Trifecta Gold Announces ZTEM and Magnetic Results from Mt. Hinton Project, Yukon and Describes Ongoing Research Studies

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Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) has announced results from its 2024 exploration campaign at the Mt. Hinton Project in Yukon. Key findings include:

1. Geophysical surveys revealed a 2,000 x 500 metre magnetic low coinciding with high resistivity, suggesting a Reduced Intrusion Related Gold System (RIRGS).

2. Prospecting discovered granitic rocks near geophysical anomalies, supporting the RIRGS model.

3. A rock sample yielded 2.07 g/t gold in a previously unexplored area.

4. Ongoing mineralogical studies at Simon Fraser University aim to characterize the vein system and its relationship to other Tombstone Gold Belt mineralization.

5. The project's location near Hecla Mining's Keno Hill complex and other major discoveries enhances its potential significance.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ha annunciato i risultati della sua campagna di esplorazione 2024 presso il Progetto Mt. Hinton nello Yukon. I risultati chiave includono:

1. I sondaggi geofisici hanno rivelato una zona magnetica bassa di 2.000 x 500 metri che coincide con un'alta resistività, suggerendo un Sistema Oro Relativo a Intrusione Ridotta (RIRGS).

2. L'attività di prospezione ha scoperto rocce granitiche vicino ad anomalie geofisiche, a supporto del modello RIRGS.

3. Un campione di roccia ha restituito 2,07 g/t di oro in un'area precedentemente inesplorata.

4. Studi mineralogici in corso presso l'Università Simon Fraser mirano a caratterizzare il sistema di vene e la sua relazione con altre mineralizzazioni nella Tombstone Gold Belt.

5. La posizione del progetto vicino al complesso Keno Hill di Hecla Mining e ad altre importanti scoperte ne aumenta il potenziale significato.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ha anunciado los resultados de su campaña de exploración 2024 en el Proyecto Mt. Hinton en Yukon. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Los estudios geofísicos revelaron una baja magnética de 2,000 x 500 metros que coincide con alta resistividad, sugiriendo un Sistema de Oro Relacionado con Intrusiones Reducidas (RIRGS).

2. La prospección descubrió rocas graníticas cerca de anomalías geofísicas, apoyando el modelo RIRGS.

3. Una muestra de roca arrojó 2.07 g/t de oro en un área previamente inexplorada.

4. Los estudios mineralógicos en curso en la Universidad Simon Fraser tienen como objetivo caracterizar el sistema de venas y su relación con otras mineralizaciones del Cinturón de Oro Tombstone.

5. La ubicación del proyecto cerca del complejo Keno Hill de Hecla Mining y otros importantes descubrimientos aumenta su potencial significado.

트리펙타 골드 (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF)는 유콘에 있는 홉튼 산 프로젝트에 대한 2024 탐사 캠페인 결과를 발표했습니다. 주요 발견 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 지구 물리학 조사에서 2,000 x 500 미터의 자기 저점이 고저항 지역과 일치하여 축소 침입 관련 금 시스템(RIRGS)을 시사했습니다.

2. 탐사에서는 지구 물리학적 이상 근처에서 화강암이 발견되어 RIRGS 모델을 뒷받침했습니다.

3. 암석 샘플에서 이전에 탐사되지 않은 지역에서 2.07 g/t 금이 발견되었습니다.

4. 사이몬 프레이저 대학교에서 진행 중인 광물학적 연구는 맥상 시스템을 특성화하고 다른 톰스톤 금벨트의 광물화와의 관계를 밝히는 데 목표를 두고 있습니다.

5. 프로젝트의 위치는 헬클라 마이닝의 케노 힐 복합체 및 다른 주요 발견 근처에 있어 그 잠재적 중요성이 높아집니다.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) a annoncé les résultats de sa campagne d'exploration 2024 au Projet Mt. Hinton dans le Yukon. Les principales découvertes incluent :

1. Les enquêtes géophysiques ont révélé une basse magnétique de 2 000 x 500 mètres coïncidant avec une haute résistivité, suggérant un Système Aurifère Relatif à l'Intrusion Réduite (RIRGS).

2. La prospection a découvert des roches granitiques près des anomalies géophysiques, soutenant le modèle RIRGS.

3. Un échantillon de roche a donné 2,07 g/t d'or dans une zone précédemment inexplorée.

4. Des études minéralogiques en cours à l'Université Simon Fraser visent à caractériser le système de veines et sa relation avec d'autres minéralisations de la Ceinture de l'Or Tombstone.

5. La localisation du projet près du complexe Keno Hill de Hecla Mining et d'autres découvertes majeures augmente son importance potentielle.

Trifecta Gold (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) hat die Ergebnisse seiner Erkundungskampagne 2024 im Mt. Hinton Projekt im Yukon veröffentlicht. Zu den wichtigen Ergebnissen gehören:

1. Geophysikalische Untersuchungen ergaben eine magnetische Senkung von 2.000 x 500 Metern, die mit hoher Resistivität übereinstimmt und auf ein Reduced Intrusion Related Gold System (RIRGS) hinweist.

2. Bei der Prospektion wurden granitische Gesteine in der Nähe geophysikalischer Anomalien entdeckt, was das RIRGS-Modell stützt.

3. Eine Gesteinsprobe ergab 2,07 g/t Gold in einem zuvor unerforschten Gebiet.

4. Laufende mineralogische Studien an der Simon Fraser Universität zielen darauf ab, das Gangsystem und dessen Beziehung zu anderen Mineralisierungen im Tombstone Gold Belt zu charakterisieren.

5. Die Lage des Projekts in der Nähe des Keno Hill-Komplexes von Hecla Mining und anderer wichtiger Funde erhöht seine potenzielle Bedeutung.

  • Discovery of a 2,000 x 500 metre magnetic low coinciding with high resistivity, indicating potential for a Reduced Intrusion Related Gold System (RIRGS)
  • Identification of granitic rocks near geophysical anomalies, supporting the RIRGS model
  • New gold mineralization discovered with 2.07 g/t gold in a previously unexplored area
  • Ongoing mineralogical studies to better characterize the vein system and its relationship to Tombstone Gold Belt mineralization
  • Strategic location near Hecla Mining's Keno Hill complex and other major discoveries in the region
  • drilling program due to equipment issues, with only one hole completed
  • Drill hole MH-24-038 encountered unmapped faults and did not return significant gold results
  • New exploration results provide strong evidence that mineralization at Mt Hinton is related to a previously unidentified, Reduced Intrusion Related Gold System ("RIRGS").

  • Geophysical surveys delineated a 2,000 x 500 metre magnetic low that coincides with an area of high resistivity in an overburden covered area that has seen no trenching or drilling.

  • Prospecting discovered granitic rocks near the geophysical anomalies, further validating the RIRGS model.

  • Mineralogical studies are underway at Simon Fraser University to better characterize the known vein system and determine its relationship to other mineralization in the Tombstone Gold Belt.

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / October 1, 2024 / Trifecta Gold Ltd. (TSXV:TG)(OTCQB:TRRFF) ("Trifecta" or the "Company") announces results from its multifaceted 2024 exploration campaign at Mt. Hinton. The Mount Hinton Project (the "Project") is ideally located less than 4 km from Hecla Mining Company's Keno Hill mine and mill complex, within a belt of Reduced Intrusion Related Gold Systems ("RIRGS") that includes current and former producers and major new discoveries such as Banyan Gold's AurMac deposit, 20 km to the west, Sitka Gold's RC deposit, 80 km to the west, and Snowline Gold's Valley deposit, 180 km to the east (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Tombstone Belt Project Locations

Geophysical target delineated

A 440-line kilometre, ZTEM ("Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic") and magnetic surveys, flown over the southeastern portion of the Project, have delineated a 1.9 by 1.2 km magnetic high and flanking 2.0 by 0.5 km magnetic low that corresponds with an outstanding, strong resistivity anomaly (the "GC target") (figures 2 and 4). These features are commonly associated with the RIRGS model, which typically exhibits a magnetic low directly over a reduced intrusion, flanked by magnetic highs within a surrounding hornfelsed aureole. High resistivity readings are often observed over the hornfelsed rocks but can also be found over strongly silicified zones within the intrusion. The geophysical features at the GC Target are indicative of a hornfelsed aureole overlying a buried intrusion, which may come to surface in the valley floor, within the central magnetic low.

The target is located on a glacial till and talus covered valley floor, directly east of the mouth of the Granite Creek Basin (Figure 3). Placer miners operating at the mouth of the Granite Creek Basin often encounter upwards of 10 m of glacial till above productive placer channels, precluding the use of soil geochemistry to evaluate the target. First-pass prospecting in 2024, within the GC target, successfully identified abundant coarse-grained granitic rocks in float (Figures 5 and 6), providing direct evidence that an intrusive body located on the southeastern portion of the Project could be the driver to mineralization found elsewhere on the Project.

Figure 2 Mt. Hinton Total Magnetic Intensity with gold-in-soil

Figure 3 Mt. Hinton Magnetic Low Outline on Satellite Imagery

Figure 4 Mt. Hinton 30 Hz. In-Phase Tipper Total Phase Rotated

Figure 5 - megacrystic plagioclase-hornblende granite from the GC Target

Figure 6 - equigranular plagioclase-hornblende granite from the GC Target, cut by quartz veinlets with rusty weathering, unidentified sulphide minerals


Prospecting within a previously identified soil anomaly to the southwest of the GC target returned 2.07 g/t gold. The mineralization in this area is hosted in narrow veinlets cutting quartzites (Figure 7). This is the first mineralization reported from that part of the Project.

Figure 7 - Sample B865437, distal to the GC target, comprising sheeted, vuggy, oxidized quartz veinlets cutting an altered quartzite, yielded 2.07 g/t gold.


As announced September 5, 2024, Trifecta's drill program was limited to one hole due to a series of equipment issues. Hole MH-24-038 targeted the down dip projection of the 85 vein where prospecting had discovered vein material grading 273 g/t gold with 284 g/t silver and 138.5 g/t gold with 57.5 g/t silver. MH-24-038 encountered two unmapped faults and did not return any significant results for gold. Drill roads and pads were constructed at the SW Zone and No. 5 Vein in order to facilitate future drilling of the western extensions of these prominent structures. Highlights from previous drilling include:

  • 6.44 g/t gold and 2.51 g/t silver over 12.14 m in hole MH-20-22 (SW Zone);

  • 3.86 g/t gold and 182 g/t silver over 9.75 m in hole MH-20-18 (SW Zone);

  • 128.91 g/t silver over 3.05 m in hole H-4, no assays for gold (No. 5 Vein); and,

  • 78.88 g/t silver over 7.62 m in hole H-13, no assays for gold (No. 5 Vein).


Geological mapping at Mt. Hinton was performed as part of a multi-year research program in the Keno Hill District, undertaken by the Yukon Geological Survey ("YGS"), Simon Fraser University, the University of Alberta and partner companies. This work is intended to better characterize the styles of mineralization at Mt Hinton and other projects within the Keno Hill District and to determine its context within the broader Tombstone Gold Belt. During a site visit relating to this program a rock specimen with blades of visible gold was collected by Patrick Sack of the YGS from the Granite North Zone (Figure 8). Many high-grade rock samples have been collected from the Granite North Zone with assays up to 2,340 g/t gold, while drilling in 2020 returned several highlight intercepts:

  • 6.74 g/t gold and 186 g/t silver over 7.25 m, including 1.77 m grading 22.7 g/t gold and 514 g/t silver, in hole MH-20-019 (Granite North Zone);

  • 17.00 g/t gold over 1.56 m, in hole MH-20-032 (Granite North Zone); and,

  • 9.57 g/t gold over 1.47 m, including 0.52 m grading 25.8 g/t gold, in hole MH-20-023 (Granite North Zone).

Figure 8 High grade gold sample from Granite North Zone

Mineralogical Studies

In 2024, numerous rock and historical core samples were collected from the property as part of the previously mentioned research program. Analytical work is currently underway and includes: radiometric dating of several gold-bearing veins, anticipated to be correlative with ages elsewhere in the Tombstone Gold Belt; hyperspectral imaging of drill core from several of the showings, to better define the alteration mineralogy; and Scanning Electron Microprobe (SEM) studies of the mineralized veins, to determine the gold distribution within the mineral occurrences.

About Mt. Hinton

Mt. Hinton is a road accessible, camp-scale property with over 60 precious metals veins identified to date. The project is underlain by direct extensions of the stratigraphy that hosts Hecla's Keno Hill Mines and, because of this, much of the historical exploration at Mt. Hinton focused on its silver potential. Surprisingly, historical workers largely overlooked gold potential, despite visible gold that has been found in many of the known veins. There are active placer mines on the creeks draining in all directions from the property. Based on metal zonation within the district, the newly identified GC target may represent a reduced intrusion, theorized to be the driver for much of the mineralization in the district.

Tombstone Gold Belt

Extending more than 1000 km from the Fairbanks district in Alaska eastward across the entire width of Yukon, the Tombstone Gold Belt hosts many large Reduced Intrusion-Related Gold System (RIRGS) mines such as Fort Knox in Alaska (>10 million oz), Eagle and Olive in Yukon (>4 million oz) and the past-producing Brewery Creek Mine, also in Yukon. Since May 2020 over 17 million additional ounces of gold have been discovered in the Yukon portion of the belt, including Snowline Gold's Tier 1 Valley discovery, Sitka Gold's RC deposit, Banyan Gold's AurMac deposits and Victoria Gold's Raven deposit.

Tombstone Gold Belt systems are characterized by sheeted, auriferous quartz veins forming in the carapace zones of Cretaceous-age plutons. They have a characteristic geochemical signature with a gold-bismuth-tellurium±tungsten core within a broader gold-arsenic halo. The deposits are found within and surrounding the reduced intrusions, and typically exhibit a geophysical signature comprising a magnetic low (ie. reduced) coinciding with at conductivity low. Veining in RIRGS systems is typically zoned with a core of sheeted veins surrounded by more discrete gold-arsenic veins and more distal silver-lead-zinc veins.

Technical information in this news release has been approved by Trifecta's Vice President, Jackson Morton, P.Geo., a qualified person as defined under the terms of National Instrument 43-101.

About Trifecta Gold Ltd.

Trifecta is a Canadian-based precious metals exploration company dedicated to increasing shareholder value through the discovery and development of 100% held gold projects in Yukon and Nevada. Trifecta has secured an option to acquire a 100% interest in Mt. Hinton and 10 other highly prospective, intrusion-related gold projects located in Yukon's Tombstone Gold Belt where over 17 million ounces of gold have been discovered since May 2020. Initial drilling at the Company's Yuge Gold Project, located in northern Nevada, has identified multiple broad zones of gold mineralization near historical high-grade mines. The Company's Eureka Project hosts an 8 x 2.5 kilometre belt of surface showings and anomalous gold-in-soil that straddle the headwaters of two of the most productive placer creeks in Yukon's southern Klondike Goldfields. Trifecta's Treble Project covers a large hydrothermal system, located midway between Western Copper and Gold Corporation's Casino Deposit, the largest copper and gold deposit in the Yukon, and Rockhaven Resources Ltd.'s Klaza Deposit, a high-grade gold-silver deposit.


"Richard Drechsler"

President and CEO

For further information concerning Trifecta or its various exploration projects please visit or contact:

Corporate Information

Trifecta Gold Ltd.
Richard Drechsler
President, CEO & Director
Tel: (604) 687-2522

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SOURCE: Trifecta Gold Ltd.

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What were the key findings from Trifecta Gold's 2024 exploration at Mt. Hinton?

Trifecta Gold's 2024 exploration at Mt. Hinton revealed a 2,000 x 500 metre magnetic low coinciding with high resistivity, suggesting a Reduced Intrusion Related Gold System (RIRGS). Granitic rocks were discovered near geophysical anomalies, and a rock sample yielded 2.07 g/t gold in a previously unexplored area.

What is the significance of the geophysical anomalies discovered at Trifecta Gold's Mt. Hinton Project (TRRFF)?

The geophysical anomalies discovered at Trifecta Gold's Mt. Hinton Project (TRRFF) are significant because they indicate the potential presence of a Reduced Intrusion Related Gold System (RIRGS). This type of system is associated with other major gold deposits in the region, suggesting the project may have substantial mineralization potential.

How did Trifecta Gold's (TRRFF) 2024 drilling program at Mt. Hinton perform?

Trifecta Gold's (TRRFF) 2024 drilling program at Mt. Hinton was to one hole due to equipment issues. The completed hole, MH-24-038, encountered two unmapped faults and did not return significant gold results. However, drill roads and pads were constructed to facilitate future drilling of promising zones.

What ongoing research is being conducted on Trifecta Gold's Mt. Hinton Project (TRRFF)?

Ongoing research on Trifecta Gold's Mt. Hinton Project (TRRFF) includes mineralogical studies at Simon Fraser University. These studies aim to better characterize the known vein system and determine its relationship to other mineralization in the Tombstone Gold Belt. The research involves radiometric dating, hyperspectral imaging, and Scanning Electron Microprobe studies.



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