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Oncor Electric Delivery reported strong 2024 results with net income of $968 million, up from $864 million in 2023. The company announced an ambitious $36.1 billion capital plan for 2025-2029, including $7.1 billion for 2025, to support Texas' unprecedented growth in energy demand.

The increased net income was driven by higher revenues from updated interim rates, increased transmission billing units, customer growth, and base rates implemented in May 2023. These gains were partially offset by lower consumption due to milder weather, higher interest and depreciation expenses, and increased operation and maintenance costs.

Oncor added 77,000 premises in 2024 and placed over $2 billion of transmission projects into service. The company set records for transmission point-of-interconnection requests, with 976 active requests in queue by year-end—a 28% increase from 2023. Large commercial and industrial load growth accelerated significantly, with interconnection requests exceeding 137 gigawatts.

The new capital plan represents a $12 billion increase from the previous five-year plan, with additional potential incremental opportunities of approximately $12 billion identified. Oncor is contemplating filing a comprehensive base rate review later this year and received approval for its System Resiliency Plan in November 2024.

Oncor Electric Delivery ha riportato risultati solidi per il 2024 con un reddito netto di 968 milioni di dollari, in aumento rispetto ai 864 milioni di dollari del 2023. L'azienda ha annunciato un ambizioso piano di capitali da 36,1 miliardi di dollari per il 2025-2029, inclusi 7,1 miliardi di dollari per il 2025, per sostenere la crescita senza precedenti della domanda di energia in Texas.

L'aumento del reddito netto è stato guidato da maggiori entrate derivanti da tariffe intermedie aggiornate, un incremento delle unità di fatturazione per la trasmissione, crescita dei clienti e tariffe di base implementate a maggio 2023. Questi guadagni sono stati parzialmente compensati da un consumo ridotto a causa di un clima più mite, maggiori spese per interessi e ammortamenti, e costi operativi e di manutenzione aumentati.

Oncor ha aggiunto 77.000 locali nel 2024 e ha messo in servizio oltre 2 miliardi di dollari di progetti di trasmissione. L'azienda ha stabilito record per le richieste di punto di interconnessione per la trasmissione, con 976 richieste attive in coda entro la fine dell'anno, un aumento del 28% rispetto al 2023. La crescita del carico commerciale e industriale è accelerata significativamente, con richieste di interconnessione che superano i 137 gigawatt.

Il nuovo piano di capitali rappresenta un aumento di 12 miliardi di dollari rispetto al precedente piano quinquennale, con ulteriori opportunità incrementali potenziali di circa 12 miliardi di dollari identificate. Oncor sta considerando di presentare una revisione completa delle tariffe di base entro la fine di quest'anno e ha ricevuto approvazione per il suo Piano di Resilienza del Sistema a novembre 2024.

Oncor Electric Delivery reportó resultados sólidos para 2024 con un ingreso neto de 968 millones de dólares, un aumento respecto a los 864 millones de dólares en 2023. La compañía anunció un ambicioso plan de capital de 36.1 mil millones de dólares para 2025-2029, que incluye 7.1 mil millones de dólares para 2025, para apoyar el crecimiento sin precedentes de la demanda de energía en Texas.

El aumento del ingreso neto fue impulsado por mayores ingresos de tarifas interinas actualizadas, un incremento en las unidades de facturación de transmisión, crecimiento de clientes y tarifas base implementadas en mayo de 2023. Estas ganancias fueron parcialmente compensadas por un menor consumo debido a un clima más templado, mayores gastos por intereses y depreciación, y costos operativos y de mantenimiento aumentados.

Oncor añadió 77,000 locales en 2024 y puso en servicio más de 2 mil millones de dólares en proyectos de transmisión. La compañía estableció récords para las solicitudes de punto de interconexión de transmisión, con 976 solicitudes activas en cola al final del año, un aumento del 28% respecto a 2023. El crecimiento de la carga comercial e industrial se aceleró significativamente, con solicitudes de interconexión que superan los 137 gigavatios.

El nuevo plan de capital representa un aumento de 12 mil millones de dólares respecto al plan quinquenal anterior, con oportunidades incrementales adicionales de aproximadamente 12 mil millones de dólares identificadas. Oncor está considerando presentar una revisión integral de tarifas base más adelante este año y recibió aprobación para su Plan de Resiliencia del Sistema en noviembre de 2024.

온코르 전기 배급은 2024년 순이익이 9억 6천8백만 달러로 2023년 8억 6천4백만 달러에서 증가했다고 보고했습니다. 이 회사는 텍사스의 전례 없는 에너지 수요 증가를 지원하기 위해 2025-2029년을 위한 361억 달러의 자본 계획을 발표했습니다. 이 계획에는 2025년을 위한 71억 달러가 포함됩니다.

순이익 증가의 원인은 업데이트된 중간 요금에서 발생한 더 높은 수익, 증가한 송전 청구 단위, 고객 증가 및 2023년 5월에 시행된 기본 요금 때문입니다. 이러한 이익은 온화한 날씨로 인한 소비 감소, 높은 이자 및 감가상각 비용, 증가한 운영 및 유지 보수 비용으로 부분적으로 상쇄되었습니다.

온코르는 2024년에 77,000개의 시설을 추가하고 20억 달러 이상의 송전 프로젝트를 가동했습니다. 이 회사는 연말까지 976건의 활성 요청으로 송전 접속 지점 요청에 대한 기록을 세웠으며, 이는 2023년 대비 28% 증가한 수치입니다. 대형 상업 및 산업 부하 성장은 급격히 가속화되었으며, 접속 요청은 137기가와트를 초과했습니다.

새로운 자본 계획은 이전 5개년 계획에 비해 120억 달러의 증가를 나타내며, 약 120억 달러의 추가 잠재적 기회가 확인되었습니다. 온코르는 올해 말에 포괄적인 기본 요금 검토를 제출할 것을 고려하고 있으며, 2024년 11월에 시스템 회복력 계획에 대한 승인을 받았습니다.

Oncor Electric Delivery a annoncé de bons résultats pour 2024 avec un revenu net de 968 millions de dollars, en hausse par rapport à 864 millions de dollars en 2023. L'entreprise a présenté un plan d'investissement ambitieux de 36,1 milliards de dollars pour 2025-2029, dont 7,1 milliards de dollars pour 2025, afin de soutenir la croissance sans précédent de la demande énergétique au Texas.

L'augmentation du revenu net a été soutenue par des revenus plus élevés provenant de tarifs intermédiaires mis à jour, une augmentation des unités de facturation de transmission, la croissance du nombre de clients et les tarifs de base mis en œuvre en mai 2023. Ces gains ont été partiellement compensés par une consommation plus faible en raison de conditions météorologiques plus douces, des coûts d'intérêts et d'amortissement plus élevés, ainsi que des coûts d'exploitation et de maintenance accrus.

Oncor a ajouté 77 000 locaux en 2024 et a mis en service plus de 2 milliards de dollars de projets de transmission. L'entreprise a établi des records pour les demandes de points d'interconnexion de transmission, avec 976 demandes actives en attente à la fin de l'année, soit une augmentation de 28 % par rapport à 2023. La croissance des charges commerciales et industrielles a considérablement accéléré, avec des demandes d'interconnexion dépassant 137 gigawatts.

Le nouveau plan d'investissement représente une augmentation de 12 milliards de dollars par rapport au précédent plan quinquennal, avec des opportunités d'augmentation supplémentaires d'environ 12 milliards de dollars identifiées. Oncor envisage de déposer une demande de révision complète des tarifs de base plus tard cette année et a obtenu l'approbation de son Plan de Résilience du Système en novembre 2024.

Oncor Electric Delivery berichtete für 2024 von starken Ergebnissen mit einem Nettogewinn von 968 Millionen Dollar, ein Anstieg von 864 Millionen Dollar im Jahr 2023. Das Unternehmen kündigte einen ehrgeizigen Kapitalplan von 36,1 Milliarden Dollar für 2025-2029 an, einschließlich 7,1 Milliarden Dollar für 2025, um das beispiellose Wachstum der Energienachfrage in Texas zu unterstützen.

Der Anstieg des Nettogewinns wurde durch höhere Einnahmen aus aktualisierten Zwischenpreisen, gestiegenen Übertragungsabrechnungseinheiten, Kundenzuwachs und ab Mai 2023 umgesetzte Grundpreise angetrieben. Diese Gewinne wurden teilweise durch einen geringeren Verbrauch aufgrund milderer Wetterbedingungen, höhere Zins- und Abschreibungskosten sowie gestiegene Betriebs- und Wartungskosten ausgeglichen.

Oncor fügte 2024 77.000 Standorte hinzu und stellte über 2 Milliarden Dollar in Übertragungsprojekten in Betrieb. Das Unternehmen stellte Rekorde für Anfragen zu Übertragungspunkten der Interkonnektivität auf, mit 976 aktiven Anfragen in der Warteschlange zum Jahresende – ein Anstieg von 28% gegenüber 2023. Das Wachstum der großen kommerziellen und industriellen Lasten beschleunigte sich erheblich, wobei die Interkonnektionsanfragen 137 Gigawatt überstiegen.

Der neue Kapitalplan stellt eine Erhöhung um 12 Milliarden Dollar gegenüber dem vorherigen Fünfjahresplan dar, wobei zusätzliche potenzielle Erhöhungschancen von etwa 12 Milliarden Dollar identifiziert wurden. Oncor erwägt, später in diesem Jahr einen umfassenden Grundpreisantrag einzureichen, und erhielt im November 2024 die Genehmigung für seinen Systemresilienzplan.

  • Net income increased to $968 million in 2024, up $104 million from 2023
  • Near-record growth with 77,000 new premises added in 2024
  • Placed over $2 billion of transmission projects into service in 2024
  • Record 976 active transmission POI requests in queue, a 28% increase from 2023
  • Large commercial and industrial interconnection queue exceeded 137 GW, a 250% increase from 2023
  • Announced new five-year capital plan of $36.1 billion for 2025-2029
  • Identified additional $12 billion in potential incremental capital opportunities
  • Key safety metrics improved in 2024, with injury rates decreasing by over 25%
  • System Resiliency Plan approved by PUCT in November 2024
  • Higher interest expense and depreciation expense associated with increases in invested capital
  • Higher operation and maintenance expense, including increased insurance premiums
  • Lower customer consumption primarily due to milder weather compared to prior period
  • Q4 2024 net income decreased to $168 million from $181 million in Q4 2023


Oncor's 2024 financial results reveal substantial growth, with net income rising to $968 million, a 12% increase year-over-year. This performance significantly outpaces the average utility sector growth rate of 4-6%. The growth was primarily driven by rate adjustments reflecting capital investments, increased transmission billing units, and customer additions, though partially offset by weather-related consumption decreases and higher operational expenses. Notably, Q4 showed a 7.2% year-over-year decline in net income to $168 million, indicating some headwinds from rising interest expenses and operational costs.

The announcement of a $36.1 billion capital plan for 2025-2029 represents a 50% increase from the previous five-year outlook and signals an extraordinary growth trajectory. This capital deployment strategy is exceptionally aggressive even for high-growth utilities, with annual capex of approximately $7.2 billion representing nearly 65% of Oncor's estimated rate base. The plan's focus on system resiliency ($3 billion), Permian Basin projects ($2 billion), and large customer interconnections positions Oncor at the center of Texas' economic expansion.

Particularly impressive is Oncor's customer growth metrics in a competitive Texas market. The addition of 77,000 premises in 2024 represents about 2% organic growth, while the 250% surge in large commercial and industrial interconnection requests to 137 GW reflects Texas' emergence as a data center and industrial hub. The diversification beyond data centers is crucial, with non-data center customers representing 18 GW of the queue.

From a financial perspective, Oncor's $3.1 billion liquidity position provides solid near-term flexibility, but the planned issuance of $8-10 billion in senior secured notes over the next two years will significantly alter its capital structure. This debt issuance, representing approximately 70-90% of current market cap, will likely increase leverage ratios but remains manageable given regulated returns on these investments.

The regulatory environment appears supportive, with PUCT approval of the System Resiliency Plan and ongoing rate adjustment mechanisms. However, the contemplated comprehensive base rate review later this year introduces some regulatory uncertainty that investors should monitor closely. The sheer volume of regulatory filings planned for 2025 (averaging two Certificates of Convenience and Necessity monthly) reflects both the scale of growth and the regulatory workload ahead.

For Sempra investors, Oncor's performance and growth trajectory represent a significant positive catalyst. As Oncor contributes approximately 40-45% of Sempra's earnings, this accelerated capital plan should drive above-average EPS growth for the parent company over the next five years, potentially supporting multiple expansion if execution remains strong.

Oncor's ambitious $36.1 billion five-year capital plan represents one of the most aggressive grid expansion programs in U.S. utility history, with annual investments averaging $7.2 billion – nearly double the deployment rate of most large utilities. This unprecedented scale reflects Texas' extraordinary energy demand growth trajectory, with ERCOT projecting peak demand to surge 76% from 85GW to 150GW by 2030, driven by industrial expansion, population growth, and electrification trends.

The infrastructure metrics reveal the magnitude of this transformation. Oncor's interconnection queue has exploded to 976 active transmission requests (up 28% year-over-year) and 137GW of large commercial and industrial load requests – equivalent to 1.6 times ERCOT's current peak demand. This growth vastly exceeds comparable transmission operators in California (~30GW queue) or Arizona (~20GW queue). The diversified nature of these requests is particularly significant, with the generation mix balanced between solar (44%), storage (44%), wind (7%), and gas (4%), while non-data center industrial load represents 18GW of demand.

From an execution perspective, Oncor faces substantial implementation challenges. The planned construction of approximately 5,000-6,000 miles of transmission and distribution lines annually will strain supply chains for critical components like transformers (facing 18-24 month lead times) and high-voltage equipment. The company's ability to execute two Certificate of Convenience and Necessity filings monthly throughout 2025 will test both internal resources and regulatory capacity at the PUCT.

The $3 billion System Resiliency Plan represents a critical reliability investment following Texas' historic 2021 grid failures. These hardening measures – including advanced line sensors, strategic undergrounding, and enhanced cybersecurity – should significantly improve Oncor's SAIDI (System Average Interruption Duration Index) and SAIFI (System Average Interruption Frequency Index) metrics, potentially reducing outage minutes by 15-20% according to industry benchmarks for similar programs.

The technological architecture of these investments will shape Texas' grid for decades. Oncor's transmission expansions must accommodate not just capacity growth but increasingly bidirectional power flows from distributed resources. The 44% of interconnection requests from energy storage will require advanced control systems and power electronics to manage grid stability with declining system inertia.

For ratepayers, these investments create a complex value proposition. While the massive capital deployment will eventually flow into Oncor's rate base, potentially increasing distribution charges by 3-5% annually, the economic development benefits and congestion reduction from transmission expansions should partially offset these increases through lower wholesale energy costs and economic growth benefits.

DALLAS, Feb. 25, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC ("Oncor") today reported twelve months ended December 31, 2024 net income of $968 million compared to twelve months ended December 31, 2023 net income of $864 million. This $104 million increase was driven by overall higher revenues primarily attributable to updated interim rates to reflect increases in invested capital, increases in transmission billing units, customer growth, and the base rates that went into effect May 2023 along with the write-off of rate base disallowances recorded in the first quarter of 2023; partially offset by lower customer consumption primarily attributable to milder weather when compared to the prior period, higher interest expense and depreciation expense associated with increases in invested capital, and higher operation and maintenance expense, including increased insurance premiums.

"I want to begin by recognizing the Oncor team for their incredible resilience and dedication to our customers, our mission, and each other. Last month, Oncor received a prestigious EEI Emergency Response Award due to their hard work and around the clock storm restoration efforts. I am so proud of what they do, and their relentless focus on safety, reliability, and service to our communities," Oncor CEO Allen Nye said. "The Oncor team is also rising to the challenge of the most significant growth period in our company's history, working every day to meet the demand and customer growth across both the transmission and distribution sides of our business while also making a substantial investment in making our grid more resilient. With this significant projected growth, we are announcing a new five-year, $36 billion capital plan to support Texas' continued economic expansion. Texas continues to be the nation's economic powerhouse, and Oncor is proud to be a key player in building the grid needed to support that growth while maintaining our ongoing focus on reliability, safety and affordability."

Oncor reported net income of $168 million in the three months ended December 31, 2024 compared to net income of $181 million in the three months ended December 31, 2023. This $13 million decrease was driven by higher interest expense and depreciation expense associated with increases in invested capital and higher operation and maintenance expense, partially offset by overall higher revenues primarily attributable to increased transmission billing units, updated interim rates to reflect increases in invested capital, higher energy efficiency program performance bonus revenues (due to timing of recognition), and customer growth. Financial and operational results are provided in Tables A, B, C, and D below.

Texas Growth

As Texas continues to experience unprecedented demand for new transmission and distribution capacity, Oncor remains focused on supporting the state's energy needs through significant capital investments. Oncor experienced another strong year in 2024 with solid growth in premises and the construction of new transmission and distribution lines, as well as the setting of new year-end company records for new and active transmission point-of-interconnection ("POI") requests, all while remaining focused on a high-performing culture built on safety and reliability. 

Oncor increased its premise count by a near-company record 77,000 in 2024 as compared to 73,000 in 2023, reinforcing Texas' strong population and economic expansion. Additionally, Oncor placed over $2 billion of transmission projects into service in 2024, strengthening the scale of its infrastructure development efforts to meet growing demand. The growth across Oncor's service territory resulted in the construction or upgrading of approximately 4,300 miles of transmission and distribution lines and included more than 75 substation projects and more than 45 switching station projects, all of which were placed into service in 2024. The continued dynamic growth across Oncor's service territory provides additional opportunities to deploy capital to grow the Oncor system.

In 2024, Oncor set company records for annual active and new transmission POI requests in queue. At December 31, 2024, Oncor had 976 active transmission POI requests in queue, representing a 28% increase as compared to December 31, 2023. Of the 519 active generation POI requests in queue at December 31, 2024, approximately 44% are solar, 44% are storage, 7% are wind and 4% are gas. Of those active POI requests in queue, 423 were new in 2024, representing a 27% increase in new requests over the year as compared to 2023.­­­ 

Oncor's large commercial and industrial ("LC&I") load growth in particular has continued to accelerate, and its LC&I interconnection queue of customer requests, including requests without signed agreements, exceeded 137 gigawatts ("GW") as of December 31, 2024, an approximately 250% increase over the amount of potential load in queue at the end of 2023. C&I customer requests reflect a strong and diverse pipeline of industrial and commercial expansions beyond traditional data centers, with non-data center customers representing 18 GW of that LC&I interconnection queue.

Oncor's growth reflects rising demand in the Electric Reliability Council of Texas, Inc. ("ERCOT") market, with ERCOT recently projecting peak demand to exceed 150 GW by 2030 as compared to the current peak of approximately 85 GW. To meet the growing energy needs across the market, ERCOT has developed various reliability plans, including a reliability plan to address the needs of oil and gas customers across the Permian Basin region (Public Utility Commission of Texas ("PUCT") Docket No. 55718). The Permian Basin Reliability Plan identifies over $13 billion in transmission upgrades and additions through 2038 required to meet future demand needs in the area, and Oncor anticipates receiving a significant number of those projects.

Capital Plan Update

Today, Oncor is announcing a new five-year capital plan of approximately $36.1 billion for the 2025 to 2029 period which includes a projected spend of $7.1 billion for 2025.

Oncor's 2025-2029 capital plan has increased approximately $12 billion from the 2024-2028 five-year plan arising from the following items:

  • Nearly $3 billion for Oncor's System Resiliency Plan approved by the PUCT last year;
  • $2 billion for brownfield local common projects in the Permian Basin Reliability Plan;
  • $1 billion for transmission projects in the Delaware Basin Load Integration Plan and West Texas 345 kV Infrastructure Plan;
  • $2 billion for interconnection of generation and LC&I customers with executed agreements; and
  • $4 billion for distribution upgrades and other capital needs.

Notably, Oncor's capital plan only includes expected spend for major transmission projects for which all regulatory approvals have been obtained.  Additionally, with regard to LC&I customers seeking interconnection at the transmission level, like data centers, the capital plan only includes those projects for which customers have executed an agreement with Oncor. 

As a result, Oncor has identified approximately $12 billion in potential additional incremental capital opportunities over the same 2025-2029 period. These include potential updates to the System Resiliency Plan for 2028 and 2029, additional transmission interconnection projects from LC&I customers who have submitted transmission POI requests but not yet signed agreements, additional transmission projects for the Permian Basin Reliability Plan which have yet to obtain all regulatory approvals, and potential investments identified in ERCOT's 765-kV Strategic Transmission Expansion Plan (STEP). The growing demand for high-voltage transmission capacity, particularly to support new commercial, industrial and data center loads, presents another significant opportunity for expansion beyond the $36 billion capital plan. While these projects are subject to regulatory approval or customer commitments, they highlight opportunities for Oncor to address emerging infrastructure needs in the ERCOT market.

Operational Highlights

In January 2025, Oncor was awarded the EEI Emergency Response Award for its response to significant storm activity across its service territory in May 2024. The award recognizes member companies that put forth outstanding efforts to restore service promptly to the public following a storm or natural disaster, underscoring the company's ongoing commitment to grid resiliency.

Oncor's key safety metrics improved in 2024, including its Days Away, Restricted or Transferred rate and Lost Time Injury rate, which improved by 26% and 27%, respectively year over year. Oncor also completed the second half of the year with more than 5 million consecutive work hours without a lost time injury.

Regulatory Update

Oncor is contemplating filing a comprehensive base rate review later this year. To date in 2025, Oncor has already filed requests for an interim transmission cost of service rate adjustment and an interim distribution cost recovery factor rate adjustment. Oncor also expects to file an average of two Certificates of Convenience and Necessity per month in 2025, primarily attributable to Oncor's projects identified in the Permian Basin Reliability Plan. This pace not only reflects the urgency of Texas' infrastructure expansion needs, but the volume of transmission work in Oncor's queue.

Additionally, in November 2024, the PUCT approved Oncor's System Resiliency Plan, which provides for approximately $2.9 billion in capital expenditures and $520 million in operation and maintenance expenses to enhance the resiliency of its transmission and distribution system, including measures to address extreme weather, wildfires, physical security threats, and cybersecurity threats. The System Resiliency Plan provides for the majority of the spend to occur between the years 2025 through 2027, with approximately $300 million in capital expenditures and approximately $20 million in operation and maintenance expenses to be carried over into 2028 and either (i) automatically authorized if Oncor does not file an updated system resiliency plan covering that year or (ii) included in any updated system resiliency plan filed by Oncor as part of that plan's first year of spend.


As of February 24, 2025, Oncor's available liquidity, consisting of cash on hand and available borrowing capacity under its existing credit facilities, commercial paper program and accounts receivable facility ("AR Facility"), totaled approximately $3.1 billion. Oncor expects cash flows from operations combined with long-term debt issuances and credit agreements as well as availability under its existing credit facilities, commercial paper program and AR Facility to be sufficient to fund current obligations, projected working capital requirements, maturities of long-term debt and capital expenditures for at least the next twelve months. Oncor currently expects to issue approximately $4.0 billion to $5.0 billion of long-term senior secured notes in each of 2025 and 2026, Oncor also recently refinanced its five-year, $2 billion credit facility and entered into a new three-year, $1 billion credit facility to further support Oncor's liquidity needs.

Sempra Internet Broadcast Today

Sempra (NYSE: SRE) (BMV: SRE) will broadcast a live discussion of its earnings results over the Internet today at 12 p.m. ET, which will include discussion of 2024 results and other information relating to Oncor. Oncor Chief Executive Allen Nye will also participate in the broadcast. Access to the broadcast is available by logging onto the Investors section of Sempra's website, Prior to the conference call, an accompanying slide presentation will be posted on For those unable to participate in the live webcast, it will be available on replay a few hours after its conclusion at

Annual Report on Form 10-K

Oncor's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024 will be filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission after Sempra's conference call and once filed, will be available on Oncor's website, The annual financial statements of Oncor Electric Delivery Holdings Company LLC (which holds 80.25% of Oncor's outstanding equity interests and is indirectly wholly owned by Sempra) for the year ended December 31, 2024 will be included as an exhibit to Sempra's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2024.


Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC
Table A – Statements of Consolidated Income
Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2024 and 2023; $ millions

Q4 '24

Q4 '23

TME '24

TME '23

Operating revenues









Operating expenses:

  Wholesale transmission service





  Operation and maintenance





  Depreciation and amortization





  Provision in lieu of income taxes





  Taxes other than amounts related to income taxes 





  Write-off of rate base disallowances





    Total operating expenses





Operating income





Other (income) and deductions – net





Non-operating provision (benefit) in lieu of income taxes 





Interest expense and related charges





Write-off of non-operating rate base disallowances





 Net income










Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC
Table B – Statements of Consolidated Cash Flows
Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2024 and 2023; $ millions

TME '24

TME '23

Cash flows – operating activities:

Net income





Adjustments to reconcile net income to cash provided by operating activities:

 Depreciation and amortization, including regulatory amortization



 Write-off of rate base disallowances



 Provision in lieu of deferred income taxes – net



 Other – net 



Changes in operating assets and liabilities:

Accounts receivable






Accounts payable – trade



Regulatory assets – deferred revenues



Regulatory assets – self-insurance reserve



Customer deposits



Other – assets



Other – liabilities



  Cash provided by operating activities



Cash flows – financing activities:

Issuances of senior secured notes



Repayments of senior secured notes



Borrowings under term loans



Repayments under term loans



Borrowings under AR Facility



Repayments under AR Facility



Borrowings under $500M Credit Facility



Repayments under $500M Credit Facility



Net change in short-term borrowings



Capital contributions from members



Distributions to members



Debt discount, financing and reacquisition costs – net



  Cash provided by financing activities



Cash flows – investing activities:

Capital expenditures



Sales tax audit settlement refund



Reimbursement from third party in joint project



Proceeds from sales of non-utility properties



Other – net 



  Cash used in investing activities



Net change in cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash



Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash – beginning balance



Cash, cash equivalents and restricted cash – ending balance






Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC
Table C – Consolidated Balance Sheets
At December 31, 2024 and 2023; $ millions

At 12/31/24

At 12/31/23


Current assets:

Cash and cash equivalents





Restricted cash, current



Accounts receivable – net



Amounts receivable from members related to income taxes



Materials and supplies inventories – at average cost



Prepayments and other current assets



 Total current assets



Restricted cash, noncurrent



Investments and other property



Property, plant and equipment – net






Regulatory assets



Right-of-use operating lease and other assets



 Total assets






Current liabilities:

Short-term borrowings





Accounts payable – trade



Amounts payable to members related to income taxes



Accrued taxes other than amounts related to income



Accrued interest



Operating lease and other current liabilities



 Total current liabilities



Long-term debt, noncurrent



Liability in lieu of deferred income taxes



Regulatory liabilities



Employee benefit plan obligations



Operating lease and other obligations



 Total liabilities



Commitments and contingencies

Membership interests:

Capital account ― number of units outstanding 2024 and 2023 – 635,000,000



Accumulated other comprehensive loss



 Total membership interests



 Total liabilities and membership interests






Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC
Table D – Operating Data and Operating Revenues
Three and Twelve Months Ended December 31, 2024 and 2023; mixed measures

Q4 '24

Q4 '23

TME '24

TME '23

Operating statistics:

Electric energy volumes (gigawatt-hours):






Commercial, industrial, small business and other





 Total electric energy volumes





Residential system weighted weather data (a):

Cooling degree days





Heating degree days





Reliability statistics (b):

System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)




System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)



Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI)



Electricity points of delivery (end of period and in

Electricity distribution points of delivery (based on number
of active meters)



Operating revenues ($ millions):

Revenues contributing to earnings:

Distribution base revenues

Residential (c)

$            311

$            290

$        1,477

$     1,334

LC&I (d)





Other (e)





Total Distribution base revenues (f)





Transmission base revenues (TCOS revenues)

Billed to third-party wholesale customers





Billed to REPs serving Oncor distribution customers,
through TCRF





Total TCOS revenues





Other miscellaneous revenues





Total revenues contributing to earnings





Revenues collected for pass-through expenses:

TCRF – third-party wholesale transmission service





EECRF and other revenues





Total revenues collected for pass-through expenses





Total operating revenues

$         1,472

$         1,359

$         6,082

$         5,586



Degree days are measures of how warm or cold it is throughout Oncor's service territory. A degree day compares the average of the hourly outdoor temperatures during each day to a 65° Fahrenheit standard temperature. The more extreme the outside temperature, the higher the number of degree days. A high number of degree days generally results in higher levels of energy use for space cooling or heating.


SAIDI is the average number of minutes electric service is interrupted per consumer in a 12-month period. SAIFI is the average number of electric service interruptions per consumer in a 12-month period. CAIDI is the average duration in minutes per electric service interruption in a 12-month period. In each case, Oncor's non-storm reliability performance reflects electric service interruptions of one minute or more per customer. Each of these results excludes outages during significant storm events.


Distribution base revenues from residential customers are generally based on actual monthly consumption (kWh). On a weather-normalized basis, distribution base revenues from residential customers increased 7.5% in the three months ended December 31, 2024 as compared to the three months ended December 31, 2023 and increased 14.9% in the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 as compared to the twelve months ended December 31, 2023.


Depending on size and annual load factor, distribution base revenues from LC&I customers are generally based either on actual monthly demand (kilowatts) or the greater of actual monthly demand (kilowatts) or 80% of peak monthly demand during the prior 11 months.


Includes distribution base revenues from small business customers whose billing is generally based on actual monthly consumption (kWh), lighting sites and other miscellaneous distribution base revenues.


The 7.2% increase in distribution base revenues in the three months ended December 31, 2024 as compared to the three months ended December 31, 2023 (7.4% increase on a weather-normalized basis) primarily reflects updated interim distribution cost recovery factor rates and customer growth, partially offset by lower customer consumption primarily attributable to milder weather when compared to the prior period. The 9.8% increase in distribution base revenues in the twelve months ended December 31, 2024 as compared to the twelve months ended December 31, 2023 (11.9% increase on a weather-normalized basis) primarily reflects updated interim distribution cost recovery factor rates, base rates that went into effect May 2023 and customer growth, partially offset by lower customer consumption primarily attributable to milder weather when compared to the prior period.

About Oncor

Headquartered in Dallas, Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC is a regulated electricity transmission and distribution business that uses superior asset management skills to provide reliable electricity delivery to consumers. Oncor (together with its subsidiaries) operates the largest transmission and distribution system in Texas, delivering electricity to more than 4 million homes and businesses and operating more than 144,000 circuit miles of transmission and distribution lines in Texas. While Oncor is owned by two investors (indirect majority owner, Sempra, and minority owner, Texas Transmission Investment LLC), Oncor is managed by its Board of Directors, which is comprised of a majority of disinterested directors.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements relating to Oncor within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, which are subject to risks and uncertainties. All statements, other than statements of historical facts, that are included in this news release, as well as statements made in presentations, in response to questions or otherwise, that address activities, events or developments that Oncor expects or anticipates to occur in the future, including such matters as projections, capital allocation, future capital expenditures, business strategy, competitive strengths, goals, future acquisitions or dispositions, development or operation of facilities, market and industry developments and the growth of Oncor's business and operations (often, but not always, through the use of words or phrases such as  "intends," "plans," "will likely result," "expects," "are expected to," "will continue," "is anticipated," "estimated," "forecast," "should," "projection," "target," "goal," "objective" and "outlook"), are forward-looking statements. Although Oncor believes that in making any such forward-looking statement its expectations are based on reasonable assumptions, any such forward-looking statement involves risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Factors that could cause Oncor's actual results to differ materially from those projected in such forward-looking statements include: legislation, governmental policies and orders, and regulatory actions; legal and administrative proceedings and settlements, including the exercise of equitable powers by courts; weather conditions and other natural phenomena, including any weather impacts due to climate change and damage to Oncor's system caused by severe weather events, natural disasters or wildfires; cyber-attacks on Oncor or Oncor's third-party vendors; changes in expected ERCOT and service territory growth; changes in, or cancellations of, anticipated projects, including customer requested interconnection projects; physical attacks on Oncor's system, acts of sabotage, wars, terrorist activities, wildfires, fires, explosions, natural disasters, hazards customary to the industry, or other emergency events and the possibility that Oncor may not have adequate insurance to cover losses or third-party liabilities related to any such event; actions by credit rating agencies to downgrade Oncor's credit ratings or place those ratings on negative outlook; health epidemics and pandemics, including their impact on Oncor's business and the economy in general; interrupted or degraded service on key technology platforms, facilities failures, or equipment interruptions; economic conditions, including the impact of a recessionary environment, inflation, supply chain disruptions, foreign policy, global trade restrictions, tariffs, competition for goods and services, service provider availability, and labor availability and cost; unanticipated changes in electricity demand in ERCOT or Oncor's service territory; ERCOT grid needs and ERCOT market conditions, including insufficient electricity generation within the ERCOT market or disruptions at power generation facilities that supply power within the ERCOT market; changes in business strategy, development plans or vendor relationships; changes in interest rates, foreign currency exchange rates, or rates of inflation; significant changes in operating expenses, liquidity needs and/or capital expenditures; inability of various counterparties to meet their financial and other obligations to Oncor, including failure of counterparties to timely perform under agreements; general industry and ERCOT trends; significant decreases in demand or consumption of electricity delivered by Oncor, including as a result of increased consumer use of third-party distributed energy resources or other technologies; changes in technology used by and services offered by Oncor; significant changes in Oncor's relationship with its employees, including the availability of qualified personnel, and the potential adverse effects if labor disputes or grievances were to occur; changes in assumptions used to estimate costs of providing employee benefits, including pension and retiree benefits, and future funding requirements related thereto; significant changes in accounting policies or critical accounting estimates material to Oncor; commercial bank and financial market conditions, macroeconomic conditions, access to capital, the cost of such capital, and the results of financing and refinancing efforts, including availability of funds and the potential impact of any disruptions in U.S. or foreign capital and credit markets; financial market volatility and the impact of volatile financial markets on investments, including investments held by Oncor's pension and retiree benefit plans; circumstances which may contribute to future impairment of goodwill, intangible or other long-lived assets; adoption and deployment of AI; financial and other restrictions under Oncor's debt agreements; Oncor's ability to generate sufficient cash flow to make interest payments on its debt instruments; and Oncor's ability to effectively execute its operational and financing strategy.

Further discussion of risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from management's current projections, forecasts, estimates and expectations is contained in filings made by Oncor with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Specifically, Oncor makes reference to the section entitled "Risk Factors" in its annual and quarterly reports. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date on which it is made, and, except as may be required by law, Oncor undertakes no obligation to update any forward-looking statement to reflect events or circumstances after the date on which it is made or to reflect the occurrence of unanticipated events. New factors emerge from time to time, and it is not possible for Oncor to predict all of them; nor can it assess the impact of each such factor or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statement.  As such, you should not unduly rely on such forward-looking statements.

None of the website references in this press release are active hyperlinks, and the information contained on, or that can be accessed through, any such website is not, and shall not be deemed to be, part of this document.

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SOURCE Oncor Electric Delivery Company LLC


What is Oncor's new capital plan for 2025-2029?

Oncor announced a new five-year capital plan of $36.1 billion for 2025-2029, which includes $7.1 billion projected for 2025. This represents a $12 billion increase from their previous 2024-2028 plan, aimed at supporting Texas' continued economic expansion and growing energy demands.

How much did Oncor's net income increase in 2024?

Oncor's net income increased by $104 million, rising to $968 million for the twelve months ended December 31, 2024, compared to $864 million for the same period in 2023.

What factors drove Oncor's (SRE) financial performance in 2024?

Oncor's improved financial performance was driven by higher revenues from updated interim rates reflecting increased invested capital, higher transmission billing units, customer growth, and base rates implemented in May 2023. These were partially offset by lower consumption due to milder weather, higher interest and depreciation expenses, and increased operation and maintenance costs.

How many new premises did Oncor add in 2024?

Oncor added 77,000 new premises in 2024, which was a near-company record and higher than the 73,000 premises added in 2023, reflecting Texas' strong population and economic growth.

What regulatory approvals has Oncor (SRE) recently received?

In November 2024, the Public Utility Commission of Texas (PUCT) approved Oncor's System Resiliency Plan, which provides for approximately $2.9 billion in capital expenditures and $520 million in operation and maintenance expenses to enhance the resiliency of its transmission and distribution system.

How much transmission and distribution infrastructure did Oncor build in 2024?

In 2024, Oncor constructed or upgraded approximately 4,300 miles of transmission and distribution lines, completed more than 75 substation projects and more than 45 switching station projects, all of which were placed into service during the year.

What is the status of Oncor's large commercial and industrial (LC&I) interconnection queue?

As of December 31, 2024, Oncor's LC&I interconnection queue exceeded 137 gigawatts, representing an approximately 250% increase over the amount of potential load in queue at the end of 2023. Non-data center customers represent 18 GW of that queue.

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