NeuroStar® Releases Software Upgrades to Elevate Patient Care

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Neuronetics (NASDAQ: STIM) has announced significant upgrades to its NeuroStar Advanced Therapy and TrakStar® patient data management software. The enhancements focus on improving patient communication, streamlining clinical data capture, and strengthening cybersecurity. Key upgrades include:

1. Enhanced Patient Communication: New CRM capabilities for automated SMS and email communication, secure insurance card uploads, and multi-site communication filtering.

2. Expanded TrakStar Survey Options: Access to a wider range of automated patient clinical surveys for better monitoring of patient well-being.

3. Advanced Clinical Data Capture: Synchronization of critical clinical information between NeuroStar devices and TrakStar system.

4. Improved Security: Proactive Operating System updates to ensure safe, secure, and encrypted patient data and digital communications.

These upgrades aim to empower providers with tools for more personalized, efficient, and secure treatment of neurohealth disorders.

Neuronetics (NASDAQ: STIM) ha annunciato importanti aggiornamenti per il suo NeuroStar Advanced Therapy e il software di gestione dei dati pazienti TrakStar®. I miglioramenti si concentrano sul miglioramento della comunicazione con i pazienti, sulla semplificazione della raccolta di dati clinici e sul rafforzamento della cybersecurity. I principali aggiornamenti includono:

1. Comunicazione con i Pazienti Migliorata: nuove capacità CRM per la comunicazione automatizzata tramite SMS e email, caricamenti sicuri delle carte assicurative e filtraggio della comunicazione multi-sito.

2. Opzioni di Sondaggio TrakStar Espanse: accesso a una gamma più ampia di sondaggi clinici automatizzati per un migliore monitoraggio del benessere dei pazienti.

3. Cattura Avanzata dei Dati Clinici: sincronizzazione delle informazioni cliniche critiche tra i dispositivi NeuroStar e il sistema TrakStar.

4. Sicurezza Migliorata: aggiornamenti proattivi del sistema operativo per garantire dati pazienti e comunicazioni digitali sicuri, protetti e crittografati.

Questi aggiornamenti mirano a fornire agli operatori strumenti per un trattamento più personalizzato, efficiente e sicuro dei disturbi neuro-salutari.

Neuronetics (NASDAQ: STIM) ha anunciado mejoras significativas en su NeuroStar Advanced Therapy y en el software de gestión de datos de pacientes TrakStar®. Las mejoras se centran en mejorar la comunicación con los pacientes, optimizar la captura de datos clínicos y fortalecer la ciberseguridad. Las mejoras clave incluyen:

1. Comunicación con los Pacientes Mejorada: nuevas capacidades de CRM para la comunicación automática a través de SMS y correo electrónico, carga segura de tarjetas de seguro y filtrado de comunicación en múltiples sitios.

2. Opciones de Encuestas TrakStar Ampliadas: acceso a una gama más amplia de encuestas clínicas automatizadas para un mejor monitoreo del bienestar del paciente.

3. Captura Avanzada de Datos Clínicos: sincronización de información clínica crítica entre los dispositivos NeuroStar y el sistema TrakStar.

4. Seguridad Mejorada: actualizaciones proactivas del sistema operativo para garantizar datos de pacientes y comunicaciones digitales seguras, protegidas y cifradas.

Estas mejoras tienen como objetivo empoderar a los proveedores con herramientas para un tratamiento más personalizado, eficiente y seguro de trastornos neuro-saludables.

Neuronetics (NASDAQ: STIM)이 NeuroStar Advanced TherapyTrakStar® 환자 데이터 관리 소프트웨어의 중요한 업데이트를 발표했습니다. 이러한 개선은 환자와의 커뮤니케이션 향상, 임상 데이터 수집 간소화 및 사이버 보안 강화에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 주요 업데이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. 강화된 환자 커뮤니케이션: 자동 SMS 및 이메일 커뮤니케이션을 위한 새로운 CRM 기능, 안전한 보험 카드 업로드 및 다중 사이트 커뮤니케이션 필터링.

2. 확장된 TrakStar 설문 옵션: 환자의 웰빙을 보다 잘 모니터링할 수 있는 자동화된 임상 설문조사의 더 넓은 범위에 대한 접근.

3. 고급 임상 데이터 수집: NeuroStar 장치와 TrakStar 시스템 간의 중요한 임상 정보 동기화.

4. 개선된 보안: 안전하고 보호되며 암호화된 환자 데이터 및 디지털 통신을 보장하기 위한 능동적인 운영 체제 업데이트.

이러한 업데이트는 신경 건강 장애 치료를 보다 개인화되고 효율적이며 안전하게 하기 위한 도구로 제공자에게 권한을 부여하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Neuronetics (NASDAQ: STIM) a annoncé des mises à jour importantes de sa NeuroStar Advanced Therapy et de son logiciel de gestion des données patients TrakStar®. Les améliorations portent sur l'amélioration de la communication avec les patients, la rationalisation de la collecte de données cliniques et le renforcement de la cybersécurité. Les principales mises à jour incluent :

1. Communication Améliorée avec les Patients: Nouvelles capacités CRM pour une communication automatique par SMS et e-mail, des téléchargements sûrs de cartes d'assurance et un filtrage de la communication multisite.

2. Options d'Enquête TrakStar Élargies: Accès à une gamme plus large d'enquêtes cliniques automatisées pour un meilleur suivi du bien-être des patients.

3. Collecte de Données Cliniques Avancée: Synchronisation des informations cliniques critiques entre les dispositifs NeuroStar et le système TrakStar.

4. Sécurité Améliorée: Mises à jour proactives du système d'exploitation pour garantir la sécurité, la protection et le cryptage des données patients et des communications numériques.

Ces mises à jour visent à donner aux fournisseurs des outils pour un traitement des troubles de la santé neuro plus personnalisé, efficace et sécurisé.

Neuronetics (NASDAQ: STIM) hat bedeutende Verbesserungen für seine NeuroStar Advanced Therapy und die TrakStar® Patientenmanagementsoftware angekündigt. Die Verbesserungen konzentrieren sich auf die Verbesserung der Patientenkommunikation, die Vereinfachung der klinischen Datenerfassung und die Stärkung der Cybersicherheit. Zu den wichtigsten Aktualisierungen gehören:

1. Verbesserte Patientenkommunikation: Neue CRM-Funktionen für automatisierte SMS- und E-Mail-Kommunikation, sichere Uploads von Versicherungskarten und Multi-Site-Kommunikationsfilterung.

2. Erweiterte TrakStar-Umfrageoptionen: Zugang zu einer breiteren Palette automatisierter klinischer Patientenumfragen zur besseren Überwachung des Patientenwohlbefindens.

3. Erweiterte klinische Datenerfassung: Synchronisierung kritischer klinischer Informationen zwischen NeuroStar-Geräten und dem TrakStar-System.

4. Verbesserte Sicherheit: Proaktive Updates des Betriebssystems zur Gewährleistung sicherer, geschützter und verschlüsselter Patientendaten und digitaler Kommunikation.

Diese Verbesserungen zielen darauf ab, Anbietern Werkzeuge für eine persönlichere, effizientere und sichere Behandlung von neurogesundheitsbezogenen Störungen zu geben.

  • Introduction of new CRM capabilities for automated patient communication
  • Expansion of TrakStar survey options for better patient monitoring
  • Implementation of advanced clinical data capture for improved accuracy
  • Enhancement of security measures for patient data protection
  • None.

The software upgrades for NeuroStar's Advanced Therapy system and TrakStar software represent a significant enhancement in patient care management for neurohealth disorders. The automated communication features and expanded survey options should improve patient engagement and treatment adherence, potentially leading to better clinical outcomes. This could strengthen NeuroStar's market position in the competitive neuromodulation sector.

The synchronization of clinical data between devices and the TrakStar system is a notable advancement. This automation reduces manual errors and enhances data integrity, which is important for both patient care and potential future research. From an investor's perspective, these improvements could drive increased adoption of NeuroStar's technology among healthcare providers, potentially boosting revenue and market share in the long term.

However, the phased rollout of system updates throughout the year may delay the full impact of these improvements on the company's financial performance. Investors should monitor the adoption rate and any feedback from healthcare providers to gauge the real-world impact of these upgrades.

The emphasis on improved security measures in NeuroStar's software upgrade is a important move in today's healthcare landscape. With the proactive updates to the Operating System and enhanced encryption for patient data and digital communications, Neuronetics is addressing the growing concerns around cybersecurity in medical devices.

This proactive approach to security could mitigate potential risks associated with data breaches or cyber attacks, which are increasingly common and costly in the healthcare sector. For investors, this translates to reduced liability risks and potential cost savings in the long run. It also positions NeuroStar as a responsible and trustworthy player in the medical technology field, which could be a significant differentiator in a market where data security is paramount.

However, it's important to note that cybersecurity is an ongoing challenge. Investors should keep an eye on Neuronetics' continued commitment to security updates and their response to any emerging threats in the future.

The software upgrades introduced by Neuronetics for its NeuroStar system offer substantial operational benefits for healthcare providers. The automation of SMS and email communication, along with secure insurance card uploads, should significantly streamline administrative processes. This could lead to improved efficiency, reduced operational costs and potentially higher patient satisfaction.

The ability to filter communications by location for multi-site practices is particularly noteworthy. This feature allows for more localized patient management, which could be a strong selling point for larger healthcare networks. From an investor's perspective, these operational improvements could make NeuroStar a more attractive option for healthcare providers, potentially driving sales and market penetration.

However, the true value of these upgrades will depend on their seamless integration into existing workflows. Investors should watch for feedback from early adopters and any impact on NeuroStar's sales cycle or customer retention rates in the coming quarters to gauge the real-world effectiveness of these operational enhancements.

Upgrades improve communication, streamline data management, and strengthen security

MALVERN, Pa., Sept. 16, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Neuronetics, Inc. (NASDAQ: STIM), a medical technology company focused on designing, developing, and marketing products that improve the quality of life for patients who suffer from neurohealth disorders, announced enhancements to its NeuroStar Advanced Therapy and proprietary TrakStar® patient data management software, introducing a range of new features aimed at improving patient communication, streamlining clinical data capture, and strengthening cybersecurity.

“With the latest upgrades, we’re not just enhancing technology; we’re transforming the way practices can care for patients,” said Cory Anderson, SVP of R&D and Clinical. “The new features in the NeuroStar System and TrakStar are designed to empower providers with the tools they need to deliver more personalized, efficient, and secure treatment. Our commitment is to continually push the boundaries of what our technology can do, ensuring that NeuroStar remains at the forefront of advancing the way patients receive treatment in their battle against depression.”

The software updates provide practices with more robust tools to enhance patient care and streamline operations for NeuroStar practices. Key upgrades include:

  • Enhanced Patient Communication: New CRM capabilities automate SMS and email communication, offering personalized guidance during the early stages of NeuroStar treatment. Secure insurance card uploads now streamline claims processing and reduce errors from manual entries. Additionally, multi-site practices can filter communications by location to better manage patient needs on a local scale.
  • Expanded TrakStar Survey Options: Practices can now access a wider range of automated patient clinical surveys to monitor well-being during and after treatment, enabling additional real-time insights to provide more effective, tailored care.
  • Advanced Clinical Data Capture: NeuroStar’s internet-connected device now synchronizes critical clinical information with the TrakStar data management system, securely automating tracking and enhancing data collection accuracy.
  • Improved Security: Proactive updates to the Operating System are part of NeuroStar’s strong commitment to ensuring safe, secure, and encrypted patient data and digital communications.

TrakStar software updates are available today for all cloud-based NeuroStar providers. NeuroStar System software updates are being delivered in a phased rollout throughout the year. For more information about NeuroStar TMS Therapy, please visit

About Neuronetics
Neuronetics, Inc. believes that mental health is as important as physical health. As a global leader in neuroscience, Neuronetics is redefining patient and physician expectations with its NeuroStar Advanced Therapy for Mental Health. NeuroStar is a non-drug, noninvasive treatment that can improve the quality of life for people suffering from neurohealth conditions when traditional medication hasn’t helped. NeuroStar is indicated for the treatment of depressive episodes and for decreasing anxiety symptoms for those who may exhibit comorbid anxiety symptoms in adult patients suffering from MDD and who failed to achieve satisfactory improvement from previous antidepressant medication treatment in the current episode. It is also FDA-cleared as an adjunct for adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder and for adolescent patients aged 15-21 with MDD. NeuroStar Advanced Therapy is the leading TMS treatment for MDD in adults with over 6.6 million treatments delivered. Neuronetics is committed to transforming lives by offering an exceptional treatment that produces extraordinary results. For safety and prescribing information, visit

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What are the main upgrades announced by Neuronetics for NeuroStar and TrakStar software?

Neuronetics announced upgrades to NeuroStar Advanced Therapy and TrakStar software, including enhanced patient communication, expanded survey options, advanced clinical data capture, and improved security measures.

How does the new CRM capability in NeuroStar software benefit patients?

The new CRM capability automates SMS and email communication, offering personalized guidance during early stages of NeuroStar treatment and streamlining insurance claims processing.

What security improvements were made to NeuroStar and TrakStar software?

Neuronetics implemented proactive Operating System updates to ensure safe, secure, and encrypted patient data and digital communications in both NeuroStar and TrakStar software.

When will the NeuroStar System software updates be available?

NeuroStar System software updates are being delivered in a phased rollout throughout the year, while TrakStar software updates are available immediately for all cloud-based NeuroStar providers.

Neuronetics, Inc.


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