Latham Shares 2023 Environmental, Social And Governance Report
Latham Group (NASDAQ:SWIM), the largest designer and manufacturer of in-ground residential swimming pools in North America, Australia, and New Zealand, has released its 2023 ESG Report highlighting significant environmental and operational improvements. The company achieved a 50% reduction in fiberglass pool production waste compared to 2022 and implemented energy-efficient measures across facilities.
Key achievements include expanded LED lighting implementation in fiberglass facilities, adoption of acetone alternatives, and extended Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer technology to reduce emissions. On the social front, Latham reported a 45% reduction in employee turnover since 2021 and maintained a 20% representation of underrepresented minorities in its U.S. workforce. The company also strengthened its governance framework with updated Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policy, achieving 100% employee completion of ethics and compliance training.
Latham Group (NASDAQ:SWIM), il maggiore progettista e produttore di piscine residenziali interrate in Nord America, Australia e Nuova Zelanda, ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto ESG 2023, evidenziando significativi miglioramenti ambientali e operativi. L'azienda ha ottenuto una riduzione del 50% dei rifiuti nella produzione di piscine in fibra di vetro rispetto al 2022 e ha implementato misure di efficienza energetica in tutte le strutture.
I risultati chiave includono l'espansione dell'implementazione dell'illuminazione a LED negli impianti di produzione di fibra di vetro, l'adozione di alternative all'acetone e l'estensione della tecnologia di ossidazione termica rigenerativa per ridurre le emissioni. Sul fronte sociale, Latham ha riportato una riduzione del 45% nel turnover dei dipendenti dal 2021 e ha mantenuto una rappresentanza del 20% di minoranze sottorappresentate nella sua forza lavoro negli Stati Uniti. L'azienda ha anche rafforzato il proprio quadro di governance con un Codice di Condotta e una Politica sui Diritti Umani aggiornati, raggiungendo il 100% di completamento della formazione etica e di conformità da parte dei dipendenti.
Latham Group (NASDAQ:SWIM), el mayor diseñador y fabricante de piscinas residenciales enterradas en América del Norte, Australia y Nueva Zelanda, ha publicado su Informe ESG 2023 destacando mejoras significativas en el ámbito ambiental y operativo. La compañía logró una reducción del 50% en los desechos de producción de piscinas de fibra de vidrio en comparación con 2022 e implementó medidas de eficiencia energética en sus instalaciones.
Los logros clave incluyen la expansión de la implementación de iluminación LED en las instalaciones de fibra de vidrio, la adopción de alternativas al acetona y la extensión de la tecnología de oxidación térmica regenerativa para reducir las emisiones. En el ámbito social, Latham informó una reducción del 45% en la rotación de empleados desde 2021 y mantuvo un 20% de representación de minorías subrepresentadas en su fuerza laboral en EE. UU. La empresa también fortaleció su marco de gobernanza con un Código de Conducta y una Política de Derechos Humanos actualizados, logrando que el 100% de los empleados completaran la formación en ética y cumplimiento.
라탐 그룹 (NASDAQ:SWIM), 북미, 호주 및 뉴질랜드의 최대 기초 수영장 설계 및 제조업체가 2023 ESG 보고서를 발표하여 중요한 환경 및 운영 개선 사항을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 2022년에 비해 유리 섬유 수영장 생산 폐기물 50% 감소를 달성하고 모든 시설에서 에너지 효율적인 조치를 구현했습니다.
주요 성과로는 유리 섬유 시설에서 LED 조명 구현 확대, 아세톤 대체물 채택 및 배출 감소를 위한 재생열산화기 기술의 확대가 포함됩니다. 사회적 측면에서 라탐은 2021년 이후 직원 이직률 45% 감소를 보고했으며, 미국 인력에서 대표성이 부족한 소수 민족의 20%를 유지했습니다. 또한 회사는 업데이트된 행동 강령 및 인권 정책으로 거버넌스 프레임워크를 강화하고, 윤리 및 준수 교육의 100% 직원 이수를 달성했습니다.
Latham Group (NASDAQ:SWIM), le plus grand concepteur et fabricant de piscines résidentielles enterrées en Amérique du Nord, en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande, a publié son Rapport ESG 2023 mettant en avant d'importantes améliorations environnementales et opérationnelles. L'entreprise a réalisé une réduction de 50% des déchets de production de piscines en fibre de verre par rapport à 2022 et a mis en œuvre des mesures d'économie d'énergie dans ses installations.
Parmi les réalisations clés figurent l'extension de l'implémentation de l'éclairage LED dans les installations de fibre de verre, l'adoption d'alternatives à l'acétone et l'élargissement de la technologie d'oxydation thermique régénérative pour réduire les émissions. Sur le plan social, Latham a signalé une réduction de 45% du turnover des employés depuis 2021 et a maintenu une représentation de 20% de minorités sous-représentées dans sa main-d'œuvre aux États-Unis. L'entreprise a également renforcé son cadre de gouvernance avec un Code de conduite et une politique des droits de l'homme mis à jour, atteignant 100% de formation des employés en éthique et conformité.
Latham Group (NASDAQ:SWIM), der größte Designer und Hersteller von freistehenden Schwimmbecken in Nordamerika, Australien und Neuseeland, hat seinen ESG-Bericht 2023 veröffentlicht, der bedeutende umwelt- und betriebswirtschaftliche Verbesserungen hervorhebt. Das Unternehmen erzielte eine Reduktion von 50% bei den Produktionsabfällen von Fiberglas-Pools im Vergleich zu 2022 und implementierte energieeffiziente Maßnahmen in allen Einrichtungen.
Zu den wichtigsten Erfolgen gehört die erweiterte Implementierung von LED-Beleuchtung in den Fiberglas-Anlagen, die Einführung von Alternativen zu Aceton sowie die Ausweitung der regenerativen thermischen Oxidationstechnologie zur Reduzierung von Emissionen. Auf sozialer Ebene berichtete Latham von einer Reduktion der Mitarbeiterfluktuation um 45% seit 2021 und hielt eine Vertretung von 20% unterrepräsentierter Minderheiten in seiner US-Belegschaft aufrecht. Das Unternehmen stärkte auch seine Governance-Struktur mit einem aktualisierten Verhaltenskodex und einer Menschenrechtsrichtlinie, und erreichte eine 100%ige Teilnahme der Mitarbeiter an Schulungen zu Ethik und Compliance.
- 50% reduction in waste from fiberglass pool production compared to 2022
- 45% reduction in employee turnover since 2021
- Substantial reduction in safety incidents in 2023
- 20% of U.S. workforce represents underrepresented minorities
- 100% employee completion rate for ethics and compliance training
- None.
Report Shows Reduction in Environmental Impact, Progress in Employee Welfare and Retention
LATHAM, N.Y., Dec. 05, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Latham Group, Inc. [NASDAQ:SWIM], the largest designer, manufacturer and marketer of in-ground residential swimming pools in North America, Australia and New Zealand, has published its 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) Report. The report highlights the company’s substantial progress in a number of ESG areas, including refinement of its greenhouse gas emissions baseline, waste reduction, improved energy efficiency, improvements in employee retention and safety and continued enhancements to its robust governance framework.
“We are proud to share the progress outlined in our 2023 ESG report, which reflects our commitments across the environmental, social and governance categories,” said Scott Rajeski, President and CEO of Latham Pools. “From building on our capability to measure greenhouse gas emissions and cutting waste in our production processes, to fostering a more inclusive and safer workplace, these achievements are a testament to the adoption of ESG into the Latham culture.”
On the environmental front, Latham measured its annual greenhouse gas emissions for FY23 to assess the year-over-year changes in its footprint and identify areas for further improvement. Further, Latham achieved a
In the social sphere, Latham focused on its most valuable asset — its people. Providing a safe work environment for employees remained an imperative as demonstrated by Latham’s continued capital investment in safety measures in its facilities and expanded safety training program. These initiatives produced meaningful results. The company saw a substantial reduction in safety incidents in 2023. In addition, by expanding employee assistance programs and enhancing mental health resources, the company strengthened its culture of care. Latham also achieved a
Governance excellence continued to be a cornerstone of Latham’s strategy. Latham updated its Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policy, making them publicly accessible for greater transparency and
“Our 2023 ESG Report tells a powerful story of progress,” noted Rajeski. “As a team, we look forward to continuing our journey of continuous improvement and remain committed to leading by example for the entire industry.”
For more information about Latham, visit
About Latham, the Pool Company
Headquartered in Latham, NY, Latham Group, Inc., is the largest designer, manufacturer, and marketer of in-ground residential swimming pools and pool accessories in North America, Australia, and New Zealand. With over 60 years of experience and a coast-to-coast operations platform across 24 locations, the company offers a broad range of pool products, including fiberglass, vinyl liner, and automatic safety covers, all designed to provide homeowners with the highest quality and value. For more information, visit
Contact: Abigail Cox or Paige Allbright
L.C. Williams & Associates
800/837-7123 or 312/565-3900 or
A photo accompanying this announcement is available at
What waste reduction did Latham Group (SWIM) achieve in 2023?
How much did Latham Group (SWIM) reduce employee turnover since 2021?
What percentage of Latham Group's (SWIM) U.S. workforce represents minorities in 2023?