State Street Global Advisors and Apollo Global Management Join Forces to Increase and Broaden Investor Access to Private Markets

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State Street Global Advisors, part of State Street (NYSE: STT), and Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO) have announced a collaboration to expand investor access to private market opportunities. This partnership aims to democratize access to private assets, which have nearly tripled in the last decade. The initiative will focus on making private market investments more accessible through ETFs and other investment products advised by State Street Global Advisors.

Key points:

  • Private assets are one of the fastest-growing sectors in finance
  • The partnership combines strengths of two market leaders
  • Goal is to increase accessibility to private markets for a wider range of investors
  • Focus on private investment grade credit and other private fixed income and equity strategies
  • Apollo reported over $145 billion of origination in the last twelve months as of June 30, 2024

State Street Global Advisors, parte di State Street (NYSE: STT), e Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO) hanno annunciato una collaborazione per ampliare l'accesso degli investitori a opportunità di mercato privato. Questa partnership mira a democratizzare l'accesso agli attivi privati, che sono quasi triplicati nell'ultimo decennio. L'iniziativa si concentrerà sul rendere gli investimenti nel mercato privato più accessibili tramite ETF e altri prodotti di investimento consigliati da State Street Global Advisors.

Punti chiave:

  • Gli attivi privati sono uno dei settori in più rapida crescita nel settore finanziario
  • La partnership combina i punti di forza di due leader di mercato
  • Obiettivo è aumentare l'accessibilità ai mercati privati per un numero maggiore di investitori
  • Focus su credito di qualità d'investimento privato e altre strategie di reddito fisso e azionario privato
  • Apollo ha riportato oltre 145 miliardi di dollari di origini negli ultimi dodici mesi al 30 giugno 2024

State Street Global Advisors, parte de State Street (NYSE: STT), y Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO) han anunciado una colaboración para expandir el acceso de los inversores a oportunidades de mercado privado. Esta asociación tiene como objetivo democratizar el acceso a activos privados, que se han casi triplicado en la última década. La iniciativa se enfocará en hacer que las inversiones en el mercado privado sean más accesibles a través de ETF y otros productos de inversión asesorados por State Street Global Advisors.

Puntos clave:

  • Los activos privados son uno de los sectores de más rápido crecimiento en finanzas
  • La asociación combina las fortalezas de dos líderes del mercado
  • El objetivo es aumentar la accesibilidad a los mercados privados para una gama más amplia de inversores
  • Enfoque en crédito de calidad de inversión privado y otras estrategias de renta fija y capital privado
  • Apollo reportó más de 145 mil millones de dólares en originaciones en los últimos doce meses hasta el 30 de junio de 2024

State Street Global Advisors, State Street (NYSE: STT)의 일부이며, Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO)와 협력하여 투자자들의 사모 시장 기회 접근성을 확대한다고 발표했습니다. 이 파트너십은 지난 10년 동안 거의 세 배로 증가한 사적 자산에 대한 접근을 민주화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 State Street Global Advisors가 조언하는 ETF 및 기타 투자 상품을 통해 사모 시장 투자를 더 쉽게 접근할 수 있도록 하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.

주요 사항:

  • 사적 자산은 금융에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 부문 중 하나입니다.
  • 이 파트너십은 두 시장 리더의 강점을 결합합니다.
  • 목표는 더 많은 투자자들이 사모 시장에 접근할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.
  • 사적 투자 등급 신용과 기타 사적 고정 수입 및 주식 전략에 집중합니다.
  • Apollo는 2024년 6월 30일 기준으로 지난 12개월 동안 1,450억 달러 이상의 자산을 창출했습니다.

State Street Global Advisors, faisant partie de State Street (NYSE: STT), et Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO) ont annoncé une collaboration pour élargir l'accès des investisseurs à des opportunités de marché privé. Ce partenariat vise à démocratiser l'accès aux actifs privés, qui ont presque triplé au cours de la dernière décennie. L'initiative se concentrera sur le rendu des investissements dans les marchés privés plus accessibles via des ETF et d'autres produits d'investissement conseillés par State Street Global Advisors.

Points clés :

  • Les actifs privés sont l'un des secteurs à la croissance la plus rapide dans la finance
  • Le partenariat combine les forces de deux leaders du marché
  • L'objectif est d'augmenter l'accessibilité aux marchés privés pour un plus large éventail d'investisseurs
  • Concentration sur le crédit de qualité d'investissement privé et d'autres stratégies de revenus fixes et d'actions privées
  • Apollo a déclaré plus de 145 milliards de dollars d'origination au cours des douze derniers mois au 30 juin 2024

State Street Global Advisors, Teil von State Street (NYSE: STT), und Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO) haben eine Zusammenarbeit bekannt gegeben, um den Zugang von Investoren zu privaten Marktchancen zu erweitern. Diese Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, den Zugang zu privaten Vermögenswerten zu demokratisieren, die sich in den letzten zehn Jahren beinahe verdreifacht haben. Die Initiative wird sich darauf konzentrieren, private Marktinvestitionen über ETFs und andere Anlageprodukte, die von State Street Global Advisors beraten werden, zugänglicher zu machen.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Private Vermögenswerte sind einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Sektoren im Finanzwesen
  • Die Partnerschaft kombiniert die Stärken zweier Marktführer
  • Ziel ist es, die Zugänglichkeit der privaten Märkte für eine breitere Investorengruppe zu erhöhen
  • Fokus auf private Investment-Grad-Kredite und andere private Anleihen- und Eigenkapitalstrategien
  • Apollo berichtete bis zum 30. Juni 2024 über 145 Milliarden Dollar an Neuemissionen in den letzten zwölf Monaten
  • Collaboration between two major asset management firms to expand investor access to private markets
  • Potential for higher yields and greater diversification for investors through private market opportunities
  • Development of more accessible investment vehicles for private assets, including ETFs
  • Apollo's strong origination capabilities with over $145 billion reported in the last twelve months
  • None.

This collaboration between State Street Global Advisors and Apollo Global Management marks a significant shift in the investment landscape. By democratizing access to private markets, they're tapping into a rapidly growing sector that has seen assets nearly triple over the last decade. This move could potentially disrupt traditional asset allocation models and broaden the investor base for private assets.

The partnership leverages State Street's ETF expertise and Apollo's $145 billion origination capacity, potentially creating a new class of investment products. This could lead to increased liquidity and transparency in traditionally opaque private markets, possibly attracting a new wave of retail investors. However, investors should be cautious about potential risks associated with increased retail participation in complex private market instruments.

The collaboration between State Street and Apollo is a strategic response to evolving investor demands. With private market assets growing at a faster rate than public markets, this partnership aims to capitalize on the trend of investors seeking higher yields and greater diversification. The move to create more accessible private market products could significantly expand the total addressable market for both companies.

This trend aligns with the broader democratization of finance, potentially reshaping portfolio construction for retail investors. However, it's important to monitor how this increased accessibility might impact market dynamics and valuations in the private asset space. The success of this initiative could prompt similar moves from competitors, potentially leading to a transformation of the asset management industry.

The partnership between State Street and Apollo raises important regulatory considerations. As private market investments become more accessible to retail investors, regulators may need to adapt existing frameworks to ensure adequate investor protection. This could lead to increased scrutiny and potentially new regulations governing the disclosure, liquidity and risk management of these products.

Moreover, the convergence of public and private markets may challenge current regulatory distinctions between different types of investment vehicles. Policymakers and industry stakeholders will need to carefully navigate these changes to maintain market integrity while fostering innovation. The success of this initiative could set important precedents for future regulatory approaches to democratized private market investments.

Two leaders in asset management seek to democratize access to private assets

BOSTON & NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- State Street Global Advisors, the asset management business of State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT), announced today that it is working with Apollo Global Management, Inc. (NYSE: APO), a leading provider of alternative assets and retirement solutions, and its affiliates (collectively, Apollo), to expand investor access to private market opportunities.

“Private assets are one of the fastest growing sectors of the financial industry. We are excited to be working with Apollo, a global leader in alternative assets, to continue to increase accessibility to private markets, opening them to an even larger cross section of investors,” said Ron O’Hanley, president and chief executive officer of State Street. “This relationship combines the strengths of two market leaders to allow even more investors to participate in this dynamic corner of the financial markets.”

“We are pleased to work with State Street Global Advisors to help more investors access private market opportunities, including private investment grade credit,” said Marc Rowan, co-founder and chief executive officer of Apollo Global Management. “At Apollo, we believe investors will increasingly supplement their portfolios with private fixed income and equity strategies as they seek to build resilient and diversified portfolios to serve their retirement and investment needs. We are confident our relationship with State Street will help accelerate this trend as we leverage our respective strengths to increase private market access in innovative new ways.”

Over the last decade, assets in private markets have nearly tripled,1 as large institutional investors have become attracted to the potential for higher yields and greater diversification, and their demonstrated resilience during times of volatility. The next wave of private market investors is seeking exposure to these growing asset classes through investment vehicles that are tradable, transparent, and provide liquidity.

“Demand for private assets is expected to continue to grow in the coming decade, but until now they have mainly been open to large institutions and ultra-high net worth investors,” said Anna Paglia, chief business officer at State Street Global Advisors. “We are pleased to be working with Apollo to democratize access to private asset exposures through ETFs and other investment products advised by State Street Global Advisors, making them more accessible to a wider swathe of investors who seek the benefits of private market investments. It is our goal to bring these investments to scale and help facilitate the process of making private assets more accessible and liquid over time. We see this as only the beginning of a new wave of innovation as public and private markets increasingly converge.”

This relationship of a market-leading, global asset manager and a market leading originator of private assets is designed to open the door to investing in private markets and expand access to a wider investor base. By combining the strengths of these two brands, State Street Global Advisors and Apollo will provide investors groundbreaking access to the private credit market.

As of June 30, 2024, Apollo reported more than $145 billion of origination in the last twelve months, supported by its credit business and broader origination ecosystem spanning 16 standalone platforms. Apollo focuses on high quality private credit origination, including both corporate lending and asset-backed finance, that supports business growth globally.

About State Street Global Advisors

For four decades, State Street Global Advisors has served the world’s governments, institutions, and financial advisors. With a rigorous, risk-aware approach built on research, analysis, and market-tested experience, we build from a breadth of index and active strategies to create cost-effective solutions. As pioneers in index and ETF investing, we are always inventing new ways to invest. As a result, we have become the world’s fourth-largest asset manager* with US $4.37 trillion† under our care.

1 Ernst & Young, Insights: Private business- Are you harnessing the growth and resilience of private-capital (April 2024).

*Pensions & Investments Research Center, as of 12/31/23.

†This figure is presented as of June 30, 2024 and includes ETF AUM of $1,393.92 billion USD of which approximately $69.35 billion USD is in gold assets with respect to SPDR products for which State Street Global Advisors Funds Distributors, LLC (SSGA FD) acts solely as the marketing agent. SSGA FD and State Street Global Advisors are affiliated. Please note all AUM is unaudited.

State Street Global Advisors, 1 Iron Street, Boston, MA 02210-1641

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Deborah Heindel

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Joanna Rose

+1 212 822 0491

Source: State Street Corporation


What is the purpose of the partnership between State Street Global Advisors and Apollo Global Management?

The partnership aims to expand and democratize investor access to private market opportunities, making them available to a wider range of investors through ETFs and other investment products advised by State Street Global Advisors.

How much has the private market asset class grown in the past decade?

According to the press release, assets in private markets have nearly tripled over the last decade.

What types of private market investments will be made available through this partnership?

The partnership will focus on private investment grade credit, as well as other private fixed income and equity strategies.

How much origination did Apollo Global Management (NYSE: APO) report in the last twelve months?

As of June 30, 2024, Apollo reported more than $145 billion of origination in the last twelve months.

How does this partnership affect State Street 's (NYSE: STT) asset management business?

This partnership allows State Street Global Advisors, the asset management business of State Street , to expand its offerings and potentially attract more investors by providing access to private market opportunities.

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