Foundation Forward: The Latest Truist Foundation News - Q3 2024

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Truist Foundation, supporting Truist Financial 's (TFC) purpose, focuses on building career pathways to economic mobility and strengthening small businesses. The Q3 2024 newsletter highlights recent activities:

1. Truist Foundation President Lynette Bell led a session on 'The Urgency of Now' at the Social Innovation Summit in Chicago.

2. Announcements for the upcoming 2025 Inspire Awards.

3. Bell's participation in the 2024 Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose Summit, discussing transparency and community decision-making.

4. Emphasis on community banks' role in creating generational change.

These initiatives demonstrate Truist Foundation's commitment to driving impactful change in communities through strategic investments and partnerships.

La Truist Foundation, sostenendo lo scopo di Truist Financial (TFC), si concentra su costruire percorsi professionali per la mobilità economica e rafforzare le piccole imprese. La newsletter del terzo trimestre 2024 mette in evidenza le attività recenti:

1. La Presidente della Truist Foundation, Lynette Bell, ha condotto una sessione su 'L'urgenza del presente' al Social Innovation Summit di Chicago.

2. Annunci per i prossimi Inspire Awards 2025.

3. Partecipazione di Bell al Summit 2024 dei Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, discutendo di trasparenza e decisioni comunitarie.

4. Sottolineatura del ruolo delle banche locali nel creare cambiamenti generazionali.

Queste iniziative dimostrano l'impegno della Truist Foundation nel promuovere cambiamenti significativi nelle comunità attraverso investimenti strategici e collaborazioni.

La Truist Foundation, apoyando el propósito de Truist Financial (TFC), se enfoca en construir caminos profesionales hacia la movilidad económica y fortalecer las pequeñas empresas. El boletín del tercer trimestre de 2024 destaca las actividades recientes:

1. La presidenta de Truist Foundation, Lynette Bell, dirigió una sesión sobre 'La urgencia del ahora' en el Social Innovation Summit en Chicago.

2. Anuncios para los próximos Inspire Awards 2025.

3. Participación de Bell en la Cumbre 2024 de los Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, discutiendo la transparencia y la toma de decisiones en la comunidad.

4. Énfasis en el papel de los bancos comunitarios en la creación de un cambio generacional.

Estas iniciativas demuestran el compromiso de Truist Foundation de impulsar cambios significativos en las comunidades a través de inversiones estratégicas y asociaciones.

트루이스트 재단은 트루이스트 파이낸셜(TFC)의 목적을 지원하며 경제적 이동성을 위한 직업 경로 구축소기업 강화에 중점을 둡니다. 2024년 3분기 뉴스레터는 최근 활동을 강조합니다:

1. 트루이스트 재단의 회장인 리네트 벨이 시카고에서 열린 사회 혁신 정상 회담에서 '지금의 긴급성'에 대한 세션을 이끌었습니다.

2. 다가오는 2025년 영감을 주는 상에 대한 발표가 있었습니다.

3. 벨의 2024년 기업 목적을 위한 최고 경영자 정상 회담 참여, 투명성과 지역사회 의사 결정 논의.

4. 세대 간 변화를 만드는 지역 은행의 역할 강조.

이러한 이니셔티브는 전략적 투자 및 파트너십을 통해 커뮤니티에서 영향력 있는 변화를 주도하려는 트루이스트 재단의 의지를 보여줍니다.

La Fondation Truist, qui soutient l'objectif de Truist Financial (TFC), se concentre sur la construction de voies professionnelles vers la mobilité économique et le renforcement des petites entreprises. La newsletter du troisième trimestre 2024 met en lumière les activités récentes :

1. La présidente de la Fondation Truist, Lynette Bell, a dirigé une session sur 'L'urgence du moment' au Social Innovation Summit à Chicago.

2. Annonces concernant les futurs Inspire Awards 2025.

3. Participation de Bell au sommet 2024 des Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, discutant de la transparence et de la prise de décision communautaire.

4. Accent sur le rôle des banques communautaires dans la création de changements générationnels.

Ces initiatives démontrent l'engagement de la Fondation Truist à conduire des changements significatifs dans les communautés par le biais d'investissements stratégiques et de partenariats.

Die Truist Foundation unterstützt den Zweck von Truist Financial (TFC) und konzentriert sich auf den Aufbau von Karrierewegen zur wirtschaftlichen Mobilität und die Stärkung von Kleinunternehmen. Der Newsletter für das dritte Quartal 2024 hebt die jüngsten Aktivitäten hervor:

1. Die Präsidentin der Truist Foundation, Lynette Bell, leitete eine Sitzung mit dem Titel 'Die Dringlichkeit des Jetzt' beim Social Innovation Summit in Chicago.

2. Ankündigungen für die bevorstehenden Inspire Awards 2025.

3. Bells Teilnahme am Summit 2024 der Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose, bei dem Transparenz und gemeinschaftliche Entscheidungsfindung diskutiert wurden.

4. Betonung der Rolle von Community-Banken bei der Schaffung von generationenübergreifenden Veränderungen.

Diese Initiativen zeigen das Engagement der Truist Foundation, durch strategische Investitionen und Partnerschaften einen bedeutenden Wandel in den Gemeinden voranzutreiben.

  • Truist Foundation's focus on economic mobility and small business strengthening aligns with TFC's purpose
  • Active participation in high-profile social impact events enhances TFC's reputation in corporate responsibility
  • Ongoing Inspire Awards program suggests continued commitment to supporting innovative social initiatives
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 29, 2024 / This quarterly newsletter showcases how Truist Foundation supports Truist Financial Corporation's purpose to inspire and build better lives and communities through strategic investments in a wide variety of nonprofit organizations centered around two focus areas: building career pathways to economic mobility and strengthening small businesses to ensure all communities have an equal opportunity to thrive. Click here to sign up to receive the newsletter via email.

The urgency of now

Truist Foundation President Lynette Bell had the honor of being a session leader at this year's Social Innovation Summit in Chicago. This annual gathering of the best and brightest minds in social impact-including our Inspire Award finalists Centro Community Partners and Immigrants Rising-provided an opportunity for networking and hearing from change-makers like Al Roker and Dr. Chelsea Clinton.

Lynette kicked off her general session about "The Urgency of Now" with an inspiring speech on how Truist Foundation is driving intentional and critical impact in our communities-right now.
Watch Lynette's speech
Watch the conference highlights

Coming soon: 2025 Inspire Awards

Don't miss announcements about the 2025 Inspire Awards! Join the Inspire Awards email list from MIT Solve to stay in the know.
Sign up here

Building partnerships at the CECP Summit

Lynette spoke about transparency, co-creating, and community decision making at the 2024 Chief Executives for Corporate Purpose Summit.
Watch now

Community-driven solutions

How are community banks with a strong regional footprint, like Truist, essential for creating generational change?
Find out

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Spokesperson: Truist

SOURCE: Truist

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What are the main focus areas of Truist Foundation as of Q3 2024?

Truist Foundation focuses on two main areas: building career pathways to economic mobility and strengthening small businesses to ensure all communities have an equal opportunity to thrive.

What significant event did Truist Foundation participate in during Q3 2024?

Truist Foundation President Lynette Bell was a session leader at the Social Innovation Summit in Chicago, where she spoke about 'The Urgency of Now' and Truist Foundation's impact on communities.

When will the next Truist Foundation Inspire Awards take place?

The next Truist Foundation Inspire Awards are scheduled for 2025. Interested parties can sign up for the Inspire Awards email list from MIT Solve to stay informed about announcements.

How does Truist Foundation support TFC's overall purpose?

Truist Foundation supports Truist Financial 's (TFC) purpose by making strategic investments in nonprofit organizations that focus on building career pathways and strengthening small businesses, which helps build better lives and communities.

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