple sources and conduct thorough online research before finalizing any financial commitments.
  • Plan for seasonal and regional weather risks. From hurricanes to blizzards, weather disruptions can impact travel arrangements and venue accessibility. Create contingency plans to mitigate potential setbacks caused by Mother Nature.
  • Consider wedding insurance to provide peace of mind. Venue closures, sudden illnesses, lost or damaged wedding attire – unforeseen circumstances can lead to lost deposits and unanticipated expenses. Wedding insurance can help serve as a valuable safety net and provide protection for your big day.

“With an active hurricane season forecast, it’s especially important to remember that wedding insurance can help protect your big day if you purchase it in advance of any named storm or weather event,” Shasha added. “Securing a policy early can help ensure that any weather-related disruptions do not result in financial losses or unmanageable stress as your wedding day approaches.”

To learn more about wedding insurance from Travelers, visit

About Travelers

The Travelers Companies, Inc. (NYSE: TRV) is a leading provider of property casualty insurance for auto, home and business. A component of the Dow Jones Industrial Average, Travelers has more than 30,000 employees and generated revenues of approximately $41 billion in 2023. For more information, visit


Luke Frey, 860-954-3678

Source: The Travelers Companies, Inc.


What were the top causes of paid wedding insurance claims for Travelers (TRV) in 2023?

According to Travelers (TRV) data, the top causes of paid wedding insurance claims in 2023 were: vendor issues (45%), property damage (18%), illness and injury (14%), and severe weather (12%).

What tips does Travelers (TRV) offer for couples planning their wedding?

Travelers (TRV) offers three main tips for couples planning their wedding: 1) Research vendors thoroughly before making deposits, 2) Plan for seasonal and regional weather risks, and 3) Consider purchasing wedding insurance for peace of mind.

Why does Travelers (TRV) recommend purchasing wedding insurance early?

Travelers (TRV) recommends purchasing wedding insurance early, especially with an active hurricane season forecast, to ensure protection against weather-related disruptions. Buying insurance in advance of any named storm or weather event can help prevent financial losses and reduce stress as the wedding day approaches.

What types of situations can wedding insurance from Travelers (TRV) potentially cover?

Wedding insurance from Travelers (TRV) can potentially cover situations such as venue closures, sudden illnesses, lost or damaged wedding attire, and other unforeseen circumstances that could lead to lost deposits and unanticipated expenses.

The Travelers Companies, Inc.


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