Trovata and State Street's Fund Connect Integrate to Streamline Corporate Investing

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Trovata, a leading bank API-powered platform for cash and liquidity management, has announced an integration with State Street's Fund Connect. This collaboration aims to streamline corporate investing by providing Fund Connect users with API-driven liquidity intelligence. The integration allows finance and corporate treasury teams to determine liquidity needs and invest excess cash through Fund Connect, all within the Trovata platform.

The partnership combines Trovata's real-time reporting and forecasting capabilities with Fund Connect's access to over 25 leading fund managers. This integration offers a unified experience for operational and investment oversight, enabling companies to maximize interest income more efficiently. The solution addresses the historical challenges of manual cash position analysis and disparate investment processes, offering a modern, seamless approach to corporate investing.

Trovata, una piattaforma leader nelle API bancarie per la gestione della liquidità e dei flussi di cassa, ha annunciato un'integrazione con Fund Connect di State Street. Questa collaborazione mira a semplificare gli investimenti aziendali fornendo agli utenti di Fund Connect intelligenza sulla liquidità basata su API. L'integrazione consente ai team finanziari e di tesoreria aziendale di determinare le esigenze di liquidità e investire il surplus di cassa attraverso Fund Connect, il tutto all'interno della piattaforma Trovata.

La partnership combina le capacità di reporting e previsione in tempo reale di Trovata con l'accesso di Fund Connect a oltre 25 manager di fondi di primo piano. Questa integrazione offre un esperienza unificata per la supervisione operativa e degli investimenti, consentendo alle aziende di massimizzare più efficacemente il reddito da interessi. La soluzione affronta le sfide storiche dell'analisi manuale della posizione di liquidità e dei processi di investimento disparati, offrendo un approccio moderno e senza soluzione di continuità agli investimenti aziendali.

Trovata, una plataforma líder impulsada por APIs bancarias para la gestión de efectivo y liquidez, ha anunciado una integración con Fund Connect de State Street. Esta colaboración tiene como objetivo agilizar la inversión corporativa al proporcionar a los usuarios de Fund Connect inteligencia de liquidez impulsada por API. La integración permite a los equipos financieros y de tesorería corporativa determinar las necesidades de liquidez e invertir el excedente de efectivo a través de Fund Connect, todo dentro de la plataforma Trovata.

La asociación combina las capacidades de informes y previsiones en tiempo real de Trovata con el acceso de Fund Connect a más de 25 gestores de fondos líderes. Esta integración ofrece una experiencia unificada para la supervisión operativa e inversionista, permitiendo a las empresas maximizar de manera más eficiente los ingresos por intereses. La solución aborda los desafíos históricos del análisis manual de la posición de efectivo y los procesos de inversión dispares, ofreciendo un enfoque moderno y sin interrupciones para la inversión corporativa.

트로바타(Trovata)는 현금 및 유동성 관리에 대한 은행 API 중심의 선도적 플랫폼으로, 스테이트 스트리트(State Street)의 펀드 커넥트(Fund Connect)와 통합한다고 발표했습니다. 이번 협력의 목표는 기업 투자의 효율성을 높이는 것으로, 펀드 커넥트 사용자에게 API 기반의 유동성 정보를 제공하는 것입니다. 이 통합은 재무 및 기업 재무 팀이 유동성 요구를 확인하고 여유 자금을 투자할 수 있도록 펀드 커넥트를 통해 지원하며, 모든 과정이 트로바타 플랫폼 내에서 이루어집니다.

이번 파트너십은 트로바타의 실시간 보고 및 예측 기능과 펀드 커넥트의 25개 이상의 선도적 펀드 관리자에 대한 접근을 결합합니다. 이 통합은 기업이 더 효율적으로 이자 수익을 극대화할 수 있도록 운영 및 투자 감독을 위한 통합 경험을 제공합니다. 이 솔루션은 수동 현금 포지션 분석 및 분산된 투자 프로세스의 역사적 문제를 해결하여 기업 투자를 위한 현대적이고 원활한 접근 방식을 제공합니다.

Trovata, une plateforme leader de gestion de liquidités et de trésorerie alimentée par des API bancaires, a annoncé une intégration avec Fund Connect de State Street. Cette collaboration vise à simplifier les investissements d'entreprise en fournissant aux utilisateurs de Fund Connect une intelligence de liquidité basée sur des API. L'intégration permet aux équipes financières et de trésorerie d'entreprise de déterminer les besoins de liquidité et d'investir les excédents de trésorerie via Fund Connect, le tout sur la plateforme Trovata.

Le partenariat combine les capacités de reporting et de prévision en temps réel de Trovata avec l'accès de Fund Connect à plus de 25 gestionnaires de fonds de premier plan. Cette intégration offre une expérience unifiée pour la supervision opérationnelle et d'investissement, permettant aux entreprises de maximiser leurs revenus d'intérêts plus efficacement. La solution traite les défis historiques de l'analyse manuelle des positions de liquidité et des processus d'investissement dispersés, offrant une approche moderne et fluide pour les investissements d'entreprise.

Trovata, eine führende Plattform für das Management von Bargeld und Liquidität, die auf Bank-APIs basiert, hat eine Integration mit Fund Connect von State Street angekündigt. Diese Zusammenarbeit zielt darauf ab, unternehmerische Investitionen zu optimieren und den Nutzern von Fund Connect liquiditätsgesteuerte Informationen über APIs bereitzustellen. Die Integration ermöglicht es Finanz- und Unternehmensschatzteams, die Liquiditätsbedürfnisse zu bestimmen und überschüssiges Bargeld zu investieren über Fund Connect, alles innerhalb der Trovata-Plattform.

Die Partnerschaft vereint die Echtzeitberichterstattung und Prognosefähigkeiten von Trovata mit dem Zugang von Fund Connect zu über 25 führenden Fondsmanagern. Diese Integration bietet eine vereinheitlichte Erfahrung für operative und auf Investitionen bezogene Aufsicht und ermöglicht es Unternehmen, ihre Zinserträge effizienter zu maximieren. Die Lösung geht die historischen Herausforderungen der manuellen Analyse von Bargeldpositionen und der unterschiedlichen Investitionsprozesse an und bietet einen modernen, nahtlosen Ansatz für unternehmerische Investitionen.

  • Integration of Trovata with State Street's Fund Connect streamlines corporate investing process
  • Provides access to over 25 leading fund managers through Fund Connect
  • Offers real-time global portfolio access and comparisons across key factors
  • Combines real-time reporting and forecasting with investment capabilities in a single interface
  • Potential for increased interest income through more efficient cash management
  • None.

This integration between Trovata and State Street's Fund Connect represents a significant advancement in corporate treasury management.

The partnership addresses a important pain point for finance teams: the time-consuming process of cash position analysis and investment decision-making. By combining Trovata's real-time cash visibility with Fund Connect's investment capabilities, companies can now streamline their liquidity management processes substantially.

Key benefits include:

  • Reduced operational inefficiencies, potentially saving hours of manual work daily
  • Enhanced decision-making through real-time data access
  • Improved interest income potential by quickly identifying and investing excess cash
  • Consolidated oversight, reducing the risk of errors from multiple system use

While the immediate impact on State Street's revenue might be , this move positions them strategically in the evolving fintech landscape. It demonstrates their commitment to innovation and could lead to increased client retention and acquisition in the competitive fund management space.

For Trovata, this partnership with a major player like State Street significantly enhances their value proposition and could accelerate their market penetration. The integration could serve as a model for future partnerships in the industry, potentially reshaping how corporate treasury functions operate.

Investors should monitor the adoption rate of this integrated solution and its impact on both companies' client bases and revenue streams in the coming quarters.

This integration marks a significant leap forward in corporate treasury efficiency. Traditionally, treasury teams have grappled with fragmented processes, often juggling multiple systems for cash visibility and investment management. The Trovata-Fund Connect integration addresses this challenge head-on.

Key implications for corporate treasury operations include:

  • Enhanced Liquidity Management: Real-time cash visibility coupled with immediate investment capabilities allows for more dynamic liquidity management. This could lead to improved working capital efficiency and potentially higher returns on idle cash.
  • Risk Mitigation: Consolidated oversight reduces the risk of errors that can occur when manually transferring data between systems. This is particularly important in today's volatile market conditions.
  • Time Savings: The automation of data aggregation and normalization could save treasury teams several hours each day, allowing for more strategic focus.
  • Improved Decision Making: Access to real-time data and a wide range of investment options through a single interface enables more informed and timely investment decisions.

While the benefits are clear, treasury teams should be prepared for a learning curve and potential process adjustments. They should also ensure that proper controls are in place when automating investment decisions.

Overall, this integration aligns with the broader trend of digital transformation in treasury, potentially setting a new standard for treasury technology solutions.

Fund Connect users get access to API-driven liquidity intelligence to maximize interest income

SAN DIEGO, July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Trovata, the leading bank API-powered platform for managing cash & liquidity, announced today an integration with State Street's Fund Connect. This integration will enable joint clients to access Fund Connect as a third-party investing and trading tool with access to over 25 leading fund managers, from the Trovata platform. Now, finance and corporate treasury teams will be able to determine liquidity needs, then seamlessly invest excess cash with Fund Connect, all in just a few clicks.

"The integration of Fund Connect and Trovata will combine expertise in fund management with innovative technology."

Understanding their company's cash position to invest excess cash has historically been a challenging, disparate process for treasury and finance professionals. Often, they are collecting bank files, aggregating and normalizing data, and building reporting in spreadsheets. This is hours of manual work to gain visibility, all before logging into an investments portal to take action. Trovata digitally transforms the treasury function, leveraging bank APIs, AI, and automation to offer real-time reporting and forecasting. Armed with this intelligence, companies can now take quick action to invest with Fund Connect, all within a single interface.

"Trovata makes it easy to determine with precision, how much cash you need to run your business and how much cash you can invest to earn interest income," stated Brett Turner, Founder & CEO of Trovata. "Finance and treasury teams need a combined solution that's quick to stand up, seamless to use, while maintaining full visibility and control. Trovata gives State Street clients a refreshingly modern front end to corporate investing."

With Fund Connect, finance and treasury teams can gain real-time global portfolio access, enabling comparisons across key factors including fund managers, fund types, and currencies. Fund Connect trading and holdings data will flow into Trovata, consolidating operational and investment oversight in one unified experience.

"The integration of Fund Connect and Trovata will combine expertise in fund management with innovative technology to provide investors with unparalleled insights, seamless connectivity and data to help clients optimize their financial strategies," said Greg Fortuna, Head of GlobalLink.

Fund Connect is a part of GlobalLink, State Street's global suite of electronic trading platforms that offer a single interface for managing short-term liquidity through an innovative electronic trading solution. Fund Connect supports multiple money market account structures, including fully disclosed, omnibus, and nominee, all of which can be used in various combinations through a single login.

About Trovata: 

Trovata makes it easy for businesses to automate cash reporting, forecasting, analysis, and money movement. By bridging the gap between banks and business systems, Trovata helps companies gain powerful insights into their cash flows and facilitates better, quicker business decisions. As an end-to-end fintech platform for managing cash, Trovata collaborates with the world's largest financial institutions to deliver next-gen banking services. Trovata is based in San Diego, CA.

To learn more about Trovata, please visit

About State Street Corporation:

State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) is one of the world's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors including investment servicing, investment management and investment research and trading. With $44.3 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration and $4.4 trillion* in assets under management as of June 30, 2024, State Street operates globally in more than 100 geographic markets and employs approximately 53,000 worldwide. For more information, visit State Street's website at

*Assets under management as of June 30, 2024 includes approximately $69 billion of assets with respect to SPDR® products for which State Street Global Advisors Funds Distributors, LLC (SSGA FD) acts solely as the marketing agent. SSGA FD and State Street Global Advisors are affiliated.

Media Contacts:
Rida Khan,

State Street
Brendan Paul,

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SOURCE Trovata


What is the purpose of Trovata's integration with State Street's Fund Connect (STT)?

The integration aims to streamline corporate investing by providing Fund Connect users with API-driven liquidity intelligence, allowing finance and treasury teams to determine liquidity needs and invest excess cash more efficiently.

How does the Trovata and Fund Connect (STT) integration benefit corporate treasury teams?

It enables treasury teams to access real-time reporting and forecasting, determine cash positions, and invest excess cash through Fund Connect, all within a single interface, saving time and potentially maximizing interest income.

What features does the Trovata and Fund Connect (STT) integration offer?

The integration offers real-time global portfolio access, comparisons across fund managers, fund types, and currencies, and consolidates operational and investment oversight in one unified experience.

When was the integration between Trovata and State Street's Fund Connect (STT) announced?

The integration was announced on July 25, 2024, as per the press release.

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