KBRA Assigns Ratings to BlackRock TCP Capital Corp.

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KBRA has assigned BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC) an issuer and senior unsecured debt rating of BBB- with a Stable outlook. The rating is supported by TCPC's connection to BlackRock's $86 billion credit platform and its diversified $2.0 billion investment portfolio across 158 companies in 23+ sectors. Key strengths include:

- 80.6% of investments in senior secured first lien loans
- Solid access to capital markets
- Diversified funding mix
- Low secured debt to gross assets ratio of 8.6%
- Strong liquidity of $779.8 million

However, challenges include high non-accruals at 10.5% (cost) and 4.9% (fair value) as of June 30, 2024, though expected to decrease in Q3. TCPC's gross leverage of 1.35x is higher than peers, but net leverage of 1.13x falls within the target range of 0.90x-1.20x.

KBRA ha assegnato a BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC) un rating di emissione e di debito senior non garantito di BBB- con un outlook Stabile. Il rating è supportato dalla connessione di TCPC alla piattaforma creditizia di BlackRock da 86 miliardi di dollari e dal suo portafoglio di investimenti diversificato da 2,0 miliardi di dollari suddiviso in 158 aziende in oltre 23 settori. I punti di forza principali includono:

- 80,6% degli investimenti in prestiti senior garantiti di primo grado
- Accesso solido ai mercati dei capitali
- Mix di finanziamento diversificato
- Basso rapporto di debito garantito su attivi lordi dell'8,6%
- Alta liquidità di 779,8 milioni di dollari

Tuttavia, le sfide includono una percentuale elevata di non accruals pari al 10,5% (costo) e al 4,9% (valore equo) al 30 giugno 2024, sebbene si preveda una diminuzione nel terzo trimestre. L'indice di leva lorda di TCPC è di 1,35x, più elevato rispetto ai concorrenti, ma la leva netta di 1,13x rientra nell'intervallo obiettivo di 0,90x-1,20x.

KBRA ha asignado a BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC) una calificación de emisor y de deuda senior no garantizada de BBB- con una perspectiva Estable. La calificación está respaldada por la conexión de TCPC con la plataforma crediticia de BlackRock de 86 mil millones de dólares y su portafolio de inversiones diversificado de 2.0 mil millones de dólares en 158 empresas en más de 23 sectores. Las principales fortalezas incluyen:

- 80.6% de las inversiones en préstamos senior garantizados de primer grado
- Acceso sólido a los mercados de capitales
- Mezcla de financiamiento diversificada
- Bajo ratio de deuda asegurada sobre activos brutos del 8.6%
- Fuerte liquidez de 779.8 millones de dólares

No obstante, los desafíos incluyen altos no-acrecidos al 10.5% (costo) y 4.9% (valor justo) al 30 de junio de 2024, aunque se espera que disminuyan en el tercer trimestre. La palanca bruta de TCPC de 1.35x es más alta que la de sus pares, pero la palanca neta de 1.13x se encuentra dentro del rango objetivo de 0.90x-1.20x.

KBRA는 BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC)BBB- 등급 및 안정적인 전망의 발행자 및 선순위 비보장 채무 등급을 부여했습니다. 이 등급은 TCPC가 BlackRock의 860억 달러 신용 플랫폼과 연결되어 있으며, 158개 기업과 23개 이상의 산업에 걸쳐 있는 20억 달러의 다양화된 투자 포트폴리오를 보유하고 있어 지원받고 있습니다. 주요 강점은 다음과 같습니다:

- 투자 중 80.6%가 선순위 담보 대출
- 자본 시장에 대한 안정적인 접근
- 다양한 자금 조달 믹스
- 총 자산 대비 낮은 담보 채무 비율 8.6%
- 7억 7,980만 달러의 강력한 유동성

그러나 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 10.5% (원가) 및 4.9% (공정 가치)의 높은 미수금이 도전 과제가 있으며, 3분기에는 감소할 것으로 예상됩니다. TCPC의 총 레버리지 비율 1.35x는 동종업체보다 높지만, 순 레버리지 비율 1.13x는 목표 범위인 0.90x-1.20x 내에 있습니다.

KBRA a attribué à BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC) une note d'émetteur et une notation de dette senior non garantie de BBB- avec une perspective Stable. La note est soutenue par la connexion de TCPC à la plateforme de crédit de BlackRock de 86 milliards de dollars et à son portefeuille d'investissements diversifié de 2,0 milliards de dollars réparti sur 158 entreprises dans plus de 23 secteurs. Les principaux atouts comprennent :

- 80,6 % des investissements dans des prêts senior garantis de premier rang
- Accès solide aux marchés de capitaux
- Mix de financement diversifié
- Faible ratio de dette garantie sur actifs bruts de 8,6 %
- Liquidité solide de 779,8 millions de dollars

Cependant, les défis incluent des non-accruals élevés à 10,5 % (coût) et 4,9 % (valeur comptable) au 30 juin 2024, bien qu'une diminution soit prévue au troisième trimestre. L'effet de levier brut de TCPC de 1,35x est supérieur à celui de ses pairs, mais l'effet de levier net de 1,13x se situe dans la plage cible de 0,90x-1,20x.

KBRA hat BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC) eine Emittenten- und Senior-Unsecured-Debetbewertung von BBB- mit stabiler Ausblick zugewiesen. Die Bewertung wird durch die Verbindung von TCPC zur 86-Milliarden-Dollar-Kreditplattform von BlackRock und ihrem diversifizierten Investitionsportfolio von 2,0 Milliarden Dollar, das sich auf 158 Unternehmen in mehr als 23 Sektoren erstreckt, unterstützt. Zu den wichtigsten Stärken gehören:

- 80,6% der Investitionen in senior besicherte First-Lien-Darlehen
- Solide Zugang zu den Kapitalmärkten
- Diversifizierte Finanzierungsstruktur
- Niedriges Verhältnis von besichertem Schulden zu Bruttovermögen von 8,6%
- Starke Liquidität von 779,8 Millionen Dollar

Die Herausforderungen umfassen jedoch hohe Nichtzinserträge von 10,5% (Kosten) und 4,9% (fairer Wert) zum 30. Juni 2024, obwohl ein Rückgang im dritten Quartal erwartet wird. Die Bruttoverschuldung von TCPC beträgt 1,35x, was höher als bei den Wettbewerbern ist, aber die Nettoverschuldung von 1,13x liegt im Zielbereich von 0,90x-1,20x.

  • Diversified $2.0 billion investment portfolio across 158 companies in 23+ sectors
  • 80.6% of investments in senior secured first lien loans
  • Low secured debt to gross assets ratio of 8.6%
  • Strong liquidity of $779.8 million
  • Asset coverage of 174%, providing a 16% cushion above the 150% regulatory requirement
  • High non-accruals at 10.5% (cost) and 4.9% (fair value) as of June 30, 2024
  • Gross leverage of 1.35x, higher than peers
  • $575 million of unsecured debt due within two years


KBRA's BBB- rating for BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (TCPC) reflects a mix of strengths and challenges. The company benefits from its association with BlackRock's extensive $86 billion credit platform, providing access to deal flow and expertise. TCPC's $2.0 billion portfolio is well-diversified across 158 companies and 23+ sectors, with a focus on less competitive core middle market loans.

Key positives include:

  • High proportion (80.6%) of senior secured first lien loans
  • Low secured debt to gross assets ratio of 8.6%
  • Strong liquidity of $779.8 million

However, concerns exist:

  • Elevated non-accruals at 10.5% (cost) and 4.9% (fair value)
  • Gross leverage of 1.35x, higher than peers
  • Upcoming debt maturities of $575 million within two years

The stable outlook suggests near-term rating changes, but improvements in portfolio quality and maintained leverage could drive positive momentum. Conversely, increased risk-taking or economic downturn impacts could pressure the rating negatively.

TCPC's credit profile presents a nuanced picture. The company's ties to BlackRock's vast resources and track record in middle market lending are significant positives. The 85.7% unsecured debt to total debt ratio provides flexibility and benefits unsecured noteholders.

However, the rising non-accruals trend is concerning, jumping notably in Q2 2024. While post-quarter restructurings are expected to improve this metric, it bears close monitoring. The 1.35x gross leverage, though within target range when adjusted for cash, is on the higher side compared to peers.

The 174% asset coverage provides a 16% cushion against market volatility, which is adequate but not overly robust. The company's focus on core middle market loans ($25-$75 million EBITDA) potentially offers better terms but may also carry higher risk.

Overall, while TCPC's portfolio diversity and BlackRock backing provide stability, the elevated non-accruals and leverage require careful management in the face of economic uncertainties.

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- KBRA assigns issuer and senior unsecured debt ratings of BBB- to BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC or "the company"). The rating Outlook is Stable.

Key Credit Considerations

The ratings are supported by TCPC’s ties to BlackRock, Inc.’s (NYSE: BLK) $86 billion credit platform, of which $35 billion is principally dedicated to private middle market direct lending. BLK, with $10.6 trillion in assets under management, is one of the largest investment managers in the world. Since 2000, the credit platform has invested capital totaling more than $41 billion in 1,025 transactions, sourcing investments through an extensive network of industry and sponsor contacts. The BlackRock platform consists of a large and diverse team of 425 professionals, including a U.S. investment team of 22 people. TCPC maintains SEC exemptive relief to co-invest among certain BlackRock credit affiliates and investment vehicles, allowing TCPC to compete in the highly competitive industry through size and scale. BLK owns approximately 0.3% of TCPC's common equity, providing minor support. Also supporting the ratings is the company’s diversified ~$2.0 billion investment portfolio at fair value (FV), comprised of 158 portfolio companies across 23+ sectors with a high percentage (80.6%) of senior secured first lien loans. TCPC focuses on investing in the core middle market ($25-$75 million EBITDA companies), a comparatively less competitive segment than the upper middle market, usually providing for enhanced documentation. The top three portfolio sectors are Internet Software & Services (13.8%), Software (12.6%), and Diversified Financial Services (12.0%).

The company has solid access to the capital markets and a diversified funding mix of secured bank revolving facilities, unsecured senior debt, and SBA debentures. At 2Q24, the ratio of secured debt to gross assets was 8.6%, which is much lower than peers, and unsecured debt to total debt was 85.7%, providing additional financial flexibility and less encumbered collateral for the benefit of the unsecured noteholders. As of June 30, 2024, the company’s gross leverage was 1.35x, which is higher than peers, although leverage net of cash was 1.13x and within the company's target net leverage range of 0.90x-1.20x. Asset coverage is adequate at 174% when considering its 150% regulatory asset coverage requirement, providing the company with a 16% cushion to withstand a moderate increase in market volatility in a less favorable economic environment. As of June 30, 2024, TCPC had solid liquidity of $779.8 million, including $194.7 million cash and $585.1 million in available bank credit lines, offset by $93.5 million of unfunded portfolio company commitments and $575 million of unsecured debt due within two years.

Counterbalancing strengths are the comparatively high level of non-accruals, which were 10.5% and 4.9% at cost and FV, respectively, as of June 30, 2024. Non-accruals have steadily risen since 2020, and, in 2Q24, increased markedly, led by the addition to non-accrual of two portfolio companies, Pluralsight and Khoros. With the post-quarter-end restructuring of Pluralsight and Magenta, non-accruals for 3Q24 are expected to be notably lower. KBRA expects a further decline in non-accruals as the company restructures loans and the portfolio stabilizes. Moreover, the BlackRock Direct Lending platform reports an historic loss rate of just 0.06% (through December 2023), indicating solid risk management over time. Further counterbalancing strengths are the potential risks related to TCPC’s illiquid assets, retained earnings constraints as a regulated investment company (RIC), and uncertain economic environment with high base rates, inflation, and geopolitical risks.

Formed in 2006 as a Delaware limited liability company and converted to a Delaware corporation in 2012, the company is a publicly traded closed-end, externally managed, non-diversified management investment company that has elected to be treated as a business development company operating under the Investment Company Act of 1940 and as a RIC for tax purposes, which, among other things, must distribute to its shareholders at least 90% of the company's investment company taxable income. The advisor ("Advisor") is Tennenbaum Capital Partners, LLC. In 2018, the Advisor merged with a wholly owned subsidiary of BlackRock Capital Investment Advisors, LLC, an indirect wholly-owned subsidiary of BlackRock, Inc., with the Advisor as the surviving entity.

Rating Sensitivities

Given the Stable Outlook, an upgrade is not expected in the medium term. However, positive rating momentum could be achieved over time if the portfolio credit quality improves materially, leverage remains near the target range, and senior secured loans remain a high proportion of the company's total investments. A rating downgrade and/or Outlook change to Negative could be considered if management alters its stated company strategy by increasing focus on riskier investments coupled with higher leverage metrics. A prolonged downturn in the U.S. economy with negative impact on the company's earnings performance, asset quality, and leverage and/or a change in credit monitoring could also precipitate negative rating action.

To access rating and relevant documents, click here.



A description of all substantially material sources that were used to prepare the credit rating and information on the methodology(ies) (inclusive of any material models and sensitivity analyses of the relevant key rating assumptions, as applicable) used in determining the credit rating is available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) located here.

Information on the meaning of each rating category can be located here.

Further disclosures relating to this rating action are available in the Information Disclosure Form(s) referenced above. Additional information regarding KBRA policies, methodologies, rating scales and disclosures are available at

About KBRA

Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC (KBRA) is a full-service credit rating agency registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission as an NRSRO. Kroll Bond Rating Agency Europe Limited is registered as a CRA with the European Securities and Markets Authority. Kroll Bond Rating Agency UK Limited is registered as a CRA with the UK Financial Conduct Authority. In addition, KBRA is designated as a designated rating organization by the Ontario Securities Commission for issuers of asset-backed securities to file a short form prospectus or shelf prospectus. KBRA is also recognized by the National Association of Insurance Commissioners as a Credit Rating Provider.

Doc ID: 1005954

Analytical Contacts

Kevin Kent, Director (Lead Analyst)

+1 301-960-7045

Teri Seelig, Managing Director

+1 646-731-2386

Joe Scott, Senior Managing Director (Rating Committee Chair)

+1 646-731-2438

Business Development Contact

Constantine Schidlovsky, Senior Director

+1 646-731-1338

Source: Kroll Bond Rating Agency, LLC


What rating did KBRA assign to BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (TCPC)?

KBRA assigned BlackRock TCP Capital Corp. (NASDAQ: TCPC) an issuer and senior unsecured debt rating of BBB- with a Stable outlook.

What is the size and composition of TCPC's investment portfolio?

TCPC has a diversified $2.0 billion investment portfolio at fair value, comprised of 158 portfolio companies across 23+ sectors, with 80.6% in senior secured first lien loans.

What is TCPC's leverage ratio as of the latest reported quarter?

As of June 30, 2024, TCPC's gross leverage was 1.35x, which is higher than peers. However, leverage net of cash was 1.13x, within the company's target net leverage range of 0.90x-1.20x.

What are the non-accrual rates for TCPC's portfolio?

As of June 30, 2024, TCPC's non-accruals were 10.5% at cost and 4.9% at fair value. These rates are expected to decrease in Q3 2024 due to post-quarter-end restructurings.

BlackRock TCP Capital Corp.


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