SOBRsafe Launches Revolutionary Alcohol Detection Software: Transforming Patient Care for Behavioral Health Providers

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SOBRsafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOBR) has launched a fully-integrated enterprise software solution for alcohol detection and monitoring in behavioral health settings. The platform combines SOBRcheck™ for point-of-care screening and SOBRsure™ for continuous monitoring, offering real-time visibility across multiple users and locations in one dashboard.

Key features include:

  • Touch-based transdermal alcohol detection, eliminating need for breath, blood, or urine samples
  • Instant reporting accessible via computer or mobile device
  • Integration with electronic medical records (EMR)
  • Robust lookback capabilities for demonstrating compliance

This innovative solution aims to transform how behavioral health providers monitor alcohol use, enhance responsiveness, reduce recidivism, and improve patient outcomes in addiction and alcohol use disorder (AUD) treatment.

SOBRsafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOBR) ha lanciato una soluzione software totalmente integrata per la rilevazione e il monitoraggio dell'alcol in contesti di salute comportamentale. La piattaforma combina SOBRcheck™ per lo screening al punto di cura e SOBRsure™ per il monitoraggio continuo, offrendo visibilità in tempo reale su più utenti e posizioni in un unico pannello di controllo.

Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Rilevazione transdermica dell'alcol basata sul tatto, che elimina la necessità di campioni di respiro, sangue o urine
  • Reporting istantaneo accessibile tramite computer o dispositivo mobile
  • Integrazione con i registri medici elettronici (EMR)
  • Robuste capacità di retrospettiva per dimostrare la conformità

Questa soluzione innovativa mira a trasformare il modo in cui i fornitori di salute comportamentale monitorano l'uso di alcol, migliorando la reattività, riducendo la recidiva e migliorando i risultati dei pazienti nei trattamenti per la dipendenza e i disturbi da uso di alcol (AUD).

SOBRsafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOBR) ha lanzado una solución de software empresarial completamente integrada para la detección y el monitoreo de alcohol en entornos de salud conductual. La plataforma combina SOBRcheck™ para el cribado en el punto de atención y SOBRsure™ para el monitoreo continuo, ofreciendo visibilidad en tiempo real a través de múltiples usuarios y ubicaciones en un solo panel de control.

Las características clave incluyen:

  • Detección transdérmica de alcohol basada en el tacto, eliminando la necesidad de muestras de aliento, sangre o orina
  • Informes instantáneos accesibles a través de computadora o dispositivo móvil
  • Integración con registros médicos electrónicos (EMR)
  • Robustas capacidades de retrocarga para demostrar cumplimiento

Esta solución innovadora tiene como objetivo transformar la forma en que los proveedores de salud conductual monitorean el uso de alcohol, mejorando la capacidad de respuesta, reduciendo la reincidencia y mejorando los resultados de los pacientes en el tratamiento de adicciones y trastornos por uso de alcohol (AUD).

SOBRsafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOBR)는 알코올 감지와 모니터링을 위한 완전 통합 기업 소프트웨어 솔루션을 출시했습니다. 이 플랫폼은 간편한 검사를 위한 SOBRcheck™와 지속적인 모니터링을 위한 SOBRsure™를 결합하여, 하나의 대시보드에서 여러 사용자 및 위치에 대한 실시간 가시성을 제공합니다.

주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 호흡, 혈액 또는 소변 샘플을 필요로 하지 않는 터치 기반 피부를 통한 알코올 감지
  • 컴퓨터나 모바일 기기를 통해 접근 가능한 즉각적인 보고서
  • 전자의료기록(EMR)과의 통합
  • 준수 증명을 위한 강력한 소급 기능

이 혁신적인 솔루션은 행동 건강 제공자가 알코올 사용 모니터링 방식을 변화시켜, 응답성을 향상시키고 재범을 줄이며, 알코올 사용 장애(AUD) 치료에서 환자 결과를 개선하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

SOBRsafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOBR) a lancé une solution logicielle entièrement intégrée pour la détection et le suivi de l'alcool dans les milieux de santé comportementale. La plateforme combine SOBRcheck™ pour le dépistage au point de soins et SOBRsure™ pour la surveillance continue, offrant une visibilité en temps réel sur plusieurs utilisateurs et emplacements dans un seul tableau de bord.

Les principales fonctionnalités comprennent :

  • Détection transdermique de l'alcool basée sur le toucher, éliminant le besoin d'échantillons de souffle, de sang ou d'urine
  • Rapports instantanés accessibles via un ordinateur ou un appareil mobile
  • Intégration avec des dossiers médicaux électroniques (EMR)
  • Capacités de retour robustes pour démontrer la conformité

Cette solution innovante vise à transformer la manière dont les fournisseurs de santé comportementale surveillent l'usage de l'alcool, à améliorer la réactivité, à réduire la récidive et à améliorer les résultats des patients dans le traitement de la dépendance et des troubles liés à l'usage de l'alcool (AUD).

SOBRsafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOBR) hat eine vollständig integrierte Unternehmenssoftwarelösung zur Alkoholerkennung und Überwachung in der Verhaltensgesundheitsversorgung eingeführt. Die Plattform kombiniert SOBRcheck™ für die Punkt-der-Care-Screening und SOBRsure™ für die kontinuierliche Überwachung und bietet in einem Dashboard eine Echtzeitansicht über mehrere Benutzer und Standorte.

Zu den Hauptfunktionen gehören:

  • Berührungsbasierte transdermale Alkoholerkennung, die die Notwendigkeit für Atem-, Blut- oder Urinproben beseitigt
  • Sofortige Berichterstellung, die über Computer oder mobile Geräte zugänglich ist
  • Integration mit elektronischen Patientenakten (EMR)
  • Robuste Rückblickfähigkeiten zur Nachweiserbringung von Compliance

Diese innovative Lösung soll die Art und Weise revolutionieren, wie Anbieter der Verhaltensgesundheit den Alkoholgebrauch überwachen, die Reaktionsfähigkeit erhöhen, Rückfälle reduzieren und die Ergebnisse für Patienten in der Behandlung von Abhängigkeit und Alkoholgebrauchsstörungen (AUD) verbessern.

  • Launch of new integrated enterprise software solution for alcohol detection and monitoring
  • Real-time visibility and instant reporting across multiple users and locations
  • Integration with electronic medical records (EMR) for improved efficiency
  • Potential to enhance responsiveness, reduce recidivism, and improve patient outcomes
  • Expansion into behavioral health market, potentially increasing revenue streams
  • None.


SOBRsafe's launch of an integrated enterprise software solution for alcohol detection represents a significant technological advancement in the behavioral health sector. The platform combines point-of-care screening (SOBRcheck) and continuous monitoring (SOBRsure) into a unified dashboard, addressing key inefficiencies in current alcohol monitoring methods.

Key features include:

  • Real-time data aggregation from multiple locations and users
  • Touch-based transdermal alcohol detection, eliminating the need for invasive testing
  • Instant reporting accessible via computer or mobile device
  • Integration with electronic medical records (EMR) systems
  • Historical performance tracking and compliance reporting

This solution has the potential to transform patient care by enabling immediate interventions and improving treatment outcomes. The non-invasive nature of the technology and its ability to create a comprehensive electronic alcohol record across the continuum of care are particularly noteworthy innovations in this field.

The launch of SOBRsafe's enterprise software solution presents a compelling market opportunity. The behavioral health sector, particularly addiction treatment, has been in need of modernization. This product addresses several pain points:

  • Inefficient and invasive testing methods
  • Lack of real-time monitoring capabilities
  • Difficulties in managing patients across multiple locations
  • Challenges in demonstrating compliance to third parties

The endorsement from Oceanfront Recovery's president indicates strong potential for market adoption. However, market penetration will depend on factors such as pricing, ease of implementation and compatibility with existing systems. The integration with EMR systems is a significant selling point that could drive adoption among healthcare providers. For investors, this launch could signal a new revenue stream for SOBRsafe, potentially impacting future earnings. The company's focus on the behavioral health market, which has seen increased attention and funding in recent years, positions it well for growth.

DENVER, CO / ACCESSWIRE / October 22, 2024 / SOBRsafe, Inc. (NASDAQ:SOBR) ("SOBRsafe"), the leader in next-generation transdermal alcohol detection technology, is proud to announce the launch of its fully-integrated enterprise software solution for point-of-care screening (SOBRcheck™) and continuous monitoring (SOBRsure™). This new innovative platform is expected to transform how health providers monitor and manage alcohol compliance, delivering unprecedented real-time visibility across multiple users and locations in one dynamic dashboard.

"We created the SOBRsafe enterprise software to address the significant challenges experienced by behavioral health centers and providers across the country," stated David Gandini, CEO of SOBRsafe. "By integrating our technologies into an effective and user-friendly dashboard, we equip users with powerful monitoring tools to drive positive outcomes while significantly impacting organizational efficiency."

The current methods for monitoring alcohol use are outdated and inefficient. They rely on invasive, unhygienic, physical testing and printed reports which can delay interventions and negatively impact patient care. SOBRsafe's transdermal alcohol detection devices, combined with the integrated enterprise software platform, offers a comprehensive solution. The advanced touch-based technology detects alcohol emitted through the skin, eliminating the need for breath, blood, or urine samples. Information is instantly reported and accessible via computer or mobile device, allowing providers to monitor hundreds of patients across various locations through a streamlined digital dashboard. This setup ensures immediate visibility into any detected alcohol use, enabling timely interventions and support.

SOBRsafe's innovative software offers real-time insights into alcohol use throughout the treatment journey, creating the first definitive electronic alcohol record across the continuum of care. The new software integrates device data into an intuitive desktop interface with user-friendly navigation, allowing health providers to aggregate all activities onto a single screen. This significantly enhances responsiveness and reduces recidivism, providing hope for improved patient outcomes.

Moving beyond localized management, this software empowers providers to take holistic views of their organization. Moreover, the software features robust lookback capabilities that demonstrate historical performance and activity, a crucial ability for individuals needing to show compliance with third parties.

"SOBRsafe technology has transformed our operations," said Keenen Diamond, President of Oceanfront Recovery. "Now, all clients can be monitored from one platform - with the integration of the SOBRsafe dashboard into our electronic medical records (EMR), we will make the final step towards absolute efficiency for our team and accountability for our staff. This integration will save us time and significantly improve our ability to support client recovery, whether inpatient or outpatient."

The launch of the enterprise software marks a significant milestone in SOBRsafe's continued evolution and mission to enhance accountability and support recovery. By equipping behavioral health providers with this innovative and efficient solution, the Company is setting a new standard for monitoring and managing alcohol compliance, ultimately transforming the treatment of addiction and alcohol use disorder (AUD).

To learn more about SOBRsafe's enterprise software for behavioral health centers, visit


Alcohol misuse is the fourth leading cause of preventable death in America, and the seventh worldwide. Yet prevention and monitoring solutions have not kept pace with this epidemic. Legacy technologies are invasive and inefficient, unhygienic and unconnected. There is a better way. Enter SOBRsafe™. Our advanced transdermal (touch-based) technology detects and instantaneously reports the presence of alcohol as emitted through a user's skin - no breath, blood or urine sample is required. With a powerful backend data platform, SOBRsafe provides next generation, passive detection technology for the behavioral health, judicial and consumer markets, and for licensing and integration. The SOBRsafe technology is commercially available for point-of-care screening (SOBRcheck) and continuous monitoring (SOBRsure). At SOBRsafe, our mission is to create better outcomes and save lives. To learn more, visit


Amber Sabri

Safe Harbor Statement

Our prospects here at SOBRsafe are subject to uncertainties and risks. This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Act of 1934. The Company intends that such forward-looking statements be subject to the safe harbor provided by the foregoing Sections. These forward-looking statements are based largely on the expectations or forecasts of future events, can be affected by inaccurate assumptions, and are subject to various business risks and known and unknown uncertainties, a number of which are beyond the control of management. Therefore, actual results could differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this presentation. The Company cannot predict or determine after the fact what factors would cause actual results to differ materially from those indicated by the forward-looking statements or other statements. The reader should consider statements that include the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "intends", "estimates", "plans", "projects", "should", or other expressions that are predictions of or indicate future events or trends, to be uncertain and forward-looking. We caution readers not to place undue reliance upon any such forward-looking statements. The Company does not undertake to publicly update or revise forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise. Additional information respecting factors that could materially affect the Company and its operations are contained in the Company's filings with the SEC which can be found on the SEC's website at


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What new product has SOBRsafe (SOBR) launched for behavioral health providers?

SOBRsafe has launched a fully-integrated enterprise software solution combining SOBRcheck™ for point-of-care screening and SOBRsure™ for continuous alcohol monitoring, offering real-time visibility across multiple users and locations in one dashboard.

How does SOBRsafe's (SOBR) new alcohol detection technology work?

SOBRsafe's technology uses advanced transdermal (touch-based) detection to identify the presence of alcohol emitted through a user's skin, eliminating the need for breath, blood, or urine samples.

What are the key benefits of SOBRsafe's (SOBR) new enterprise software for behavioral health providers?

The key benefits include real-time insights, instant reporting, integration with electronic medical records, robust lookback capabilities, and the potential to enhance responsiveness, reduce recidivism, and improve patient outcomes in addiction and alcohol use disorder treatment.

How does SOBRsafe's (SOBR) new software integrate with existing healthcare systems?

SOBRsafe's new software integrates with electronic medical records (EMR) systems, allowing for seamless incorporation into existing healthcare workflows and improving overall efficiency for behavioral health providers.

SOBR Safe, Inc.


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