GALE Wins Ad Age Business Transformation Agency of the Year and Adweek U.S. Media Agency of the Year
GALE, a Stagwell (STGW) company, has secured two major industry awards in 2025: Ad Age's Business Transformation Agency of the Year and Adweek's U.S. Media Agency of the Year. The agency demonstrated significant client success, including a 20% increase in cross-line-of-business revenue for Hard Rock's Unity loyalty program and generating $91 million in revenue through a CRM program for a QSR client.
Notable achievements include increasing yearly revenue by 59% for a car rental company and reversing declining dairy milk sales. GALE's success is attributed to their integrated approach combining strategy, creativity, media, and technology, highlighted by the launch of their AI platform Alchemy.Ai for media optimization. Founded in 2014, GALE operates from multiple global locations and has received numerous industry accolades.
GALE, un'azienda di Stagwell (STGW), ha ottenuto due importanti premi del settore nel 2025: Agenzia dell'Anno per la Trasformazione Aziendale di Ad Age e Agenzia Media dell'Anno negli Stati Uniti di Adweek. L'agenzia ha dimostrato un notevole successo per i clienti, inclusi un aumento del 20% delle entrate trasversali per il programma di fedeltà Unity di Hard Rock e la generazione di 91 milioni di dollari di entrate attraverso un programma CRM per un cliente QSR.
Tra i risultati significativi si annovera un incremento del 59% delle entrate annuali per un'agenzia di autonoleggio e il recupero delle vendite di latte vaccino in calo. Il successo di GALE è attribuito al loro approccio integrato che combina strategia, creatività, media e tecnologia, evidenziato dal lancio della loro piattaforma AI Alchemy.Ai per l'ottimizzazione dei media. Fondata nel 2014, GALE opera da diverse sedi globali e ha ricevuto numerosi riconoscimenti nel settore.
GALE, una empresa de Stagwell (STGW), ha obtenido dos importantes premios de la industria en 2025: Agencia del Año en Transformación Empresarial de Ad Age y Agencia de Medios del Año en EE. UU. de Adweek. La agencia demostró un éxito significativo para sus clientes, incluyendo un aumento del 20% en los ingresos cruzados para el programa de lealtad Unity de Hard Rock y generando 91 millones de dólares en ingresos a través de un programa CRM para un cliente de QSR.
Logros notables incluyen un aumento del 59% en los ingresos anuales para una empresa de alquiler de coches y la reversión de la caída en las ventas de leche de vaca. El éxito de GALE se atribuye a su enfoque integrado que combina estrategia, creatividad, medios y tecnología, destacado por el lanzamiento de su plataforma de IA Alchemy.Ai para la optimización de medios. Fundada en 2014, GALE opera desde múltiples ubicaciones globales y ha recibido numerosos premios en la industria.
GALE, Stagwell (STGW)의 회사,는 2025년 두 가지 주요 산업 상을 수상했습니다: Ad Age의 비즈니스 혁신 에이전시 오브 더 이어와 Adweek의 미국 미디어 에이전시 오브 더 이어. 이 에이전시는 Hard Rock의 Unity 로열티 프로그램을 통해 20%의 수익 증가를 포함한 고객 성공을 크게 입증했으며, QSR 고객을 위한 CRM 프로그램을 통해 9,100만 달러의 수익을 창출했습니다.
주요 성과로는 차량 렌탈 회사의 연간 수익을 59% 증가시키고, 우유 판매 감소를 반전시킨 것이 포함됩니다. GALE의 성공은 전략, 창의성, 미디어 및 기술을 결합한 통합 접근 방식 덕분이며, 미디어 최적화를 위한 AI 플랫폼 Alchemy.Ai의 출시가 강조됩니다. 2014년에 설립된 GALE는 여러 글로벌 위치에서 운영되며 수많은 산업 상을 수상했습니다.
GALE, une entreprise de Stagwell (STGW), a remporté deux grands prix de l'industrie en 2025 : Agence de l'Année pour la Transformation des Entreprises d'Ad Age et Agence Média de l'Année aux États-Unis d'Adweek. L'agence a démontré un succès client significatif, y compris une augmentation de 20 % des revenus intersectoriels pour le programme de fidélité Unity de Hard Rock et la génération de 91 millions de dollars de revenus grâce à un programme CRM pour un client QSR.
Parmi les réalisations notables, on trouve une augmentation de 59 % des revenus annuels pour une entreprise de location de voitures et l'inversion de la baisse des ventes de lait. Le succès de GALE est attribué à leur approche intégrée combinant stratégie, créativité, médias et technologie, mise en avant par le lancement de leur plateforme d'IA Alchemy.Ai pour l'optimisation des médias. Fondée en 2014, GALE opère depuis plusieurs emplacements mondiaux et a reçu de nombreux prix dans l'industrie.
GALE, ein Unternehmen von Stagwell (STGW), hat im Jahr 2025 zwei wichtige Branchenpreise gewonnen: Ad Age's Agentur des Jahres für Geschäftstransformation und Adweek's US-Medienagentur des Jahres. Die Agentur zeigte signifikante Kundenerfolge, darunter einen Umsatzanstieg von 20% für das Loyalitätsprogramm Unity von Hard Rock und die Generierung von 91 Millionen Dollar Umsatz durch ein CRM-Programm für einen QSR-Kunden.
Bemerkenswerte Erfolge umfassen einen Anstieg des Jahresumsatzes um 59% für ein Autovermietungsunternehmen und die Umkehr eines Rückgangs bei den Verkaufszahlen von Milch. Der Erfolg von GALE wird ihrem integrierten Ansatz zugeschrieben, der Strategie, Kreativität, Medien und Technologie kombiniert, und der durch die Einführung ihrer KI-Plattform Alchemy.Ai zur Medienoptimierung hervorgehoben wird. GALE wurde 2014 gegründet, operiert von mehreren globalen Standorten und hat zahlreiche Branchenpreise erhalten.
- Demonstrated strong revenue generation: $91M for QSR client in one year
- Achieved 20% revenue increase for Hard Rock through loyalty program
- Delivered 59% revenue growth for car rental client
- Launched proprietary AI platform Alchemy.Ai for media optimization
- None.
The awards recognize how Stagwell's (STGW) GALE delivers meaningful business results for its clients, leading the industry in integrated and innovative marketing approaches
GALE's recognition as Ad Age's Business Transformation Agency of the Year underscores its founding mission to deliver measurable business outcomes for its clients. This approach requires strategic, modern solutions for each partner and campaign, forging deeper connections with consumers to drive meaningful change. GALE's transformational work for Hard Rock, H&R Block, MilkPEP, and
GALE's additional successes include building a CRM program that added
One of the components of GALE's business transformation effectiveness is a strong approach to media, as recognized by the Adweek
Of the wins, GALE's Global CEO, Andrew Noel, said, "GALE's recognition as both Business Transformation Agency of the Year and
"When we added media to our offering just over six years ago, we understood this was critical to pushing boundaries across modern marketing," added Sophia Zhang, GALE CEO of
GALE remains one of the most diversely awarded agencies in the industry, with other wins across Ad Age's Data & Analytics Agency of the Year, Campaign US' Advertising Agency of the Year, Adweek's Fastest Growing Agency, and Ad Age's A-List. These agency awards are in addition to top honors for client work, including Cannes Lions Awards, Effie Awards, and ANDY Awards.
About GALE
GALE is a Business Agency. We bring business insights to brand storytelling and activate across every channel. With expertise in business strategy, CRM, loyalty, brand storytelling, integrated, performance, creative, and content marketing, experience design and media, GALE creates marketing systems and communications that grow businesses. GALE delivers strong business outcomes for its partners in automotive, QSR, retail, gaming, entertainment, telecom and more. Founded in 2014, the agency currently has offices in
Mary Moczula
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SOURCE Stagwell Inc.