The Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program receives prestigious industry honor

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The Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program's Community Connection Center (C3) has been honored with the 2024 E Source Achievement in Residential Customer Experience Award. Launched in 2022, C3 is a unique offering that connects income-eligible customers with energy efficiency and bill payment assistance options, as well as basic needs support.

Since its inception, C3 has helped Nicor Gas customers access over $18.5 million in energy assistance grants. The program has provided free energy efficiency services to over 4,500 customers and free groceries to more than 5,000 families. C3 serves as a one-stop shop for connecting customers with local grants, community partners, and free resources that extend beyond energy bills.

This initiative addresses a critical need in Illinois, where nearly 1.5 million people live at or below the poverty level, representing more than 12% of the state's population. Many of these families struggle to maintain basic essentials, including heat, food, housing, and medical assistance.

Il Centro di Connessione della Comunità (C3) del Programma di Efficienza Energetica di Nicor Gas è stato insignito del Premio E Source 2024 per l'Incarico al Cliente Residenziale. Lanciato nel 2022, il C3 è un'offerta unica che collega i clienti con reddito idoneo alle opzioni di assistenza per l'efficienza energetica e il pagamento delle bollette, nonché al supporto per le necessità di base.

Sin dalla sua creazione, il C3 ha aiutato i clienti di Nicor Gas ad accedere a oltre 18,5 milioni di dollari in sovvenzioni per l'assistenza energetica. Il programma ha fornito servizi di efficienza energetica gratuiti a oltre 4.500 clienti e generi alimentari gratuiti a più di 5.000 famiglie. Il C3 funge da sportello unico per connettere i clienti con sovvenzioni locali, partner della comunità e risorse gratuite che vanno oltre le bollette energetiche.

Questa iniziativa risponde a un bisogno critico in Illinois, dove quasi 1,5 milioni di persone vivono al di sopra o al di sotto della soglia di povertà, rappresentando oltre il 12% della popolazione dello stato. Molte di queste famiglie faticano a mantenere le esigenze di base, tra cui riscaldamento, cibo, alloggio e assistenza medica.

El Centro de Conexión Comunitaria (C3) del Programa de Eficiencia Energética de Nicor Gas ha sido honrado con el Premio E Source 2024 por la Experiencia del Cliente Residencial. Lanzado en 2022, el C3 es una oferta única que conecta a los clientes con ingresos elegibles a opciones de asistencia en eficiencia energética y pago de facturas, así como apoyo para necesidades básicas.

Desde su inicio, el C3 ha ayudado a los clientes de Nicor Gas a acceder a más de 18,5 millones de dólares en subvenciones de asistencia energética. El programa ha proporcionado servicios de eficiencia energética gratuitos a más de 4,500 clientes y alimentos gratuitos a más de 5,000 familias. El C3 funciona como un centro de recursos único que conecta a los clientes con subvenciones locales, socios comunitarios y recursos gratuitos que van más allá de las facturas energéticas.

Esta iniciativa aborda una necesidad crítica en Illinois, donde casi 1.5 millones de personas viven en o por debajo del nivel de pobreza, lo que representa más del 12% de la población del estado. Muchas de estas familias luchan por mantener necesidades básicas, incluidos calefacción, alimentos, vivienda y asistencia médica.

니코르 가스 에너지 효율 프로그램의 커뮤니티 연결 센터(C3)2024 E Source 주거 고객 경험상을 수상했습니다. 2022년에 시작된 C3는 소득 자격이 있는 고객을 에너지 효율 및 청구서 지불 지원 옵션과 기본 필요 지원에 연결하는 독특한 서비스를 제공합니다.

C3는 설립 이후 니코르 가스 고객이 1,850만 달러 이상의 에너지 지원 보조금을 받을 수 있도록 도왔습니다. 이 프로그램은 4,500명 이상의 고객에게 무료 에너지 효율 서비스를 제공했고 5,000명 이상의 가족에게 무료 식료품을 제공했습니다. C3는 고객을 지역 보조금, 지역 파트너 및 에너지 청구서를 넘어서는 무료 자원과 연결하는 원스톱 숍으로 기능합니다.

이 이니셔티브는 일리노이주에서 중요한 필요를 해결하는 데 기여하고 있으며, 이곳에는 거의 150만 명이 가난의 수준에 있거나 그 이하로 생활하고 있어 주 전체 인구의 12% 이상을 차지합니다. 이러한 많은 가족은 열, 음식, 주택 및 의료 지원을 포함한 기본 필수품을 유지하는 데 어려움을 겪고 있습니다.

Le Centre de connexion communautaire (C3) du programme d'efficacité énergétique de Nicor Gas a été honoré du Prix E Source 2024 pour l'expérience client résidentielle. Lancé en 2022, le C3 est une offre unique qui connecte les clients éligibles en fonction de leurs revenus à des options d'assistance pour l'efficacité énergétique et le paiement des factures, ainsi qu'à un soutien pour les besoins fondamentaux.

Depuis sa création, le C3 a aidé les clients de Nicor Gas à accéder à plus de 18,5 millions de dollars en subventions d'assistance énergétique. Le programme a fourni des services d'efficacité énergétique gratuits à plus de 4 500 clients et des produits alimentaires gratuits à plus de 5 000 familles. Le C3 sert de guichet unique pour relier les clients aux subventions locales, aux partenaires communautaires et aux ressources gratuites qui vont au-delà des factures d'énergie.

Cette initiative répond à un besoin essentiel dans l'Illinois, où près de 1,5 million de personnes vivent au seuil de pauvreté ou en dessous, représentant plus de 12 % de la population de l'État. Beaucoup de ces familles ont du mal à maintenir leurs besoins essentiels, y compris le chauffage, la nourriture, le logement et l'assistance médicale.

Das Community Connection Center (C3) des Nicor Gas Energieeffizienzprogramms wurde mit dem 2024 E Source Award für die Kundenerfahrung im Wohnbereich ausgezeichnet. C3 wurde 2022 ins Leben gerufen und ist ein einzigartiges Angebot, das einkommensberechtigte Kunden mit Optionen zur Effizienzsteigerung und Zahlungshilfe für Rechnungen sowie Unterstützung bei Grundbedürfnissen verbindet.

Seit seiner Gründung hat C3 den Kunden von Nicor Gas geholfen, über 18,5 Millionen Dollar an Energiehilfen zu erhalten. Das Programm hat über 4.500 Kunden kostenlose Energieeffizienzdienstleistungen und über 5.000 Familien kostenlose Lebensmittel bereitgestellt. C3 fungiert als zentrale Anlaufstelle, um Kunden mit lokalen Förderungen, Gemeinschaftspartnern und kostenlosen Ressourcen zu verbinden, die über die Energierechnungen hinausgehen.

Diese Initiative deckt einen kritischen Bedarf in Illinois ab, wo fast 1,5 Millionen Menschen unter oder auf der Armutsgrenze leben, was mehr als 12 % der Bevölkerung des Bundesstaates ausmacht. Viele dieser Familien haben Schwierigkeiten, grundlegende Lebensbedürfnisse wie Heizung, Nahrung, Unterkunft und medizinische Hilfe aufrechtzuerhalten.

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Community Connection Center (C3) wins 2024 E Source Achievement in Residential Customer Experience Award

NAPERVILLE, Ill., Oct. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program's Community Connection Center (C3) has received an E Source 2024 Achievement in Residential Customer Experience Award. Launched in 2022, C3 is a unique offering that is focused on providing customers with energy efficiency and bill payment assistance options, as well as basic needs support. E Source, a utilities-focused consulting, research and data science company, announced the national recognition during its 2024 Utility Awards ceremony.

C3 is a one-stop shop for connecting income-eligible customers with local grants, community partners and free resources that can assist beyond their energy bills. Since 2022, the C3 team has helped Nicor Gas customers tap into more than $18.5 million in energy assistance grants. Over 4,500 customers have received free energy efficiency services through the program and more than 5,000 families have been provided free groceries.

"We designed C3 as a unique customer experience to help navigate available resources like energy efficiency and energy assistance options," said Meena Beyers, vice president of Business and Community Development for Nicor Gas. "The offering has now evolved to provide personalized access to programs that help customers manage their energy usage, bills and critical services including housing, food and other basic needs."

In Illinois, nearly 1.5 million people live at or below the poverty level – that is more than 12% of the state's population. Many of these families struggle to receive and maintain the most basic of essentials, including heat in their homes in the winter, food, housing and medical assistance.

For more information about Nicor Gas' award-winning C3 offering, visit

About Nicor Gas
Nicor Gas is one of four natural gas distribution companies of Southern Company Gas, a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO). Nicor Gas serves more than 2.3 million customers in a service territory that encompasses most of the northern third of Illinois, excluding the city of Chicago. For more information, visit

About Southern Company Gas
Southern Company Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of Atlanta-based Southern Company (NYSE:SO), America's premier energy company. Southern Company Gas serves approximately 4.4 million natural gas utility customers through its regulated distribution companies in four states with approximately 600,000 retail customers through its companies that market natural gas. Other nonutility businesses include investments in interstate pipelines, asset management for natural gas wholesale customers and ownership and operation of natural gas storage facilities. For more information, visit

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What award did Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program's C3 win in 2024?

The Community Connection Center (C3) of Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program won the 2024 E Source Achievement in Residential Customer Experience Award.

How much in energy assistance grants has C3 helped Nicor Gas customers access since 2022?

Since 2022, the C3 team has helped Nicor Gas customers tap into more than $18.5 million in energy assistance grants.

How many customers have received free energy efficiency services through C3?

Over 4,500 customers have received free energy efficiency services through the C3 program.

What percentage of Illinois' population lives at or below the poverty level?

More than 12% of Illinois' population, or nearly 1.5 million people, live at or below the poverty level.

When was the Nicor Gas Energy Efficiency Program's Community Connection Center (C3) launched?

The Community Connection Center (C3) was launched in 2022.

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