Expected Growth of U.S. LNG Exports to Support Nearly 500,000 Jobs Annually and Add $1.3 Trillion to United States Gross Domestic Product Through 2040, New S&P Global Study Finds

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S&P Global's new study projects significant economic benefits from growing U.S. LNG exports through 2040, including support for 500,000 domestic jobs annually and a $1.3 trillion contribution to U.S. GDP. The analysis forecasts U.S. LNG export capacity to double within five years under their Base Case scenario, which accounts for the 2024 pause on LNG export decisions to non-free trade agreement countries.

The study anticipates $2.5 trillion in total U.S. business revenues, $166 billion in federal and state tax revenues, and $500 billion in labor income. According to Daniel Yergin, S&P Global Vice Chairman, U.S. LNG has already demonstrated strategic importance by replacing nearly half of Russia's gas supply to Europe following the Ukraine war, while domestic natural gas prices are expected to remain among the world's lowest.

Una nuova studi di S&P Global prevede significativi benefici economici derivanti dalla crescita delle esportazioni di LNG statunitense fino al 2040, compreso il supporto a 500.000 posti di lavoro domestici all'anno e un contributo di $1,3 trilioni al PIL degli Stati Uniti. L'analisi prevede che la capacità di esportazione di LNG degli Stati Uniti raddoppierà entro cinque anni nel loro scenario di Base, che tiene conto della pausa del 2024 nelle decisioni di esportazione di LNG verso paesi senza accordi di libero scambio.

Lo studio prevede 2,5 trilioni di dollari in ricavi totali per le imprese statunitensi, 166 miliardi di dollari in entrate fiscali federali e statali, e 500 miliardi di dollari in reddito da lavoro. Secondo Daniel Yergin, Vice Presidente di S&P Global, il LNG statunitense ha già dimostrato un'importanza strategica sostituendo quasi la metà dell'approvvigionamento di gas della Russia per l'Europa dopo la guerra in Ucraina, mentre i prezzi del gas naturale domestico sono attesi rimanere tra i più bassi al mondo.

Nuevo estudio de S&P Global proyecta beneficios económicos significativos por el crecimiento de las exportaciones de LNG de EE. UU. hasta el 2040, incluyendo apoyo para 500,000 empleos domésticos anuales y una contribución de $1.3 billones al PIB de EE. UU.. El análisis prevé que la capacidad de exportación de LNG de EE. UU. se duplicará en cinco años bajo su escenario Base, que considera la pausa del 2024 en las decisiones de exportación de LNG hacia países sin acuerdos de libre comercio.

El estudio anticipa $2.5 billones en ingresos totales de negocios en EE. UU., $166 mil millones en ingresos fiscales federales y estatales, y $500 mil millones en ingresos laborales. Según Daniel Yergin, Vicepresidente de S&P Global, el LNG de EE. UU. ya ha demostrado su importancia estratégica al reemplazar casi la mitad del suministro de gas de Rusia a Europa tras la guerra en Ucrania, mientras que los precios del gas natural en el país se espera que se mantengan entre los más bajos del mundo.

S&P 글로벌의 새로운 연구는 2040년까지 증가하는 미국 LNG 수출에서의 상당한 경제적 이점을 예측하고 있으며, 매년 50만 개의 국내 일자리 지원미국 GDP에 1.3조 달러 기여를 포함합니다. 이 분석은 2024년 비자유무역협정 국가에 대한 LNG 수출 결정의 중단을 감안할 때, 그들의 기본 사례 시나리오에 따라 미국의 LNG 수출 용량이 5년 내에 두 배로 증가할 것이라고 예측하고 있습니다.

이 연구는 미국의 전체 사업 수익으로 2.5조 달러, 연방 및 주 세수로 1660억 달러, 노동 소득으로 5000억 달러를 예상하고 있습니다. S&P 글로벌의 부회장인 다니엘 예르긴에 따르면, 미국 LNG는 이미 우크라이나 전쟁 이후 유럽에 대한 러시아의 가스 공급의 거의 절반을 대체하며 전략적 중요성을 입증했으며, 국내 천연가스 가격은 세계에서 가장 낮은 수준을 유지할 것으로 예상됩니다.

Une nouvelle étude de S&P Global prévoit des avantages économiques significatifs résultant de la croissance des exportations de gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) des États-Unis jusqu'en 2040, y compris le soutien à 500 000 emplois domestiques par an et une contribution de 1,3 milliard de dollars au PIB des États-Unis. L'analyse prévoit que la capacité d'exportation de GNL des États-Unis double dans les cinq ans dans le cadre de leur scénario de base, tenant compte de la pause de 2024 sur les décisions d'exportation de GNL vers des pays sans accord de libre-échange.

L'étude anticipe 2,5 billions de dollars de revenus commerciaux totaux aux États-Unis, 166 milliards de dollars de recettes fiscales fédérales et d'État, et 500 milliards de dollars de revenus du travail. Selon Daniel Yergin, vice-président de S&P Global, le GNL américain a déjà démontré une importance stratégique en remplaçant près de la moitié de l'approvisionnement en gaz de la Russie vers l'Europe après la guerre en Ukraine, tandis que les prix du gaz naturel domestique devraient rester parmi les plus bas au monde.

Die neue Studie von S&P Global prognostiziert erhebliche wirtschaftliche Vorteile aus dem Anstieg der US-LNG-Exporte bis 2040, einschließlich der Unterstützung von 500.000 inländischen Arbeitsplätzen jährlich und einem Beitrag von 1,3 Billionen Dollar zum BIP der USA. Die Analyse erwartet, dass die Exportkapazität von US-LNG sich innerhalb von fünf Jahren verdoppeln wird, unter Berücksichtigung der Pause von 2024 bei Entscheidungen über LNG-Exporte an Länder ohne Freihandelsabkommen in ihrem Basisszenario.

Die Studie rechnet mit 2,5 Billionen Dollar an Gesamteinnahmen für die US-Wirtschaft, 166 Milliarden Dollar an bundesstaatlichen und staatlichen Steuereinnahmen und 500 Milliarden Dollar an Löhneinkommen. Laut Daniel Yergin, Vizepräsident von S&P Global, hat US-LNG bereits seine strategische Bedeutung unter Beweis gestellt, indem es nach dem Ukraine-Krieg fast die Hälfte der Gasversorgung Russlands nach Europa ersetzt hat, während die inländischen Erdgaspreise voraussichtlich zu den niedrigsten der Welt gehören werden.

  • Projected support for 500,000 annual domestic jobs through 2040
  • Expected $1.3 trillion contribution to U.S. GDP through 2040
  • Anticipated $2.5 trillion in total business revenues
  • Forecasted $166 billion in federal and state tax revenues
  • Projected $500 billion in labor income
  • LNG export capacity expected to double in five years
  • None.


This comprehensive study reveals significant economic implications of U.S. LNG export growth. The projected doubling of export capacity over the next five years, coupled with $2.5 trillion in business revenues and $166 billion in tax revenues through 2040, represents a transformative opportunity for the energy sector. The negligible impact on domestic gas prices while supporting 500,000 jobs annually demonstrates a well-balanced growth trajectory. Particularly noteworthy is the strategic positioning of U.S. LNG in global markets, especially in Europe where it has effectively replaced nearly half of Russian gas supply post-Ukraine conflict. This geopolitical advantage, combined with substantial economic benefits, positions the U.S. LNG industry as a important player in global energy markets.

The projected $1.3 trillion contribution to U.S. GDP through 2040 represents a significant economic multiplier effect. The combination of $500 billion in labor income and substantial tax revenues indicates strong fiscal benefits at both federal and state levels. This growth trajectory suggests a robust economic ecosystem developing around LNG exports, creating diverse employment opportunities across the value chain. The maintenance of low domestic gas prices while expanding exports demonstrates effective market equilibrium, ensuring economic benefits don't come at the cost of domestic energy affordability. This balance is important for sustained industrial competitiveness and economic growth.

Impact on U.S. domestic natural gas prices—among the lowest in the world—would remain negligible

WASHINGTON, Dec. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- On their current trajectory, growing exports of U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) would support nearly half a million domestic jobs annually and contribute $1.3 trillion to U.S. gross domestic product through 2040 while having a negligible impact on domestic gas prices, according to a new comprehensive study by S&P Global.

The study projects U.S. LNG export capacity to double over the next five years under a Base Case that takes into account current conditions, including impacts from the 2024 pause of pending decisions on exports of LNG to non-free trade agreement countries. In addition to the projected sizeable jobs and GDP gains, future export activity is anticipated to generate more than $2.5 trillion in total revenues for U.S. businesses, $166 billion in federal and state tax revenues and more than $500 billion in labor income.

"The emergence of the U.S. LNG industry has placed the United States in the pole position with global demand for gas expected to grow through 2040 alongside the rapid growth of renewables," said Daniel Yergin, Vice Chairman, S&P Global. "Continued growth in U.S. LNG capacity would have outsized impact in terms of jobs, GDP and labor income. In addition to domestic economic benefits, being the world's leading LNG supplier adds a new dimension to U.S. influence abroad. It was U.S. LNG that replaced nearly half of Russia gas supply to Europe after the outbreak of war in Ukraine."

The study, Major New U.S. Industry at a Crossroads: A U.S. LNG Impact Study leverages the combined expertise of the S&P Global Commodity Insights and S&P Global Market Intelligence divisions to provide a comprehensive and forward-looking assessment of the projected impacts of LNG exports on the U.S. economy. It compares Base Case findings—utilizing S&P Global's proprietary "Inflections" scenario—to those under an Extended Halt Scenario where no new or currently paused U.S. LNG capacity comes online.

The study is the first in a two-part series. A future companion study will conduct a global greenhouse gas emissions impact analysis (including methane) to quantify expected emissions under the two study scenarios and will expand the economic analysis to include regional and supply chain impacts.

LNG has emerged as a major U.S. industry in less than a decade and made the United States the world's leading supplier. Exports of LNG already support more than 270,000 U.S. jobs annually and have generated more than $400 Billion in GDP and more than $800 billion in total revenues for domestic businesses since exports began in 2016. Export revenues from U.S. LNG already exceed those of U.S. soybeans, are twice that of the nation's movie and television exports and half those of U.S semiconductors.

At the same time, most of the U.S. gas supply—nearly 90%—remains available for domestic consumption and natural gas prices for U.S. households continue to be among the lowest in the world.

"U.S. gas production has more than tripled compared to the amount of LNG that the country exports," said Eric Eyberg, Vice President, Gas and Power Consulting, S&P Global Commodity Insights. "That abundant supply has allowed LNG exports to support more than 270,000 jobs annually and contribute more than $400 Billion to GDP to date with no major impact to domestic prices."

However, if new or currently halted LNG capacity does not come online, the repercussions would be substantial, the study finds.

Under the study's Extended Halt Scenario:

  • An annual average of 100,000+ jobs would be at risk
  • $250+ billion contributions to GDP would go unrealized
  • $491 billion in lost revenues for U.S. businesses
  • $110 billion in lost labor income
  • $34 billion forgone federal and state tax revenues

Restricting future LNG capacity would have little to no benefit in terms of U.S. natural gas prices either, the study finds. The difference between the two study scenarios in terms of average annual gas costs for U.S. households (2025-2040) would be less than 1%.

If future U.S. capacity were not to materialize, other countries would seek to fill the gap, the study says. Qatar, Canada and Mozambique would be expected to accelerate their own projects to claim market share. Other countries, including Russia, would likely add capacity as well.

In total, the study estimates that 85% of the supply deficit under the Extended Halt Scenario would be made up by fossil fuels from non-U.S. sources.

"The economic consequences to ceding the U.S. position in LNG would be stark, but it goes far beyond that," said Carlos Pascual, Senior Vice President for Global Energy and International Affairs, S&P Global Commodity Insights. "Such a move would diminish U.S. geopolitical influence as a reliable and affordable energy supplier to allies and trading partners, as a key source for expanding energy access in developing countries and—by providing a replacement for coal in baseload power generation—an important catalyst to global decarbonization efforts."

About the Study:

Major New U.S. Industry at a Crossroads: A U.S. LNG Impact Study is available at: 

This study offers an independent and objective assessment of the economic, market and global impact of the U.S. LNG Industry built from a detailed bottom-up approach, at the asset and market level, technology by technology. It represents the collaboration of S&P Global Commodity Insights and the Global Intelligence and Analytics unit within S&P Global Market Intelligence supported by the world's largest expert team of more than 1,400 energy research analysts and consultants continuously monitoring, modelling and evaluating markets and assets. The analysis and metrics developed during the course of this research represent the independent analysis and views of S&P Global. The study makes no policy recommendations. This research was supported by the US Chamber of Commerce.

S&P Global is exclusively responsible for all of the analysis, content and conclusions of the study.

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What is the projected economic impact of U.S. LNG exports through 2040 according to S&P Global (SPGI)?

According to S&P Global's study, U.S. LNG exports are projected to support nearly 500,000 domestic jobs annually and contribute $1.3 trillion to U.S. GDP through 2040.

How much tax revenue will U.S. LNG exports generate through 2040 according to SPGI's study?

The study projects $166 billion in federal and state tax revenues through 2040 from U.S. LNG export activities.

What is the expected growth in U.S. LNG export capacity over the next five years?

S&P Global's study projects U.S. LNG export capacity to double over the next five years under their Base Case scenario.

How much business revenue is projected from U.S. LNG exports through 2040?

The study anticipates U.S. LNG exports will generate more than $2.5 trillion in total revenues for U.S. businesses through 2040.

What is the projected labor income from U.S. LNG exports through 2040?

According to S&P Global's study, U.S. LNG exports are expected to generate more than $500 billion in labor income through 2040.

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