Trend Micro Named a Leader in Attack Surface Management in New Report

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Trend Micro has been named a Leader in Attack Surface Management (ASM) in The Forrester Wave™: Attack Surface Management Solutions, Q3 2024. The report highlights Trend's innovative approach to ASM, which is fully integrated with its Trend Vision One™ platform. Trend's ASM offering provides continuous monitoring, discovery, prioritization, and remediation.

Key features of Trend's ASM capabilities include:

  • Real-time visibility of the entire attack surface
  • Continuous risk assessments and monitoring
  • Prioritized, actionable risk insights with remediation recommendations
  • Security controls to anticipate and eliminate risks

Trend's ASM has seen over 170% growth in allocation over the past year, with thousands of customers adopting the capabilities. The company's roadmap for 2024-25 includes enhancements in security awareness, compliance management, cyber risk quantification, and more.

Trend Micro è stata nominata Leader nella Gestione della Superficie di Attacco (ASM) nel report The Forrester Wave™: Soluzioni di Gestione della Superficie di Attacco, Q3 2024. Il rapporto evidenzia l'approccio innovativo di Trend all'ASM, che è completamente integrato con la sua piattaforma Trend Vision One™. L'offerta ASM di Trend fornisce monitoraggio continuo, scoperta, prioritizzazione e rimedio.

Le principali caratteristiche delle capacità ASM di Trend includono:

  • Visibilità in tempo reale dell'intera superficie di attacco
  • Valutazioni e monitoraggio continuo dei rischi
  • Approfondimenti sui rischi prioritizzati e attuabili con raccomandazioni di rimedio
  • Controlli di sicurezza per anticipare ed eliminare i rischi

L'ASM di Trend ha registrato oltre il 170% di crescita nell'allocazione nell'ultimo anno, con migliaia di clienti che adottano queste capacità. Il piano dell'azienda per il 2024-25 include miglioramenti nella consapevolezza della sicurezza, nella gestione della conformità, nella quantificazione del rischio informatico e altro ancora.

Trend Micro ha sido nombrado Líder en Gestión de Superficie de Ataque (ASM) en el informe The Forrester Wave™: Soluciones de Gestión de Superficie de Ataque, Q3 2024. El informe destaca el enfoque innovador de Trend hacia el ASM, que está completamente integrado con su plataforma Trend Vision One™. La oferta de ASM de Trend proporciona monitoreo continuo, descubrimiento, priorización y remediación.

Las características clave de las capacidades ASM de Trend incluyen:

  • Visibilidad en tiempo real de toda la superficie de ataque
  • Evaluaciones y monitoreo continuo de riesgos
  • Perspectivas de riesgos priorizadas y accionables con recomendaciones de remediación
  • Controles de seguridad para anticipar y eliminar riesgos

El ASM de Trend ha visto más del 170% de crecimiento en asignación en el último año, con miles de clientes adoptando estas capacidades. La hoja de ruta de la compañía para 2024-25 incluye mejoras en la concienciación sobre seguridad, gestión de cumplimiento, cuantificación de riesgos cibernéticos, y más.

트렌드 마이크로가 2024년 3분기 The Forrester Wave™: 공격 표면 관리 솔루션에서 공격 표면 관리(ASM) 분야의 리더로 선정되었습니다. 이 보고서는 트렌드의 혁신적인 ASM 접근 방식을 강조하며, 이는 트렌드 비전 원™ 플랫폼과 완벽하게 통합되어 있습니다. 트렌드의 ASM 제공은 지속적인 모니터링, 탐색, 우선순위 지정 및 수정을 제공합니다.

트렌드 ASM 기능의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 전체 공격 표면에 대한 실시간 가시성
  • 지속적인 위험 평가 및 모니터링
  • 수정 권장 사항이 포함된 우선순위가 매겨진 실행 가능한 위험 통찰력
  • 위험을 예상하고 제거하기 위한 보안 통제

트렌드의 ASM은 지난 한 해 동안 170% 이상의 할당 증가를 경험했으며, 수천 명의 고객이 이 기능을 채택했습니다. 2024-25년을 위한 회사의 로드맵에는 보안 인식, 준수 관리, 사이버 위험 정량화 등의 개선 사항이 포함되어 있습니다.

Trend Micro a été désignée Leader dans la Gestion de la Surface d'Attaque (ASM) dans le rapport The Forrester Wave™ : Solutions de Gestion de la Surface d'Attaque, T3 2024. Le rapport met en évidence l'approche innovante de Trend en matière d'ASM, qui est entièrement intégrée à sa plateforme Trend Vision One™. L'offre ASM de Trend fournit une surveillance continue, une découverte, une priorisation et une remédiation.

Les principales caractéristiques des capacités ASM de Trend comprennent :

  • Une visibilité en temps réel de l'ensemble de la surface d'attaque
  • Des évaluations des risques et une surveillance continues
  • Des insights sur les risques prioritaires et exploitables accompagnés de recommandations de remédiation
  • Des contrôles de sécurité pour anticiper et éliminer les risques

L'ASM de Trend a connu une augmentation de plus de 170 % des allocations au cours de l'année dernière, avec des milliers de clients adoptant ces capacités. La feuille de route de l'entreprise pour 2024-25 comprend des améliorations en matière de sensibilisation à la sécurité, de gestion de la conformité, de quantification des risques cybernétiques, et bien plus encore.

Trend Micro wurde im The Forrester Wave™: Attack Surface Management Solutions, Q3 2024, als Führer im Attack Surface Management (ASM) benannt. Der Bericht hebt Trents innovative Herangehensweise an ASM hervor, die vollständig in die Plattform Trend Vision One™ integriert ist. Das ASM-Angebot von Trend bietet kontinuierliche Überwachung, Entdeckung, Priorisierung und Behebung.

Wichtige Funktionen der ASM-Fähigkeiten von Trend sind:

  • Echtzeittransparenz der gesamten Angriffsoberfläche
  • Kontinuierliche Risikobewertungen und -überwachung
  • Priorisierte, umsetzbare Risikoeinblicke mit Behebungs-empfehlungen
  • Sicherheitskontrollen zur Vorbeugung und Beseitigung von Risiken

Das ASM von Trend verzeichnete im vergangenen Jahr ein Wachstum von über 170% bei der Zuweisung, wobei Tausende von Kunden die Funktionen übernahmen. Der Fahrplan des Unternehmens für 2024-25 umfasst Verbesserungen im Bereich Sicherheitsbewusstsein, Compliance-Management, Cyber-Risikoquantifizierung und mehr.

  • Named a Leader in Attack Surface Management by Forrester
  • Over 170% growth in ASM allocation over the past year
  • Comprehensive ASM approach exceeding standard definitions
  • Fully integrated with Trend Vision One™ platform
  • Strong roadmap for 2024-25 with planned enhancements
  • None.

Report notes "Trend Micro brings Zero Trust to proactive security" 

DALLAS, Sept. 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cybersecurity innovator Trend Micro Incorporated (TYO: 4704; TSE: 4704) has been named a Leader in Attack Surface Management (ASM) in The Forrester Wave™: Attack Surface Management Solutions, Q3 2024. Trend believes this report demonstrates the exceptional value that its ASM offering delivers to customers through an innovative approach that is fully integrated with its flagship cybersecurity platform, Trend Vision One™.

Trend's ASM exceeds standard definitions to include continuous monitoring, discovery, prioritization, and remediation.

Luke Mason, Senior Cybersecurity Analyst, City of Columbia: "Trend's Attack Surface Risk Management is a game-changer, allowing us to assess domains, prioritize vulnerabilities, and chart a focused plan of attack. This helps us pinpoint our vulnerable areas and allocate resources effectively."

Trend's approach to ASM is comprehensive and exceeds standard definitions to include continuous monitoring, discovery, prioritization, and remediation. According to the Forrester report: "With a demonstrated commitment to R&D, Trend Micro has a differentiated innovation approach, centering capabilities toward Zero Trust by expanding coverage to identities, devices, networks, and cloud workloads."

Thousands of customers worldwide have rapidly adopted Trend's ASM capabilities since launch and continue to do so, with >170% growth in allocation over the past year. Trend continues to develop the tool to stay ahead of threats and ensure that customers receive industry-leading protection. The roadmap for 2024-25 includes security awareness, compliance management, cyber risk quantification, vulnerability risk management, data and AI security posture management, and more.

Effective security starts with understanding the attack surface. Organizations struggle with limited visibility and control of resources, inefficient risk management processes, and multiple disconnected security tools that complicate tasks and overwhelm IT teams. Trend's ASM capabilities provide security teams with:

  • Real-time visibility of the entire attack surface
  • Continuous risk assessments and monitoring
  • Prioritized, actionable risk insights with remediation recommendations
  • Security controls to anticipate and eliminate risks

Kevin Simzer, COO at Trend: "We constantly anticipate market needs and innovate to stay ahead of them. Our strong roadmap and leading performance in this category from the start highlight our commitment to giving more to our customers. We've been focusing on comprehensive attack surface management since long before industry analysts took note, empowering our customers to confidently navigate and secure their assets worldwide."

With comprehensive visibility, automated risk assessment, and mitigation across all asset types, Trend ASRM enables customers to achieve proactive and resilient security posture.

To learn more about the Forrester report and Trend's ASRM, visit: 

About Trend Micro 
Trend Micro, a global cybersecurity leader, helps make the world safe for exchanging digital information. Fueled by decades of security expertise, global threat research, and continuous innovation, Trend Micro's AI-powered cybersecurity platform protects hundreds of thousands of organizations and millions of individuals across clouds, networks, devices, and endpoints. As a leader in cloud and enterprise cybersecurity, Trend's platform delivers a powerful range of advanced threat defense techniques optimized for environments like AWS, Microsoft, and Google, and central visibility for better, faster detection and response. With 7,000 employees across 70 countries, Trend Micro enables organizations to simplify and secure their connected world.


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SOURCE Trend Micro Incorporated


What recognition did Trend Micro (TMICY) receive in the Forrester Wave report for Q3 2024?

Trend Micro was named a Leader in Attack Surface Management (ASM) in The Forrester Wave™: Attack Surface Management Solutions, Q3 2024.

What growth has Trend Micro's (TMICY) ASM capabilities seen in the past year?

Trend Micro's ASM capabilities have seen over 170% growth in allocation over the past year, with thousands of customers adopting the capabilities.

What features does Trend Micro's (TMICY) ASM offering provide?

Trend Micro's ASM offering provides continuous monitoring, discovery, prioritization, and remediation, along with real-time visibility of the entire attack surface, continuous risk assessments, prioritized insights, and security controls to anticipate and eliminate risks.

What future enhancements are planned for Trend Micro's (TMICY) ASM capabilities in 2024-25?

Trend Micro's roadmap for 2024-25 includes enhancements in security awareness, compliance management, cyber risk quantification, vulnerability risk management, and data and AI security posture management.



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