Georgia Power provides tips for cold temperatures, winter weather this week
Georgia Power, a subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), has announced preparedness measures for expected winter weather conditions and provided energy-saving tips for customers. The company, serving 2.7 million customers across Georgia, emphasizes that heating can account for 50% of typical winter energy usage.
Key recommendations include: optimizing heating through regular filter changes, ensuring proper insulation (which can save up to 10% on energy usage), setting thermostats to 68 degrees or lower (each degree reduction can result in 3-4% energy savings), and utilizing natural heat through window management.
The company has implemented multiple communication channels for customers during severe weather, including Outage Alerts via text message, an Outage & Storm Center website, an interactive Outage Map, and a mobile app. Georgia Power maintains a diverse generation mix including nuclear, coal, natural gas, and renewables to serve its customers across 155 Georgia counties.
Georgia Power, una sussidiaria di Southern Company (NYSE: SO), ha annunciato misure di preparazione per le condizioni invernali previste e ha fornito consigli per il risparmio energetico ai clienti. La compagnia, che serve 2,7 milioni di clienti in Georgia, sottolinea che il riscaldamento può rappresentare il 50% del consumo energetico tipico in inverno.
Le raccomandazioni principali includono: ottimizzare il riscaldamento attraverso cambi regolari dei filtri, garantire un'adeguata isolamento (che può far risparmiare fino al 10% sui consumi energetici), impostare i termostati a 20 gradi Celsius o inferiori (ogni grado in meno può comportare un risparmio energetico del 3-4%), e utilizzare il calore naturale attraverso una gestione appropriata delle finestre.
La compagnia ha implementato diversi canali di comunicazione per i clienti durante condizioni meteorologiche severe, tra cui avvisi di interruzione tramite messaggio di testo, un sito web di Outage & Storm Center, una mappa interattiva delle interruzioni e un'app mobile. Georgia Power mantiene un mix di generazione diversificato che include nucleare, carbone, gas naturale e energie rinnovabili per servire i suoi clienti in 155 contee della Georgia.
Georgia Power, una subsidiaria de Southern Company (NYSE: SO), ha anunciado medidas de preparación para las condiciones climáticas invernales esperadas y ha proporcionado consejos para el ahorro energético a los clientes. La compañía, que atiende a 2.7 millones de clientes en Georgia, enfatiza que la calefacción puede representar el 50% del consumo energético típico en invierno.
Las recomendaciones clave incluyen: optimizar la calefacción mediante cambios regulares de filtros, asegurar un buen aislamiento (lo que puede ahorrar hasta un 10% en el uso de energía), establecer los termostatos a 20 grados Celsius o menos (cada grado de reducción puede resultar en un ahorro energético del 3-4%) y aprovechar el calor natural a través de la gestión de ventanas.
La compañía ha implementado múltiples canales de comunicación para los clientes durante el clima severo, incluidos alertas de cortes a través de mensajes de texto, un sitio web del Centro de Cortes y Tormentas, un mapa interactivo de cortes y una aplicación móvil. Georgia Power mantiene una mezcla de generación diversa que incluye nuclear, carbón, gas natural y energías renovables para atender a sus clientes en 155 condados de Georgia.
조지아 파워(Georgia Power)는 사우전 컴퍼니(Southern Company, NYSE: SO)의 자회사로서 예상되는 겨울 날씨에 대한 준비 조치를 발표하고 고객을 위한 에너지 절약 팁을 제공했습니다. 이 회사는 조지아 전역에서 270만 고객에게 서비스를 제공하며 난방이 겨울철 평균 에너지 소비의 50%를 차지할 수 있다고 강조했습니다.
주요 권장 사항으로는 정기적인 필터 교체를 통한 난방 최적화, 적절한 단열 보장(에너지 사용을 최대 10%까지 절감할 수 있음), 온도 조절기를 20도 이하로 설정하기(매 1도씩 낮출 때마다 에너지 절약은 3-4%에 해당함), 자연 열을 활용하기 위한 창 관리 등이 있습니다.
회사는 심각한 날씨 동안 고객을 위한 여러 통신 경로를 운영하고 있으며, 여기에는 문자 메시지를 통한 정전 알림, 정전 및 폭풍 센터 웹사이트, 인터랙티브 정전 지도 및 모바일 앱이 포함됩니다. 조지아 파워는 조지아주 155개 카운티의 고객에게 서비스를 제공하기 위해 원자력, 석탄, 천연가스 및 재생 가능 에너지를 포함한 다양한 발전 믹스를 유지하고 있습니다.
Georgia Power, une filiale de Southern Company (NYSE: SO), a annoncé des mesures de préparation face aux conditions hivernales prévues et a fourni des conseils pour économiser de l'énergie à ses clients. L'entreprise, qui dessert 2,7 millions de clients en Géorgie, souligne que le chauffage peut représenter 50 % de la consommation énergétique d'un hiver typique.
Les recommandations clés incluent : optimiser le chauffage par le biais de remplacements réguliers de filtres, assurer une bonne isolation (ce qui peut faire économiser jusqu'à 10 % sur la consommation d'énergie), régler les thermostats à 20 degrés Celsius ou moins (chaque degré de réduction peut entraîner des économies d'énergie de 3 à 4 %) et utiliser la chaleur naturelle grâce à une gestion appropriée des fenêtres.
L'entreprise a mis en place plusieurs canaux de communication pour les clients pendant les intempéries, y compris des alertes de pannes par SMS, un site Web du centre de pannes et de tempêtes, une carte interactive des pannes et une application mobile. Georgia Power maintient un mix de production diversifié, comprenant le nucléaire, le charbon, le gaz naturel et les énergies renouvelables, pour servir ses clients dans 155 comtés de Géorgie.
Georgia Power, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Southern Company (NYSE: SO), hat Vorbereitungsmaßnahmen für die erwarteten winterlichen Wetterbedingungen bekannt gegeben und Energiespartipps für die Kunden bereitgestellt. Das Unternehmen, das 2,7 Millionen Kunden in Georgia bedient, betont, dass die Heizung bis zu 50% des typischen Energieverbrauchs im Winter ausmachen kann.
Wichtige Empfehlungen sind: die Heizung durch regelmäßige Filterwechsel zu optimieren, eine angemessene Isolierung sicherzustellen (was bis zu 10% des Energieverbrauchs einsparen kann), die Thermostate auf 20 Grad Celsius oder niedriger einzustellen (jede Gradsenkung kann zu 3-4% Energieeinsparungen führen) und die natürliche Wärme durch Fensterverwaltung zu nutzen.
Das Unternehmen hat während extremer Wetterlagen mehrere Kommunikationskanäle für die Kunden eingerichtet, darunter Stromausfall-Alerts per SMS, eine Website für den Stromausfall- und Sturmzentrum, eine interaktive Ausfallkarte und eine mobile App. Georgia Power pflegt eine vielfältige Erzeugungsmischung, die Kernenergie, Kohle, Erdgas und erneuerbare Energien umfasst, um ihre Kunden in 155 Grafschaften in Georgia zu bedienen.
- Extensive customer coverage across 155 Georgia counties with 2.7 million customers
- Diverse energy generation portfolio including nuclear, coal, natural gas, and renewables
- Multiple digital platforms for customer communication during outages
- None.
Company prepared to respond to expected wintery mix including freezing rain or snow
Tips to help minimize the impact of cold, winter weather on your power bill include:
- Optimize heating – Remember, heating can account for 50 percent of a home's typical winter energy usage. Enhance the efficiency of your heating unit by changing filters monthly, or every three months for pleated filters. Make sure heating vents and return air registers are unobstructed by furniture or drapes.
- Check your insulation – Keep heat where it belongs by ensuring proper insulation in attics and walls. Replace any cracked or peeling caulk or weatherstripping around doors and windows to save up to 10 percent on energy usage and reduce cold air infiltration into your home.
- Adjust your thermostat – Set your manual thermostat to 68 degrees or lower. Each degree lower can result in a 3
-4% decrease in energy consumption. Or take advantage of programmable thermostat features if available to save energy throughout the day. - Utilize natural heat – Open blinds and shades on sunny days to naturally warm your home at no cost. Close them at night to minimize the chill from cold windows.
Georgia Power is committed to helping customers save money on their energy bills, explore rate options and get assistance when needed. Find dozens of other energy resources, whether you own a home or rent at
Prepared to Respond
Georgia Power is monitoring the potential for severe winter weather and forecasts as they change this week, including freezing rain, ice and snow in some parts of the state. Crews are prepared to safely and quickly respond to the latest severe weather threat.
Staying informed is essential during severe weather, and Georgia Power offers multiple ways for customers to stay connected, including:
- Outage Alerts – Customers subscribed to our free Georgia Power Outage Alert service will receive personalized notifications and updates via text message. Check that your contact number is up to date to receive the latest information.
- Outage & Storm Center – Available at, customers can visit this site to check their contact information is updated to receive Outage Alerts, report and check the status of outages, and access useful safety tips and information. Customers can also report and check the status of an outage 24 hours a day by contacting Georgia Power at 888-891-0938.
- Outage Map – Housed within the Outage & Storm Center, Georgia Power's interactive Outage Map provides near real-time information, allowing users to see where outages are occurring across the state and track estimated restoration times.
- Georgia Power Mobile App – Download the Georgia Power mobile app for Apple and Android devices to access storm and outage information on the go.
- @GeorgiaPower on X (Twitter) – Follow @GeorgiaPower on X for storm tips, outage updates, customer service and more.
About Georgia Power
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of
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SOURCE Georgia Power