Tennant Company Announces New Approach to Corporate Giving and 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project Sponsorship

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Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) has announced a refreshed approach to its corporate giving strategy, aligning with its Thriving People. Healthy Planet. sustainability framework. The new strategy focuses on three key areas: workforce development, environmental sustainability, and fostering vibrant communities and shared spaces.

As part of this initiative, Tennant has committed to a $250,000 corporate sponsorship of the 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project. The company will continue its participation in the Minnesota Keystone Program, which recognizes companies donating at least 2% of their pre-tax U.S. earnings to charitable organizations.

The Tennant Foundation, established in 1972, will play a key role in supporting these enhanced giving strategies, focusing on education, social services, and environmental stewardship.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) ha annunciato un approccio rinnovato alla sua strategia di donazione aziendale, allineandosi al suo quadro di sostenibilità Persone Fiorenti. Pianeta Sano.. La nuova strategia si concentra su tre aree chiave: sviluppo della forza lavoro, sostenibilità ambientale e promozione di comunità vive e spazi condivisi.

Come parte di questa iniziativa, Tennant si è impegnata a una sponsorizzazione aziendale di $250.000 per il 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project. L'azienda continuerà la sua partecipazione al programma Minnesota Keystone, che riconosce le aziende che donano almeno il 2% dei loro guadagni ante imposte negli Stati Uniti a organizzazioni benefiche.

La Fondazione Tennant, istituita nel 1972, avrà un ruolo fondamentale nel sostenere queste strategie di donazione potenziate, con un focus su istruzione, servizi sociali e gestione ambientale.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) ha anunciado un enfoque renovado para su estrategia de donaciones corporativas, alineándose con su marco de sostenibilidad Personas Prósperas. Planeta Saludable.. La nueva estrategia se centra en tres áreas clave: desarrollo de la fuerza laboral, sostenibilidad ambiental y fomento de comunidades vibrantes y espacios compartidos.

Como parte de esta iniciativa, Tennant se ha comprometido a una patrocinio corporativo de $250,000 para el 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project. La empresa continuará su participación en el Programa Minnesota Keystone, que reconoce a las empresas que donan al menos el 2% de sus ganancias antes de impuestos en EE.UU. a organizaciones benéficas.

La Fundación Tennant, establecida en 1972, jugará un papel clave en el apoyo a estas estrategias de donación mejoradas, centrándose en educación, servicios sociales y gestión ambiental.

테넌트 컴퍼니(NYSE: TNC)는 번창하는 사람들. 건강한 지구.라는 지속 가능성 프레임워크에 맞춰 기업 기부 전략을 새롭게 한 접근 방식을 발표했습니다. 새로운 전략은 인력 개발, 환경 지속 가능성, 생동감 있는 커뮤니티 및 공유 공간 조성의 세 가지 주요 영역에 중점을 두고 있습니다.

이 이니셔티브의 일환으로 테넌트는 $250,000의 기업 후원2024 해비타트 포 휴머니티 카터 워크 프로젝트에 약속했습니다. 회사는 최소 2%의 세전 미국 수익금을 자선 단체에 기부하는 기업을 인정하는 미네소타 키스톤 프로그램에 대한 참여를 지속할 것입니다.

1972년에 설립된 테넌트 재단은 교육, 사회 서비스 및 환경 관리에 중점을 두고 이런 강화된 기부 전략을 지원하는 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다.

Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) a annoncé une approche renouvelée de sa stratégie de dons d'entreprise, s'alignant sur son cadre de durabilité Des personnes prospères. Une planète saine.. La nouvelle stratégie se concentre sur trois domaines clés : développement de la main-d'œuvre, soutenabilité environnementale et promotion de communautés dynamiques et d'espaces partagés.

Dans le cadre de cette initiative, Tennant s'est engagé à un parrainage d'entreprise de 250 000 $ pour le 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project. L'entreprise continuera à participer au Programme Minnesota Keystone, qui reconnaît les entreprises faisant des dons d'au moins 2 % de leurs bénéfices imposables aux États-Unis à des organisations caritatives.

La Fondation Tennant, fondée en 1972, jouera un rôle clé dans le soutien de ces stratégies de don renforcées, en se concentrant sur l'éducation, les services sociaux et la gestion environnementale.

Die Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC) hat einen neuen Ansatz für ihre Unternehmensspendenstrategie angekündigt, der mit ihrem Nachhaltigkeitsrahmen Wohlstand für Menschen. Gesunder Planet. in Einklang steht. Die neue Strategie konzentriert sich auf drei zentrale Bereiche: Entwicklung der Belegschaft, Umweltnachhaltigkeit und Förderung lebendiger Gemeinschaften und gemeinsamer Räume.

Im Rahmen dieser Initiative hat Tennant sich zu einer Unternehmenssponsoring in Höhe von 250.000 $ für das 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project verpflichtet. Das Unternehmen wird weiterhin am Minnesota Keystone-Programm teilnehmen, das Unternehmen anerkennt, die mindestens 2 % ihrer steuerpflichtigen US-Einnahmen an gemeinnützige Organisationen spenden.

Die 1972 gegründete Tennant-Stiftung wird eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Unterstützung dieser erweiterten Spendenstrategien spielen und sich auf Bildung, soziale Dienste und Umweltverantwortung konzentrieren.

  • Alignment of corporate giving with sustainability framework, potentially improving brand image and stakeholder relations
  • $250,000 sponsorship of 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project, demonstrating commitment to community engagement
  • Continued participation in Minnesota Keystone Program, showcasing consistent charitable contributions
  • None.


Tennant Company's new corporate giving strategy represents a significant shift in their approach to philanthropy, aligning it more closely with their business objectives and sustainability framework. This move is likely to enhance their brand reputation and stakeholder engagement.

The focus on workforce development is particularly noteworthy, as it addresses the growing skills gap in the labor market. This could potentially create a pipeline of skilled workers for Tennant and the broader industry, indirectly benefiting their operations in the long term.

The $250,000 sponsorship of the Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project is a tangible commitment that demonstrates Tennant's dedication to community development. While this is a positive step for corporate citizenship, the immediate financial impact on the company is likely minimal given their $1.24 billion in sales for 2023.

Overall, this strategic realignment of corporate giving, while commendable from a CSR perspective, is unlikely to have a significant short-term impact on Tennant's financial performance or stock value. However, it may contribute to long-term sustainability and stakeholder goodwill, which could indirectly support the company's market position over time.

New Giving Focus Areas Will Create Measurable Impact Tied to Thriving People. Healthy Planet. Framework

MINNEAPOLIS--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Tennant Company (NYSE: TNC), a global leader in designing, manufacturing, and marketing solutions that help create a cleaner, safer, and healthier world, today announced a refreshed approach to its corporate giving strategy. With a strong commitment to driving positive change in the communities it serves, Tennant’s updated giving efforts align with its Thriving People. Healthy Planet. sustainability framework and will focus on three key areas: workforce development, environmental sustainability, and fostering vibrant communities and shared spaces.

“As a company with a long legacy of sustainable leadership and stewardship, we believe in building strong and sustainable communities where all can thrive,” said Dave Huml, President and CEO of Tennant Company. “Our new approach to corporate giving aligns our philanthropic efforts with our business priorities and purpose. Through these initiatives, we aim to support the development of the skilled trades, protect our environment, and enhance shared spaces for the benefit of all.”

Focus Areas of Tennant Company’s New Corporate Giving Strategy:

  • Workforce Development: Tennant is committed to empowering individuals through education, skills training, and workforce development programs that prepare people for meaningful careers. The company will support initiatives that close the skills gap and create opportunities for people to thrive in an evolving economy.
  • Environmental Sustainability: As a leader in sustainable cleaning solutions, Tennant is dedicated to reducing its environmental footprint and helping others do the same. The company will support projects that protect natural resources and support long-term environmental health and resilience.
  • Vibrant Communities and Shared Spaces: Tennant recognizes the importance of strong, vibrant communities and the shared spaces that bring people together. The company’s corporate giving will focus on revitalizing public spaces, promoting access to safe and clean environments, and fostering community engagement.

Tennant continues to be a proud participant in the Minnesota Keystone Program, which promotes corporate philanthropy by recognizing companies that donate at least 2% of their pre-tax U.S. earnings to charitable organizations. Within these areas of focus, Tennant will continue to its commitment to the Keystone Program.

Tennant Foundation: A Legacy of Giving

The Tennant Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Tennant Company, will play a key role in supporting the company’s enhanced giving strategy. Established in 1972, the Foundation has a long history of investing in initiatives that drive meaningful change, focusing on education, social services, and environmental stewardship. The Foundation’s updated focus areas will reflect the company’s overarching goals in workforce development, sustainability, and community engagement.

2024 Sponsorship: Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project

As part of its renewed commitment to vibrant communities, Tennant Company proudly announces a $250,000 corporate sponsorship of the 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project. This long-standing partnership brings together volunteers from across the country to build affordable homes and transform neighborhoods. Tennant employees will participate in the project, working alongside Habitat for Humanity to provide safe and stable housing for families in need.

“We are thrilled to be a part of the 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project,” said Kristin Erickson, Tennant Company Senior Vice President, General Counsel and President of the Tennant Foundation. “This collaboration reflects our dedication to creating cleaner, healthier, and more vibrant communities, and we are proud to work with Habitat for Humanity to make that a reality.”

About Tennant

Founded in 1870, Tennant Company (TNC), headquartered in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, is a world leader in the design, manufacture, and marketing of solutions that help create a cleaner, safer, and healthier world. Its products include equipment for maintaining surfaces in industrial, commercial and outdoor environments; detergent-free and other sustainable cleaning technologies; and cleaning tools and supplies. Tennant's global field service network is the most extensive in the industry. Tennant Company had sales of $1.24 billion in 2023 and has approximately 4,500 employees. Tennant has manufacturing operations throughout the world and sells products direct in 15 countries and through distributors in more than 100 countries. For more information, visit and The Tennant Company logo and other trademarks designated with the symbol “®” are trademarks of Tennant Company registered in the United States and/or other countries.

Jason Peterson

Director of Corporate Communications

(763) 513-1849

Source: Tennant Company


What are the focus areas of Tennant Company's new corporate giving strategy?

Tennant Company's new corporate giving strategy focuses on three key areas: workforce development, environmental sustainability, and fostering vibrant communities and shared spaces.

How much is Tennant Company (TNC) sponsoring the 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project?

Tennant Company (TNC) has announced a $250,000 corporate sponsorship for the 2024 Habitat for Humanity Carter Work Project.

What is the Minnesota Keystone Program that Tennant Company (TNC) participates in?

The Minnesota Keystone Program recognizes companies that donate at least 2% of their pre-tax U.S. earnings to charitable organizations. Tennant Company (TNC) continues to participate in this program as part of its corporate giving strategy.

When was the Tennant Foundation established and what is its role?

The Tennant Foundation was established in 1972. It plays a key role in supporting Tennant Company's enhanced giving strategy, focusing on education, social services, and environmental stewardship.



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