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T. Rowe Price has announced the appointment of Ben Riley, CFA®, to the newly created role of Head of Insurance, effective January 1, 2025. Riley will oversee a team responsible for insurance clients in North America and coordinate T. Rowe Price's global insurance efforts. He will report to Doug Greenstein, Head of Institutional Business Development for Americas.

Riley has been with T. Rowe Price since 2001 and joined the Americas Institutional Client Service team in 2007. In 2017, he became the firm's first senior relationship manager dedicated to insurance general account mandates. Under his leadership, T. Rowe Price's insurance business has experienced strong growth across multiple asset classes.

The appointment aims to drive growth and better serve clients with enhanced focus and expertise in the insurance sector. Riley highlighted T. Rowe Price's strengths in providing customized fixed income solutions and fundamental credit research, which are critical for insurance mandates.

T. Rowe Price ha annunciato la nomina di Ben Riley, CFA® al nuovo ruolo di Responsabile Assicurazioni, con decorrenza dal 1 gennaio 2025. Riley supervisionerà un team responsabile per i clienti assicurativi in Nord America e coordinerà gli sforzi globali di T. Rowe Price nel settore assicurativo. Riporterà a Doug Greenstein, Responsabile dello Sviluppo del Business Istituzionale per le Americhe.

Riley è in T. Rowe Price dal 2001 e si è unito al team del Servizio Clienti Istituzionali per le Americhe nel 2007. Nel 2017, è diventato il primo senior relationship manager dell'azienda dedicato ai mandati generali delle assicurazioni. Sotto la sua guida, il business assicurativo di T. Rowe Price ha registrato una forte crescita attraverso molteplici classi di attivo.

La nomina mira a stimolare la crescita e a servire meglio i clienti con un focus e una competenza potenziati nel settore assicurativo. Riley ha evidenziato i punti di forza di T. Rowe Price nell'offrire soluzioni di reddito fisso personalizzate e ricerca fondamentale sul credito, elementi critici per i mandati assicurativi.

T. Rowe Price ha anunciado el nombramiento de Ben Riley, CFA® para el nuevo cargo de Jefe de Seguros, que entrará en vigor el 1 de enero de 2025. Riley supervisará un equipo responsable de los clientes de seguros en América del Norte y coordinara los esfuerzos globales de T. Rowe Price en el sector de seguros. Informará a Doug Greenstein, Jefe de Desarrollo de Negocios Institucionales para las Américas.

Riley ha estado en T. Rowe Price desde 2001 y se unió al equipo de Servicio al Cliente Institucional de las Américas en 2007. En 2017, se convirtió en el primer gerente senior de relaciones de la empresa dedicado a los mandatos generales de seguros. Bajo su liderazgo, el negocio de seguros de T. Rowe Price ha experimentado un fuerte crecimiento en múltiples clases de activos.

El nombramiento tiene como objetivo impulsar el crecimiento y servir mejor a los clientes con un enfoque y experiencia mejorados en el sector de seguros. Riley destacó las fortalezas de T. Rowe Price en ofrecer soluciones personalizadas de ingresos fijos y una investigación fundamental de crédito, que son críticas para los mandatos de seguros.

T. Rowe PriceBen Riley, CFA®를 새로 만들어진 보험 책임자 직위에 임명한다고 발표했습니다. 임기는 2025년 1월 1일부터 시작됩니다. Riley는 북미의 보험 고객을 담당하는 팀을 관리하고 T. Rowe Price의 글로벌 보험 노력을 조정할 것입니다. 그는 Doug Greenstein에게 보고할 것이며, 그는 아메리카의 기관 비즈니스 개발 책임자입니다.

Riley는 2001년부터 T. Rowe Price에서 일해왔으며 2007년에는 아메리카 기관 고객 서비스 팀에 합류했습니다. 2017년에는 보험 일반 계정 명령에 전념하는 회사의 첫 번째 수석 관계 관리자가 되었습니다. 그의 리더십 아래, T. Rowe Price의 보험 사업은 여러 자산 클래스에서 강력한 성장을 경험했습니다.

이번 임명은 성장을 촉진하고 보험 부문에서 증가된 집중과 전문성을 통해 고객에게 더 나은 서비스를 제공하는 것을 목표로 합니다. Riley는 T. Rowe Price가 맞춤형 고정 수익 솔루션과 기본 신용 연구 제공에서 강점을 가지고 있다고 강조했으며, 이는 보험 명령에 필수적입니다.

T. Rowe Price a annoncé la nomination de Ben Riley, CFA® au poste nouvellement créé de Responsable des Assurances, avec effet au 1er janvier 2025. Riley supervisera une équipe responsable des clients d'assurance en Amérique du Nord et coordonnera les efforts mondiaux de T. Rowe Price dans le secteur de l'assurance. Il fera rapport à Doug Greenstein, Responsable du Développement Commercial Institutionnel pour les Amériques.

Riley travaille chez T. Rowe Price depuis 2001 et a rejoint l'équipe du Service Client Institutionnel pour les Amériques en 2007. En 2017, il est devenu le premier responsable des relations senior de l'entreprise dédié aux mandats généraux d'assurance. Sous sa direction, l'activité d'assurance de T. Rowe Price a connu une forte croissance dans plusieurs classes d'actifs.

Cette nomination vise à stimuler la croissance et à mieux servir les clients grâce à un accent et une expertise renforcés dans le secteur de l'assurance. Riley a souligné les points forts de T. Rowe Price dans la fourniture de solutions de revenus fixes personnalisées et de recherche fondamentale sur le crédit, qui sont essentielles pour les mandats d'assurance.

T. Rowe Price hat die Ernennung von Ben Riley, CFA® zum neu geschaffenen Leiter Versicherungen bekannt gegeben, die am 1. Januar 2025 wirksam wird. Riley wird ein Team leiten, das für Versicherungs- klienten in Nordamerika zuständig ist, und die globalen Versicherungsanstrengungen von T. Rowe Price koordinieren. Er wird an Doug Greenstein berichten, der Leiter der institutionellen Geschäftsentwicklung für die Americas ist.

Riley ist seit 2001 bei T. Rowe Price und trat 2007 dem Team für institutionellen Kundenservice in den Americas bei. 2017 wurde er der erste Senior Relationship Manager des Unternehmens, der sich auf allgemeine Versicherungsmandate konzentrierte. Unter seiner Leitung hat das Versicherungsgeschäft von T. Rowe Price ein starkes Wachstum in mehreren Anlageklassen erfahren.

Die Ernennung zielt darauf ab, Wachstum voranzutreiben und die Kunden durch einen verbesserten Fokus und Fachwissen im Versicherungssektor besser zu bedienen. Riley hob die Stärken von T. Rowe Price hervor, maßgeschneiderte Lösungen für festverzinsliche Anlagen und grundlegende Kreditforschung anzubieten, die für Versicherungsmandate von entscheidender Bedeutung sind.

  • Creation of a new Head of Insurance role to focus on the insurance segment
  • Strong growth in T. Rowe Price's insurance business across multiple asset classes
  • Appointment of an experienced internal candidate with 24 years at the company
  • None.

Newly created role to further the firm's focus on the Insurance segment

BALTIMORE, Oct. 16, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- T. Rowe Price, a global investment management firm, announced the elevation of Ben Riley, CFA®, to the newly created role of Head of Insurance, effective January 1, 2025. Riley will oversee a team responsible for insurance clients in North America, while also coordinating T. Rowe Price's global insurance efforts. He will maintain coverage responsibilities for current clients and prospects. Riley will continue to report to Doug Greenstein, Head of Institutional Business Development for Americas, the organization responsible for the firm's institutional business in North America.

"Ben is perfectly suited to take on this important new role," said Greenstein. "His extensive experience and dedication have been instrumental in establishing T. Rowe Price within the Insurance sector. Ben is a strong leader, and his appointment will enable us to drive growth and better serve our clients with enhanced focus and expertise."

Riley has been with T. Rowe Price since 2001 and joined the Americas Institutional Client Service team in 2007. In 2017, he moved into his current role as the firm's first senior relationship manager dedicated to the sales and service of insurance general account mandates. Since that time, T. Rowe Price's insurance business has experienced strong growth across multiple asset classes. He has also served as relationship manager for Retirement Plan Services and has worked in the firm's Fixed Income and Multi-Asset divisions. A team of relationship managers will report to Riley.

"Many of our insurance clients are looking for a partner with scale who has the ability to provide customized fixed income solutions," said Riley. "We've been doing this successfully for several years. T. Rowe Price's focus on fundamental, proprietary credit research, coupled with our extensive equity research platform, provides a holistic view of the credits in which we invest. This is critically important for insurance mandates, which tend to be lower in turnover and sensitive to impairments. When you combine the resources of T. Rowe Price with our service-oriented culture, and the quality of our credit research platform, it makes us an ideal partner for insurance clients."

Founded in 1937, T. Rowe Price (NASDAQ – GS: TROW) helps individuals and institutions around the world achieve their long-term investment goals. As a large global asset management company known for investment excellence, retirement leadership, and independent proprietary research, the firm is built on a culture of integrity that puts client interests first. Clients rely on the award-winning firm for its retirement expertise and active management of equity, fixed income, alternatives, and multi-asset investment capabilities.

T. Rowe Price serves millions of clients globally and manages U.S. $1.63 trillion in assets under management as of September 30, 2024. About two-thirds of the assets under management are retirement-related. News and other updates can be found on Facebook, InstagramLinkedInXYouTube, and

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SOURCE T. Rowe Price Group


When will Ben Riley start as Head of Insurance at T. Rowe Price (TROW)?

Ben Riley will start as Head of Insurance at T. Rowe Price on January 1, 2025.

What will be Ben Riley's responsibilities as Head of Insurance at T. Rowe Price (TROW)?

Ben Riley will oversee a team responsible for insurance clients in North America and coordinate T. Rowe Price's global insurance efforts. He will also maintain coverage responsibilities for current clients and prospects.

How long has Ben Riley been with T. Rowe Price (TROW)?

Ben Riley has been with T. Rowe Price since 2001, joining the company 23 years ago.

What has been the performance of T. Rowe Price's (TROW) insurance business under Ben Riley's leadership?

Since Ben Riley became the firm's first senior relationship manager dedicated to insurance general account mandates in 2017, T. Rowe Price's insurance business has experienced strong growth across multiple asset classes.

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