Southern Company Gas announces election of two new board members
Southern Company Gas has elected two new board members effective Jan. 1, 2025: Stephen Edwards, CEO of Virginia Port Authority, and A. Benjamin Spencer, dean of William & Mary Law School. Edwards, who has led the Virginia Port Authority since 2021, oversees operations that generate 565,000 jobs and $63 billion in annual GDP for Virginia. He brings extensive port management experience from previous executive roles at TraPac, GCT Global Container Terminals, and Ports America.
Spencer, serving as dean since 2020, manages a $40-million budget and $102-million endowment at William & Mary Law School. As a Marshall Scholar and Army Reserve JAG Corps officer, he brings legal expertise and academic leadership experience. Both appointments aim to strengthen Southern Company Gas's position as an energy provider serving 4.4 million customers, with particular focus on enhancing service in Virginia.
Southern Company Gas ha eletto due nuovi membri del consiglio con effetto dal 1 gennaio 2025: Stephen Edwards, CEO dell'Autorità Portuale della Virginia, e A. Benjamin Spencer, decano della William & Mary Law School. Edwards, che dirige l'Autorità Portuale della Virginia dal 2021, supervisiona operazioni che generano 565.000 posti di lavoro e $63 miliardi di PIL annuale per la Virginia. Porta con sé una vasta esperienza nella gestione portuale da precedenti ruoli dirigenziali in TraPac, GCT Global Container Terminals e Ports America.
Spencer, decano dal 2020, gestisce un budget di 40 milioni di dollari e un patrimonio di 102 milioni presso la William & Mary Law School. Come Marshall Scholar e ufficiale della JAG Corps dell'esercito in riserva, porta con sé competenze legali e esperienza nella leadership accademica. Entrambi gli incarichi mirano a rafforzare la posizione della Southern Company Gas come fornitore di energia per 4,4 milioni di clienti, con particolare attenzione al miglioramento del servizio in Virginia.
Southern Company Gas ha elegido a dos nuevos miembros de la junta, que serán efectivos a partir del 1 de enero de 2025: Stephen Edwards, CEO de la Autoridad Portuaria de Virginia, y A. Benjamin Spencer, decano de la Escuela de Derecho William & Mary. Edwards, que dirige la Autoridad Portuaria de Virginia desde 2021, supervisa operaciones que generan 565,000 empleos y $63 mil millones en PIB anual para Virginia. Aporta una amplia experiencia en la gestión portuaria de roles ejecutivos anteriores en TraPac, GCT Global Container Terminals y Ports America.
Spencer, que ha sido decano desde 2020, gestiona un presupuesto de 40 millones de dólares y un fondo de 102 millones en la Escuela de Derecho William & Mary. Como Marshall Scholar y oficial de la JAG Corps del Ejército en reserva, aporta experiencia legal y de liderazgo académico. Ambos nombramientos tienen como objetivo fortalecer la posición de Southern Company Gas como proveedor de energía para 4.4 millones de clientes, con un enfoque particular en mejorar el servicio en Virginia.
사우던 컴퍼니 가스는 2025년 1월 1일부터 발효되는 두 명의 이사회를 선임했습니다: 스티븐 에드워즈, 버지니아 항만청 CEO, 그리고 A. 벤자민 스펜서, 윌리엄 & 메리 법학부 학장. 에드워즈는 2021년부터 버지니아 항만청을 이끌며, 565,000개의 일자리와 버지니아에서 연간 630억 달러의 GDP를 창출하는 운영을 감독하고 있습니다. 그는 TraPac, GCT 글로벌 컨테이너 터미널 및 Ports America에서의 이전 임원직에서 풍부한 항만 관리 경험을 가지고 있습니다.
2020년부터 학장으로 재직 중인 스펜서는 윌리엄 & 메리 법학부에서 4천만 달러의 예산과 1억 2천만 달러의 기금을 관리하고 있습니다. 마샬 장학금 수혜자이자 육군 예비역 JAG Corps의 장교로서, 그는 법률 전문 지식과 학문적 리더십 경험을 가져왔습니다. 두 인사의 임명은 440만 고객에게 서비스를 제공하는 에너지 공급자로서 사우던 컴퍼니 가스의 입지를 강화하는 것을 목표로 하며, 특히 버지니아에서의 서비스 개선에 중점을 두고 있습니다.
Southern Company Gas a élu deux nouveaux membres du conseil d'administration à compter du 1er janvier 2025 : Stephen Edwards, PDG de l'Autorité portuaire de Virginie, et A. Benjamin Spencer, doyen de la William & Mary Law School. Edwards, qui dirige l'Autorité portuaire de Virginie depuis 2021, supervise des opérations qui génèrent 565 000 emplois et 63 milliards de dollars de PIB annuel pour la Virginie. Il apporte une vaste expérience en gestion portuaire grâce à des postes exécutifs précédents chez TraPac, GCT Global Container Terminals et Ports America.
Spencer, qui est doyen depuis 2020, gère un budget de 40 millions de dollars et une dotation de 102 millions de dollars à la William & Mary Law School. En tant que boursier Marshall et officier du JAG Corps de l'Armée de réserve, il apporte une expertise juridique et une expérience en leadership académique. Ces deux nominations visent à renforcer la position de Southern Company Gas en tant que fournisseur d'énergie pour 4,4 millions de clients, avec un accent particulier sur l'amélioration du service en Virginie.
Southern Company Gas hat zum 1. Januar 2025 zwei neue Vorstandsmitglieder gewählt: Stephen Edwards, CEO der Virginia Port Authority, und A. Benjamin Spencer, Dekan der William & Mary Law School. Edwards, der die Virginia Port Authority seit 2021 leitet, beaufsichtigt Betriebe, die 565.000 Arbeitsplätze und 63 Milliarden Dollar BIP jährlich für Virginia schaffen. Er bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen in der Hafenverwaltung aus früheren leitenden Positionen bei TraPac, GCT Global Container Terminals und Ports America mit.
Spencer, der seit 2020 als Dekan fungiert, verwaltet ein Budget von 40 Millionen Dollar und ein Vermögen von 102 Millionen Dollar an der William & Mary Law School. Als Marshall-Stipendiat und Offizier der JAG-Corps der Armee bringt er rechtliches Fachwissen und Erfahrung in der akademischen Führung mit. Beide Ernennungen zielen darauf ab, die Position von Southern Company Gas als Energieanbieter für 4,4 Millionen Kunden zu stärken, mit einem besonderen Fokus auf die Verbesserung des Dienstes in Virginia.
- Board strengthened with expertise in infrastructure management and legal affairs
- Strategic focus on Virginia market enhancement, where the company operates Virginia Natural Gas
- Addition of leaders with proven track records in managing large-scale operations and budgets
- None.
"We are honored to have Stephen and Ben join our board of directors," said Southern Company Gas Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer James Y. (Jim) Kerr II. "With their experience and proven leadership, I am confident they will help us continue to strategically position Southern Company Gas as a premier energy provider with a shared commitment to best-in-class service and value for the 4.4 million customers we are privileged to serve. And with strong ties to
Since 2021, Edwards has been CEO and executive director for the Virginia Port Authority, a driver of more than 565,000 jobs and
Previously, Edwards served in chief executive roles for TraPac, a leading container terminal operator in the ports of
Edwards is active in the community and currently serves on the boards of the Virginia Economic Development Partnership, Team Virginia and TT Club, a market-leading independent provider of mutual insurance and related risk management services to the international transport and logistics industry. He earned a Bachelor of Science degree in transport management from Aston University.
An award-winning legal educator and Marshall Scholar, and dean of the William & Mary Law School since 2020, Spencer is responsible for providing academic and executive leadership for the school, with a
Spencer has served on the governing boards of the Association of Marshall Scholars, the Virginia State Bar,
Spencer is a graduate of Morehouse College, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in political science, and was valedictorian of his class. He earned a Master of Science degree from the London School of Economics while studying as a Marshall Scholar, and his Juris Doctorate from Harvard Law School.
About Southern Company Gas
About Southern Company Gas Southern Company Gas is a wholly owned subsidiary of
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