TP named a Leader in Everest Group's 2024 Experience-Driven Integrated BFS Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment
TP (TLPFY) has been named a Leader in Everest Group's 2024 Experience-Driven Integrated Banking and Financial Services (BFS) Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment, which evaluated 18 global providers. The company was recognized for its expertise in banking and financial services, particularly its OneOffice offering for integrated front-to-back operations.
The assessment highlighted TP's strengths in:
- Digital services expertise, enhanced by the Majorel acquisition
- Extensive operational scale and technology through TP Infinity
- Strong strategic partnerships with AI technology providers
- End-to-end integrated services including digital onboarding, KYC processes, and fraud-as-a-service
The recognition was based on market impact, vision, and capability, with TP excelling in AI-driven transformation, technology investment, and flexible global delivery model supporting BFS clients.
TP (TLPFY) è stata nominata Leader nella valutazione PEAK Matrix® 2024 di Everest Group sulle Operazioni di Banche e Servizi Finanziari Integrati Guidati dall'Esperienza, che ha valutato 18 fornitori globali. L'azienda è stata riconosciuta per la sua esperienza nel settore bancario e dei servizi finanziari, in particolare per la sua offerta OneOffice per operazioni integrate dalla frontiera alla retro.
La valutazione ha evidenziato i punti di forza di TP in:
- Competenza nei servizi digitali, potenziata dall'acquisizione di Majorel
- Estesa scala operativa e tecnologia attraverso TP Infinity
- Forti partnership strategiche con fornitori di tecnologia AI
- Servizi integrati end-to-end che includono onboarding digitale, processi KYC e frode come servizio
Il riconoscimento si basa sull'impatto di mercato, visione e capacità, con TP che eccelle nella trasformazione guidata dall'AI, negli investimenti tecnologici e nel modello di consegna globale flessibile a supporto dei clienti BFS.
TP (TLPFY) ha sido nombrada Líder en la evaluación PEAK Matrix® 2024 del Everest Group sobre Operaciones de Banca y Servicios Financieros Integrados Impulsados por la Experiencia, que evaluó a 18 proveedores globales. La empresa fue reconocida por su experiencia en banca y servicios financieros, especialmente por su oferta OneOffice para operaciones integradas de extremo a extremo.
La evaluación destacó las fortalezas de TP en:
- Experiencia en servicios digitales, potenciada por la adquisición de Majorel
- Amplia escala operativa y tecnología a través de TP Infinity
- Fuertes asociaciones estratégicas con proveedores de tecnología de IA
- Servicios integrados de extremo a extremo que incluyen onboarding digital, procesos KYC y fraude como servicio
El reconocimiento se basó en el impacto en el mercado, la visión y la capacidad, con TP sobresaliendo en transformación impulsada por IA, inversión en tecnología y un modelo de entrega global flexible que apoya a los clientes de BFS.
TP (TLPFY)는 2024년 에버레스트 그룹의 경험 기반 통합 은행 및 금융 서비스(BFS) 운영 PEAK Matrix® 평가에서 18개의 글로벌 제공업체를 평가하여 리더로 선정되었습니다. 회사는 은행 및 금융 서비스 분야에서의 전문성으로 인정받았습니다, 특히 통합된 프론트 투 백 운영을 위한 OneOffice 제공에 대해 높이 평가받았습니다.
평가는 TP의 강점을 다음과 같이 강조했습니다:
- Majorel 인수로 강화된 디지털 서비스 전문성
- TP Infinity를 통한 광범위한 운영 규모 및 기술
- AI 기술 제공업체와의 강력한 전략적 파트너십
- 디지털 온보딩, KYC 프로세스 및 사기 서비스 등을 포함한 종합 서비스
이 인식은 시장 영향, 비전 및 역량을 기반으로 하며, TP는 AI 주도 변혁, 기술 투자 및 BFS 고객을 지원하는 유연한 글로벌 전달 모델에서 뛰어난 성과를 보였습니다.
TP (TLPFY) a été désignée Leader dans l'évaluation PEAK Matrix® 2024 du groupe Everest sur les opérations bancaires et de services financiers intégrés axés sur l'expérience, qui a évalué 18 fournisseurs mondiaux. L'entreprise a été reconnue pour son expertise dans le secteur bancaire et des services financiers, en particulier pour son offre OneOffice pour des opérations intégrées de bout en bout.
L'évaluation a mis en avant les forces de TP dans:
- Expertise en services numériques, renforcée par l'acquisition de Majorel
- Échelle opérationnelle étendue et technologie via TP Infinity
- Partenariats stratégiques solides avec des fournisseurs de technologie IA
- Services intégrés de bout en bout, y compris l'onboarding numérique, les processus KYC et la fraude en tant que service
La reconnaissance était basée sur l'impact sur le marché, la vision et la capacité, TP excelling dans la transformation pilotée par l'IA, l'investissement technologique et un modèle de livraison mondiale flexible soutenant les clients BFS.
TP (TLPFY) wurde im PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 der Everest Group zu Führern in den erfahrungsgetriebenen integrierten Bank- und Finanzdienstleistungen (BFS) ernannt, das 18 globale Anbieter bewertet hat. Das Unternehmen wurde für seine Expertise im Bank- und Finanzdienstleistungssektor anerkannt, insbesondere für sein OneOffice-Angebot für integrierte Front-to-Back-Operationen.
Die Bewertung hob die Stärken von TP hervor in:
- Expertise in digitalen Dienstleistungen, verstärkt durch die Akquisition von Majorel
- Umfangreiche operationale Skalierung und Technologie durch TP Infinity
- Starke strategische Partnerschaften mit Anbietern von KI-Technologie
- End-to-End integrierte Dienstleistungen, einschließlich digitalem Onboarding, KYC-Prozessen und Betrug als Dienstleistung
Die Anerkennung basierte auf Markteinfluss, Vision und Fähigkeit, wobei TP in der KI-gesteuerten Transformation, Technologieinvestitionen und einem flexiblen globalen Liefermodell, das BFS-Kunden unterstützt, herausragte.
- Recognition as a Leader in Everest Group's 2024 BFS assessment strengthens market position
- Strategic acquisition of Majorel enhances digital services capabilities
- Expanded service portfolio with integrated front-to-back operations
- Strong technological infrastructure with TP Infinity digital services arm
- None.
Company recognized for its deep expertise, industry experience and continuous innovation using AI technologies to drive client impact through integrated services solutions
Everest Group assessed 18 leading providers globally for its Experience-Driven Integrated BFS Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment, evaluating their capabilities in delivering integrated services across key domains, including retail banking, lending, and payments. TP was recognized as a Leader for its expertise, its experience in the banking and financial services industry, technology, and customer-centric approach, with a suite of banking and financial services solutions including account servicing, customer onboarding, credit evaluation, and payments processing.
"By recognizing buyers' desire for end-to-end services, TP created its OneOffice offering for delivering integrated front-to-back operations across lending, payments, and financial crime segments," says Suman Upardrasta, Vice President, BFSI at Everest Group. "TP possesses its in-house technology as well as the digital services expertise of the recently acquired Majorel, which address the rising demand for digitally driven operations. These capabilities have earned it recognition as a Leader in Everest Group's Experience-Driven Integrated BFS Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment."
In naming TP a Leader in the assessment, Everest cited TP for its extensive operational scale and technology, including its digital services arm TP Infinity and TP's strengthened global presence. Everest also cited TP for its strong strategic partnerships with AI technology providers, and the company's suite of end-to-end integrated services such as digital onboarding, Know Your Customer processes, and fraud-as-a-service within banking, customer acquisition and servicing within lending, and credit card payments processing, financial crime, screening and inquiries.
Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® Assessment evaluates providers based on market impact, and vision and capability, with criteria emphasizing AI integration, innovation, and global delivery excellence. Teleperformance excelled in areas such as strategic focus on AI-driven transformation, continuous investment in advanced technologies, and a flexible, AI-enhanced global delivery model that supports diverse BFS clients across geographies.
Everest Group is a leading global research firm helping business leaders make confident decisions. Everest Group's PEAK Matrix® assessments provide the analysis and insights enterprises need to make critical selection decisions about global services providers, locations, and products and solutions within various market segments. The Everest Group Experience-Driven Integrated BFS Operations PEAK Matrix® Assessment 2024 is available to Everest Group subscribers here.
Teleperformance (TEP – ISIN: FR0000051807 – Reuters: TEPRF.PA - Bloomberg: TEP FP), is a global leader in digital business services which consistently seeks to blend the best of advanced technology with human empathy to deliver enhanced customer care that is simpler, faster, and safer for the world's biggest brands and their customers. The Group's comprehensive, AI-powered service portfolio ranges from front office customer care to back-office functions, including operations consulting and high-value digital transformation services. It also offers a range of specialized services such as collections, interpreting and localization, visa and consular services, and recruitment process outsourcing services. The teams of multilingual, inspired, and passionate experts and advisors, spread in close to 100 countries, as well as the Group's local presence allows it to be a force of good in supporting communities, clients, and the environment. In 2023, Teleperformance reported consolidated revenue of
Teleperformance shares are traded on the Euronext Paris market, Compartment A, and are eligible for the deferred settlement service. They are included in the following indices: CAC 40, STOXX 600, S&P Europe 350, MSCI Global Standard and Euronext Tech Leaders. In the area of corporate social responsibility, Teleperformance shares are included in the CAC 40 ESG since September 2022, the Euronext Vigeo
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