Sysco Donated $10,000 to American Red Cross Following Hurricane Beryl
Sysco, a leading food distribution company, has donated $10,000 to the American Red Cross to support relief efforts following Hurricane Beryl in Houston. This donation is part of Sysco's long-standing partnership with the Red Cross, with total contributions nearing $2 million since 2001. The company's commitment aligns with its purpose of "connecting the world to share food and care for one another." As natural disasters become more frequent and severe, Sysco's support aims to help the Red Cross provide essential services to affected individuals and families.
Sysco, una delle aziende leader nella distribuzione alimentare, ha donato $10,000 alla Croce Rossa Americana per sostenere gli sforzi di soccorso dopo l'uragano Beryl a Houston. Questa donazione fa parte della lunga partnership di Sysco con la Croce Rossa, con contributi totali che si avvicinano a $2 milioni dal 2001. L'impegno dell'azienda è in linea con il suo scopo di "collegare il mondo per condividere cibo e prendersi cura l'uno dell'altro." Con l'aumento della frequenza e della gravità dei disastri naturali, il supporto di Sysco mira ad aiutare la Croce Rossa a fornire servizi essenziali alle persone e alle famiglie colpite.
Sysco, una empresa líder en distribución de alimentos, ha donado $10,000 a la Cruz Roja Americana para apoyar los esfuerzos de ayuda tras el huracán Beryl en Houston. Esta donación forma parte de la larga asociación de Sysco con la Cruz Roja, con contribuciones totales que se acercan a $2 millones desde 2001. El compromiso de la empresa se alinea con su propósito de "conectar el mundo para compartir comida y cuidar unos de otros." A medida que los desastres naturales se vuelven más frecuentes y severos, el apoyo de Sysco tiene como objetivo ayudar a la Cruz Roja a proporcionar servicios esenciales a las personas y familias afectadas.
시스코는 미국 적십자사에 10,000달러를 기부하여 휴스턴에서 발생한 허리케인 베릴 이후 구조 작업을 지원했습니다. 이번 기부는 2001년부터 총 200만 달러에 가까운 기부와 함께 적십자사와의 오랜 파트너십의 일환입니다. 회사의 헌신은 "세상을 연결하여 음식을 나누고 서로를 돌보는 것"이라는 목표에 부합합니다. 자연 재해가 더 빈번하고 심각해짐에 따라, 시스코의 지원은 적십자사가 영향을 받은 개인과 가족에게 필수 서비스를 제공하는 데 도움이 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Sysco, une des principales entreprises de distribution alimentaire, a fait un don de 10 000 $ à la Croix-Rouge américaine pour soutenir les efforts de secours suite à l'ouragan Beryl à Houston. Ce don fait partie du partenariat de longue date de Sysco avec la Croix-Rouge, avec des contributions totales atteignant près de 2 millions $ depuis 2001. L'engagement de l'entreprise s'aligne avec son objectif de "connecter le monde pour partager la nourriture et prendre soin les uns des autres." Alors que les catastrophes naturelles deviennent de plus en plus fréquentes et graves, le soutien de Sysco vise à aider la Croix-Rouge à fournir des services essentiels aux personnes et familles touchées.
Sysco, ein führendes Unternehmen in der Lebensmittelverteilung, hat 10.000 $ gespendet an das American Red Cross, um die Hilfsmaßnahmen nach dem Hurrikan Beryl in Houston zu unterstützen. Diese Spende ist Teil der langjährigen Partnerschaft von Sysco mit dem Roten Kreuz, wobei die Gesamtsumme der Beiträge seit 2001 nahezu 2 Millionen $ erreicht. Das Engagement des Unternehmens entspricht seinem Ziel, "die Welt zu verbinden, um Essen zu teilen und füreinander zu sorgen." Da Naturkatastrophen häufiger und schwerwiegender werden, zielt die Unterstützung von Sysco darauf ab, dem Roten Kreuz zu helfen, wichtige Dienstleistungen für betroffene Personen und Familien bereitzustellen.
- Long-term partnership with American Red Cross since 2001
- Consistent corporate social responsibility efforts
- None.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / August 27, 2024 / Originally published on August 5, 2024 on LinkedIn
Sysco is proud to be a long-standing partner of the American Red Cross, donating nearly
We recently donated another
About Sysco
Sysco is the global leader in selling, marketing and distributing food products to restaurants, healthcare and educational facilities, lodging establishments and other customers who prepare meals away from home. Its family of products also includes equipment and supplies for the foodservice and hospitality industries. With more than 74,000 colleagues, the company operates 334 distribution facilities worldwide and serves approximately 725,000 customer locations. For fiscal year 2023 that ended July 1, 2023, the company generated sales of more than
For more information, visit or connect with Sysco on Facebook at For important news and information regarding Sysco, visit the Investor Relations section of the company's Internet home page at, which Sysco plans to use as a primary channel for publishing key information to its investors, some of which may contain material and previously non-public information. In addition, investors should continue to review our news releases and filings with the SEC. It is possible that the information we disclose through any of these channels of distribution could be deemed to be material information.
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How much did Sysco (SYY) donate to the American Red Cross for Hurricane Beryl relief?
What is the total amount Sysco (SYY) has donated to the American Red Cross since 2001?
Why did Sysco (SYY) make a donation to the American Red Cross in August 2024?