Sustainability on the Table
Sysco has launched One Planet. One Table., a collection of over 3,500 sustainably-focused products in response to growing consumer demand. This initiative, introduced in November 2023, offers items backed by leading sustainability certifications or standards, ranging from grass-fed beef to eco-friendly disposables.
Neil Russell, Sysco's SVP and Chief Administrative Officer, noted that customers are increasingly seeking sustainable products to meet their own commitments and consumer expectations. This move aligns with the growing interest in food sourcing and production methods.
The initiative aims to make it easier for Sysco's customers to find and purchase products that align with their values and meet consumer demands for sustainability.
Sysco ha lanciato One Planet. One Table., una collezione di oltre 3.500 prodotti a focus sostenibile in risposta alla crescente domanda dei consumatori. Questa iniziativa, introdotta a novembre 2023, offre articoli sostenuti da importanti certificazioni o standard di sostenibilità, che spaziano dalla carne di manzo alimentata ad erba a prodotti usa e getta ecologici.
Neil Russell, SVP e Chief Administrative Officer di Sysco, ha osservato che i clienti stanno cercando sempre più prodotti sostenibili per adempiere ai propri impegni e alle aspettative dei consumatori. Questo spostamento si allinea con l'interesse crescente per l'approvvigionamento e i metodi di produzione alimentare.
L'iniziativa mira a facilitare per i clienti di Sysco la ricerca e l'acquisto di prodotti che siano in linea con i loro valori e soddisfino la domanda dei consumatori per la sostenibilità.
Sysco ha lanzado One Planet. One Table., una colección de más de 3,500 productos enfocados en la sostenibilidad en respuesta a la creciente demanda de los consumidores. Esta iniciativa, presentada en noviembre de 2023, ofrece artículos respaldados por certificaciones o estándares de sostenibilidad líderes, que van desde carne de res alimentada con pasto hasta productos desechables ecológicos.
Neil Russell, SVP y Director Administrativo de Sysco, señaló que los clientes buscan cada vez más productos sostenibles para cumplir con sus propios compromisos y las expectativas de los consumidores. Este movimiento se alinea con el creciente interés en la fuente de alimentos y métodos de producción.
La iniciativa tiene como objetivo facilitar a los clientes de Sysco encontrar y comprar productos que se alineen con sus valores y satisfagan la demanda de los consumidores por la sostenibilidad.
Sysco는 One Planet. One Table.를 출시했습니다. 이는 증가하는 소비자 수요에 부응하여 3,500개 이상의 지속 가능한 제품을 포함하는 컬렉션입니다. 2023년 11월에 도입된 이 이니셔티브는 풀을 먹인 소고기부터 친환경 일회용품까지 다양한 제품을 제공하며, 주요 지속 가능성 인증이나 기준을 지원합니다.
Neil Russell, Sysco의 SVP이자 최고 관리 책임자는 고객들이 자신들의 약속과 소비자 기대에 부응하기 위해 지속 가능한 제품을 점점 더 많이 찾고 있다고 언급했습니다. 이러한 움직임은 식품 조달 및 생산 방식에 대한 관심이 높아지는 것과 일치합니다.
이 이니셔티브는 Sysco의 고객들이 자신의 가치에 부합하며 소비자들의 지속 가능성 요구를 충족시키는 제품을 쉽게 찾고 구매할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
Sysco a lancé One Planet. One Table., une collection de plus de 3 500 produits axés sur la durabilité en réponse à la demande croissante des consommateurs. Cette initiative, présentée en novembre 2023, offre des articles soutenus par des certifications ou des normes de durabilité reconnues, allant de viande de boeuf nourrie à l'herbe à des produits jetables écologiques.
Neil Russell, SVP et directeur administratif de Sysco, a noté que les clients recherchent de plus en plus des produits durables pour répondre à leurs propres engagements et aux attentes des consommateurs. Ce mouvement s'aligne avec l'intérêt croissant pour l'approvisionnement alimentaire et les méthodes de production.
Cette initiative vise à faciliter la recherche et l'achat de produits par les clients de Sysco, en adéquation avec leurs valeurs et répondre aux demandes des consommateurs en matière de durabilité.
Sysco hat One Planet. One Table. ins Leben gerufen, eine Kollektion von über 3.500 nachhaltigkeitsorientierten Produkten als Reaktion auf die wachsende Nachfrage der Verbraucher. Diese Initiative, die im November 2023 vorgestellt wurde, bietet Artikel, die von führenden Nachhaltigkeitszertifizierungen oder -standards unterstützt werden, darunter Rindfleisch von grasgefütterten Rindern bis hin zu umweltfreundlichen Einwegartikeln.
Neil Russell, SVP und Chief Administrative Officer von Sysco, bemerkte, dass Kunden zunehmend nach nachhaltigen Produkten suchen, um ihren eigenen Verpflichtungen und den Erwartungen der Verbraucher gerecht zu werden. Dieser Schritt steht im Einklang mit dem wachsenden Interesse an der Beschaffung von Lebensmitteln und den Produktionsmethoden.
Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, den Kunden von Sysco die Suche und den Kauf von Produkten zu erleichtern, die mit ihren Werten übereinstimmen und den Verbrauchernachfragen nach Nachhaltigkeit gerecht werden.
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NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / July 24, 2024 / Sysco
Originally published by Modern Restaurant Management
To address growing consumer demand for sustainably focused products, in November 2023, Sysco launched One Planet. One Table., an assortment of more than 3,500 items backed by leading sustainability certifications or standards. So, whether our customers are looking for grass-fed beef or eco-friendly disposables, they can easily find and purchase sustainably-focused products that align with the values important to them and consumer demands.
"We have a growing market of customers looking for more sustainable products. Whether it is to meet their own sustainability commitments or consumer demand, they are interested in where their food came from and how it was produced," said Neil Russell, Sysco's SVP and Chief Administrative Officer.
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What is Sysco's One Planet. One Table. initiative and when was it launched?
What types of products are included in Sysco's (SYY) One Planet. One Table. collection?
Why did Sysco (SYY) introduce the One Planet. One Table. initiative?