National News Literacy Week encourages teens to develop healthy online habits

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National News Literacy Week, scheduled for Feb. 3-7, 2025, aims to address the critical need for teaching students credible information evaluation skills. The sixth annual event is jointly presented by the News Literacy Project, The E.W. Scripps Company, and USA TODAY.

According to a recent News Literacy Project study, 81% of teens who encounter conspiracy theories online tend to believe them, and many struggle to differentiate between sponsored content, opinion journalism, and paid ads. The study also revealed that teens express strong interest in learning media literacy at school, which correlates with better online habits like fact-checking before sharing content.

The initiative brings together three major organizations: the News Literacy Project (a national nonpartisan education nonprofit), Scripps (a diversified media company and major local TV news organization), and USA TODAY (owned by Gannett). Scripps was a co-founder of the event, with Gannett joining as a presenting partner this year.

La Settimana Nazionale della Literacy Giornalistica, in programma dal 3 al 7 febbraio 2025, mira a rispondere all'importante necessità di insegnare agli studenti le competenze per valutare informazioni credibili. Questo sesto evento annuale è presentato congiuntamente dal News Literacy Project, dalla E.W. Scripps Company e da USA TODAY.

Secondo un recente studio del News Literacy Project, l'81% degli adolescenti che incontrano teorie del complotto online tende a credervi, e molti faticano a distinguere tra contenuti sponsorizzati, giornalismo d'opinione e annunci pubblicitari. Lo studio ha anche rivelato che gli adolescenti esprimono un forte interesse nell'imparare la literacy mediatica a scuola, il che è collegato a migliori abitudini online, come la verifica dei fatti prima di condividere contenuti.

L'iniziativa riunisce tre importanti organizzazioni: il News Literacy Project (una non-profit educativa nazionale apolitica), Scripps (una società di media diversificata e una principale organizzazione di notizie locali in TV) e USA TODAY (di proprietà di Gannett). Scripps è stata cofondatrice dell'evento, con Gannett che si unisce come partner presentatore quest'anno.

La Semana Nacional de Alfabetización Mediática, programada para el 3 al 7 de febrero de 2025, tiene como objetivo abordar la necesidad crítica de enseñar a los estudiantes habilidades de evaluación de información creíble. Este sexto evento anual es presentado conjuntamente por el News Literacy Project, The E.W. Scripps Company y USA TODAY.

Según un estudio reciente del News Literacy Project, el 81% de los adolescentes que encuentran teorías de conspiración en línea tienden a creer en ellas, y muchos tienen dificultades para diferenciar entre contenido patrocinado, periodismo de opinión y anuncios pagados. El estudio también reveló que los adolescentes expresan un fuerte interés en aprender sobre alfabetización mediática en la escuela, lo cual se correlaciona con mejores hábitos en línea, como verificar la información antes de compartir contenido.

La iniciativa reúne a tres organizaciones principales: el News Literacy Project (una organización educativa nacional no partidista), Scripps (una empresa de medios diversificada y una importante organización de noticias locales en televisión) y USA TODAY (propiedad de Gannett). Scripps fue cofundadora del evento, y Gannett se une como socio presentador este año.

국립 뉴스 리터러시 주간은 2025년 2월 3일부터 7일까지 예정되어 있으며, 학생들에게 신뢰할 수 있는 정보 평가 기술을 가르칠 필요성을 다루고자 합니다. 이번 제6회 연례 행사는 뉴스 리터러시 프로젝트, E.W. 스크립스 컴퍼니, USA TODAY가 공동 주관합니다.

최근 뉴스 리터러시 프로젝트 연구에 따르면, 온라인에서 음모론을 접하는 10대의 81%가 이를 믿는 경향이 있습니다. 많은 청소년들이 후원 콘텐츠, 의견 저널리즘 및 유료 광고를 구분하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다. 또한 이 연구는 청소년들이 학교에서 미디어 리터러시를 배우는 데 강한 관심을 보이며, 이는 콘텐츠를 공유하기 전에 사실 확인을 하는 등 더 나은 온라인 습관과 관련이 있음을 밝혔습니다.

이 이니셔티브는 세 개의 주요 조직을 모읍니다: 뉴스 리터러시 프로젝트(비당파적인 국가 교육 비영리), 스크립스(다양한 미디어 기업이자 주요 지역 TV 뉴스 조직), 그리고 Gannett 소속의 USA TODAY입니다. 스크립스는 이 행사의 공동 창립자로, Gannett는 올해 발표 파트너로 참여하였습니다.

La Semaine Nationale de la Littératie de l'Information, prévue du 3 au 7 février 2025, vise à répondre au besoin critique d'enseigner aux élèves des compétences d'évaluation d'informations crédibles. Cet événement annuel, désormais à sa sixième édition, est co-présenté par le News Literacy Project, la société E.W. Scripps et USA TODAY.

Selon une étude récente du News Literacy Project, 81 % des adolescents qui rencontrent des théories du complot en ligne ont tendance à y croire, et beaucoup ont du mal à différencier le contenu sponsorisé, le journalisme d'opinion et les publicités payées. L'étude a également révélé que les adolescents manifestent un fort intérêt pour l'apprentissage de la littératie médiatique à l'école, ce qui est corrélé à de meilleures habitudes en ligne, comme la vérification des faits avant de partager du contenu.

L'initiative rassemble trois grandes organisations : le News Literacy Project (une organisation éducative nationale non partisane), Scripps (une entreprise de médias diversifiée et une importante organisation locale de nouvelles TV) et USA TODAY (appartenant à Gannett). Scripps a été co-fondateur de l'événement, Gannett rejoignant cette année en tant que partenaire présentateur.

Die Nationale Medienkompetenzwoche, die vom 3. bis 7. Februar 2025 geplant ist, zielt darauf ab, das dringende Bedürfnis zu adressieren, den Schülern Fähigkeiten zur Bewertung glaubwürdiger Informationen zu vermitteln. Die sechste jährliche Veranstaltung wird gemeinsam vom News Literacy Project, der E.W. Scripps Company und USA TODAY präsentiert.

Laut einer aktuellen Studie des News Literacy Project glauben 81% der Jugendlichen, die online auf Verschwörungstheorien stoßen, daran, und viele haben Schwierigkeiten, zwischen gesponserten Inhalten, Meinungsjournalismus und bezahlten Anzeigen zu unterscheiden. Die Studie zeigte auch, dass Jugendliche ein starkes Interesse daran haben, in der Schule Medienkompetenz zu erlernen, was mit besseren Online-Gewohnheiten wie der Überprüfung von Fakten vor dem Teilen von Inhalten korreliert.

Die Initiative vereint drei große Organisationen: das News Literacy Project (eine nationale überparteiliche Bildungsnonprofitorganisation), Scripps (ein diversifiziertes Medienunternehmen und eine wichtige lokale Fernsehnachrichtenorganisation) und USA TODAY (im Besitz von Gannett). Scripps war Mitbegründer der Veranstaltung, wobei Gannett in diesem Jahr als Präsentationspartner hinzukam.

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Sixth annual event presented by News Literacy Project, The E.W. Scripps Company and USA TODAY

WASHINGTON, Jan. 23, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- The sixth annual National News Literacy Week, Feb. 3-7, will put a spotlight on the urgent need to teach students how to find credible information. The week encourages educators to teach critical thinking skills, so students learn to recognize standards-based journalism, and know what information and sources to trust.

Teens are living in the most complex information landscape in history and are struggling to separate fact from fiction online and in their social media feeds, according to a recent study by the News Literacy Project. It found that most teens who encounter conspiracy theories online are inclined to believe them (81%). Few could tell the difference between sponsored content, opinion journalism and paid ads. Meanwhile, teens overwhelmingly reported wanting to learn media literacy in school, which the study found was associated with healthy online habits like fact-checking a social media post before sharing.

"Teaching young people to be news-literate empowers them to confidently navigate our information-saturated world," said Charles Salter, President and CEO of the News Literacy Project. "At a time when students are spending hours each day consuming social media and other information, often through their phones, it's imperative that young people learn how they are being influenced so they can make informed decisions about their lives."

National News Literacy Week is co-presented by the News Literacy Project, a national nonpartisan education nonprofit and the nation's leading provider of news literacy resources; The E.W. Scripps Company, a diversified media company and one of the nation's largest local TV news organizations; and USA TODAY, owned by Gannett, whose expansive reach at the national and local level is dedicated to empowering and enriching communities.

Scripps was a co-founder of National News Literacy Week. Gannett joined this year as a presenting partner.

"Today's bewildering information and content landscape requires careful navigation in order for Americans to be thoughtful news consumers," said Scripps President and CEO Adam Symson. "Scripps, its nationwide group of local news stations and our national news outlet Scripps News are proud to help in the effort to educate and equip young people with the skills they need to sift through the barrage and create well-informed opinions."

"Now more than ever, education around news and sources of trusted information is paramount. We are proud to be part of the mission to improve news literacy," said Karey Van Hall, deputy editor in chief of USA TODAY.  

About the News Literacy Project

Founded in 2008, the News Literacy Project (NLP) is a nonpartisan education nonprofit that works with educators, school districts and states to ensure students receive news literacy instruction before they graduate high school, giving them the knowledge and ability to think for themselves and become well-informed, critical thinkers active in civic society.

About The E.W. Scripps Company

The E.W. Scripps Company (NASDAQ: SSP) is a diversified media company focused on creating a better-informed world. As one of the nation's largest local TV broadcasters, Scripps serves communities with quality, objective local journalism and operates a portfolio of more than 60 stations in 40+ markets. Scripps reaches households across the U.S. with national news outlets Scripps News and Court TV and popular entertainment brands ION, ION Plus, ION Mystery, Bounce, Grit and Laff. Scripps is the nation's largest holder of broadcast spectrum. Scripps is the longtime steward of the Scripps National Spelling Bee. Founded in 1878, Scripps' long-time motto is: "Give light and the people will find their own way."


Since its introduction in 1982, USA TODAY has been a cornerstone of the national media landscape under its recognizable and respected brand. It also serves as the foundation for our newsroom network which allows for content sharing capabilities across our local and national markets. Through USA TODAY, we deliver high-quality, trusted content with a commitment to balanced, unbiased journalism, where and when consumers want to engage. Across our digital platforms we reach an audience of approximately 79 million unique visitors each month (based on December 2023 Comscore Media Metrix®). 

Christina Veiga
Senior Director, Media Relations


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SOURCE The E.W. Scripps Company


When is National News Literacy Week 2025 taking place?

National News Literacy Week 2025 is scheduled for February 3-7.

What percentage of teens believe conspiracy theories they find online according to the News Literacy Project study?

According to the study, 81% of teens who encounter conspiracy theories online are inclined to believe them.

Who are the presenting partners of National News Literacy Week 2025?

The event is presented by the News Literacy Project, The E.W. Scripps Company (SSP), and USA TODAY.

What is the main goal of National News Literacy Week?

The main goal is to teach students critical thinking skills to find credible information, recognize standards-based journalism, and know what information and sources to trust.

When did Gannett join as a presenting partner for National News Literacy Week?

Gannett joined as a presenting partner in 2025.

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