Georgia Power and Georgia 811 highlight digging safety with new PSA on Georgia 811 Day

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Georgia Power and Georgia 811 have launched a new public service announcement (PSA) for 811 Day on August 11, emphasizing the importance of contacting the national 'Call Before You Dig' number. The PSA, available in English and Spanish, features Georgia Power employees and Georgia 811's mascot, Digger Dog. Both customers and excavators are advised to call 811 at least three business days before starting any digging projects to have underground facilities marked.

Georgia Power is celebrating 50 years of partnership with Georgia 811, which now includes over 850 utility members and processes more than 1.3 million tickets annually. The initiative aims to prevent damage to underground utilities and ensure safety. For more information, visit

Georgia Power e Georgia 811 hanno lanciato un nuovo annuncio di interesse pubblico (PSA) per la Giornata 811 dell'11 agosto, sottolineando l'importanza di contattare il numero nazionale 'Chiama Prima di Scavare'. Il PSA, disponibile in inglese e spagnolo, presenta dipendenti di Georgia Power e la mascotte di Georgia 811, Digger Dog. Sia i clienti che gli escavatori sono invitati a chiamare il 811 almeno tre giorni lavorativi prima di iniziare qualsiasi progetto di scavo per far segnare le strutture sotterranee.

Georgia Power festeggia 50 anni di collaborazione con Georgia 811, che ora conta oltre 850 membri di utility e gestisce oltre 1,3 milioni di segnalazioni all'anno. L'iniziativa mira a prevenire danni alle utility sotterranee e a garantire la sicurezza. Per ulteriori informazioni, visita

Georgia Power y Georgia 811 han lanzado un nuevo anuncio de servicio público (PSA) para el Día 811 el 11 de agosto, enfatizando la importancia de contactar el número nacional 'Llama Antes de Excavar'. El PSA, disponible en inglés y español, cuenta con empleados de Georgia Power y la mascota de Georgia 811, Digger Dog. Se aconseja tanto a los clientes como a los excavadores que llamen al 811 al menos tres días hábiles antes de comenzar cualquier proyecto de excavación para que se marquen las instalaciones subterráneas.

Georgia Power está celebrando 50 años de asociación con Georgia 811, que ahora incluye más de 850 miembros de servicios públicos y procesa más de 1.3 millones de tickets anualmente. La iniciativa tiene como objetivo prevenir daños a las utilidades subterráneas y garantizar la seguridad. Para más información, visita

조지아 파워와 조지아 811은 8월 11일 811 데이를 맞아 새로운 공공 서비스 발표(PSA)를 출시하여 '파기 전에 전화하기' 국가 번호에 연락하는 것의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 이 PSA는 영어와 스페인어로 제공되며, 조지아 파워 직원과 조지아 811의 마스코트인 Digger Dog가 등장합니다. 고객과 발굴업자 모두가 모든 발굴 프로젝트를 시작하기 최소 3영업일 전에 811에 전화하라고 권장됩니다 하여 지하 시설의 표시를 받을 수 있습니다.

조지아 파워는 조지아 811과의 50년 파트너십을 기념하고 있습니다, 현재 850개 이상의 유틸리티 회원이 포함되어 있으며 매년 130만 건 이상의 티켓을 처리합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 지하 유틸리티 손상을 방지하고 안전을 보장하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 더 많은 정보는를 방문하세요.

Georgia Power et Georgia 811 ont lancé une nouvelle annonce de service public (PSA) pour le Jour 811 le 11 août, soulignant l'importance de contacter le numéro national 'Appelez Avant de Creuser'. La PSA, disponible en anglais et en espagnol, présente des employés de Georgia Power et la mascotte de Georgia 811, Digger Dog. Les clients ainsi que les excavateurs sont conseillés d'appeler le 811 au moins trois jours ouvrables avant de commencer tout projet de creusement afin de faire marquer les installations souterraines.

Georgia Power célèbre 50 ans de partenariat avec Georgia 811, qui compte désormais plus de 850 membres d'utilité et traite plus de 1,3 million de tickets par an. L'initiative vise à prévenir les dommages aux infrastructures souterraines et à garantir la sécurité. Pour plus d'informations, visitez

Georgia Power und Georgia 811 haben eine neue öffentliche Bekanntmachung (PSA) zum 811-Tag am 11. August gestartet, die die Bedeutung der Kontaktaufnahme mit der nationalen Nummer 'Rufe an, bevor du gräbst' betont. Die PSA, die auf Englisch und Spanisch verfügbar ist, zeigt Mitarbeiter von Georgia Power und das Maskottchen von Georgia 811, Digger Dog. Allen Kunden und Ausgräbern wird geraten, mindestens drei Werktage vor Beginn von Grabungsprojekten die 811 anzurufen, um unterirdische Einrichtungen markieren zu lassen.

Georgia Power feiert 50 Jahre Partnerschaft mit Georgia 811, das mittlerweile über 850 Versorgungsunternehmen umfasst und jährlich mehr als 1,3 Millionen Tickets verarbeitet. Die Initiative zielt darauf ab, Schäden an unterirdischen Versorgungsleitungen zu verhindern und die Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter

  • Partnership with Georgia 811 to promote safety and prevent utility damage
  • Launch of new PSA to educate customers about safe digging practices
  • 50-year partnership milestone with Georgia 811
  • None.

Campaign educates and informs customers about the importance of having underground lines marked before digging at home or work

ATLANTA, Aug. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Georgia Power and Georgia 811 have partnered to release a new public service announcement (PSA) in advance of 811 Day on August 11 – a nationwide initiative aimed at educating homeowners, contractors and landscapers about the essential practice of contacting the national "Call Before You Dig" number.

The new PSA features Georgia Power employees with well-known Georgia 811 mascot, Digger Dog and is available in English and Spanish. To ensure safety and manage the complexity of underground infrastructure, both customers and excavators should call 811 at least three business days before beginning any digging projects. Once a case is created and an appointment scheduled, professional locators will mark underground facilities with spray paint or flags to help prevent damage and injury. 

"Safety is a core value for our thousands of Georgia Power team members working in our communities to serve customers every day," said Rachel Williams, vice president of Transmission Field Operations at Georgia Power, and board member for Georgia 811. "We're proud of our longstanding partnership with Georgia 811, and other partner utilities, to keep fellow Georgians safe. We hope this new PSA helps highlight the simple and straightforward service that can prevent service interruptions and serious injuries." 

"With the 8/11 date on the calendar serving as a timely reminder to contact 811 before digging, we are appreciative of our partnership with Georgia Power as they work to educate customers about safe digging. We are looking forward to featuring these PSAs on our websites, social media channels, digital outlets, and cable television," shared Georgia 811 President and CEO Meghan Rafinski.   

Georgia Power is celebrating 50 years of enhancing safety for Georgians through its long-standing partnership with Georgia 811. The company was one of the founding members of Georgia 811, alongside six other organizations, following a tragic 1968 incident that claimed several lives at a daycare in Hapeville, Georgia. 

The first locate tickets were issued in 1974, and now, fifty years later, Georgia 811 has grown to include over 850 utility members and processes more than 1.3 million tickets annually. Georgia 811 continues to offer notification services and educational resources to promote the prevention of damage to underground utility facilities. You can learn more about the history of Georgia811 here

To learn more, visit

About Georgia Power 
Georgia Power is the largest electric subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO), America's premier energy company. Value, Reliability, Customer Service and Stewardship are the cornerstones of the company's promise to 2.7 million customers in all but four of Georgia's 159 counties. Committed to delivering clean, safe, reliable, and affordable energy, Georgia Power maintains a diverse, innovative generation mix that includes nuclear, coal and natural gas, as well as renewables such as solar, hydroelectric and wind. Georgia Power focuses on delivering world-class service to its customers every day and the company is recognized by J.D. Power as an industry leader in customer satisfaction. For more information, visit and connect with the company on Facebook (, X ( and Instagram ( 

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What is the significance of 811 Day for Georgia Power (SO)?

811 Day on August 11 is a nationwide initiative promoted by Georgia Power (SO) to educate homeowners, contractors, and landscapers about the importance of calling 811 before starting any digging projects to prevent damage to underground utilities and ensure safety.

How long has Georgia Power (SO) been partnering with Georgia 811?

Georgia Power (SO) is celebrating 50 years of partnership with Georgia 811, having been one of the founding members following a tragic incident in 1968.

What does the new PSA by Georgia Power (SO) and Georgia 811 feature?

The new PSA features Georgia Power employees alongside Georgia 811's mascot, Digger Dog, and is available in both English and Spanish to educate customers about safe digging practices.

How many utility members does Georgia 811 currently have?

Georgia 811 now includes over 850 utility members and processes more than 1.3 million tickets annually.

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