Operadora de Fondos Banorte Adopts Charles River’s Cloud-Based Platform

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Charles River Development, a State Street Company, announced that Operadora de Fondos Banorte, one of Mexico's largest mutual fund companies, has gone live on Charles River's cloud-based Investment Management Solution (IMS). Banorte will use the platform to modernize their front, middle, and back-office operations and streamline management of domestic and international equity, fixed income, and multi-asset portfolios.

The Charles River IMS offers automated workflows and straight-through processing for portfolio construction, performance attribution, order management, and compliance. It provides a global, multi-asset view of cash and positions in real-time, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency. Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos, CEO of Operadora de Fondos Banorte, cited the need to manage complex global multi-asset portfolios and deliver innovative products as key drivers for adopting the platform.

Charles River Development, una società di State Street, ha annunciato che Operadora de Fondos Banorte, una delle più grandi società di fondi comuni in Messico, è diventata operativa sulla Investment Management Solution (IMS) basata su cloud di Charles River. Banorte utilizzerà la piattaforma per modernizzare le proprie operazioni di front, middle e back-office e semplificare la gestione dei portafogli di azioni domestiche e internazionali, obbligazionario e multi-asset.

La IMS di Charles River offre flussi di lavoro automatizzati e un'elaborazione diretta per la costruzione dei portafogli, l'attribuzione dei risultati, la gestione degli ordini e la conformità. Fornisce una visione globale e multi-asset di liquidità e posizioni in tempo reale, migliorando il processo decisionale e l'efficienza operativa. Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos, CEO di Operadora de Fondos Banorte, ha citato la necessità di gestire complessi portafogli globali multi-asset e di offrire prodotti innovativi come motivazioni chiave per l'adozione della piattaforma.

Charles River Development, una compañía de State Street, anunció que Operadora de Fondos Banorte, una de las mayores empresas de fondos mutuos de México, ha iniciado operaciones con la Investment Management Solution (IMS) basada en la nube de Charles River. Banorte utilizará la plataforma para modernizar sus operaciones de front, middle y back-office, y agilizar la gestión de carteras de acciones nacionales e internacionales, renta fija y multi-activos.

La IMS de Charles River ofrece flujos de trabajo automatizados y procesamiento directo para la construcción de carteras, atribución de rendimiento, gestión de órdenes y cumplimiento. Proporciona una visión global y multi-activo de efectivo y posiciones en tiempo real, mejorando la toma de decisiones y la eficiencia operativa. Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos, CEO de Operadora de Fondos Banorte, citó la necesidad de gestionar complejas carteras globales multi-activos y ofrecer productos innovadores como motores clave para adoptar la plataforma.

찰스 리버 개발(Charles River Development), 스테이트 스트리트(State Street) 회사가 발표하기를 오페라도라 데 폰도스 바노르테(Operadora de Fondos Banorte), 멕시코 최대의 뮤추얼 펀드 회사 중 하나가 찰스 리버의 클라우드 기반 투자 관리 솔루션(IMS)을 가동했다고 합니다. 바노르테는 이 플랫폼을 사용하여 프론트, 미들 및 백 오피스 작업을 현대화하고 국내 및 국제 주식, 채권, 다각화 자산 포트폴리오 관리를 간소화할 것입니다.

찰스 리버 IMS는 포트폴리오 구성, 성과 귀속, 주문 관리 및 규정 준수를 위한 자동화된 워크플로우와 직통 처리를 제공합니다. 실시간으로 현금 및 자산에 대한 글로벌 다자산 뷰를 제공하여 의사 결정 및 운영 효율성을 향상시키는 것입니다. 오페라도라 데 폰도스 바노르테의 CEO 알레한드로 아귀랄 세바요스(Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos)는 복잡한 글로벌 다자산 포트폴리오를 관리하고 혁신적인 제품을 제공해야 할 필요성이 이 플랫폼 채택의 주요 동기라고 언급했습니다.

Charles River Development, une société de State Street, a annoncé que Operadora de Fondos Banorte, l'une des plus grandes sociétés de fonds communs au Mexique, a lancé ses opérations avec la Investment Management Solution (IMS) basée sur le cloud de Charles River. Banorte utilisera la plateforme pour moderniser ses opérations de front, middle et back-office et rationaliser la gestion des portefeuilles d'actions, de revenus fixes et multi-actifs, tant domestiques qu'internationaux.

La solution IMS de Charles River propose des flux de travail automatisés et un traitement direct pour la construction de portefeuilles, l'attribution de performances, la gestion des commandes et la conformité. Elle offre une vue globale et multi-actifs des liquidités et des positions en temps réel, améliorant ainsi la prise de décision et l'efficacité opérationnelle. Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos, PDG d'Operadora de Fondos Banorte, a cité la nécessité de gérer des portefeuilles multi-actifs globaux complexes et de proposer des produits innovants comme des moteurs clés pour l'adoption de la plateforme.

Charles River Development, ein Unternehmen von State Street, hat angekündigt, dass Operadora de Fondos Banorte, eines der größten Investmentfondsunternehmen in Mexiko, die cloudbasierte Investment Management Solution (IMS) von Charles River in Betrieb genommen hat. Banorte wird die Plattform nutzen, um ihre Front-, Middle- und Back-Office-Operationen zu modernisieren und die Verwaltung von inländischen und internationalen Aktien-, Renten- und Multi-Asset-Portfolios zu optimieren.

Die Charles River IMS bietet automatisierte Workflows und eine durchgehende Verarbeitung für die Portfoliokonstruktion, Leistungsmessung, Auftragsverwaltung und Compliance. Sie bietet eine globale, multi-asset Sicht auf Kassenbestände und Positionen in Echtzeit, was die Entscheidungsfindung und operative Effizienz verbessert. Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos, CEO von Operadora de Fondos Banorte, nannte die Notwendigkeit, komplexe globale Multi-Asset-Portfolios zu verwalten und innovative Produkte anzubieten, als zentrale Gründe für die Übernahme der Plattform.

  • Adoption of cloud-based Investment Management Solution (IMS) by a major Mexican mutual fund company
  • Modernization of front, middle, and back-office operations
  • Streamlined management of diverse portfolio types
  • Improved operational efficiency through automated workflows and straight-through processing
  • Enhanced decision-making capabilities with real-time global, multi-asset view
  • None.

BOSTON--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Charles River Development, a State Street Company, announced today that Operadora de Fondos Banorte, SA de CV, SOFI, Grupo Financiero Banorte ("BANORTE"), one of Mexico’s largest mutual fund companies, is now live on Charles River’s cloud-based Investment Management Solution (IMS). Banorte utilizes Charles River IMS to modernize their front, middle and back-office operations and to streamline the management of their domestic and international equity, fixed income, and multi-asset portfolios.

Banorte will benefit from Charles River IMS’s modern cloud technology that delivers automated workflows and straight-through processing for portfolio construction, performance attribution, order management, and compliance. The solution’s global, multi-asset view of cash and positions in real time helps drive better decision-making and maximizes operational efficiency.

“The complexities of managing global multi asset portfolios, meeting the needs of our investors, and delivering innovative products to market were key drivers to transition to Charles River’s cloud platform,” said Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos, CEO of Operadora de Fondos Banorte. “Charles River IMS allows us to capture greater efficiencies with automation and simplified workflows, freeing internal resources to focus on business priorities and better serve our clients.”

“We are thrilled to expand our collaborative partnership with Banorte in support of their goals and growth strategy,” said Spiros Giannaros, CEO and President of Charles River Development. “Our platform provides Banorte the flexibility to modernize their operating model while expanding product offerings, supporting future growth, and keeping pace with changing market conditions.”

About Grupo Financiero Banorte (GFNorte)

Grupo Financiero Banorte (GFNorte), is a leading financial institution in Mexico, with the largest business diversification and continuously seeking ways to innovate in the financial sector, offering a wide variety of traditional and digital products and services, through its broker dealer, annuities & insurance companies, retirement saving funds (Afore), mutual funds, leasing and factoring company, warehousing and recently announcing the inclusion of a digital bank. Banorte is the second largest financial group in Mexico in terms of loan portfolio, the number two provider of loans to governments and the second largest bank in mortgage loans. In addition, the retirement fund administrator Afore XXI Banorte, of which GFNorte owns 50%, is the largest in the country in terms of assets under management. Banorte is the only commercial bank, among the six largest institutions, whose decisions are made locally without the influence of external parent companies, which has proven to be an advantage in adapting with agility to the changes and alternatives presented by the country.

About Charles River Development, A State Street Company

Investment and wealth managers, asset owners and insurers in over 30 countries rely on Charles River IMS to manage USD $60 Trillion in assets. Together with State Street’s middle and back-office services, Charles River’s cloud-based front office technology forms the foundation of State Street Alpha®. Charles River IMS helps automate and simplify the investment process across asset classes, from portfolio management and risk analytics through trading and post-trade settlement, with integrated compliance and managed data throughout. Charles River for Private Markets helps solve complex data challenges for investors in private credit, real estate, private equity, and infrastructure. Charles River’s partner ecosystem enables clients to access the data, analytics, application and liquidity providers that support their product and asset class mix. With more than 146% increase in headcount over the last 5+ years, Charles River serves clients globally offering 24/7 support. To learn more visit

*Statistics as of Q2 2024. Assets are inclusive of clients using the platform for purposes of secondary compliance.

About State Street Corporation

State Street Corporation (NYSE: STT) is one of the world's leading providers of financial services to institutional investors including investment servicing, investment management and investment research and trading. With $44.3 trillion in assets under custody and/or administration and $4.4 trillion* in assets under management as of June 30, 2024, State Street operates globally in more than 100 geographic markets and employs approximately 53,000 worldwide. For more information, visit State Street's website at

* Assets under management as of June 30, 2024 includes approximately $69 billion of assets with respect to SPDR® products for which State Street Global Advisors Funds Distributors, LLC (SSGA FD) acts solely as the marketing agent. SSGA FD and State Street Global Advisors are affiliated.

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Ed Patterson

(404) 213-3106

Source: Charles River Development


What platform has Operadora de Fondos Banorte adopted for its investment management?

Operadora de Fondos Banorte has adopted Charles River's cloud-based Investment Management Solution (IMS) for its investment management operations.

How will Charles River's IMS benefit Banorte's operations?

Charles River's IMS will modernize Banorte's front, middle, and back-office operations, streamline portfolio management, provide automated workflows, and offer real-time global, multi-asset views for better decision-making and operational efficiency.

What types of portfolios will Banorte manage using Charles River's IMS?

Banorte will use Charles River's IMS to manage domestic and international equity, fixed income, and multi-asset portfolios.

Who is the CEO of Operadora de Fondos Banorte?

The CEO of Operadora de Fondos Banorte is Alejandro Aguilar Ceballos.

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