StepStone Private Wealth Surpasses $5 Billion in AUM Milestone

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StepStone Private Wealth (SPW) has surpassed $5 billion in global assets under management, becoming one of the fastest-growing private market asset managers for financial professionals and high net worth clients. Founded in 2019, SPW aims to expand access to private market assets for the private wealth market.

SPW launched its first registered closed-end evergreen fund, StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM), in 2020, which now stands at $3.1 billion AUM with an annualized return of 23.08% since inception. The firm has expanded its offerings to include venture capital, growth equity, infrastructure, and private credit funds.

SPW's success is attributed to its focus on convenience, transparency, and efficiency in private markets investing. The company offers offshore options for each of its funds and has partnered with various distribution channels to reach tens of thousands of new investors seeking private markets solutions.

StepStone Private Wealth (SPW) ha superato i 5 miliardi di dollari in asset globali sotto gestione, diventando uno dei gestori di asset nel mercato privato a crescita più rapida per professionisti finanziari e clienti ad alto patrimonio netto. Fondata nel 2019, SPW mira ad ampliare l'accesso agli asset del mercato privato per il mercato della ricchezza privata.

SPW ha lanciato il suo primo fondo chiuso evergreen registrato, StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM), nel 2020, che ora ha raggiunto 3.1 miliardi di dollari AUM con un ritorno annualizzato del 23.08% dalla sua creazione. L'azienda ha ampliato le sue offerte per includere capitale di rischio, equity di crescita, infrastrutture e fondi di credito privato.

Il successo di SPW è attribuito al suo focus su convenienza, trasparenza ed efficienza negli investimenti nei mercati privati. L'azienda offre opzioni offshore per ciascuno dei suoi fondi e ha stipulato partnership con vari canali di distribuzione per raggiungere decine di migliaia di nuovi investitori in cerca di soluzioni nei mercati privati.

StepStone Private Wealth (SPW) ha superado los $5 mil millones en activos globales bajo gestión, convirtiéndose en uno de los gestores de activos de mercado privado de más rápido crecimiento para profesionales financieros y clientes de alto patrimonio. Fundada en 2019, SPW tiene como objetivo ampliar el acceso a activos de mercado privado para el mercado de riqueza privada.

SPW lanzó su primer fondo cerrado evergreen registrado, StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM), en 2020, que ahora asciende a $3.1 mil millones AUM con un retorno anualizado del 23.08% desde su creación. La firma ha ampliado su oferta para incluir capital de riesgo, capital de crecimiento, infraestructura y fondos de crédito privado.

El éxito de SPW se atribuye a su enfoque en conveniencia, transparencia y eficiencia en la inversión en mercados privados. La empresa ofrece opciones offshore para cada uno de sus fondos y ha colaborado con varios canales de distribución para alcanzar decenas de miles de nuevos inversores que buscan soluciones de mercados privados.

StepStone Private Wealth (SPW)는 전 세계 자산 관리(AUM)가 50억 달러를 초과했습니다, 재무 전문가 및 고액 자산 고객을 위한 가장 빠르게 성장하는 사모 시장 자산 관리자 중 하나로 자리 잡았습니다. 2019년에 설립된 SPW는 사모 시장 자산에 대한 접근성을 확대하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

SPW는 2020년에 StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM)라는 첫 번째 등록된 폐쇄형 에버그린 펀드를 출시했으며, 현재 31억 달러 AUM과 함께 설립 이래 연평균 수익률 23.08%를 기록하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 벤처 캐피탈, 성장 자본, 인프라 및 사모 크레딧 펀드를 포함한 다양한 상품으로 사업을 확장했습니다.

SPW의 성공은 사모 시장 투자에서의 편리함, 투명성 및 효율성에 대한 집중에 기인합니다. 이 회사는 각 펀드에 대해 해외 옵션을 제공하고 있으며, 다양한 배급 채널과 파트너십을 맺어 수만 명의 새로운 투자자에게 사모 시장 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다.

StepStone Private Wealth (SPW) a dépasse les 5 milliards de dollars d'actifs mondiaux sous gestion, devenant l'un des gestionnaires d'actifs de marché privé à la croissance la plus rapide pour les professionnels financiers et les clients à haute valeur nette. Fondée en 2019, SPW vise à élargir l'accès aux actifs de marché privé pour le marché de la richesse privée.

SPW a lancé son premier fonds fermé evergreen enregistré, StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM), en 2020, qui se chiffre désormais à 3,1 milliards de dollars AUM avec un rendement annualisé de 23,08% depuis sa création. La société a élargi ses offres pour inclure le capital-risque, le capital de croissance, les infrastructures et les fonds de crédit privé.

Le succès de SPW est attribué à son accent sur la commodité, la transparence et l'efficacité dans les investissements en marchés privés. L'entreprise propose des options offshore pour chacun de ses fonds et a établi des partenariats avec divers canaux de distribution pour atteindre des dizaines de milliers de nouveaux investisseurs à la recherche de solutions sur les marchés privés.

StepStone Private Wealth (SPW) hat 5 Milliarden Dollar an verwaltetem Vermögen weltweit überschritten und ist damit einer der am schnellsten wachsenden Anbieter von Private-Market-Vermögensverwaltung für Finanzprofis und wohlhabende Kunden. Gegründet im Jahr 2019, zielt SPW darauf ab, den Zugang zu Private-Market-Vermögenswerten für den privaten Vermögensmarkt zu erweitern.

SPW hat 2020 seinen ersten registrierten, geschlossenen Evergreen-Fonds, StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM), ins Leben gerufen, der jetzt 3,1 Milliarden Dollar AUM erreicht hat und eine jährliche Rendite von 23,08% seit der Gründung bietet. Das Unternehmen hat sein Angebot auf Risikokapital, Wachstumskapital, Infrastruktur und Private-Credit-Fonds erweitert.

Der Erfolg von SPW wird auf den Fokus auf Bequemlichkeit, Transparenz und Effizienz bei Investitionen in Private Markets zurückgeführt. Das Unternehmen bietet Offshore-Optionen für jeden seiner Fonds an und hat Partnerschaften mit verschiedenen Vertriebskanälen geschlossen, um Zehntausende neuer Investoren zu erreichen, die nach Lösungen im Private Market suchen.

  • None.
  • None.

NEW YORK, Oct. 09, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- StepStone Private Wealth (“SPW”) today announced it has surpassed $5 billion in global assets under management, making it one of the fastest growing private market asset managers serving financial professionals and their high net worth clients.

Powered by StepStone Group, one of the largest global institutional allocators to the private markets, SPW was founded in 2019 to expand access to these assets for the private wealth market.

“In 2019, the mission of our founding team was to design a platform where financial professionals could more easily access private markets, reducing the friction and burden of investing in these opportunities,” said Bob Long, CEO of StepStone Private Wealth. “Reaching $5 billion in AUM in five years demonstrates that advisors are eager to allocate client assets to portfolios curated by an organization as globally respected as StepStone – comprised of world-class expertise and top talent across investing, operations, data & analytics, legal, marketing and distribution. We expect that our team, with their focus on bringing convenience, transparency and efficiency to private markets investing for our clients and prospective clients, will be central to our success as we continue our global expansion.”

SPW launched its first registered closed-end evergreen fund – the StepStone Private Markets Fund or SPRIM, ticker: XPMIX – in 2020, allowing accredited investors to gain exposure to private equity, real assets, and private debt through one convenient vehicle. SPRIM transitioned to daily admittance and daily valuation in 2023, among the first in the industry to introduce a daily NAV for a multi asset-class private markets fund. As of September 30, 2024 the fund now stands at $3.1 billion of AUM and has produced an annualized return of 23.08% since inception.

The firm has since expanded its investment offerings to include venture capital and growth equity through the StepStone Private Venture and Growth Fund, or SPRING; infrastructure through the StepStone Private Infrastructure Fund or STRUCTURE, ticker: STRUX; and private credit through the StepStone Private Credit Income Fund or CRDEX, ticker: CRDEX. SPW offers offshore options for each of its funds for investors outside the US.

“We are grateful for the support of our distribution partners across the registered investment advisor, independent broker dealer, wire house, and international channels,” said Neil Menard, Partner & President of Distribution at StepStone Private Wealth. “Through their collaboration, we have been able to reach tens of thousands of new investors who have been seeking private markets solutions like ours. We look forward to working in partnership with more firms and their advisors across the globe to advance their ability to provide clients with institutional-caliber allocations to private markets portfolios.”

About StepStone

StepStone Group Inc. (Nasdaq: STEP) is a global private markets investment firm focused on providing customized investment solutions and advisory and data services to its clients. As of June 30, 2024, StepStone was responsible for approximately $701 billion of total capital, including $170 billion of assets under management. StepStone’s clients include some of the world’s largest public and private defined benefit and defined contribution pension funds, sovereign wealth funds and insurance companies, as well as prominent endowments, foundations, family offices and private wealth clients, which include high-net-worth and mass affluent individuals. StepStone partners with its clients to develop and build private markets portfolios designed to meet their specific objectives across the private equity, infrastructure, private debt and real estate asset classes.


Shareholder Relations:
Seth Weiss
+1 (212) 351-6106

Brian Ruby / Chris Gillick / Matt Lettiero, ICR
+1 (203) 682-8268


Before investing you should carefully consider the Fund's investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses. This and other information is in the SPRIM, SPRING, STRUCTURE, and CREDX prospectus, a copy of which may be obtained from StepStone Private Wealth at 704.215.4300 or by visiting An investor should read the prospectus carefully before investing.

Performance data quoted represents past performance and is no guarantee of future results. Investment return and principal value of an investment will fluctuate so that an investor’s shares, when redeemed, may be worth more or less than their original cost. Current performance may be lower or higher than the performance data quoted. Performance shown is net of fees. For the most recent month end performance please call 704.215.4300 or visit

An investment in the Funds involve risks. The Funds should be considered speculative investments that entail substantial risks, and a prospective investor should invest in the Funds only if it can sustain a complete loss of its investment. Fund shares are illiquid and appropriate only as a long-term investment. There is no secondary market for the Funds’ Shares and the Funds expect that no secondary market will develop in the foreseeable future. Investments may consist of loans to small and/or less well-established privately held companies that have reduced access to the capital markets, resulting in diminished capital resources and the ability to withstand financial distress. While the Fund provides transparent disclosure of structure, strategy, holdings, and financial condition, the valuation of the Fund’s investments in Private Markets Investment Funds is ordinarily determined based upon valuations provided by the Investment Managers on a quarterly basis. A large percentage of these securities do not have a readily ascertainable market price and are fair valued by the Investment Manager subject to future adjustment or revision. Please see the prospectuses for details of these and other risks.

The Funds are distributed by UMB Distribution Services, LLC which is not affiliated with StepStone Group.


What milestone did StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) reach in October 2024?

StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) surpassed $5 billion in global assets under management in October 2024, making it one of the fastest-growing private market asset managers serving financial professionals and high net worth clients.

When was StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) founded and what is its mission?

StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) was founded in 2019 with the mission to expand access to private market assets for the private wealth market, reducing friction and burden in investing in these opportunities.

What is the performance of StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM) as of September 30, 2024?

As of September 30, 2024, the StepStone Private Markets Fund (SPRIM) has $3.1 billion in AUM and has produced an annualized return of 23.08% since inception.

What new investment offerings has StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) introduced since its launch?

StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) has expanded its offerings to include venture capital and growth equity (SPRING fund), infrastructure (STRUCTURE fund, ticker: STRUX), and private credit (CRDEX fund, ticker: CRDEX).

How has StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) made its funds more accessible to investors?

StepStone Private Wealth (STEP) transitioned its SPRIM fund to daily admittance and daily valuation in 2023, being among the first to introduce a daily NAV for a multi-asset class private markets fund. They also offer offshore options for each of their funds for investors outside the US.

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