Paired Power Installs Resilient Off-Grid Solar Electric Vehicle Charger for Sonoco in South Carolina

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Paired Power has installed its PairTree EV charger for Sonoco (NYSE: SON), a global packaging manufacturer, in South Carolina. The PairTree is an off-grid solar electric vehicle charger that combines battery storage with solar power for day and night charging. It can provide emergency backup power during grid outages and reduce grid dependence.

Key features of PairTree include:

  • U.S.-made solar canopy
  • Quick installation (less than a day)
  • Wind-rated up to 130 mph
  • Fits standard 9x18 foot parking space
  • No moving parts or ongoing maintenance
  • One or two Level 2 EV charging ports

This installation aligns with Sonoco's commitment to sustainability and provides resilient, clean energy for employees with electric vehicles.

Paired Power ha installato il suo PairTree EV charger per Sonoco (NYSE: SON), un produttore globale di imballaggi, in Carolina del Sud. Il PairTree è un caricatore per veicoli elettrici solare off-grid che combina accumulo di energia con energia solare per la ricarica sia di giorno che di notte. Può fornire energia di emergenza durante le interruzioni della rete e ridurre la dipendenza dalla rete elettrica.

Le principali caratteristiche del PairTree includono:

  • Capannone solare realizzato negli Stati Uniti
  • Installazione rapida (meno di un giorno)
  • Resistente al vento fino a 130 mph
  • Adatto per uno spazio di parcheggio standard di 9x18 piedi
  • Privo di parti mobili o manutenzione continuativa
  • Uno o due porte di ricarica Level 2 per veicoli elettrici

Questa installazione è in linea con l'impegno di Sonoco verso la sostenibilità e fornisce energia pulita e resiliente ai dipendenti con veicoli elettrici.

Paired Power ha instalado su PairTree EV charger para Sonoco (NYSE: SON), un fabricante global de empaques, en Carolina del Sur. El PairTree es un cargador de vehículos eléctricos solar fuera de la red que combina almacenamiento de batería con energía solar para cargar de día y de noche. Puede proporcionar energía de respaldo de emergencia durante interrupciones de la red y reducir la dependencia de la red eléctrica.

Las características clave del PairTree incluyen:

  • Dosel solar fabricado en EE.UU.
  • Instalación rápida (menos de un día)
  • Clasificación de viento hasta 130 mph
  • Se ajusta a un espacio de estacionamiento estándar de 9x18 pies
  • Sin partes móviles ni mantenimiento continuo
  • Una o dos puertos de carga Level 2 para vehículos eléctricos

Esta instalación se alinea con el compromiso de Sonoco con la sostenibilidad y proporciona energía limpia y resiliente para los empleados con vehículos eléctricos.

Paired Power가 글로벌 포장 제조업체인 Sonoco(NYSE: SON)를 위해 남부 캐롤라이나에 PairTree EV 충전기를 설치했습니다. PairTree는 배터리 저장 장치와 태양광 전력을 결합한 오프 그리드 솔라 전기차 충전기로, 낮과 밤에 충전할 수 있습니다. 이 충전기는 전력망이 중단될 때 비상 백업 전력을 제공하고 전력망 의존도를 줄일 수 있습니다.

PairTree의 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 미국 제조 태양광 차양
  • 빠른 설치(하루 이내)
  • 시속 130마일까지 바람 등급
  • 표준 9x18피트 주차 공간에 적합
  • 모든 부품이 정지하거나 지속적인 유지 관리가 필요 없음
  • 레벨 2 전기차 충전 포트 1개 또는 2개

이 설치는 Sonoco의 지속 가능성에 대한 약속과 일치하며 전기차를 가진 직원들에게 탄력적이고 깨끗한 에너지를 제공합니다.

Paired Power a installé son PairTree EV charger pour Sonoco (NYSE: SON), un fabricant d'emballages mondial, en Caroline du Sud. Le PairTree est un chargeur de véhicule électrique solaire hors réseau qui combine stockage de batterie avec énergie solaire pour charger jour et nuit. Il peut fournir une alimentation de secours d'urgence lors des pannes de réseau et réduire la dépendance au réseau électrique.

Les caractéristiques clés du PairTree incluent :

  • Auvent solaire fabriqué aux États-Unis
  • Installation rapide (moins d'une journée)
  • Résistance au vent jusqu'à 130 mph
  • Convient pour un espace de stationnement standard de 9x18 pieds
  • Pas de pièces mobiles ni de maintenance continue
  • Un ou deux ports de recharge de niveau 2 pour véhicules électriques

Cette installation est en accord avec l'engagement de Sonoco envers la durabilité et fournit une énergie propre et résiliente aux employés disposant de véhicules électriques.

Paired Power hat seinen PairTree EV Charger für Sonoco (NYSE: SON), einen globalen Verpackungshersteller, in South Carolina installiert. Der PairTree ist ein netzunabhängiger solarbetriebener Elektrofahrzeug-Ladegerät, das Batteriespeicherung mit Solarenergie für das Laden tagsüber und nachts kombiniert. Er kann Notstromversorgung während Netzunterbrechungen bereitstellen und die Abhängigkeit vom Stromnetz reduzieren.

Wichtige Merkmale des PairTree sind:

  • Solarüberdachung aus den USA
  • Schnelle Installation (weniger als einen Tag)
  • Windbeständig bis 130 mph
  • Passt in einen Standard-Parkplatz von 9x18 Fuß
  • Keine beweglichen Teile oder laufende Wartung
  • Ein oder zwei Level 2 EV-Ladeanschlüsse

Diese Installation stimmt mit Sonocos Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit überein und bietet den Mitarbeitern mit Elektrofahrzeugen resiliente, saubere Energie.

  • Installation of PairTree EV charger demonstrates Sonoco's commitment to sustainability
  • PairTree offers off-grid charging solution, reducing dependence on traditional power sources
  • Quick installation and minimal permitting requirements for PairTree chargers
  • Potential for emergency backup power during grid outages
  • None.

Sonoco's (NYSE: SON) installation of Paired Power's PairTree EV charger is a small but strategic step in the company's sustainability efforts. While the immediate financial impact is likely minimal, it aligns with Sonoco's long-term environmental goals and could enhance its ESG profile. This move may appeal to environmentally conscious investors and potentially contribute to employee satisfaction.

From a financial perspective, the installation of a single EV charger is unlikely to significantly affect Sonoco's bottom line. However, if this pilot proves successful, it could lead to broader adoption across Sonoco's facilities, potentially resulting in long-term cost savings through reduced energy dependence and increased resilience against grid outages.

Investors should view this as a positive indicator of Sonoco's commitment to sustainability rather than a major financial catalyst. The company's proactive approach to adopting innovative, environmentally friendly technologies could position it favorably in an increasingly ESG-focused market landscape.

Paired Power's PairTree EV charger represents an innovative solution in the EV charging infrastructure space. Its off-grid capability, combined with solar power and battery storage, addresses several key challenges in EV adoption, particularly in areas with unreliable grid power or electrical infrastructure.

The system's resilience, with a wind rating of up to 130 mph, is particularly noteworthy for regions prone to extreme weather events. This durability could prove important in maintaining charging capabilities during natural disasters or grid outages, potentially positioning PairTree as a preferred choice for businesses and municipalities in hurricane-prone areas like South Carolina.

The rapid installation time and minimal permitting requirements of PairTree give it a significant advantage over traditional grid-connected chargers. This could accelerate EV charging infrastructure deployment, especially in areas where grid upgrades would be costly or time-consuming.

While the current installation is small-scale, the technology's potential for scalability and its alignment with growing trends in renewable energy and EV adoption make it a development worth watching in the clean tech sector.

HARTSVILLE, S.C.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Paired Power, a leading U.S. solar microgrid electric vehicle charger manufacturer announces its installation of its PairTree EV charger for Sonoco (NYSE: SON), a leading global manufacturer of consumer, industrial, health care and protective packaging.

“We’re thrilled to provide the first offgrid electric vehicle solar charger to Sonoco, a world-class company with a strong track record of reducing emissions through recyclable material sourcing and countless initiatives,” said Tom McCalmont, Paired Power CEO. “Obtaining our PairTree to provide Sonoco’s staff with truly green electric car charging is an extension of their leadership’s commitment to the environment.”

PairTree can be used for both standalone solar power, or for microgrid renewable power with optional grid connection. PairTree is a U.S.-made solar canopy that combines battery storage with solar power to deliver day or night charging for electric vehicles.

As a fully resilient source of electricity, PairTree can also provide emergency backup power during grid outages, and help reduce users’ dependence on the grid. A popular alternative to traditional grid chargers that use “brown” power such as oil and takes years for permitting, PairTree has little permitting and its installation takes less than a day.

Built with durability in mind, PairTree is wind-rated up to 130 mph, which is ideal for regions with unpredictable weather patterns in regions such as South Carolina.

PairTree fits into a standard 9 x 18 foot parking space. It has no moving parts, and doesn’t require ongoing maintenance like problematic tracker solutions. PairTree offers both one or two Level 2 EV charging ports with the industry standard J1772 EV interface.

“Paired Power’s solar, offgrid car charging technology is the ideal solution to provide resilient and clean energy for our employees who drive electric cars to work,” said Elizabeth Rhue, Vice President of Sustainability at Sonoco. “From the simplicity and efficacy of the chargers’ functions to the sleek design, PairTree fits with the ethos of our company’s mission and dedication to sustainability.”

About Paired Power

Trusted by cities, governments and leading corporations, Paired Power manufactures solar-powered microgrid electric vehicle charger facilities (EVCF) that enable rapid deployment of new EV infrastructure without requiring expansions of existing grid capacity. Paired Power’s flagship product is PairTree™, a microgrid solar powered EV charger that pairs a 4.6kW solar array with a 42.4 kWh Battery Energy Storage System (BESS) to provide Level 2 EV charging day or night.

About Sonoco:

With net sales of approximately $6.8 billion in 2023, Sonoco has approximately 22,000 employees working in more than 300 operations around the world, serving some of the world’s best-known brands. With our corporate purpose of Better Packaging. Better Life. Sonoco is committed to creating sustainable products and a better world for our customers, employees, and communities. Sonoco was named one of America’s Most Responsible Companies by Newsweek. For more information on the Company, visit our website at


Source: Paired Power


What type of EV charger did Paired Power install for Sonoco (SON)?

Paired Power installed its PairTree EV charger, an off-grid solar electric vehicle charger that combines battery storage with solar power for day and night charging.

How long does it take to install a PairTree EV charger for Sonoco (SON)?

The installation of a PairTree EV charger takes less than a day, according to the press release.

What are the key features of the PairTree EV charger installed at Sonoco (SON)?

Key features include: U.S.-made solar canopy, battery storage, wind-rated up to 130 mph, fits in a standard parking space, no moving parts, and offers one or two Level 2 EV charging ports.

How does the PairTree EV charger at Sonoco (SON) contribute to sustainability?

The PairTree charger provides clean, solar-powered energy for electric vehicles, reduces grid dependence, and can offer emergency backup power during outages, aligning with Sonoco's sustainability goals.

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