Big Game, Bigger Party: Whipshots® and Cardi B Launch Cardi Gras to Turn Up Game Day Celebrations
Whipshots, the vodka-infused whipped cream brand co-founded by Cardi B, announces 'Cardi Gras', a New Orleans-themed marketing campaign coinciding with game day celebrations. The centerpiece is a -edition King Cake flavor available across seven Southeastern states at major retailers including Total Wine & More, Costco, and others.
The initiative includes a partnership with Malibu for co-branded store programs and signature cocktails, plus collaboration with Fat Tuesday locations in New Orleans and Las Vegas. The King Cake Whipshots features vodka infusion with sweet, spiced notes inspired by traditional Mardi Gras King Cake, designed for desserts, coffees, and cocktails. The product will be distributed in Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi.
Whipshots, il brand di panna montata infusa con vodka co-fondato da Cardi B, annuncia 'Cardi Gras', una campagna di marketing a tema New Orleans che coincide con le celebrazioni per il giorno della partita. Il pezzo forte è un flavor edizione - King Cake disponibile in sette Stati del sud-est presso i principali rivenditori, tra cui Total Wine & More, Costco e altri.
L'iniziativa include una collaborazione con Malibu per programmi di negozi co-branded e cocktail esclusivi, oltre a una collaborazione con Fat Tuesday a New Orleans e Las Vegas. Il King Cake Whipshots presenta un'infusione di vodka con note dolci e speziate ispirate al tradizionale King Cake di Mardi Gras, progettato per dessert, caffè e cocktail. Il prodotto sarà distribuito in Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas e Mississippi.
Whipshots, la marca de crema batida infundida con vodka cofundada por Cardi B, anuncia 'Cardi Gras', una campaña de marketing con temática de Nueva Orleans que coincide con las celebraciones del día del juego. La pieza central es un sabor edición - King Cake disponible en siete estados del sureste en importantes minoristas como Total Wine & More, Costco y otros.
La iniciativa incluye una asociación con Malibu para programas de tiendas co-branded y cócteles exclusivos, además de una colaboración con los locales de Fat Tuesday en Nueva Orleans y Las Vegas. El King Cake Whipshots cuenta con una infusión de vodka con notas dulces y especiadas inspiradas en el tradicional King Cake de Mardi Gras, diseñado para postres, cafés y cócteles. El producto se distribuirá en Luisiana, Texas, Missouri, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas y Misisipi.
Whipshots, 카디 비가 공동 설립한 보드카가 주입된 휘핑 크림 브랜드가 게임 데이 축하와 맞물려 뉴올리언스 테마의 마케팅 캠페인인 'Cardi Gras'를 발표했습니다. 중심 제품은 -에디션 킹 케이크 맛으로, 세븐 사우스 이스턴 주의 주요 소매점인 Total Wine & More, Costco 등에서 구입할 수 있습니다.
이 이니셔티브는 Malibu와의 파트너십을 포함하여 공동 브랜드 스토어 프로그램과 시그니처 칵테일을 제공하며, 뉴올리언스와 라스베이거스의 Fat Tuesday 매장과 협력합니다. 킹 케이크 휘프샷은 전통적인 마르디 그라 킹 케이크에서 영감을 받은 달콤하고 향신료가 가미된 노트를 가진 보드카 주입을 특징으로 하며, 디저트, 커피, 칵테일에 적합하게 설계되었습니다. 이 제품은 루이지애나, 텍사스, 미주리, 플로리다, 앨라배마, 아칸소, 미시시피에서 배포됩니다.
Whipshots, la marque de crème fouettée infusée de vodka co-fondée par Cardi B, annonce 'Cardi Gras', une campagne marketing sur le thème de la Nouvelle-Orléans coïncidant avec les célébrations du jour du match. La pièce maîtresse est une saveur en édition - King Cake disponible dans sept États du sud-est chez des détaillants majeurs comme Total Wine & More, Costco et d'autres.
L'initiative comprend un partenariat avec Malibu pour des programmes de magasins co-marqués et des cocktails exclusifs, ainsi qu'une collaboration avec des établissements Fat Tuesday à la Nouvelle-Orléans et à Las Vegas. Le King Cake Whipshots présente une infusion de vodka avec des notes douces et épicées inspirées du traditionnel King Cake de Mardi Gras, conçu pour les desserts, cafés et cocktails. Le produit sera distribué en Louisiane, au Texas, au Missouri, en Floride, en Alabama, en Arkansas et au Mississippi.
Whipshots, die von Cardi B mitgegründete Marke für mit Wodka versetzte Schlagsahne, kündigt 'Cardi Gras' an, eine marketingkampagne im New-Orleans-Stil, die mit den Feierlichkeiten zum Spieltag zusammenfällt. Das Herzstück ist ein -Edition King Cake Geschmack, der in sieben Bundesstaaten im Südosten bei großen Einzelhändlern wie Total Wine & More, Costco und anderen erhältlich ist.
Die Initiative umfasst eine Partnerschaft mit Malibu für co-branded Store-Programme und Signature-Cocktails sowie eine Zusammenarbeit mit Fat Tuesday Standorten in New Orleans und Las Vegas. Die King Cake Whipshots enthalten eine Wodka-Infusion mit süßen, gewürzten Noten, die von traditionellen Mardi Gras King Cake inspiriert sind, und sind für Desserts, Kaffees und Cocktails konzipiert. Das Produkt wird in Louisiana, Texas, Missouri, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas und Mississippi vertrieben.
- Strategic expansion into 7 Southeastern states through major retail chains
- Partnership with established brands Malibu and Fat Tuesday for distribution and promotion
- Product placement in high-traffic retailers like Costco and Total Wine & More
- regional availability may restrict revenue potential
- Seasonal product offering with temporary market presence
New Orleans Themed Program includes new limited-time flavor, onsite events, and partnerships with
Limited Edition King Cake Flavor to be Offered Across 7 Southeastern States; including locations for Total Wine & More, Costco, Rouses Market, Circle K, Kroger, Spec’s, ABC Fine Wine & Spirits

(Photo: Business Wire)
“Mardi Gras is all about celebrating life and having fun,” said Whipshots co-founder Cardi B. “But why stop at Mardi, when you can have Cardi. Whipshots is here to turn up your festivities and make every moment a party. Let’s get it poppin’—Cardi Gras style!”
The program kicked off with the launch of limited-edition King Cake Whipshots. With its smooth vodka infusion and the sweet, spiced notes reminiscent of the classic Mardi Gras King Cake, this spiked whipped cream is perfect for topping desserts, coffees, and cocktails. King Cake Whipshots is now available in
“As host to the big game, and Mardi Gras just a few weeks later, the city of
The brand has also joined forces with
Cardi Gras will also be celebrated at Fat Tuesday locations in
The Cardi Gras celebration will continue with the brand, and Cardi herself, showing up at various events across
About Whipshots®
Developed by Starco Brands, Whipshots® is a first-of-its-kind alcoholic whipped cream that is a party in a can and launched in 2021 with Partner Cardi B. Whipshots has
Starco Brands (OTCQB: STCB) invents consumer products with behavior-changing technologies that spark excitement in the everyday. Today, its disruptive brands include Whipshots®, the world’s only vodka-infused whipped cream; Art of Sport, the performance brand designed for athletes; Winona® Pure, the first indulgent theater-popcorn spray powered by air; Skylar, the only fragrance that is both hypoallergenic and safe for sensitive skin; and Soylent, the complete non-dairy nutrition brand. A modern-day invention factory to its core, Starco Brands identifies whitespaces across consumer product categories. Starco Brands publicly trades on the OTCQB stock exchange so that retail investors can invest in STCB alongside accredited individuals and institutions. Visit for more information.
Malibu® White Rum with Coconut Liqueur.
Born in
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David Dreyer
John Mills
Deirdre Thomson
Source: Starco Brands