NexTrex Launches National Drop-Off Directory for Plastic Bag and Film Recycling

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Trex Company [NYSE:TREX] has launched the NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory, a nationwide online searchable platform connecting eco-conscious Americans with local plastic film recycling partners. This initiative addresses the challenge of recycling plastic bags and film, which cannot be processed in regular curbside recycling bins.

The directory includes approximately 10,000 drop-off locations across all 50 states, making it easier for individuals to responsibly dispose of plastic film waste. Trex, a leading manufacturer of composite decking, uses recycled polyethylene plastic as a core ingredient in its products, which are made from up to 95% recycled and reclaimed materials.

As one of North America's largest recyclers of PE film, Trex reclaims over 300 million pounds of discarded plastic annually. The company has diverted more than 5 billion pounds of PE film from landfills and waterways over the past 30 years, demonstrating the viability of plastic recycling when done properly.

Trex Company [NYSE:TREX] ha lanciato il NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory, una piattaforma online nazionale ricercabile che connette gli americani eco-consapevoli con i partner locali per il riciclaggio della plastica. Questa iniziativa affronta la sfida del riciclaggio di sacchetti e pellicole di plastica, che non possono essere elaborate nei normali contenitori di riciclaggio a bordo strada.

Il directory include circa 10.000 punti di raccolta in tutti i 50 stati, rendendo più facile per le persone smaltire responsabilmente i rifiuti di pellicola di plastica. Trex, un produttore leader di decking composito, utilizza plastica polietilene riciclata come ingrediente principale nei suoi prodotti, che sono realizzati fino al 95% con materiali riciclati e recuperati.

Come uno dei maggiori riciclatori di pellicola di PE del Nord America, Trex recupera oltre 300 milioni di libbre di plastica scartata ogni anno. L'azienda ha deviato oltre 5 miliardi di libbre di pellicole di PE dalle discariche e dai corsi d'acqua negli ultimi 30 anni, dimostrando la fattibilità del riciclaggio della plastica quando viene eseguito correttamente.

Trex Company [NYSE:TREX] ha lanzado el NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory, una plataforma en línea nacional buscable que conecta a los estadounidenses ecológicos con socios locales de reciclaje de plástico. Esta iniciativa aborda el desafío del reciclaje de bolsas y películas de plástico, que no pueden ser procesadas en los contenedores de reciclaje regulares.

El directorio incluye aproximadamente 10,000 puntos de entrega en los 50 estados, facilitando a las personas deshacerse de manera responsable de los desechos de películas plásticas. Trex, un fabricante líder de plataformas compuestas, utiliza plástico polietileno reciclado como ingrediente principal en sus productos, los cuales están hechos de hasta 95% de materiales reciclados y recuperados.

Como uno de los mayores recicladores de películas de PE de América del Norte, Trex recupera más de 300 millones de libras de plástico desechado anualmente. La empresa ha desviado más de 5 mil millones de libras de películas de PE de los vertederos y vías fluviales en los últimos 30 años, demostrando la viabilidad del reciclaje de plástico cuando se hace correctamente.

Trex Company [NYSE:TREX]는 NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory라는 전국적으로 검색 가능한 온라인 플랫폼을 출시했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 친환경적인 미국인들과 지역 플라스틱 필름 재활용 파트너를 연결합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 일반적인 재활용 쓰레기통에서 처리할 수 없는 플라스틱 가방과 필름 재활용 문제에 대해 해결책을 제공합니다.

디렉토리는 모든 50개 주에서 약 10,000개의 수거 장소를 포함하여, 개인이 플라스틱 필름 폐기물을 책임감 있게 처리할 수 있도록 돕습니다. Trex는 복합 마루의 주요 제조업체로, 제품의 주요 성분으로 재활용된 폴리에틸렌 플라스틱을 사용하며, 이 제품은 최대 95%의 재활용 및 회수된 소재로 만들어집니다.

북미에서 가장 큰 폴리에틸렌 필름 재활용업체 중 하나인 Trex는 매년 3억 파운드 이상의 폐기된 플라스틱을 회수합니다. 이 회사는 지난 30년 동안 50억 파운드 이상의 폴리에틸렌 필름을 매립지와 수로에서 분리해 내어, 제대로 수행될 경우 플라스틱 재활용의 실행 가능성을 보여주고 있습니다.

Trex Company [NYSE:TREX] a lancé le NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory, une plateforme en ligne nationale et consultable qui relie les Américains soucieux de l'environnement à des partenaires locaux de recyclage des films plastiques. Cette initiative répond au défi du recyclage des sacs en plastique et des films, qui ne peuvent pas être traités dans les bacs de recyclage conventionnels.

Le répertoire comprend environ 10 000 points de collecte dans tous les 50 États, facilitant ainsi aux individus l'élimination responsable des déchets plastiques. Trex, un fabricant leader de terrasses composites, utilise du plastique polyéthylène recyclé comme ingrédient principal dans ses produits, qui sont fabriqués à partir de jusqu'à 95 % de matériaux recyclés et récupérés.

En tant que l'un des plus grands recyclers de films en PE en Amérique du Nord, Trex récupère plus de 300 millions de livres de plastique jeté chaque année. L'entreprise a détourné plus de 5 milliards de livres de films en PE des décharges et des voies navigables au cours des 30 dernières années, démontrant la viabilité du recyclage des plastiques lorsqu'il est réalisé correctement.

Die Trex Company [NYSE:TREX] hat das NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory gestartet, eine landesweite online durchsuchbare Plattform, die umweltbewusste Amerikaner mit lokalen Partnern für das Recycling von Kunststofffolien verbindet. Diese Initiative geht das Problem der Wiederverwertung von Plastiktüten und -folien an, die nicht in regulären Recyclingtonnen verarbeitet werden können.

Das Verzeichnis umfasst ungefähr 10.000 Annahmestellen in allen 50 Bundesstaaten, wodurch es einfacher wird, Kunststofffolienabfälle verantwortungsbewusst zu entsorgen. Trex, ein führender Hersteller von Verbundmaterialien, verwendet recycelten Polyethylen-Kunststoff als Hauptbestandteil in seinen Produkten, die aus bis zu 95% recycelten und wiederverwerteten Materialien bestehen.

Als einer der größten Recycler von PE-Folien in Nordamerika recycelt Trex jährlich über 300 Millionen Pfund weggeworfenen Kunststoffs. Das Unternehmen hat in den letzten 30 Jahren mehr als 5 Milliarden Pfund PE-Folie von Deponien und Gewässern abgeleitet, was die Durchführbarkeit des Kunststoffrecyclings bei richtiger Ausführung demonstriert.

  • Launch of NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory, covering all 50 states
  • Approximately 10,000 drop-off locations available nationwide
  • Trex reclaims over 300 million pounds of discarded plastic annually
  • Company has diverted more than 5 billion pounds of PE film from landfills over 30 years
  • Trex products made from up to 95% recycled and reclaimed materials
  • None.

The launch of NexTrex's national drop-off directory for plastic bag and film recycling is a significant step towards improving plastic waste management. This initiative addresses a important gap in recycling infrastructure, as plastic films are often excluded from curbside recycling programs. By providing a user-friendly platform to locate drop-off points across all 50 states, Trex is facilitating easier access to responsible disposal methods for consumers.

From an environmental perspective, this could lead to a substantial reduction in plastic pollution. Trex's commitment to recycling 300 million pounds of plastic annually is impressive, potentially diverting significant amounts of waste from landfills and waterways. However, the long-term impact will depend on consumer participation and the expansion of the program. The initiative's success could inspire other companies to adopt similar models, potentially catalyzing a broader shift in plastic waste management practices.

Trex's launch of the NexTrex Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory is a strategic move that could enhance brand perception and market position. By addressing the growing consumer concern over plastic waste, Trex is aligning itself with environmentally conscious values, which could attract eco-minded customers and potentially boost sales of its composite decking products.

The initiative also demonstrates Trex's commitment to vertical integration in its supply chain, securing a steady stream of recycled materials for its products. This could lead to cost savings and improved supply chain resilience in the long term. Moreover, by engaging with retailers as recycling partners, Trex is strengthening its B2B relationships, which could open up new distribution channels or collaborative opportunities.

While the immediate financial impact may be , this program could contribute to long-term brand value and customer loyalty, potentially translating into sustained market growth and shareholder value.

User-friendly Online Search Portal Makes Plastic Film Recycling More Accessible with Locations Listed Across All 50 States

WINCHESTER, Va., Sept. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Amid increasing concern related to plastic bag and film recycling, Trex Company [NYSE:TREX] is making it easier than ever for Americans to responsibly dispose of plastic film waste. The leading manufacturer of high-performance composite decking and railing is proud to announce the launch of the NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory, the country’s only online searchable platform dedicated to connecting eco-minded Americans with Trex recycling partners in their local communities. With locations in all 50 states, the nationwide directory fills a gap in the marketplace, offering a comprehensive resource that empowers individuals to contribute to a greener planet by diverting plastic bag and film waste from landfills and waterways.

“Plastic film is a tricky material that cannot be recycled in curbside bins with other recyclable materials, such as paper, cardboard and glass,” explained Stephanie Hicks, Materials and Recycling Programs Manager for Trex Company. “The NexTrex program offers a simple way for people to dispose of flexible plastic waste responsibly and confidently. When you drop off plastic bags and film at a NexTrex recycling location, you know exactly where those materials are going and how they will be used.”

Since first inventing composite decking, Trex has built a successful business from recycled polyethylene (PE) plastic, a core ingredient in its world-famous composite decking, which is made from up to 95% recycled and reclaimed materials. One of the largest recyclers of PE film in North America, the company reclaims and repurposes more than 300 million pounds of discarded plastic material annually. Among its primary sources are grocery stores and other retailers who partner with Trex to responsibly dispose of shrink wrap, pallet wrap, and other flexible plastic materials used in their operations. More than 10,000 of these stores also serve as public-facing drop-off locations with dedicated bins posted in their stores where local community members can recycle plastic bag and film materials that qualify to be used by Trex. These include everyday items such as grocery/retail bags, produce bags, sandwich bags, case overwrap, plastic wrap from paper towels and toilet paper, newspaper sleeves, dry cleaner bags, bubble wrap and flexible shipping pouches. A full list of qualifying materials can be found at

Through the new NexTrex Plastic Recycling Drop-off Directory, people can simply type in their city, state or zip code to find NexTrex recycling partners in their area. The directory currently includes approximately 10,000 drop-off locations across all 50 states, including Alaska and Hawaii. New locations will continue to be added as more retailers join the NexTrex program. The directory site also invites visitors to suggest alternate locations and provide feedback for program improvements.

“This directory reinforces Trex’s involvement in the entire recycling process, from the collection and processing of plastic film to the creation of sustainable outdoor living products,” noted Dave Heglas, Senior Director, Recycled Materials for Trex Company. “Unlike other retail recycling programs, we actively manage the process from start to finish to ensure the plastics that are dropped off at our partner locations successfully make their way to Trex where they are given new life as beautiful and sustainable Trex decking.”

Founded on the principle that value can be derived from discarded materials, Trex has continuously managed plastic recycling programs for the past three decades. Over the past 30 years, the company has diverted more than 5 billion pounds of PE film from landfills and waterways.

“We are proud to be a successful proof-of-concept that, when done properly and mindfully, plastic recycling is absolutely viable and not a myth,” added Hicks. “Our goal is to make the world a better place one plastic bag at a time.”

To find a NexTrex recycling location near you, go to the new NexTrex Plastic Recycling Drop-off Directory at For more information about Trex outdoor living products, visit

About Trex Company
For more than 30 years, Trex Company [NYSE: TREX] has invented, reinvented and defined the composite decking category. Today, the company is the world’s #1 brand of sustainably made, wood-alternative decking and deck railing, and a leader in high performance, low-maintenance outdoor living products. The undisputed global leader, Trex boasts the industry’s strongest distribution network with products sold through more than 6,700 retail outlets across six continents. Through strategic licensing agreements, the company offers a comprehensive outdoor living portfolio that includes deck drainage, flashing tapes, LED lighting, outdoor kitchen components, pergolas, spiral stairs, fencing, lattice, cornhole and outdoor furniture – all marketed under the Trex® brand. Based in Winchester, Va., Trex is proud to have been named America’s Most Trusted® Outdoor Decking* 4 Years in a Row (2021-2024). The company was also recently included on Barron’s list of the 100 Most Sustainable U.S. Companies 2024, named one of America’s Most Responsible Companies 2024 by Newsweek and ranked as one of the 100 Best ESG Companies for 2023 by Investor’s Business Daily. For more information, visit You may also follow Trex on Facebook (trexcompany), Instagram (trexcompany), X (Trex_Company), LinkedIn (trex-company), TikTok (trexcompany), Pinterest (trexcompany) and Houzz (trex-company-inc), or view product and demonstration videos on the brand’s YouTube channel (TheTrexCo).

*Trex received the highest numerical score in the proprietary Lifestory Research 2021-2024 America’s Most Trusted® Outdoor Decking studies. Study results are based on experiences and perceptions of people surveyed. Your experiences may vary. Visit

Contact: Abigail Cox
L.C. Williams & Associates

A photo accompanying this announcement is available at


What is the NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory launched by Trex (TREX)?

The NexTrex® Plastic Recycling Drop-Off Directory is a nationwide online searchable platform launched by Trex (TREX) to connect eco-conscious Americans with local plastic film recycling partners across all 50 states.

How many drop-off locations are available in the NexTrex directory for Trex (TREX)?

The NexTrex directory includes approximately 10,000 drop-off locations across all 50 states in the United States.

How much recycled material does Trex (TREX) use in its products?

Trex (TREX) products are made from up to 95% recycled and reclaimed materials, with recycled polyethylene plastic as a core ingredient in its composite decking.

How much plastic does Trex (TREX) reclaim annually?

Trex (TREX) reclaims and repurposes more than 300 million pounds of discarded plastic material annually.

How much plastic has Trex (TREX) diverted from landfills over the past 30 years?

Over the past 30 years, Trex (TREX) has diverted more than 5 billion pounds of polyethylene film from landfills and waterways.

Trex Company, Inc.


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