The Rise of the American Expat Dream: Increasing Interest in Moving Abroad and Dual Citizenship 

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A new Harris Poll survey reveals growing interest among Americans in relocating abroad, with 42% considering or planning international moves. The study, conducted across three waves with 6,300 participants, shows particularly strong interest among younger generations: 63% of Gen Z and 52% of Millennials have considered moving abroad.

Key findings indicate that 68% of Americans feel they are merely surviving rather than thriving, with the same percentage believing homeownership is no longer attainable. The main drivers for relocation include lower living expenses (49%), dissatisfaction with political leadership (48%, up 6% since November 2024), and pursuit of higher quality of life (43%).

The survey highlights significant concerns among minority groups: 67% of LGBTQIA+ Americans, 58% of American women, and 57% of BIPOC Americans feel their rights are under threat. Top destination choices for potential expats include Canada, UK, Australia, France, and Italy. Additionally, dual citizenship has become increasingly attractive, with 66% of Millennials and Gen Z expressing interest in obtaining second passports.

Un nuovo sondaggio di Harris Poll rivela un crescente interesse tra gli americani a trasferirsi all'estero, con il 42% che considera o pianifica di effettuare trasferimenti internazionali. Lo studio, condotto in tre fasi con 6.300 partecipanti, mostra un interesse particolarmente forte tra le generazioni più giovani: il 63% della Gen Z e il 52% dei Millennials ha preso in considerazione l'idea di trasferirsi all'estero.

I risultati chiave indicano che il 68% degli americani sente di sopravvivere piuttosto che prosperare, con la stessa percentuale che crede che possedere una casa non sia più raggiungibile. I principali motivi per il trasferimento includono minori spese di vita (49%), insoddisfazione per la leadership politica (48%, in aumento del 6% da novembre 2024) e la ricerca di una qualità della vita superiore (43%).

Il sondaggio evidenzia preoccupazioni significative tra i gruppi minoritari: il 67% degli americani LGBTQIA+, il 58% delle donne americane e il 57% degli americani BIPOC sentono che i loro diritti siano minacciati. Le principali scelte di destinazione per i potenziali espatriati includono Canada, Regno Unito, Australia, Francia e Italia. Inoltre, la doppia cittadinanza è diventata sempre più attraente, con il 66% dei Millennials e della Gen Z che esprimono interesse nell'ottenere passaporti secondari.

Una nueva encuesta de Harris Poll revela un creciente interés entre los estadounidenses por mudarse al extranjero, con un 42% considerando o planeando mudanzas internacionales. El estudio, realizado en tres oleadas con 6,300 participantes, muestra un interés particularmente fuerte entre las generaciones más jóvenes: el 63% de la Generación Z y el 52% de los Millennials han considerado mudarse al extranjero.

Los hallazgos clave indican que el 68% de los estadounidenses siente que simplemente está sobreviviendo en lugar de prosperar, con el mismo porcentaje creyendo que la propiedad de una vivienda ya no es alcanzable. Los principales motivos para la reubicación incluyen menores gastos de vida (49%), insatisfacción con el liderazgo político (48%, un aumento del 6% desde noviembre de 2024) y la búsqueda de una mejor calidad de vida (43%).

La encuesta destaca preocupaciones significativas entre los grupos minoritarios: el 67% de los estadounidenses LGBTQIA+, el 58% de las mujeres estadounidenses y el 57% de los estadounidenses BIPOC sienten que sus derechos están amenazados. Las principales opciones de destino para los posibles expatriados incluyen Canadá, Reino Unido, Australia, Francia e Italia. Además, la doble ciudadanía se ha vuelto cada vez más atractiva, con el 66% de los Millennials y la Generación Z expresando interés en obtener pasaportes adicionales.

새로운 Harris Poll 조사에 따르면, 미국인들 사이에서 해외 이주에 대한 관심이 증가하고 있으며, 42%가 국제 이주를 고려하거나 계획하고 있습니다. 6,300명의 참가자를 대상으로 3차례에 걸쳐 실시된 이 연구는 특히 젊은 세대의 관심이 두드러짐을 보여줍니다: Z세대의 63%와 밀레니얼 세대의 52%가 해외 이주를 고려한 적이 있습니다.

주요 발견에 따르면, 68%의 미국인이 번창하기보다는 단순히 생존하고 있다고 느끼며, 같은 비율이 주택 소유가 더 이상 달성할 수 없는 목표라고 믿고 있습니다. 이주를 위한 주요 이유로는 저렴한 생활비 (49%), 정치적 리더십에 대한 불만족 (48%, 2024년 11월 이후 6% 증가) 및 더 높은 삶의 질 추구 (43%)가 있습니다.

이 조사는 소수 집단의 우려를 강조합니다: LGBTQIA+ 미국인의 67%, 미국 여성의 58%, BIPOC 미국인의 57%가 자신의 권리가 위협받고 있다고 느끼고 있습니다. 잠재적인 이주자들이 선호하는 주요 목적지는 캐나다, 영국, 호주, 프랑스, 이탈리아입니다. 또한, 이중 국적은 점점 더 매력적으로 변하고 있으며, 밀레니얼 세대와 Z세대의 66%가 두 번째 여권을 취득하는 데 관심을 보이고 있습니다.

Un nouveau sondage Harris Poll révèle un intérêt croissant parmi les Américains pour s'installer à l'étranger, avec 42% envisageant ou planifiant des déménagements internationaux. L'étude, réalisée en trois vagues avec 6 300 participants, montre un intérêt particulièrement fort parmi les jeunes générations : 63% de la Génération Z et 52% des Millennials ont envisagé de déménager à l'étranger.

Les résultats clés indiquent que 68% des Américains estiment simplement survivre plutôt que prospérer, avec le même pourcentage croyant que posséder une maison n'est plus réalisable. Les principaux motifs de relocalisation incluent des coûts de vie plus bas (49%), une insatisfaction à l'égard du leadership politique (48%, en hausse de 6% depuis novembre 2024) et la recherche d'une meilleure qualité de vie (43%).

Le sondage met en évidence des préoccupations significatives parmi les groupes minoritaires : 67% des Américains LGBTQIA+, 58% des femmes américaines et 57% des Américains BIPOC estiment que leurs droits sont menacés. Les principales destinations choisies par les expatriés potentiels incluent le Canada, le Royaume-Uni, l'Australie, la France et l'Italie. De plus, la double nationalité est devenue de plus en plus attrayante, avec 66% des Millennials et de la Génération Z exprimant un intérêt pour l'obtention de passeports supplémentaires.

Eine neue Harris Poll Umfrage zeigt ein wachsendes Interesse unter Amerikanern, ins Ausland zu ziehen, wobei 42% internationale Umzüge in Betracht ziehen oder planen. Die Studie, die in drei Wellen mit 6.300 Teilnehmern durchgeführt wurde, zeigt ein besonders starkes Interesse unter den jüngeren Generationen: 63% der Generation Z und 52% der Millennials haben über einen Umzug ins Ausland nachgedacht.

Wesentliche Ergebnisse zeigen, dass 68% der Amerikaner das Gefühl haben, nur zu überleben und nicht zu gedeihen, wobei derselbe Prozentsatz glaubt, dass Wohneigentum nicht mehr erreichbar ist. Die Hauptgründe für einen Umzug sind niedrigere Lebenshaltungskosten (49%), Unzufriedenheit mit der politischen Führung (48%, ein Anstieg von 6% seit November 2024) und das Streben nach einer höheren Lebensqualität (43%).

Die Umfrage hebt erhebliche Bedenken unter Minderheitengruppen hervor: 67% der LGBTQIA+ Amerikaner, 58% der amerikanischen Frauen und 57% der BIPOC Amerikaner fühlen sich in ihren Rechten bedroht. Die beliebtesten Zielorte für potenzielle Expats sind Kanada, das Vereinigte Königreich, Australien, Frankreich und Italien. Darüber hinaus ist die doppelte Staatsbürgerschaft zunehmend attraktiv geworden, wobei 66% der Millennials und der Generation Z Interesse an der Erlangung eines zweiten Reisepasses zeigen.

  • None.
  • None.

The Harris Poll Study Reveals Economic Uncertainty, Cost of Living, and Political Climate Fueling Americans' Desire to Relocate

NEW YORK CITY, NEW YORK / ACCESS Newswire / March 4, 2025 / A new Harris Poll survey of over 6,300 Americans across three waves reveals a growing interest in moving abroad as economic challenges, rising costs, and shifting priorities reshape the American Dream. Four in ten Americans (42%) have considered or plan to relocate outside the U.S., believing it could improve their quality of life and financial stability. Interest is particularly strong among younger generations: 63% of Gen Z and 52% of Millennials have considered moving abroad, with nearly one in five in both groups seriously contemplating it. By comparison, 35% of Gen X and 26% of Boomers have considered relocating, with lower levels of serious considerationAmerican Expats Survey

American Expats Survey
The Harris Poll

The American Dream Has Evolved to the Expat Dream
For many Americans, the traditional markers of success-homeownership, financial stability, and upward mobility-feel increasingly out of reach. According to the survey, 68% of Americans feel like they are merely surviving instead of thriving, with this sentiment especially prevalent among Millennials, renters, and lower-income households. Additionally, 68% believe homeownership is no longer attainable for most American citizens, signaling a shift in long-held economic aspirations.

"The American Dream is evolving into the Expat Dream," says Libby Rodney, Chief Strategy Officer at The Harris Poll. "As social media fills with stories of Americans building high-quality lives abroad, more people are getting curious. They're not just imagining greener pastures - they're actively exploring new countries, researching locations, and planning strategic relocations. These Americans are prioritizing quality of life and safety, looking beyond U.S. borders to find it."

Financial Strain and Social Concerns Fuel Relocation Concerns
The top reasons Americans are exploring life outside the U.S. include lower living expenses (49%), dissatisfaction with the current political leadership (48%, up +6% since November 2024), and a desire for a higher quality of life (43%). The interest in moving abroad is fueled by concerns over affordability, healthcare, and economic uncertainty. Notably, minority groups increasingly fear their rights may be at risk in the U.S., further motivating relocation.

  • 67% of LGBTQIA+ Americans believe their rights are becoming more compromised in the U.S., with higher concerns among Gen Z (78%) and Black Americans (75%).

  • 58% of American Women fear growing restrictions, particularly among Black (77%) and Millennial (64%) women.

  • 57% of BIPOC Americans feel their rights are under threat, with concerns spanning across racial demographics (65% Black, 62% Millennials).

These concerns highlight how social and political instability are accelerating interest in international relocation.

A Tale of Two Americas: Political Divide Drives Exodus Plans
The survey reveals stark political differences driving Americans' interest in leaving the country. Among Democrats, 49% cite dissatisfaction with the current political leadership as a major reason for considering relocation, while 37% of Republicans are motivated by concerns over shifting social policies and economic regulations. Independents, meanwhile, are more likely to point to financial strain and declining quality of life as primary factors influencing their decisions.

"Following the election, Americans across the political spectrum are reevaluating their future in the U.S.," says Rodney. "Whether driven by concerns over personal rights or the search for financial opportunity, many are considering options beyond our borders."

Top Expat Destinations
Among those considering relocation, English first countries remain top choice such as; Canada, U.K., Australia, followed by the Instagram worthy lifestyles in France, Italy and Japan. Regions like Western Europe and Oceania are also gaining traction as desirable options for Americans seeking stability and economic opportunity.

Here are the top 10 countries that Americans would most consider moving to:

  1. Canada

  2. United Kingdom

  3. Australia

  4. France

  5. Italy

  6. Japan

  7. Mexico

  8. Spain

  9. Germany

  10. New Zealand

The New Safety Net: Second Passports and Global Options

Dual citizenship is also becoming an aspirational goal, particularly for Millennials and Gen Z. Two-thirds of these generations (66%) express interest in obtaining dual nationality, primarily for expanded travel freedom, economic benefits, and cultural connections. The ability to work and retire abroad, along with better access to public services, are key factors driving this trend.

"In an era of global uncertainty, securing a second passport is seen as a smart strategy for future-proofing financial and lifestyle decisions," Rodney adds.

About the Survey

This survey was conducted online within the U.S. by The Harris Poll across three waves:

Wave 1: August 15-17, 2024, among a nationally representative sample of 2,121 U.S. adults, including 347 Gen Z, 630 Millennials, 506 Gen X, and 638 Boomers. Wave 2: November 7-9, 2024, among a nationally representative sample of 2,106 U.S. adults, including 327 Gen Z, 579 Millennials, 612 Gen X, and 588 Boomers. Wave 3: February 13-15, 2025, among a nationally representative sample of 2,131 U.S. adults, including 304 Gen Z, 576 Millennials, 665 Gen X, and 586 Boomers.

You can see the full findings here:

About Harris Poll Thought Leadership Practice

Building on 60+ years of experience pulsing societal opinion, we design research that is credible, creative, and culturally relevant. Our practice drives thought leadership and uncovers trends for today's biggest brands, helping them stay ahead of what's next. To learn more, please visit

About The Harris Poll

The Harris Poll is one of the longest-running surveys in the U.S., tracking public opinion, motivations, and social sentiment since 1963. Now part of Harris Insights & Analytics, we provide market intelligence that helps businesses and policymakers make informed decisions. To learn more, visit

Contact Information

Tim Osiecki
Director, Thought Leadership & Trends, The Harris Poll


SOURCE: The Harris Poll

View the original press release on ACCESS Newswire


What percentage of Americans are considering moving abroad according to the Harris Poll?

42% of Americans have considered or plan to relocate outside the U.S., with higher percentages among younger generations (63% of Gen Z and 52% of Millennials).

What are the top 3 reasons Americans want to move abroad?

The main reasons are lower living expenses (49%), dissatisfaction with current political leadership (48%), and desire for a higher quality of life (43%).

Which countries are the top destinations for Americans considering relocation?

The top five destinations are Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, France, and Italy.

How many young Americans are interested in dual citizenship?

66% of Millennials and Gen Z express interest in obtaining dual nationality for expanded travel freedom, economic benefits, and cultural connections.

What percentage of Americans believe homeownership is no longer attainable?

68% of Americans believe homeownership is no longer attainable for most American citizens.



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