Talos Energy Adopts Limited Duration Stockholder Rights Plan

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Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE: TALO) has announced the adoption of a duration stockholder rights plan, effective immediately and set to expire on October 1, 2025. The plan was implemented in response to Control Empresarial De Capitales' accumulation of approximately 24% of Talos common stock. The Rights Plan aims to protect long-term stockholder interests and prevent future control efforts without appropriate premiums or Board consideration.

Key features of the Rights Plan include:

  • One right issued for each current share of common stock
  • Rights become exercisable if a person or group acquires 25% or more of common stock without Board approval
  • Allows stockholders to purchase additional shares at a discount if rights are triggered
  • Does not prevent fair offers or Board-approved proposals

The Board emphasizes its intent to continue working constructively with Control Empresarial while protecting all stockholders' interests.

Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE: TALO) ha annunciato l'adozione di un piano di diritti per azionisti, efficace immediatamente e destinato a scadere il 1° ottobre 2025. Il piano è stato implementato in risposta all'accumulo da parte di Control Empresarial De Capitales di circa il 24% delle azioni ordinarie di Talos. Il Piano di Diritti mira a proteggere gli interessi degli azionisti a lungo termine e a prevenire futuri tentativi di controllo senza premi adeguati o considerazione da parte del Consiglio.

Le principali caratteristiche del Piano di Diritti includono:

  • Un diritto emesso per ciascuna azione ordinaria attualmente in circolazione
  • I diritti diventano esercitabili se una persona o un gruppo acquisisce il 25% o più delle azioni ordinarie senza l'approvazione del Consiglio
  • Consente agli azionisti di acquistare azioni aggiuntive a un prezzo scontato se i diritti vengono attivati
  • Non impedisce offerte giuste o proposte approvate dal Consiglio

Il Consiglio sottolinea la sua intenzione di continuare a lavorare in modo costruttivo con Control Empresarial, proteggendo al contempo gli interessi di tutti gli azionisti.

Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE: TALO) ha anunciado la adopción de un plan de derechos para accionistas, que entra en vigor de inmediato y está previsto que expire el 1 de octubre de 2025. El plan se implementó en respuesta a la acumulación por parte de Control Empresarial De Capitales de aproximadamente el 24% de las acciones ordinarias de Talos. El Plan de Derechos tiene como objetivo proteger los intereses de los accionistas a largo plazo y prevenir futuros esfuerzos de control sin una prima adecuada o consideración por parte de la Junta.

Las características clave del Plan de Derechos incluyen:

  • Un derecho emitido por cada acción ordinaria actual
  • Los derechos se pueden ejercer si una persona o grupo adquiere el 25% o más de las acciones ordinarias sin la aprobación de la Junta
  • Permite a los accionistas comprar acciones adicionales con descuento si se activan los derechos
  • No impide ofertas justas o propuestas aprobadas por la Junta

La Junta enfatiza su intención de continuar trabajando de manera constructiva con Control Empresarial, mientras protege los intereses de todos los accionistas.

Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE: TALO)는 즉시 시행되는 주주 권리 계획을 채택했다고 발표했으며, 이 계획은 2025년 10월 1일에 만료될 예정입니다. 이 계획은 Control Empresarial De Capitales가 Talos의 보통주 약 24%를 축적한 것에 대응하여 시행되었습니다. 권리 계획은 장기 주주의 이익을 보호하고 적절한 프리미엄이나 이사회 고려 없이 향후 지배 시도를 방지하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

권리 계획의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 현재 유통 중인 보통주당 하나의 권리가 발행됩니다.
  • 개인 또는 그룹이 이사회의 승인 없이 보통주의 25% 이상을 인수할 경우 권리를 행사할 수 있습니다.
  • 권리가 발동될 경우 주주가 할인된 가격으로 추가 주식을 구매할 수 있도록 허용합니다.
  • 공정한 제안이나 이사회 승인이 있는 제안을 방해하지 않습니다.

이사회는 모든 주주의 이익을 보호하면서 Control Empresarial과 건설적으로 계속 협력할 의도를 강조합니다.

Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE: TALO) a annoncé l'adoption d'un plan de droits des actionnaires, qui entre en vigueur immédiatement et doit expirer le 1er octobre 2025. Le plan a été mis en œuvre en réponse à l'accumulation d'environ 24 % des actions ordinaires de Talos par Control Empresarial De Capitales. Le Plan de Droits vise à protéger les intérêts des actionnaires à long terme et à empêcher de futures tentatives de contrôle sans primes appropriées ou considération du Conseil.

Les principales caractéristiques du Plan de Droits comprennent :

  • Un droit émis pour chaque action ordinaire en circulation
  • Les droits deviennent exercables si une personne ou un groupe acquiert 25 % ou plus des actions ordinaires sans l'approbation du Conseil
  • Permet aux actionnaires d'acheter des actions supplémentaires à prix réduit si les droits sont activés
  • Ne prévient pas les offres justes ou les propositions approuvées par le Conseil

Le Conseil souligne son intention de continuer à travailler de manière constructive avec Control Empresarial tout en protégeant les intérêts de tous les actionnaires.

Talos Energy Inc. (NYSE: TALO) hat die Annahme eines sofort wirksamen Aktionärsrechteplans bekannt gegeben, der bis zum 1. Oktober 2025 gültig ist. Der Plan wurde als Reaktion auf die Ansammlung von etwa 24 % der Stammaktien von Talos durch Control Empresarial De Capitales umgesetzt. Der Rechteplan verfolgt das Ziel, die Interessen der langfristigen Aktionäre zu schützen und zukünftige Kontrollversuche ohne angemessene Prämien oder Berücksichtigung durch den Vorstand zu verhindern.

Die wichtigsten Merkmale des Rechteplans sind:

  • Ein Recht wird für jede aktuelle Stammaktie ausgegeben
  • Die Rechte werden ausübbar, wenn eine Person oder Gruppe 25 % oder mehr der Stammaktien ohne Zustimmung des Vorstands erwirbt
  • Erlaubt den Aktionären, zusätzliche Aktien zu einem Rabatt zu erwerben, falls die Rechte aktiviert werden
  • Verhindert keine fairen Angebote oder vom Vorstand genehmigte Vorschläge

Der Vorstand betont seine Absicht, weiterhin konstruktiv mit Control Empresarial zusammenzuarbeiten und gleichzeitig die Interessen aller Aktionäre zu schützen.

  • Protects long-term stockholder interests
  • Allows Board time to make informed decisions in stockholders' best interest
  • Does not prevent fair offers or Board-approved proposals
  • Potential limitation on future strategic transactions or acquisitions
  • May discourage some investors from accumulating large positions in the stock


The adoption of a duration stockholder rights plan, commonly known as a "poison pill," is a significant defensive measure by Talos Energy. This move is directly in response to Control Empresarial De Capitales' accumulation of approximately 24% of Talos shares. The plan is designed to protect against potential takeover attempts without proper compensation to all shareholders.

Key points to consider:

  • The rights plan triggers if any entity acquires 25% or more of Talos' common stock without board approval.
  • It allows other shareholders to purchase additional shares at a discount, potentially diluting the acquiring entity's stake.
  • The plan's one-year duration, unless extended by shareholder vote, indicates it's a temporary measure to address immediate concerns.
  • This action suggests the board perceives a potential threat to shareholder value or company control.

While defensive, this move could impact investor perception and potentially limit certain strategic options for the company in the short term.

The implementation of this rights plan has several financial implications for Talos Energy and its shareholders:

  • It potentially preserves shareholder value by ensuring any takeover attempt would require negotiation with the board, likely leading to a higher premium.
  • The plan may impact stock liquidity and trading dynamics, as it effectively caps ownership at 24.9% without board approval.
  • Institutional investors and proxy advisory firms often scrutinize such measures, which could affect voting recommendations and investor sentiment.
  • The 25% trigger threshold is relatively standard, balancing protection with flexibility for substantial but non-controlling investments.

While the plan doesn't directly impact Talos' $1.86 billion market cap, it could influence market perception and valuation multiples. Investors should monitor any changes in Control Empresarial's stake and the company's performance leading up to the plan's expiration or potential shareholder vote.

HOUSTON, Oct. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Talos Energy Inc. ("Talos" or the "Company") (NYSE: TALO) today announced that its Board of Directors has adopted a limited duration stockholder rights plan (the "Rights Plan"). The Rights Plan is effective immediately and will expire on October 1, 2025, unless approved by Talos stockholders at the Company's next Annual Meeting. The Board may consider an earlier termination of the Rights Plan if circumstances warrant.

The Board, in consultation with its independent advisors, adopted the Rights Plan solely in response to the continued accumulation of approximately 24% of shares of Talos common stock by Control Empresarial De Capitales ("Control Empresarial") as disclosed in its most recent Form 4 filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") on September 27, 2024. Control Empresarial has been an important and supportive Talos stockholder and the Company will continue to maintain an active and constructive dialogue with Control Empresarial.

"We have every intent to continue working constructively with Control Empresarial. The Board welcomes long-term investors. Consistent with its fiduciary duties, the Board determined that based on the current circumstances, it was in Talos stockholders' best interest to adopt a rights plan to protect the long-term interests of all Talos stockholders," said Neal P. Goldman, Chair of the Board of Directors.

The Rights Plan is similar to those adopted by other publicly traded companies and is intended to enable all Talos stockholders to realize the long-term value of their investment and protect Talos from any future efforts to obtain control of the Company that are inconsistent with the best interests of its stockholders.

The Rights Plan reduces the likelihood that any person or group gains future control of the Company through open market accumulation, or other tactics potentially disadvantaging the interests of all stockholders, without paying all stockholders an appropriate control premium or providing the Company's Board of Directors sufficient time to make informed decisions in the best interest of all stockholders. The Rights Plan is not intended to deter offers that are fair and otherwise in the best interests of the Company's stockholders, and does not prevent the Board of Directors from considering any proposal.

Pursuant to the Rights Plan, the Company's Board of Directors is issuing one right for each current share of common stock outstanding. Initially, these rights will not be exercisable and will trade with the shares of the Company's common stock. Under the Rights Plan, the rights will generally become exercisable if a person or group acquires beneficial ownership, as defined in the Rights Plan, of 25% or more of the Company's common stock in a transaction not approved by the Company's Board of Directors. If any person or group is the beneficial owner of 25% or more of common shares outstanding as of or prior to the announcement of the adoption of the Rights Plan, then the rights will not be exercisable until that person or group acquires one or more additional shares (unless upon becoming the beneficial owner of such additional shares, such person is not then the beneficial owner of 25% or more of the shares outstanding).

If the rights become exercisable, each holder of a right (other than the acquiring person or group, whose rights will become void and will not be exercisable) will have the right to purchase, upon payment of the then-current exercise price, a number of shares of Company common stock having a market value of twice the exercise price of the right. In addition, at any time after a person or group acquires 25% or more of the Company's common stock, the Company's Board of Directors may exchange one share of the Company's common stock for each outstanding right (other than rights owned by the acquiring person or group, which would have become void).

Further details about the Rights Plan are contained in a Form 8-K filed today by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


Talos Energy (NYSE: TALO) is a technically driven, innovative, independent energy company focused on maximizing long-term value through its Upstream Exploration & Production business in the United States Gulf of Mexico and offshore Mexico. We leverage decades of technical and offshore operational expertise to acquire, explore, and produce assets in key geological trends while maintaining a focus on safe and efficient operations, environmental responsibility, and community impact. For more information, visit

Clay Jeansonne

This communication may contain "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the "Securities Act"), and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. All statements, other than statements of historical fact included in this communication, regarding our strategy, future operations, financial position, estimated revenues and losses, projected costs, prospects, plans and objectives of management are forward-looking statements. When used in this communication, the words "will," "could," "believe," "anticipate," "intend," "estimate," "expect," "project," "forecast," "may," "objective," "plan" and similar expressions are intended to identify forward-looking statements, although not all forward-looking statements contain such identifying words. These forward-looking statements are based on our current expectations and assumptions about future events and are based on currently available information as to the outcome and timing of future events.

We caution you that these forward-looking statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, most of which are difficult to predict and many of which are beyond our control. These risks include, but are not limited to, statements related to the anticipated benefits, expected timing and impact of the Rights Plan, including the ability of the Rights Plan to protect stockholders' interests and maximize stockholder value and to effectively ensure that the Board has sufficient time to make informed judgments that are in the best interests of the Company and its stockholders and the other risks discussed in "Risk Factors" in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and "Risk Factors" in our subsequent Quarterly Reports on Forms 10-Q filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (the "SEC").

Should one or more of the risks or uncertainties described herein occur, or should underlying assumptions prove incorrect, our actual results, including project plans, production rates and resource recoveries, could differ materially from those expressed in any forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements, expressed or implied, included in this communication are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. This cautionary statement should also be considered in connection with any subsequent written or oral forward-looking statements that we or persons acting on our behalf may issue. Except as otherwise required by applicable law, we disclaim any duty to update any forward-looking statements, all of which are expressly qualified by the statements in this section, to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this communication.

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Why did Talos Energy (TALO) adopt a stockholder rights plan?

Talos Energy adopted the stockholder rights plan in response to Control Empresarial De Capitales' accumulation of approximately 24% of Talos common stock, aiming to protect long-term stockholder interests and prevent future control efforts without appropriate premiums or Board consideration.

When does the Talos Energy (TALO) stockholder rights plan expire?

The Talos Energy stockholder rights plan is set to expire on October 1, 2025, unless approved by stockholders at the company's next Annual Meeting. The Board may consider earlier termination if circumstances warrant.

What triggers the rights in Talos Energy's (TALO) stockholder rights plan?

The rights become exercisable if a person or group acquires beneficial ownership of 25% or more of Talos Energy's common stock in a transaction not approved by the Company's Board of Directors.

How does Talos Energy's (TALO) rights plan affect existing large stockholders?

For stockholders already owning 25% or more of common shares prior to the plan's adoption, the rights will not be exercisable until they acquire one or more additional shares, unless doing so doesn't increase their ownership above 25%.

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