Target Will Reduce Prices on More Than 2,000 Items to Help Consumers Save this Holiday Season

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Target (NYSE: TGT) has announced plans to reduce regular prices on over 2,000 items across owned and national brands this holiday season. This initiative is part of a larger effort that will see price cuts on more than 10,000 items by the end of the year. The reductions cover a wide range of products including food, beverages, everyday essentials, and holiday gifts.

These new price reductions are in addition to Target's everyday low prices and follow a previous announcement in May to cut prices on about 5,000 items. The company has already surpassed this goal, lowering prices on over 8,000 items year to date. Target aims to help consumers save money while enjoying the holiday season, offering competitive pricing on items needed for meal prep, gifting, and everyday needs.

Examples of price reductions include popular items like LEGO sets, toys, cooking oils, and personal care products. Target is also promoting its largest holiday assortment ever, featuring thousands of toys with over half priced under $20. The company's Target Circle program offers additional savings opportunities for shoppers.

Target (NYSE: TGT) ha annunciato piani per ridurre i prezzi regolari su oltre 2.000 articoli tra marchi di proprietà e marchi nazionali durante questa stagione festiva. Questa iniziativa fa parte di uno sforzo più ampio che prevede riduzioni di prezzo su oltre 10.000 articoli entro la fine dell'anno. Le riduzioni riguardano una vasta gamma di prodotti, tra cui cibo, bevande, articoli essenziali quotidiani e regali per le festività.

Queste nuove riduzioni di prezzo si aggiungono ai prezzi bassi quotidiani di Target e seguono un precedente annuncio di maggio riguardante un taglio dei prezzi su circa 5.000 articoli. L'azienda ha già superato questo obiettivo, abbassando i prezzi su oltre 8.000 articoli dall'inizio dell'anno. Target mira ad aiutare i consumatori a risparmiare denaro mentre godono della stagione festiva, offrendo prezzi competitivi su articoli necessari per la preparazione dei pasti, i regali e le necessità quotidiane.

Esempi di riduzioni di prezzo includono articoli popolari come set LEGO, giocattoli, oli da cucina e prodotti per la cura personale. Target sta anche promuovendo la sua più ampia selezione festiva di sempre, con migliaia di giocattoli, più della metà dei quali a meno di $20. Il programma Target Circle dell'azienda offre ulteriori opportunità di risparmio per i clienti.

Target (NYSE: TGT) ha anunciado planes para reducir los precios regulares en más de 2,000 artículos a través de marcas propias y marcas nacionales esta temporada festiva. Esta iniciativa es parte de un esfuerzo más amplio que verá reducciones de precios en más de 10,000 artículos para fin de año. Las reducciones cubren una amplia gama de productos, incluidos alimentos, bebidas, artículos esenciales del día a día y regalos navideños.

Estas nuevas reducciones de precios se suman a los precios bajos cotidianos de Target y siguen un anuncio previo en mayo para reducir precios en alrededor de 5,000 artículos. La compañía ya ha superado este objetivo, reduciendo precios en más de 8,000 artículos hasta la fecha. Target busca ayudar a los consumidores a ahorrar dinero mientras disfrutan de la temporada festiva, ofreciendo precios competitivos en artículos necesarios para la preparación de comidas, regalos y necesidades diarias.

Ejemplos de reducciones de precios incluyen artículos populares como sets de LEGO, juguetes, aceites de cocina y productos de cuidado personal. Target también está promoviendo su mayor selección de vacaciones hasta la fecha, con miles de juguetes, más de la mitad por menos de $20. El programa Target Circle de la empresa ofrece oportunidades adicionales de ahorro para los compradores.

타겟(NYSE: TGT)은 이번 홀리데이 시즌에 2,000개 이상의 품목 가격을 인하할 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 연말까지 10,000개 이상의 품목에 대한 가격 인하라는 더 큰 노력의 일환입니다. 특히 식품, 음료, 일상 필수품 및 연말 선물 등 다양한 제품에 대한 할인폭이 넓습니다.

이번 가격 인하는 타겟의 일상 저가 정책에 추가된 것이며, 약 5,000개 품목에 대한 가격 인하 발표 이후의 조치입니다. 회사는 이미 올해 목표를 초과 달성하여 현재까지 8,000개 이상의 품목 가격을 인하했습니다. 타겟은 소비자들이 홀리데이 시즌을 즐기면서 비용을 절감할 수 있도록 식사 준비, 선물 및 일상 필요에 필수적인 상품들을 경쟁력 있는 가격으로 제공하고자 합니다.

가격 인하의 예로는 인기 품목인 LEGO 세트, 장난감, 요리용 오일, 개인 위생 제품 등이 있습니다. 타겟은 2만 개 이상의 장난감으로 구성된 역사상 가장 큰 홀리데이 컬렉션을 홍보하고 있으며, 그 중 절반은 20달러 이하로 판매되고 있습니다. 타겟 서클 프로그램은 쇼핑객들을 위한 추가 할인 기회를 제공합니다.

Target (NYSE: TGT) a annoncé des plans pour réduire les prix réguliers sur plus de 2.000 articles provenant de marques propriétaires et nationales pendant cette saison des fêtes. Cette initiative fait partie d'un effort plus large qui verra des baisses de prix sur plus de 10.000 articles d'ici la fin de l'année. Les réductions couvrent une grande variété de produits, notamment des aliments, des boissons, des produits essentiels du quotidien et des cadeaux de Noël.

Ces nouvelles réductions de prix s'ajoutent aux bas prix quotidiens de Target et font suite à une annonce antérieure en mai concernant une baisse de prix sur environ 5.000 articles. L'entreprise a déjà dépassé cet objectif, baissant les prix de plus de 8.000 articles jusqu'à présent cette année. Target vise à aider les consommateurs à économiser de l'argent tout en profitant de la saison des fêtes, en offrant des prix compétitifs sur les articles nécessaires à la préparation des repas, aux cadeaux et aux besoins quotidiens.

Des exemples de réductions de prix incluent des articles populaires comme des ensembles LEGO, des jouets, des huiles de cuisson et des produits de soin personnel. Target promeut également sa plus grande sélection de Noël jamais réalisée, avec des milliers de jouets dont plus de la moitié sont à moins de 20 $. Le programme Target Circle de l'entreprise offre des opportunités supplémentaires d'économies pour les acheteurs.

Target (NYSE: TGT) hat Pläne angekündigt, um die regulären Preise für über 2.000 Artikel aus eigenen und nationalen Marken in dieser Feiertagssaison zu senken. Diese Initiative ist Teil eines größeren Vorhabens, das Preissenkungen für mehr als 10.000 Artikel bis zum Jahresende vorsieht. Die Senkungen betreffen eine breite Palette von Produkten, darunter Nahrungsmittel, Getränke, alltägliche Notwendigkeiten und Feiertagsgeschenke.

Diese neuen Preisreduzierungen kommen zusätzlich zu den alltäglichen Niedrigpreisen von Target und folgen einer früheren Ankündigung im Mai, die Preise für etwa 5.000 Artikel zu senken. Das Unternehmen hat dieses Ziel bereits übertroffen und die Preise für mehr als 8.000 Artikel seit Anfang des Jahres gesenkt. Target möchte den Verbrauchern helfen, Geld zu sparen, während sie die Feiertage genießen, und bietet wettbewerbsfähige Preise für Artikel, die für die Zubereitung von Mahlzeiten, Geschenke und alltägliche Bedürfnisse benötigt werden.

Beispiele für Preisreduzierungen sind beliebte Artikel wie LEGO-Sets, Spielzeug, Kochöle und Körperpflegeprodukte. Target bewirbt auch sein größtes Feiertagsangebot aller Zeiten mit Tausenden von Spielzeugen, von denen mehr als die Hälfte unter 20 Dollar erhältlich ist. Das Target Circle-Programm des Unternehmens bietet zusätzliche Einsparmöglichkeiten für Käufer.

  • Price reductions on over 2,000 items for the holiday season
  • Total of 10,000 items with lowered prices by year-end
  • Surpassed previous goal of 5,000 price cuts, reaching over 8,000 items year to date
  • Largest holiday assortment ever, with thousands of toys under $20
  • Additional savings through Target Circle program and Target Circle Card
  • None.


Target's strategic move to reduce prices on over 2,000 items this holiday season is a significant development for both consumers and investors. This initiative, coupled with previous price cuts, brings the total number of items with lowered prices to over 10,000 for the year. The focus on holiday-related products and everyday essentials could drive increased foot traffic and sales volume during the important fourth quarter.

From an investor's perspective, this aggressive pricing strategy may pressure profit margins in the short term. However, it could lead to increased market share and customer loyalty in the long run. The emphasis on value, particularly in the current inflationary environment, may resonate well with budget-conscious consumers.

The integration of this pricing strategy with Target's loyalty program and credit card offerings creates a comprehensive approach to customer retention. This multi-faceted strategy could potentially offset some of the margin pressure through increased transaction volumes and customer engagement.

Investors should monitor the impact on Target's gross margins and same-store sales in the upcoming quarters to gauge the effectiveness of this pricing strategy in driving growth and profitability.

Target's price reduction strategy is a calculated response to the current economic climate and consumer behavior trends. By focusing on both everyday essentials and holiday-specific items, Target is positioning itself as a one-stop shop for budget-conscious consumers during the festive season.

The diverse range of products included in the price cuts, from LEGO sets to grocery items, indicates a comprehensive approach to capture various consumer segments. This broad-based strategy could potentially increase basket sizes and cross-category purchases.

The emphasis on owned brands alongside national brands is particularly noteworthy. This approach allows Target to offer competitive prices while potentially maintaining better margins on their private label products.

The integration of digital platforms ( and the Target app) in this pricing strategy aligns with the growing trend of omnichannel shopping. This could enhance Target's competitiveness against pure e-commerce players.

Investors should pay attention to how this strategy impacts Target's market share relative to competitors like Walmart and Amazon, especially in key categories such as toys and holiday decor.

Retailer to offer lower prices than last year on more than 10,000 total items during the holidays, including food and beverages, everyday essentials, holiday gifts and more

MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 22, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) announced today it will reduce regular prices on more than 2,000 items across owned and national brands this holiday season, including food and beverages, everyday essentials, holiday gifts and items to prep the home for the holidays.1 The move will help consumers save on items for holiday preparations and gifting, like toys, board games, beauty products, bath towels, snacks, beverages, frozen vegetables, cookies, ice cream, toilet paper, cough and cold medicine and more.

Target routinely adjusts its prices to remain competitive in markets across the country. These new price reductions are on top of the retailer's everyday low prices. In May, Target announced it would cut prices on about 5,000 items, saving Target guests millions of dollars this summer. The retailer surpassed its 5,000-item price cuts promise, lowering prices on over 8,000 total items year to date. By the end of the holiday season, Target will have lowered prices on over 10,000 items during the year.  

"We know families are excited to celebrate the holidays, so Target is committed to helping them find joy without compromise — with great products across our assortment at even lower prices," said Rick Gomez, executive vice president and chief commercial officer, Target. "From meal prep and gifting to everyday needs, Target's offering the kind of exceptional value that'll make it even easier for everyone to save money as they embrace the magic of the season."

New lower prices for the holidays and every day

Consumers will find reduced prices on everyday items needed to ready their households for the season and make the most of their budgets as they shop for each important moment — like preparing their homes for guests, purchasing gifts and cooking delicious holiday meals.

For example, in markets across the country from Phoenix to Dallas and Detroit to Atlanta, most stores, and the Target app are now featuring the following lower prices:

  • LEGO Technic 2022 Ford GT Car Model Set now $95.99 (was $119.99)
  • Bluey Fire Truck now $19.99 (was $24.99)
  • Crisco Vegetable Oil (40 fl. oz) now $4.79 (was $5.29)
  • Coffee Mate Natural Bliss Sweet Cream Creamer (32 fl. oz) now $4.99 (was $5.29)
  • Magic Bullet Personal Blender Set now $39.99 (was $49.99)
  • Purina Tidy Cats Litter (25 lb.) now $7.79 (was $8.59)
  • up&up Daytime Cold and Flu Relief Softgels (24 ct.) now $5.99 (was $6.99)

More ways to make shopping easy and affordable

Along with these new everyday low prices, Target is making the holidays happier and more affordable with season-long deals and a wide range of options for gifting and gathering. That includes its largest holiday assortment ever featuring thousands of toys with over half under $20, exclusive products from owned and national brands and $5 and $10 must-haves, making it easy to find gifts for any budget.

Target also makes it easier than ever for consumers to save all season and get their purchases whenever and however they want. The retailer's free-to-join Target Circle program unlocks ways to save on every holiday shopping mission, from everyday essentials to deals — which are applied automatically at checkout — on the newest trends for gifting and gathering in home décor, clothing, beauty and more. Shoppers can also save an extra 5%2 if they pay with Target Circle Card

About Target

Minneapolis-based Target Corporation (NYSE: TGT) serves guests at nearly 2,000 stores and at, with the purpose of helping all families discover the joy of everyday life. Since 1946, Target has given 5% of its profit to communities, which today equals millions of dollars a week. Additional company information can be found by visiting the corporate website and press center.

1. Pricing, promotions and availability may vary by location and at This program excludes Alaska and Hawaii. Products mentioned may not be available at or in all stores.
2. Restrictions apply. Subject to application approval and identity verification. See for program rules and details.

Target Logo (PRNewsfoto/Target Corporation)

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How many items is Target reducing prices on for the 2024 holiday season?

Target (TGT) is reducing prices on more than 2,000 items across owned and national brands for the 2024 holiday season.

What types of products are included in Target's price reductions for 2024?

Target's price reductions for 2024 include food and beverages, everyday essentials, holiday gifts, toys, beauty products, home goods, and more.

How many total items will Target have lowered prices on by the end of 2024?

By the end of the 2024 holiday season, Target (TGT) will have lowered prices on over 10,000 items during the year.

What additional savings does Target offer through its loyalty program?

Target's free-to-join Target Circle program offers additional savings on purchases, with deals applied automatically at checkout. Target Circle Card holders can save an extra 5%.

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